9 research outputs found

    Evolution and expansion of the One Health approach to promote sustainable and resilient health and well-being : A call to action

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    One Health is a transdisciplinary approach used to address complex concerns related to human, animal, plant, and ecosystem health. One Health frameworks and operational tools are available to support countries and communities, particularly for the prevention and control of zoonotic diseases and antimicrobial resistance and the protection of food safety. However, One Health has yet to be implemented in a manner that fully considers the complexities and interconnectedness of the diverse influences that have impacts at a larger system level. This lack of consideration can undermine the sustainability of any positive outcomes. To ensure the One Health approach can function effectively within the new global context of converging and escalating health, social, economic, and ecological crises, it must evolve and expand in three overlapping dimensions: (1) Scope: the partners, knowledge, and knowledge systems included, (2) Approach: the techniques, methodologies, and scholarship considered, and (3) Worldview inclusivity: the interweaving of other worldviews together with the mainstream scientific worldview that currently predominates. Diverse partners and knowledge from outside the mainstream health and scientific sectors, including Indigenous peoples and representatives of local communities, and traditionally generated knowledge, must be included. These systems of knowledge can then be braided together with mainstream science to comprise a holistic framework for decision-making. Scholarship and methodologies being applied in other fields and contexts to solve complex challenges and manage uncertainty, such as collaborative governance, social-ecologic systems theory, and complexity science, must be recognized and incorporated. The spectrum of considered worldviews must also expand to authentically integrate the expanded scope and approach into action and sustainable impact. By increasing community and social engagement and by recognizing and entwining different worldviews, the plurality of disciplines, and traditional and scientific ways of knowing to address community concerns in the contexts in which they exist, we can ensure that One Health remains effective and true to its paradigm in our rapidly changing and complex world

    Portadores de bacterias multirresistentes de importancia clínica en áreas críticas (UCI-UCIN) de un hospital al norte del Perú

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    Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de portadores de bacterias multirresistentes (BMR) y su perfil de resistencia en áreas críticas (UCI-UCIN) de un hospital público al norte del Perú (HRL).Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional de corte transversal durante febrero - mayo 2015 en 48 pacientes y 32 personales de salud. Se consideraron 4 regiones anatómicas para el muestreo y emplearon medios suplementados con antibióticos para el aislamiento primario de BMR. El fenotipo de resistencia fue confirmado por los test de Jarlier, Hodge modificado y susceptibilidad a cefoxitin.Resultados: La frecuencia de portadores de BMR en pacientes y personal asistencial fue del 79,1% y 3,1% respectivamente, además el 89,5% de pacientes ya eran portadores al momento de la admisión procedentes principalmente del servicio de emergencia, siendo la región ano-rectal la principal fuente de aislamientos con 75,0%. Así mismo se determinó que la producción de betalactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEE) fue el principal fenotipo de resistencia con 77,65%, seguido de la producción de carbapenemasas y meticilino resistencia con 14.2% y 8.24% respectivamente.Conclusiones: Este estudio revela la alta frecuencia de portadores de bacterias multirresistentes en pacientes de áreas críticas del HRL y que la mayoría de estos ingresan ya colonizados principalmente en la región ano-rectal