1,362 research outputs found

    Значение и сущность знаний в экономике Украины

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    Проанализированы взгляды различных авторов на значение и сущность знаний в экономике Украины. Проведены исследования систем классифицирования современной отрасли экономической науки «экономика знаний». Результатом исследований является уточнение термина, а также введение новых типов классификации знаний.Проаналізовані погляди різних авторів на значення і сутність знань в економіці України. Проведені дослідження систем класифікації сучасної галузі економічної науки «економіка знань». Результатом дослідження є уточнення терміну, а також введення нових типів класифікації знань.The paper analyzes the views of different authors on the importance and essence of knowledge in the economy of Ukraine. The system of classification of such branch of the economic science as “knowledge economy” has been investigated. The result of investigation is the term specification, as wel as the introduction of new types of knowledge classification

    Conserved Quasilocal Quantities and General Covariant Theories in Two Dimensions

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    General matterless--theories in 1+1 dimensions include dilaton gravity, Yang--Mills theory as well as non--Einsteinian gravity with dynamical torsion and higher power gravity, and even models of spherically symmetric d = 4 General Relativity. Their recent identification as special cases of 'Poisson--sigma--models' with simple general solution in an arbitrary gauge, allows a comprehensive discussion of the relation between the known absolutely conserved quantities in all those cases and Noether charges, resp. notions of quasilocal 'energy--momentum'. In contrast to Noether like quantities, quasilocal energy definitions require some sort of 'asymptotics' to allow an interpretation as a (gauge--independent) observable. Dilaton gravitation, although a little different in detail, shares this property with the other cases. We also present a simple generalization of the absolute conservation law for the case of interactions with matter of any type.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX-fil

    Thermal Giant Graviton with Non-commutative Dipole Field

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    Using the type II near-extremal 3D-branes solution we apply the T-duality and smeared twist to construct the supergravity backgrounds which dual to the 4D finite temperature non-commutative dipole field theories. We first consider the zero-temperature system in which, depending on the property of dipole vectors it may be N=2, N=1 or N=0 theory. We investigate the rotating D3-brane configurations moving on the spactimes and show that, for the cases of N=2 and N =1 the rotating D3-brane could be blowed up to the stable spherical configuration which is called as giant graviton and has a less energy than the point-like graviton. The giant graviton configuration is stable only if its angular momentum was less than a critical value of PcP_c which is an increasing function of the dipole strength. For the case of non-supersymmetric theory, however, the spherical configuration has a larger energy than the point-like graviton. We also find that the dipole field always render the dual giant graviton to be more stable than the point-like graviton. The relation of dual giant graviton energy with its angular momentum, which in the AdS/CFT correspondence being the operator anomalous dimension is obtained. We furthermore show that the temperature does not change the property of the giant graviton, while it will render the dual giant graviton to be unstable.Comment: Latex 20 pages, add comments about BPS bound below (3.8

    Space-time inhomogeneity, anisotropy and gravitational collapse

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    We investigate the evolution of non-adiabatic collapse of a shear-free spherically symmetric stellar configuration with anisotropic stresses accompanied with radial heat flux. The collapse begins from a curvature singularity with infinite mass and size on an inhomogeneous space-time background. The collapse is found to proceed without formation of an even horizon to singularity when the collapsing configuration radiates all its mass energy. The impact of inhomogeneity on various parameters of the collapsing stellar configuration is examined in some specific space-time backgrounds.Comment: To appear in Gen. Relativ. Gra

    A New Approach to Searching for Dark Matter Signals in Fermi-LAT Gamma Rays

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    Several cosmic ray experiments have measured excesses in electrons and positrons, relative to standard backgrounds, for energies from ~ 10 GeV - 1 TeV. These excesses could be due to new astrophysical sources, but an explanation in which the electrons and positrons are dark matter annihilation or decay products is also consistent. Fortunately, the Fermi-LAT diffuse gamma ray measurements can further test these models, since the electrons and positrons produce gamma rays in their interactions in the interstellar medium. Although the dark matter gamma ray signal consistent with the local electron and positron measurements should be quite large, as we review, there are substantial uncertainties in the modeling of diffuse backgrounds and, additionally, experimental uncertainties that make it difficult to claim a dark matter discovery. In this paper, we introduce an alternative method for understanding the diffuse gamma ray spectrum in which we take the intensity ratio in each energy bin of two different regions of the sky, thereby canceling common systematic uncertainties. For many spectra, this ratio fits well to a power law with a single break in energy. The two measured exponent indices are a robust discriminant between candidate models, and we demonstrate that dark matter annihilation scenarios can predict index values that require "extreme" parameters for background-only explanations.Comment: v1: 11 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, revtex4; v2: 13 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, revtex4, Figure 4 added, minor additions made to text, references added, conclusions unchanged, published versio

    Revival of the spin-Peierls transition in Cu_xZn_(1-x)GeO_3 under pressure

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    Pressure and temperature dependent susceptibility and Raman scattering experiments on single crystalline Cu_xZn_(1-x)GeO_3 have shown an unusually strong increase of the spin-Peierls phase transition temperature upon applying hydrostatic pressure. The large positive pressure coefficient (7.5 K/GPa) - almost twice as large as for the pure compound (4.5 K/GPa) - is interpreted as arising due to an increasing magnetic frustration which decreases the spin-spin correlation length, and thereby weakens the influence of the non-magnetic Zn-substitution.Comment: LaTeX, 15 pages, 5 eps figures, Phys. Rev. B, to appea

    Indirect Dark Matter Detection from Dwarf Satellites: Joint Expectations from Astrophysics and Supersymmetry

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    We present a general methodology for determining the gamma-ray flux from annihilation of dark matter particles in Milky Way satellite galaxies, focusing on two promising satellites as examples: Segue 1 and Draco. We use the SuperBayeS code to explore the best-fitting regions of the Constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (CMSSM) parameter space, and an independent MCMC analysis of the dark matter halo properties of the satellites using published radial velocities. We present a formalism for determining the boost from halo substructure in these galaxies and show that its value depends strongly on the extrapolation of the concentration-mass (c(M)) relation for CDM subhalos down to the minimum possible mass. We show that the preferred region for this minimum halo mass within the CMSSM with neutralino dark matter is ~10^-9-10^-6 solar masses. For the boost model where the observed power-law c(M) relation is extrapolated down to the minimum halo mass we find average boosts of about 20, while the Bullock et al (2001) c(M) model results in boosts of order unity. We estimate that for the power-law c(M) boost model and photon energies greater than a GeV, the Fermi space-telescope has about 20% chance of detecting a dark matter annihilation signal from Draco with signal-to-noise greater than 3 after about 5 years of observation

    Myocardial fibrosis as an early manifestation of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

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    BACKGROUND: Myocardial fibrosis is a hallmark of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and a proposed substrate for arrhythmias and heart failure. In animal models, profibrotic genetic pathways are activated early, before hypertrophic remodeling. Data showing early profibrotic responses to sarcomere-gene mutations in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy are lacking. METHODS: We used echocardiography, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and serum biomarkers of collagen metabolism, hemodynamic stress, and myocardial injury to evaluate subjects with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and a confirmed genotype. RESULTS: The study involved 38 subjects with pathogenic sarcomere mutations and overt hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 39 subjects with mutations but no left ventricular hypertrophy, and 30 controls who did not have mutations. Levels of serum C-terminal propeptide of type I procollagen (PICP) were significantly higher in mutation carriers without left ventricular hypertrophy and in subjects with overt hypertrophic cardiomyopathy than in controls (31% and 69% higher, respectively; P<0.001). The ratio of PICP to C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen was increased only in subjects with overt hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, suggesting that collagen synthesis exceeds degradation. Cardiac MRI studies showed late gadolinium enhancement, indicating myocardial fibrosis, in 71% of subjects with overt hypertrophic cardiomyopathy but in none of the mutation carriers without left ventricular hypertrophy. CONCLUSIONS: Elevated levels of serum PICP indicated increased myocardial collagen synthesis in sarcomere-mutation carriers without overt disease. This profibrotic state preceded the development of left ventricular hypertrophy or fibrosis visible on MRI. (Funded by the National Institutes of Health and others.

    De novo erythroleukemia chromosome features include multiple rearrangements, with special involvement of chromosomes 11 and 19

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    Erythroid leukemia (ERL or AML-M6) is an uncommon subtype of acute myeloid leukemia, the clinical, morphological, and genetic behavior of which needs further characterization. We analyzed a homogeneous group of 23 de novo AML-M6 patients whose bone marrow cells showed complex karyotypes. We also analyzed eight leukemia cell lines with erythroid phenotype, performing detailed molecular cytogenetic analyses, including spectral karyotyping (SKY) in all samples. The main features are: (1) A majority of patients (56%) had hypodiploidy. Loss of genetic material was the most common genetic change, especially monosomies of chromosome 7 or 18, and deletions of chromosome arm 5q. Taken together, 87% of the cases displayed aberrations involving chromosome 5 or 8. (2) We describe a novel, cryptic, and recurrent translocation, t(11;19)(p11.2;q13.1). Another translocation, t(12;21)(p11.2;q11.2), was found to be recurrent in a patient with ERL and in the K562 cell line. (3) MLL gene rearrangements were detected in 20% of cases (three translocations and three amplifications) and, overall, we defined 52 rearrangements (excluding deletions) with a mean of 2.3 translocations per patient. (4) Of the structural aberrations, 21% involved chromosomes 11 and 19. Most of the rearrangements were unbalanced; only 13 reciprocal translocations were observed. The general picture of chromosomal aberrations in cell lines did not reflect what occurred in patient samples. However, both primary samples and cell lines shared three common breakpoints at 19q13.1, 20q11.2, and 21q11.2. This is the first molecular cytogenetic description of the karyotype abnormalities present in patients with ERL. It should assist in the identification of genes involved in erythroleukemogenesis

    Horizons, Constraints, and Black Hole Entropy

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    Black hole entropy appears to be ``universal''--many independent calculations, involving models with very different microscopic degrees of freedom, all yield the same density of states. I discuss the proposal that this universality comes from the behavior of the underlying symmetries of the classical theory. To impose the condition that a black hole be present, we must partially break the classical symmetries of general relativity, and the resulting Goldstone boson-like degrees of freedom may account for the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. In particular, I demonstrate that the imposition of a ``stretched horizon'' constraint modifies the algebra of symmetries at the horizon, allowing the use of standard conformal field theory techniques to determine the asymptotic density of states. The results reproduce the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy without any need for detailed assumptions about the microscopic theory.Comment: 16 pages, talk given at the "Peyresq Physics 10 Meeting on Micro and Macro structures of spacetime