1,344 research outputs found

    The Process of Wage Adjustment: An Analysis Using Establishment-Level Data

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    This article presents a study of the influences on the factors that shape wage adjustments. The cost of living, comparability with other firms' wages, the fulfilment of collective agreements at sector level, the need to recruit and retain employees, the performance of the organisation, and the climate of industrial relations are included as factors of interest. The analysis was carried out using a sample of Spanish manufacturing plants. Our results show that the structural characteristics of the establishment such as its size or foreign ownership, as well as the wage setting arrangements and trade unions, play a role in explaining the importance of the factors mentioned in shaping wage adjustments. The human resource management policies adopted by the employer seem to be less relevant, although the qualification of workers and the use of pay for performance have a significant impact on the process of wage adjustment.pay settlements, collective bargaining, wage negotiation

    The Diffusion of Pay for Performance across Occupations

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    In this paper the differences in the incidence of pay for performance plans between occupations in a sample of Spanish manufacturing establishments are analyzed. Our results show that there are significant differences between occupations in the incidence of individual, group and firm or plant pay for performance plans. The roles of establishment size, multinational ownership and the human resources management department in the incidence of pay for performance plans and their variability of use across occupations within the same firm are also studied. These factors are found to correlate to a greater use of pay for performance and, in most cases, this effect is homogenous across occupations.incentives

    Performance Appraisal: Dimensions and Determinants

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    The determinants of the dimensions that shape a formal system of performance appraisal are studied in relation to a sample of Spanish manufacturing establishments. In particular, the factors that influence the measures used to evaluate performance, the person who carries out such appraisal and its frequency are analysed. Our results show that the characteristics of the establishment exert a significant influence on the configuration of performance appraisal. Specifically, we find that the use of practices complementary to performance evaluation and the structural factors of the establishment are found to correlate closely with the dimensions of formal performance appraisal.performance appraisal, monitoring, establishment characteristics, dimensions of appraisal

    O los pueblos, o el general Espartero

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    Emp.: "El duque de la Victoria arrojó descaradamente el guante y dijo con impúdica altivez a una nación de valientes...

    Tutela y Curatela en derecho romano

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    En este trabajo se hace una revisión general de las instituciones tutelares romanas pensadas para hacer frente a la discapacidad en alguna de sus formas. Partiendo de la capacidad general de todo sujeto libre, ciudadano romano y sui iuris, los romanos idearon un sistema de protección y complemento de la capacidad para aquellos que la tuvieran limitada por distintos motivos (edad, sexo, enfermedad física y/o mental). En el ámbito de la menor edad optaron por la tutela, en el de la enfermedad mental por la curatela. Estas medidas coinciden con el modelo previsto en el Anteproyecto de ley de reforma del Código civil y de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento civil en materia de discapacidad de 2018, siguiendo las recomendaciones de la Convención de Naciones Unidas de los derechos de las personas con discapacidad, celebrada en Nueva York el 13 de diciembre de 2006 (Dicho anteproyecto ha entrado recientemente en el Congreso de los Diputados)

    Acute calcium assimilation from fresh or pasteurized yoghurt depending on the lactose digestibility status

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    OBJECTIVE: The major aim of this trial was to evaluate the potential interaction of fresh or pasteurized yoghurt intake with lactose intolerance on calcium assimilation by means of the stable isotope 43Ca as a tracer. METHODS: Forty volunteers (age: 32 +/- 7 years) participated in this parallel simple blind study (20 of them with moderate lactose intolerance). The protocol included the intake of a test meal consisting on 43Ca-labelled fresh or pasteurized yoghurt. Volunteers, in whom the calcium status was assessed, collected the 24-h urine before and after the test meal to measure the stable isotope output. The intake-related 43Ca enrichment in urine was measured by isotopic rate mass spectrometry. RESULTS: In lactose tolerant and intolerant volunteers taken together, the fresh yoghurt consumption resulted in a statistically higher circulating calcium levels (p = 0.028) and urinary 43Ca output (p = 0.017) than after the pasteurized yoghurt intake. The lactose maldigestion status resulted in higher urinary 43Ca excretion (p = 0.013) after the fermented milk consumption, regardless of the nature of ingested product (p = 0.887). CONCLUSIONS: This novel and non-aggressive protocol allowed the in vivo comparison of calcium utilization from two different dairy sources, revealing a higher acute calcium assimilation from fresh as compared to the pasteurized yoghurt, in both lactose digesting and maldigesting subjects

    Estudio in vivo de la oxidación mitocondrial en pacientes obesos tratados mediante restricción calórica

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    La restricción calórica es la terapia nutricional más frecuente en el tratamiento de la obesidad, cuya eficacia depende de la respuesta oxidativa del organismo para evitar la modificación del peso corporal. En este contexto, el objetivo del presente trabajo fue examinarin vivo la oxidación mitocondrial de voluntarios obesos, antes y después de adelgazar, utilizando el test en aliento con 2-ceto[1-13C]isocaproato. El estudio se realizó en 32 voluntarios de ambos sexos: 16 controles (índice de masa corporal: 19,0-27,0 kg/m2), y 16 obesos (índice de masa corporal: 30,0-41,6 kg/m2) que siguieron un período de restricción calórica (-500 kcal) durante 10 semanas. El test con 2-ceto[1-13C]isocaproato se realizó antes y después del tratamiento, a partir de la ingestión de 1 mg/kg de trazador y 20 mg/kg de L-leucina, disueltos en 200 mL de zumo de naranja. Antes y después de la ingestión (cada 10 minutos durante 2 horas), se tomaron muestras de aliento en las que se midió el enriquecimiento en13C mediante espectrometría de masas de relación isotópica. A partir de estas determinaciones se calculó el porcentaje de trazador oxidado en las mitocondrias (%13C). Los obesos tendieron a oxidar un porcentaje menor de trazador que los controles (25,1 ± 5,5% vs 27,5 ± 4,0% p = 0,175). Tras el período de intervención, la pérdida de peso medio fue -7,8 ± 3% (p < 0,001), y se acompañó de un aumento significativo en la oxidación del trazador (25,1 ± 5,5% vs 34,3 ± 5,2% p < 0,001). De hecho, el peso corporal y el porcentaje de 2-ceto[1-13C]isocaproato oxidado fueron inversamente proporcionales (r = -0,34, p = 0,018). Por tanto, el test en aliento con 2-ceto[113-C]isocaproato detectó in vivo la adaptación de la oxidación mitocondrial en obesos tratados mediante restricción calórica, ofreciendo una información complementaria sobre la pérdida de peso

    A brainstem to hypothalamic arcuate nucleus GABAergic circuit drives feeding

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    Open Access via the Elsevier Open Access Agreement. We gratefully acknowledge Dr F. Naneix for advice on optogenetics and editorial advice, and staff within the University of Aberdeen Medical Research Facility and the Microscopy Facility for their technical assistance. This work was supported by the ERC (MSCA-IF-NeuroEE-660219) to PBM, Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund (204815/Z/16/Z) to PBM and LKH, and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/V010557/1) to JAG and (BB/V016849/1) to LKH and SS. GKCD is funded by a BBSRC CASE 4-year PhD studentship, co-funded by Novo Nordisk. GSHY is funded by the UK Medical Research Council (MC_UU_00014/1).Peer reviewe