2,193 research outputs found

    La ideació del territori de Barcelona a través de la seva representació

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    El objetivo de este artículo es describir cuáles han sido las herramientas hasta ahora determinantes en el planeamiento del Área Metropolitana para luego comprender el estado actual de la técnica de cara a vislumbrar las futuras transformaciones. A diferencia de otros trabajos que exponen la historia de Barcelona (Solà-Morales, 2008 y Espuche y Guàrdia, 1986), o bien tratan de extraer conclusiones acerca del llamado “Modelo Barcelona” (Montaner, Álvarez y Muxí 2012), este artículo se apoya en la hipótesis de que las herramientas de representación condicionan la mirada y, por lo tanto, el proyecto objeto de éstas tal y como afirma Corner (1999). A través del análisis y la comparación de diversas representaciones gráficas, se centra la mirada sobre unos pocos momentos en la historia del territorio metropolitano de Barcelona en los cuales el planeamiento urbano ha sido influenciado profundamente por las herramientas de diseño empleadas, desde la topografía al Big data.This paper aims to describe what tools have been decisive so far in the urban planning of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area with the ultimate goal of understanding the current state of the art and anticipate future transformations. Unlike other papers describing the history of Barcelona (Solà-Morales, 2008 and Espuche and Watchkeeping, 1986) or drawing conclusions about the so-called "Barcelona model" (Montaner, Alvarez and Muxí, 2012), this article is based on the hypothesis that representation tools condition the way we see the world and so the resulting project, as Corner states (1999). By means of analysis and comparison of various cartographies, this paper reviews some moments in the history of Barcelona Metropolitan Area when urban planning has been deeply influenced by design tools, from traditional surveys to Big Data.L'objectiu d'aquest article és descriure quines han estat les eines fins ara determinants en el planejament de l'Àrea Metropolitana per després comprendre l'estat actual de la tècnica de cara a albirar les futures transformacions. A diferència d'altres treballs que exposen la història de Barcelona (Solà-Morales, 2008 i Espuche i Guàrdia, 1986), o bé tracten d'extreure conclusions sobre l'anomenat "Model Barcelona" (Montaner, Álvarez i Muxí, 2012), aquest article es dóna suport a la hipòtesi que les eines de representació condicionen la mirada i, per tant, el projecte objecte d'aquestes tal com afirma Corner (1999). A través de l'anàlisi i la comparació de diverses representacions gràfiques, se centra la mirada sobre uns pocs moments en la història del territori metropolità de Barcelona en els quals el planejament urbà ha estat influenciat profundament per les eines de disseny emprades, des de la topografia al Big data.Peer Reviewe

    Circadian Rhythmic Characteristics in Men With Substance Use Disorder Under Treatment. Influence of Age of Onset of Substance Use and Duration of Abstinence

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    here is evidence of the reciprocal influence between the alteration of circadian rhythms and Substance Use Disorders (SUD), and part of the success of the SUD treatment lays in the patient's rhythmic recovery. We aim to elucidate the effect of the SUD treatment in circadian rhythmicity considering, for the first time, the age of onset of substance use (OSU) and duration of abstinence. We registered the sleep-wake schedules, the chronotype and the distal skin temperature of 114 SUD patients with at least 3 months of abstinence, considering whether they had begun consumption at age 16 or earlier (OSU ≤ 16, n = 56) or at 17 or later (OSU ≥ 17, n = 58), and duration of abstinence as short (SA: 3 to 5 months, n = 38), medium (MA: 6 to 9 months, n = 35) or long (LA: more than 9 months, n = 41). Moreover, we compared the patients' distal skin temperature pattern with a similar sample of healthy controls (HC, n = 103). SUD patients showed a morningness tendency and higher night values, amplitude and stability, a better adjustment to the cosine model and lower minimum temperature and circadianity index in the distal skin temperature rhythm, in contrast to the HC group. The OSU ≥ 17 and LA groups showed a more robust distal skin temperature pattern, as well as milder clinical characteristics when compared to the OSU ≤ 16 and SA groups, respectively. The circadian disturbances associated to substance consumption seem to improve with treatment, although the age of OSU and the duration of abstinence are modulating variables. Our results highlight the need to include chronobiological strategies that boost circadian rhythmicity both in SUD prevention and rehabilitation programs. The measurement of distal skin temperature rhythm, a simple and reliable procedure, could be considered an indicator of response to treatment in SUD patient

    Plan de viabilidad de una crepería low cost

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    El presente trabajo consiste en el análisis de la viabilidad de un negocio. Concretamente un restaurante de comida rápida, cuyo producto principal son las crepes. El estudio comienza con el análisis del entorno general y específico, para lo que se utilizan dos herramientas diferentes, el análisis Pest y el análisis Porter, que han permitido clarificar las Debilidades, Amenazas, Fortalezas y Oportunidades del negocio. Posteriormente, se ha realizado un estudio de marketing, en el cual se analizan los competidores principales de la empresa y se especifican las acciones a seguir en cada ámbito del marketing mix. También se ha realizado un estudio legal donde se describen los pasos necesarios para la puesta en marcha de la empresa. Así como, un estudio económico-financiero que muestra de forma detallada los ingresos y gastos del negocio, además de la forma en la que se va a financiar la misma, el resultado y el balance previsional. Para finalmente, valorar la viabilidad de la empresa, mediante el cálculo de los flujos de caja y su evaluación con herramientas como el VAN y el TIR y un análisis de sensibilidad.<br /

    New Bidirectional Heavy Device for Launching Bridges Based on Inverted Caterpillar Mechanism

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    Background: This patent is based on the combination of caterpillar mechanisms and conveyors. Caterpillar tracks support heavy loads and adapt this support according to the ground conditions. Conveyors displace distributed loads continuously and bidirectionally using the force of friction. This paper describes a revision of previous patents related to this innovative design. Objective: This paper presents an innovative patent to continuously displace heavy structures safely. The mechanism was patented in 2011 as Spanish Patent ES2367737. The combination of these mechanisms provides the design of this patent to displace heavy structures continuously and bidirectionally, while adapting to the deflection of the structures. Methods: The most important elements of this patent are detailed in the paper. The most innovative component is the load compensation system, which increases the safety of the displacement of heavy structures. This system controls the load applied on the mechanism, and the displacement can be stopped before the collapse of the heavy structure. Results: An application of the patent for launching bridges using the Incremental Launching Method is presented. This mechanism is used to displace heavy structures using the force of friction. Conclusion: The patented mechanism is an original contribution for the displacement of heavy structures continuously and bidirectionally. The patent can be used to launch bridges, improving the efficiency, sustainability, and safety of current systems.The authors would like to acknowledge the help of the Spanish Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness through the Research Project ALCANZA, IPT-380000-2010-012 INNPACTO program. Furthermore, the authors are grateful to project GRUPIN14-004, co-financed with FEDER funds

    Subfossil macroremains in the iberian central range: preliminary results from new sites

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    Análisis dendroecológico de maderas holocenas en un yacimiento de Castilla la Mancha (España)