133 research outputs found

    Edição e visualização criativa de vídeo

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    Tese de mestrado, Engenharia Informática (Arquitectura, Sistemas e Redes de Computadores), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2009Este trabalho pretende contribuir para as áreas da visualização e edição criativa de vídeo, criando novas formas de visualização de vídeos. Os vídeos são constituídos por imagens, texto e áudio que variam ao longo do tempo, constituindo informação muito rica mas que ao mesmo tempo é muito complexa. Esta complexidade oferece um desafio a explorar, e a visualização surge como uma forma de exploração e ajuda para simplificar o acesso à informação contida nos vídeos. Com essa informação podem ser criados espaços de vídeo que podem ser usados como plataforma de suporte à expressão da criatividade e como suporte a tarefas de edição, através de funcionalidades como pesquisa e organização de vídeos. Nesse sentido foi desenvolvido um ambiente interactivo para visualizar e explorar espaços de vídeo com ênfase em aspectos da cor e movimento dos vídeos, por serem propriedades visuais importantes, tanto a um nível individual como colectivo – o ColorsInMotion. Este sistema é constituído por dois módulos: o Video Analyzer e o Viewer. No Video Analyzer são postas em prática técnicas de processamento e análise de vídeo e são criadas visualizações em diferentes espaços de cor, permitindo ver diferentes perspectivas sobre os resultados. No Viewer dá-se ênfase à visualização interactiva, permitindo ao utilizador navegar num espaço de vídeos e explorá-lo, tanto a nível colectivo como individual, de forma criativa. No Viewer é possível efectuar pesquisas por cor, servindo também como um sistema de organização, permitindo explorar ligações entre os diferentes vídeos, neste caso, num contexto cultural, com vídeos de dança e música de vários países. Também foram exploradas várias formas de interacção com o sistema, como a interacção por detecção de cor e a interacção gestual, que são indicadas para ambientes de instalação interactiva.This work intends to make a contribution in the field of creative video editing and visualization, developing new ways to visualize videos. Videos are made of images, text and audio all combined and changing with time, making for information, that is, at the same time, very rich and very complex. This complexity offers a challenge to explore, and visualization is one way to help explore and simplify the access to this information, that is contained within the videos. With this information we can create video spaces that can be used as a platform to support the expression of creativity and as a help to video editing tasks, through features such as video search and organization. With this purpose in mind, an interactive environment was developed to visualize and explore video spaces with focus on important visual video properties like color and movement – ColorsInMotion. This system has two modules: the Video Analyzer and the Viewer. In the Video Analyzer we use the techniques of video processing and analysis, and we create different visualizations on different color spaces, allowing different perspectives over the results. In the Viewer we focus on interactive visualization and creativity, giving the user the possibility to browse and explore video spaces, in a creative way, on a collective level, but also on an individual level. In the Viewer we can search by color, serving as a system to organize videos and also serving as a platform to explore connections between different vídeos, in this case, in a cultural context, with videos of dances and music from various countries. We also explored interaction methods to use with the system, like the color detection interaction and the gesture based interaction, that are good for artistic installation environments

    Clinical implications of antithrombotic therapy in dentistry: a literature review

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    Tese de mestrado, Medicina Dentária, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina Dentária, 2016Introduction: The therapeutical approach of patients under chronic antithrombotic therapy needing dental procedures causes great controversy. The increased hemorrhage risk associated with these procedures when the patient is undergoing this therapy must be taken into account relatively to the increased thrombotic risk caused by its interruption. The aim of this study was to review the current literature regarding antithrombotic therapy and its implications in medical dentistry. Materials and Methods: Research was performed from November 2015 until May 2016 on the databases Cochrane Library, Medline (via PubMed) and Google Scholar, with the key-words: Anticoagulants Dental Surgery; Hemostasis; Cell-based Model Hemostasis; Antiplatelet Therapy Oral Surgery; New Oral Anticoagulants Dental Procedures; filtered by the following formats: Meta-analysis, Systematic Reviews and Randomized Control Trials, which were extended afterwards to include Reviews, Cohorts and Guidelines. Inclusion criteria consisted of articles published in the last 10 years, available in English or Portuguese, limited to human samples. Articles were also retrieved after analyzing the reference list of articles previously obtained. Results: The search yielded 1242 results, of which 47 were selected for inclusion, and 21 additional articles were obtained from the reference lists of other articles. Results point to the fact that, currently, several authors suggest the execution of the procedures without therapy modification or discontinuation, emphasizing preventive local hemostatic measures, with the interruption of antithrombotic therapy before surgical interventions possibly leading to severe consequences. Conclusion: Minor oral surgery procedures are considered to be of low hemorrhagic risk. Therefore, there is no indication for the interruption of antithrombotic therapy, provided there are no additional risk factors, the patient is stably anticoagulated, and local hemostatic measures are properly applied. However, patients requiring extensive oral/maxillofacial surgery may need discontinuation of oral anticoagulants preoperatively, but always in conjunction with the treating physician

    Dynamics of river plumes in the South Brazilian Bight and South Brazil

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    Research articleThe plumes from the rivers of the South Brazilian Bight (SBB) and South Brazil (SB) were studied using a realistic model configuration. River plume variability on continental shelves is driven by the input of river runoff into the shelf, by wind variability, and also by ambient currents and its seasonal variability, especially the Brazil Current, which are realistically modelled in this study. It is presented a simulation of 4 years using a nested configuration, which allows resolving the region around Florianópolis with very high resolution (∼150 m). The dispersion of river plumes was assessed not only with the hydrodynamical model results but also by using passive tracers whose dynamics was analyzed seasonally. Several dyes were released together with the river discharges. This approach allowed calculating the depths of the riverine freshwater, and the resulting regions affected by the plumes. Northward intrusions of waters from the southern region, under the potential influence of the distant La Plata river plume, were evaluated with a Lagrangian approach. The local river plumes are confined to the inner shelf, except south of 30°S where discharges from Lagoa dos Patos disperse over the shelf in the spring and summer. The Brazil Current flowing southward over the slope prevents the river plumes from interaction with oceanic mesoscale dynamics. The river plumes are, thus, mainly controlled by the wind forcing. The plumes from SBB are able to disperse until SB following the southward wind regime typical of the summer. And both the SB and La Plata river plumes are also able to reach SBB, forced by the northward wind typical of the winter season, until the latitude of 25.5°S. A low salinity belt (below 35) is present along the coastal region of SB and SBB year-round, supported by contributions from both the large and small rivers. The interaction between the different plumes influences the dispersion patterns, shielding the Florianṕolis coastal region from plumes of distant rivers, and dispersing the plume of SBB rivers away from Santa Catarina Island as it disperses southward during the summer months.Versión del edito

    Arctic: Traditional Knowledge, Livelihoods and Community Engagement Setting the Scene

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    This report sets the scene for exploring further how the JRC could help with mobilising all relevant knowledge to tame climate change (and other environmental change) impacts in the Arctic that affect, not only the Arctic populations, but also many other populations of the planet. In that sense, the report maps communities, livelihoods, institutions and actors in the Arctic. Based on the reviewed academic literature the report offered a thorough discussion about traditional knowledge meanings, and investigates political and policy representations of traditional knowledge in different International and EU documents. Finally, it looked at instances of engagement of the Arctic people in the governance of the Arctic, identifying both institutional and substantial lacunas in mobilising experiential knowledge into governance processes characterised by high complexity and uncertainty.JRC.I.2-Foresight, Behavioural Insights and Design for Polic

    Prescription of Yellow Fever vaccine: The experience of the International Vaccination Centre of the Loures-Odivelas Health Centre Group

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    Copyright © Ordem dos Médicos 2018Introduction: Yellow fever is a vector-borne disease in sub-Saharan Africa and tropical South America regions which is preventable by an effective and safe vaccine. In some cases, it may cause serious adverse effects and should therefore be prescribed only to individuals at risk of exposure to the yellow fever virus or those traveling to countries requiring proof of vaccination. The aim of this study was to analyze the prescriptions of yellow fever vaccine, based on travel destination and type of referring consultation, according to the international recommendations of the World Health Organization. Material and Methods: The database of the International Vaccination Centre of the International Vaccination Centre of the LouresOdivelas Health Centre Group was used to analyze data concerning the year of 2016. Travelers who were prescribed and administered the yellow fever vaccine were grouped based on travel destination and type of referring consultation (travelers’ medical consultations or non-specialist consultations). Results: A total of 517 yellow fever vaccines were administered, with the highest proportion in female (53%) and in individuals aged 40 - 49 years (20.7%). One hundred and thirteen (22.6%) of the 499 individuals with known-destinations were travelling to nonendemic/non-epidemic countries and a greater proportion of those were prescribed in non-specialist consultations (27.3%) than in travel medicine consultations (8.8%). Discussion/Conclusion: The highest percentage of yellow fever vaccines that were administered to individuals travelling to nonendemic/non-epidemic countries were prescribed in non-specialist consultations.Introdução: A febre amarela é uma doença de transmissão vetorial que ocorre na África Subsaariana e na América do Sul tropical, e é evitável por uma vacina eficaz e segura. Nalguns casos pode causar efeitos adversos graves, devendo ser prescrita apenas a indivíduos em risco de exposição ao vírus ou que viajem para países que exigem prova de vacinação. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a prescrição da vacina contra a febre amarela, de acordo com o destino da viagem e o tipo de consulta de referenciação, segundo as recomendações internacionais da Organização Mundial de Saúde. Material e Métodos: Foi analisada a base de dados existente no Centro de Vacinação Internacional do Agrupamento de Centros de Saúde Loures-Odivelas, referente a 2016. Foram estudados os registos dos viajantes a quem foi prescrita e administrada a vacina contra a febre amarela, de acordo com o destino da viagem e o tipo de consulta de referenciação (consulta de medicina do viajante ou consulta não especializada). Resultados: Foram administradas no total 517 vacinas contra a febre amarela, em maior proporção em indivíduos do sexo feminino (53%) e em indivíduos dos 40 aos 49 anos de idade (20,7%). Dos 499 indivíduos que tinham destino conhecido, 113 (22,6%) tinham como destino países não endémicos/não epidémicos, com uma maior proporção de prescrições em contexto de consultas não especializadas (27,3%) do que em consultas de medicina do viajante (8,8%). Discussão/Conclusão: A maior percentagem de vacinas contra a febre amarela administradas a indivíduos que tiveram como destino países não endémicos/não epidémicos foram prescritas numa consulta não especializada.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of site dilution on the magnetic properties of geometrically frustrated antiferromagnets

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    The effect of site dilution by non magnetic impurities on the susceptibility of geometrically frustrated antiferromagnets (kagome and pyrochlore lattices) is discussed in the framework of the Generalized Constant Coupling model, for both classical and quantum Heisenberg spins. For the classical diluted pyrochlore lattice, excellent agreement is found when compared with Monte Carlo data. Results for the quantum case are also presented and discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    CHROMOMETHYLTRANSFERASE3/KRYPTONITE maintains the sulfurea paramutation in Solanum lycopersicum

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    Paramutation involves the transfer of a repressive epigenetic mark from a silent allele to an active homolog and, consequently, non-Mendelian inheritance. In tomato, the sulfurea (sulf) paramutation is associated with a high level of CHG hypermethylation in a region overlapping with the transcription start site (TSS) of the SlTAB2 gene that affects chlorophyll synthesis. The CCG subcontext hypermethylation is under-represented at this region relative to CTG or CAG, implicating the CHROMOMETHYLTRANSFERASE3a (CMT3) in paramutation at this locus. Consistent with this interpretation, loss of CMT3 function leads to loss of the sulf chlorosis, the associated CHG hypermethylation, and paramutation. Loss of KRYPTONITE (KYP) histone methyltransferase function has a similar effect linked to reduced H3K9me2 at the promoter region of SlTAB2 and a shift in higher order chromatin structure at this locus. Mutation of the largest subunit of RNA polymerase V (PolV) in contrast does not affect sulf paramutation. These findings indicate the involvement of a CMT3/KYP–dependent feedback loop rather than the PolV-dependent pathway leading to RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM) in the maintenance of paramutation

    CHROMOMETHYLTRANSFERASE3/ KRYPTONITE maintain the sulfurea paramutation in Solanum lycopersicum

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    Paramutation involves the transfer of a repressive epigenetic mark from a silent allele to an active homologue and, consequently, non-Mendelian inheritance. In tomato the sulfurea (sulf) paramutation is associated with a high level of CHG hypermethylation in a region overlapping the transcription start site of the SlTAB2 gene that affects chlorophyll synthesis. The CCG sub-context hypermethylation is under-represented at this region relative to CTG or CAG implicating the CHROMOMETHYLTRANSFERASE3 (CMT3) in paramutation at this locus. Consistent with this interpretation, loss of CMT3 function leads to loss of the sulf chlorosis, the associated CHG hypermethylation and paramutation. Loss of KRYPTONITE (KYP) histone methyl transferase function has a similar effect linked to reduced H3K9me2 at the promoter region of SlTAB2 and a shift in higher order chromatin structure at this locus. Mutation of the largest subunit of RNA polymerase V (PolV) in contrast does not affect sulf paramutation. These findings indicate the involvement of a CMT3/KYP dependent feedback rather than the PolV-dependent pathway leading to RNA directed DNA methylation (RdDM) in the maintenance of paramutation

    Cirurgia Bariátrica Em Indivíduos Com Déficits Cognitivos Graves: Relato De Dois Casos

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    Bariatric surgery has become the gold-standard treatment for refractory morbid obesity. Obesity is frequently associated with certain syndromes that include coexisting cognitive deficits. However, the outcomes from bariatric surgery in this group of individuals remain incompletely determined. CASE REPORT: A 25-year-old male with Prader-Willi syndrome, whose intelligence quotient (IQ) was 54, was admitted with a body mass index (BMI) of 55 kg/m2, associated with glucose intolerance. He underwent the Scopinaro procedure for biliopancreatic diversion, with uneventful postoperative evolution, and presented a 55% loss of excess weight one year after the surgery, with resolution of glucose intolerance, and without any manifestation of protein-calorie malnutrition. A 28-year-old male with Down syndrome, whose IQ was 68, was admitted with BMI of 41.5 kg/m2, associated with hypertension. He underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, with uneventful postoperative evolution. He presented a 90% loss of excess weight one year after the surgery, with resolution of the hypertension. CONCLUSION: Bariatric surgery among individuals with intellectual impairment is a controversial topic. There is a tendency among these individuals to present significant weight loss and comorbidity control, but less than what is observed in the general obese population. The severity of the intellectual impairment may be taken into consideration in the decision-making process regarding the most appropriate surgical technique. Bariatric surgery is feasible and safe among these individuals, but further research is necessary to deepen these observations