938 research outputs found

    Central Mass Concentration and Bar Dissolution in Nearby Spiral Galaxies

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    We use data from the BIMA Survey of Nearby Galaxies (SONG) to investigate the relationship between ellipticity and central mass concentration in barred spirals. Existing simulations predict that bar ellipticity decreases as inflowing mass driven by the bar accumulates in the central regions, ultimately destroying the bar. Using the ratio of the bulge mass to the mass within the bar radius as an estimate of the central mass concentration, we obtain dynamical mass estimates from SONG CO 1-0 rotation curve data. We find an inverse correlation between bar ellipticity and central mass concentration, consistent with simulations of bar dissolution.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures and 2 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The Distribution of Bar and Spiral Strengths in Disk Galaxies

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    The distribution of bar strengths in disk galaxies is a fundamental property of the galaxy population that has only begun to be explored. We have applied the bar/spiral separation method of Buta, Block, and Knapen to derive the distribution of maximum relative gravitational bar torques, Q_b, for 147 spiral galaxies in the statistically well-defined Ohio State University Bright Galaxy Survey (OSUBGS) sample. Our goal is to examine the properties of bars as independently as possible of their associated spirals. We find that the distribution of bar strength declines smoothly with increasing Q_b, with more than 40% of the sample having Q_b <= 0.1. In the context of recurrent bar formation, this suggests that strongly-barred states are relatively short-lived compared to weakly-barred or non-barred states. We do not find compelling evidence for a bimodal distribution of bar strengths. Instead, the distribution is fairly smooth in the range 0.0 <= Q_b < 0.8. Our analysis also provides a first look at spiral strengths Q_s in the OSU sample, based on the same torque indicator. We are able to verify a possible weak correlation between Q_s and Q_b, in the sense that galaxies with the strongest bars tend also to have strong spirals.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal, August 2005 issue (LaTex, 23 pages + 11 figures, uses aastex.cls

    A Connection between Star Formation in Nuclear Rings and their Host Galaxies

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    We present results from a photometric H-alpha survey of 22 nuclear rings, aiming to provide insight into their star formation properties, including age distribution, dynamical timescales, star formation rates, and galactic bar influence. We find a clear relationship between the position angles and ellipticities of the rings and those of their host galaxies, which indicates the rings are in the same plane as the disk and circular. We use population synthesis models to estimate ages of each H-alpha emitting HII region, which range from 1 Myr to 10 Myrs throughout the rings. We find that approximately half of the rings contain azimuthal age gradients that encompass at least 25% of the ring, although there is no apparent relationship between the presence or absence of age gradients and the morphology of the rings or their host galaxies. NGC1343, NGC1530, and NGC4321 show clear bipolar age gradients, where the youngest HII regions are located near the two contact points of the bar and ring. We speculate in these cases that the gradients are related to an increased mass inflow rate and/or an overall higher gas density in the ring, which would allow for massive star formation to occur on short timescales, after which the galactic rotation would transport the HII regions around the ring as they age. Two-thirds of the barred galaxies show correlation between the locations of the youngest HII region(s) in the ring and the location of the contact points, which is consistent with predictions from numerical modeling.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures (7 color), 23 tables, accepted for publication in ApJS (Feb 08); NASA-GSFC, IAC, University of Maryland, STSc

    Comparison of bar strengths in active and non-active galaxies

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    Bar strengths are compared between active and non-active galaxies for a sample of 43 barred galaxies. The relative bar torques are determined using a new technique (Buta and Block 2001), where maximum tangential forces are calculated in the bar region, normalized to the axisymmetric radial force field. We use JHK images of the 2 Micron All Sky Survey. We show a first clear empirical indication that the ellipticies of bars are correlated with the non-axisymmetric forces in the bar regions. We found that nuclear activity appears preferentially in those early type galaxies in which the maximum bar torques are weak and appear at quite large distances from the galactic center. Most suprisingly the galaxies with the strongest bars are non-active. Our results imply that the bulges may be important for the onset of nuclear activity, but that the correlation between the nuclear activity and the early type galaxies is not straightforward.Comment: MNRAS macro in tex format, 9 pages, 10 figure

    Boundary Limitation of Wavenumbers in Taylor-Vortex Flow

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    We report experimental results for a boundary-mediated wavenumber-adjustment mechanism and for a boundary-limited wavenumber-band of Taylor-vortex flow (TVF). The system consists of fluid contained between two concentric cylinders with the inner one rotating at an angular frequency Ω\Omega. As observed previously, the Eckhaus instability (a bulk instability) is observed and limits the stable wavenumber band when the system is terminated axially by two rigid, non-rotating plates. The band width is then of order ϵ1/2\epsilon^{1/2} at small ϵ\epsilon (ϵ≡Ω/Ωc−1\epsilon \equiv \Omega/\Omega_c - 1) and agrees well with calculations based on the equations of motion over a wide ϵ\epsilon-range. When the cylinder axis is vertical and the upper liquid surface is free (i.e. an air-liquid interface), vortices can be generated or expelled at the free surface because there the phase of the structure is only weakly pinned. The band of wavenumbers over which Taylor-vortex flow exists is then more narrow than the stable band limited by the Eckhaus instability. At small ϵ\epsilon the boundary-mediated band-width is linear in ϵ\epsilon. These results are qualitatively consistent with theoretical predictions, but to our knowledge a quantitative calculation for TVF with a free surface does not exist.Comment: 8 pages incl. 9 eps figures bitmap version of Fig

    Molecular Gas, Dust and Star Formation in the Barred Spiral NGC 5383

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    We present multi-wavelength (interferometer and single-dish CO J=1-0, Halpha, broadband optical and near-infrared) observations of the classic barred spiral NGC 5383. We compare the observed central gas and dust morphology to the predictions of recent hydrodynamic simulations. In the nuclear region, our observations reveal three peaks lying along a S-shaped gas and dust distribution. In contrast, the model predicts a circumnuclear ring, not the observed S-shaped distribution; moreover, the predicted surface density contrast between the central gas accumulation and the bar dust lanes is an order of magnitude larger than observed. The discrepancies are not due to unexplored model parameter space or a nuclear bar but are probably due to the vigorous (7 solar masses per year) star formation activity in the center. As is common in similar bars, the star formation rate in the bar between the bar ends and the central region is low (~0.5 solar masses per yr), despite the high gas column density in the bar dust lanes; this is generally attributed to shear and shocks. We note a tendency for the HII regions to be associated with the spurs feeding the main bar dust lanes, but these are located on the leading side of the bar. We propose that stars form in the spurs, which provide a high column density but low shear environment. HII regions can therefore be found even on the leading side of the bar because the ionizing stars pass ballistically through the dust laneComment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, 33 pages (includes 10 figures

    Corotation: its influence on the chemical abundance pattern of the Galaxy

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    A simple theory for the chemical enrichment of the Galaxy which takes into account the effects of spiral arms on heavy elements output was developed. In the framework of the model with the corotation close to the position of the Sun in the Galaxy the observed abundance features are explained.Comment: LaTeX, 6 pages, 5 jpg figures, uses aastex.sty, submitted to ApJ Let

    Multiproxy bioarchaeological data reveals interplay between growth, diet and population dynamics across the transition to farming in the central Mediterranean

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    The transition to farming brought on a series of important changes in human society, lifestyle, diet and health. The human bioarchaeology of the agricultural transition has received much attention, however, relatively few studies have directly tested the interrelationship between individual lifestyle factors and their implications for understanding life history changes among the first farmers. We investigate the interplay between skeletal growth, diet, physical activity and population size across 30,000&nbsp;years in the central Mediterranean through a ‘big data’ cross-analysis of osteological data related to stature (n = 361), body mass (n = 334) and long bone biomechanics (n = 481), carbon (δ 13C) and nitrogen (δ 15N) stable isotopes (n = 1986 human, n = 475 animal) and radiocarbon dates (n = 5263). We present the observed trends on a continuous timescale in order to avoid grouping our data into assigned ‘time periods’, thus achieving greater resolution and chronological control over our analysis. The results identify important changes in human life history strategies associated with the first farmers, but also highlight the long-term nature of these trends in the millennia either side of the agricultural transition. The integration of these different data is an important step towards disentangling the complex relationship between demography, diet and health, and reconstruct life history changes within a southern European context. We believe the methodological approach adopted here has broader global implications for bioarchaeological studies of human adaptation more generally

    Two spectroscopically confirmed galaxy structures at z=0.61 and 0.74 in the CFHTLS Deep~3 field

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    Adami et al. (2010) have detected several cluster candidates at z>0.5 as part of a systematic search for clusters in the Canada France Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey, based on photometric redshifts. We focus here on two of them, located in the D3 field: D3-6 and D3-43. We have obtained spectroscopy with Gemini/GMOS and measured redshifts for 23 and 14 galaxies in the two structures. These redshifts were combined with those available in the literature. A dynamical and a weak lensing analysis were also performed, together with the study of X-ray Chandra archive data. Cluster D3-6 is found to be a single structure of 8 spectroscopically confirmed members at an average redshift z=0.607, with a velocity dispersion of 423 km/s. It appears to be a relatively low mass cluster. D3-43-S3 has 46 spectroscopically confirmed members at an average redshift z=0.739. It can be decomposed into two main substructures, having a velocity dispersion of about 600 and 350 km/s. An explanation to the fact that D3-43-S3 is detected through weak lensing (only marginally, at the ~3sigma level) but not in X-rays could be that the two substructures are just beginning to merge more or less along the line of sight. We also show that D3-6 and D3-43-S3 have similar global galaxy luminosity functions, stellar mass functions, and star formation rate (SFR) distributions. The only differences are that D3-6 exhibits a lack of faint early type galaxies, a deficit of extremely high stellar mass galaxies compared to D3-43-S3, and an excess of very high SFR galaxies. This study shows the power of techniques based on photometric redshifts to detect low to moderately massive structures, even at z~0.75.Comment: Accepted in A&A, final version, shortened abstrac

    Systematic study of the low-lying electric dipole strength in Sn isotopes and its astrophysical implications

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    The γ\gamma-ray strength functions (GSF) and nuclear level densities (NLD) below the neutron threshold have been extracted for 111−113,116−122,124^{111-113,116-122,124}Sn from particle-γ\gamma coincidence data with the Oslo method. The evolution of bulk properties of the low-lying electric dipole response has been investigated on the basis of the Oslo GSF data and results of a recent systematic study of electric and magnetic dipole strengths in even-even Sn isotopes with relativistic Coulomb excitation. The obtained GSFs reveal a resonance-like peak on top of the tail of the isovector giant dipole resonance, centered at ≈\approx8 MeV and exhausting ≈\approx2\% of the classical Thomas-Reiche-Kuhn (TRK) sum. In contrast to predictions of the relativistic quasiparticle random-phase and time-blocking approximation calculations (RQRPA and RQTBA), no monotonous increase in the total low-lying E1E1 strength was observed in the experimental data from 111^{111}Sn to 124^{124}Sn, demonstrating rather similar strength distributions in these nuclei. The Oslo GSFs and NLDs were further used as inputs to constrain the cross sections and Maxwellian-averaged cross sections of (n,γ)(n,\gamma) reactions in the Sn isotopic chain using TALYS. The obtained results agree well with other available experimental data and the recommended values from the JINA REACLIB, BRUSLIB, and KADoNiS libraries. Despite relatively small exhausted fractions of the TRK sum rule, the low-lying electric dipole strength makes a noticeable impact on the radiative neutron-capture cross sections in stable Sn isotopes. Moreover, the experimental Oslo inputs for the 121,123^{121,123}Sn(n,γ)(n,\gamma)122,124^{122,124}Sn reactions were found to affect the production of Sb in the astrophysical ii-process, providing new constraints on the uncertainties of the resulting chemical abundances from multi-zone low-metallicity Asymptotic Giant Branch stellar models.Comment: 27 pages, 14 pages. Submitted to Physical Review C journal on 13 November 202
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