4,204 research outputs found

    Analysis Determinants of Postpartum Maternal Mortality at Sidoarjo Regency in 2012

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    The maternal mortality ratio (MMR) in Indonesia remains high, i.e approximately 359 per 100.000 life birth (IDHS 2012). MMR is an indicator of mother\u27s health, especially the risk of being death for a mother while pregnant and delivery. Mostly the majority of maternal mortality (MMR) is occurring in the first two days after delivery and care after giving birth services required to manage complication. Sidoarjo regency has high postpartum maternal mortality case, so it is necessary to study determinants influencing postpartum maternal mortality in that regency. This research aimed to analyze the determinants that influence postpartum maternal mortality. This research was an observational research using case control study. Number of samples was 21 cases and 43 controls. Data were analyzed by univariate analysis, bivariate analysis with chi-square test, and multivariate analysis with multiple logistic regressions. The result showed that the determinants which influence postpartum maternal mortality according to multivariate analysis were pre-eclampsia/eclampsia (OR = 20,98; 95%CI : 2,250 – 323,416; p = 0,008) and delivery complication (OR = 5,47; 95%CI : 1,356 – 22,022; p = 0,017). Probability of mother to have risk of postpartum maternal mortality with all those risk factors above was 92,9%. This research recommended are need to detect early sign of pregnancy, delivery, and post delivery complication, especially danger sign of pre-eclampsia/eclampsia, referral preparation, and pregnancy planning

    Determinants of Clinical Diphtheria After Sub National Diphtheria Immunization Days in 2012 at Bangkalan

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    The government had held sub-national diphtheria immunization days in 2012 to combat an outbreak of diphtheria in East Java province. However, there werestill regencies or cities which had high incidence and Bangkalanregencywas the highest. The research aimed to analyze the determinants of diphtheria in Bangkalan after SNIDs. This research was case control study with 31 subjects as case and 124 as control spread in 25 case villages and 25 control villages. Bivariate analysis used chi-square and simple logistic regression. Multivariate analysis used logistic regression. Bivariate analysisresult showed that individual and household variables that had associate with incidence of diphtheria in the Bangkalan after SNIDs of diphtheria vaccine in 2012 were DPT immunization status, the status of SNIDs, age, and mother\u27s education level. In this study, there were not associate between village variables with diphtheria in the Bangkalan after SNIDs. Multivariate analysis result showed that had associate with incidence of diphtheria in Bangkalan after SNIDs were no DPT immunization (p=0,012; OR=4,765), incomplete DPT immunization (p=0,001; OR=6,276), 3-7 years of age (p=0,014; OR=15,137), 7-15 years of age (p=0,001;OR=41,984), and no immunization in SNIDs (p=0,020; OR=3,553). Conclusion, the dominantfactors that affected diphtheriainBangkalanwere status of DPTimmunization, ageand the SNIDs of diphtheria. Recommendation, DPTimmunizationshould becomplete, boosterimmunization should be needed, monitoring theimplementation ofsubPIN should be strict, especially inschool, and thecoverage ofDPT3andsubPIN should be increased and its report should be improved

    Penerapan Metode Problem Solving Terbimbing Untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Dan Prestasi Belajar Kimia Pada Materi Pokok Kelarutan Dan Hasil Kali Kelarutan Siswa Kelas XI IPA 4 SMA Al Islam 1 Surakarta Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas belajar dan prestasi belajar melalui penerapan metode problem solving terbimbing pada materi kelarutan dan hasil kali kelarutan siswa kelas XI IPA 4 SMA Al Islam 1 Surakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang terdiri dari 2 siklus. Masing-masing siklus meliputi 4 tahapan, yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI IPA 4 SMA Al Islam 1 Surakarta tahun pelajaran 2013/2014. Objek pada penelitian ini adalah aktivitas belajar dan prestasi belajar. Sumber data berasal dari guru dan siswa. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, tes, dan angket. Data dianalisis menggunakan metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan metode problem solving terbimbing dapat meningkatkan aktivitas belajar (dari 70,27 % pada siklus I menjadi 89,19 % pada siklus II) dan prestasi belajar pada aspek kognitif (dari 56,75 % pada siklus I menjadi 86,49 % pada siklus II) serta aspek afektif (dari 72,97 % menjadi 86,48 %) pada materi pokok kelarutan dan hasil kali kelarutan siswa kelas XI IPA 4 SMA Al Islam 1 Surakarta tahun pelajaran 2013/2014

    The Influence of Personal Factor, Husband's Support, Health Workers and Peers Toward the Use of IVA Screening Among Women of Reproductive Age in the Regency of Karanganyar

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    Background: Cervix cancer has been one of the highest cancer cases and becomes one of the main problems in women's health throughout the world. The percentage of Women of Reproductive Age who performs early cancer detection is an indicator of success for health development. The Regency of Karanganyar is one of the regencies in the Province of Central Java with the percentage of Women of Reproductive Age who perform Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid (IVA) is equal to 5.50%. This percentage is still far below the target that has been set which is 10.00%.Subjects and Methods: This was an analytic observational study with cross-sectional design. This study was carried out in Re­gen­cy of Karanganyar. The subjects who had been involved were 150 respondents and these subjects were selected by means of fixed disease sampling. This sampling resulted in 50 cases and 100 controls. The dependent variable was behavior of using IVA screening, while the independent variables were perceived susceptibility, perceived seriousness, perceived benefits, perceived obstacles, husband's support, health workers support, peer support, perceived threats and self-efficacy. In processing the data, the researchers implemented path analysis by means of Stata 13.Results: The results of the study showed perceived threats (b= 0.08; 95% CI= <0.01 until 0.16; p= 0.043), perceived benefits (b= 0.05; 95% CI= <-0.01 until 0.117; p= 0.091), perceived obstacles (b= -0.49; 95% CI= -0.07 until 0.11; p= 0.091), self-efficacy (b= 0.04; 95% CI= -0.13 until 0.11; p= 0.125), perceived susceptibility (b= 0.23; 95% CI= 0.11-0.34; p <0.001), perceived seriousness (b= 0.11; CI9 95%= 0.00 until 0.22; p= 0.049), husband's support (b= 0.14; 95% CI= -0.01 until 0.29; p=0.068), health workers support (b= -0.23; 95% CI=-0.54 until 0.08; p= 0.149) and peer support (b= 0.18; 95% CI= -0.13 until 0.51; p= 0.256).Conclusion: There is a direct influence from perceived benefits, perceived obstacles, perceived threats and self-efficacy toward behavior of using IVA screening. Then, there is indirect influence from perceived susceptibility, perceived seriousness, husband's support, health workers support and peer support toward behavior of using IVA screening.Keywords: IVA, HBM, support, path analysisCorrespondence: Martini Shoim Wakhidah. Masters Program of Public Health, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. Email:[email protected]. Mobile: +6285235464812.Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior (2017), 2(2): 124-137https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpb.2017.02.02.0

    The Influence of Personal Factor, Husband’s Support, Health Workers and Peers Toward the Use of Iva Screening among Women of Reproductive Age in the Regency of Karanganyar

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    Background: Cervix cancer has been one of the highest cancer cases and becomes one of the main problems in women‘s health throughout the world. The percentage of Women of Reproductive Age who performs early cancer detection is an indicator of success for health development. The Regency of Karanganyar is one of the regencies in the Province of Central Java with the percentage of Women of Reproductive Age who perform Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid (IVA) is equal to 5.50%. This percentage is still far below the target that has been set which is 10.00%. Subjects and Method: This was an analytic observational study with cross-sectional design. This study was carried out in Regency of Karanganyar. The subjects who had been involved were 150 respondents and these subjects were selected by means of fixed disease sampling. This sampling resulted in 50 cases and 100 controls. The dependent variable was behavior of using IVA screening, while the independent variables were perceived susceptibility, perceived seriousness, perceived benefits, perceived obstacles, husband‘s support, health workers support, peer support, perceived threats and self-efficacy. In processing the data, the researchers implemented path analysis by means of Stata 13. Results: The results of the study showed perceived threats (b= 0.08; 95% CI= <0.01 to 0.16; p= 0.043), perceived benefits (b= 0.05; 95% CI= < -0.01 to 0.117; p= 0.091), perceived obstacles (b= -0.49; 95% CI= -0.07 to 0.11; p= 0.091), self-efficacy (b= 0.04; 95% CI= -0.13 to 0.11; p= 0.125), perceived susceptibility (b= 0.23; 95% CI= 0.11 to 0.34; p <0.001), perceived seriousness (b= 0.11; 95% CI= 0.00 to 0.22; p= 0.049), husband‘s support (b= 0.14; 95% CI= -0.01 to 0.29; p= 0.068), health workers support (b= -0.23; 95% CI= -0.54 to 0.08; p= 0.149) and peer support (b= 0.18; 95% CI= -0.13 to 0.51; p= 0.256). Conclusion: There is a direct influence from perceived benefits, perceived obstacles, perceived threats and self-efficacy toward behavior of using IVA screening. Then, there is indirect influence from perceived susceptibility, perceived seriousness, husband‘s support, health workers support and peer support toward behavior of using IVA screening. Keywords: IVA, HBM, support, path analysi

    Effect of atomic beam alignment on photon correlation measurements in cavity QED

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    Quantum trajectory simulations of a cavity QED system comprising an atomic beam traversing a standing-wave cavity are carried out. The delayed photon coincident rate for forwards scattering is computed and compared with the measurements of Rempe et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 1727 (1991)] and Foster et al. [Phys. Rev. A 61, 053821 (2000)]. It is shown that a moderate atomic beam misalignment can account for the degradation of the predicted correlation. Fits to the experimental data are made in the weak-field limit with a single adjustable parameter--the atomic beam tilt from perpendicular to the cavity axis. Departures of the measurement conditions from the weak-field limit are discussed.Comment: 15 pages and 13 figure

    Injection Matching Studies using Turn by Turn Beam Profile Measurements in the CERN PS

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    The very small emittance beam needed for the LHC requires that the emittance blow-up in its injector machines must be kept to a minimum. Mismatch upon the beam transfer from one machine to the next is a potential source of such blow-up. The CERN PS ring is equipped with 3 Secondary Emission Grids (SEM-Grids) which are used for emittance measurement at injection. One of these has been converted to a multi-turn mode, in which several tens of consecutive beam passages can be observed. This allows the study of mismatch between the PS-Booster and the PS. This paper describes the instrument and experimental results obtained during the last year