154 research outputs found

    Vergleich zweier Standardverfahren zur Behandlung der distalen Radiusfraktur: Hat der nicht gelenküberbrückende Fixateur externe Vorteile gegenüber der winkelstabilen, palmaren Plattenosteosynthese?: Eine prospektiv randomisierte Studie

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    In dieser prospektiv randomisierten Studie wurde erstmals die Neuentwicklung des nicht gelenküberbrückenden Fixateur externe dem Standardverfahren der offenen Reposition und internen Fixation (ORIF) mittels palmarer winkelstabiler Plattenosteosynthese zur operativen Behandlung der distalen Radiusfraktur hinsichtlich klinischer und radiologischer Ergebnisse gegenübergestellt. Beide Verfahren sind zuverlässige Therapiemethoden. Der nicht gelenküberbrückende Fixateur externe stellt eine schonende und sichere Alternative zur offenen Reposition und palmaren Plattenosteosynthese dar

    Young age at school entry and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder-related symptoms during primary school : results of a prospective cohort study conducted at German Rudolf Steiner schools

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    Objectives Young age at school entry (ASE) for students has been related to their impaired mental health in higher grades. To avoid the negative health consequences of young ASE, preschool examinations and individual school entry deferral for young children are routinely performed by some school authorities. We aimed to investigate whether ASE was associated with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)-related symptoms in pupils attending schools using a selective school enrolment procedure. Design Prospective open cohort study with baseline assessments at school entry and two follow-ups in the second and fourth grades. Setting Up to 128 Rudolf Steiner Schools (Waldorf Schools) located within Germany. Participants Of the 3079 children from whom data were gathered in the second or fourth grade, 2671 children born between 1 July 2001 and 31 October 2002 (age at baseline: mean 6.7, min 5.91, max 7.24 years, 50% girls) were selected for analysis to avoid bias introduced by individuals at the edges of the ASE distribution. Main outcome measures ADHD-related symptoms were assessed at school entry and second and fourth grades by parent-reported and teacher reported versions of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (Hyperactivity-Inattention Subscale). Results The agreement between parent-reported and teacher-reported symptoms was poor (intra-class correlation: 0.41 and 0.44 in second and fourth grade assessments, respectively). Regarding teacher reports, ASE was negatively associated with ADHD-related symptoms in the second grade (regression coefficient β=−0.66 per year, P=0.0006) and fourth grade (β=−0.56, P=0.0014). Associations remained after adjusting for potential confounders and pre-existing symptoms at baseline. Regarding parent reports, associations were markedly weaker in both grades (second grade: β=−0.22, P=0.12; fourth grade: β=−0.09, P=0.48).Conclusions Using a prospective study design and comprehensive adjustment for confounding and baseline symptoms, we confirmed prior evidence of the association between young ASE and teacher-reported ADHD symptoms in primary school


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    Die vegetationskundliche und strukturelle Zuordnung der Lebensraumtypen erfolgt nach der vorrangig von Braun-Blanquet entwickelten Vegetationsklassifizierung, einer hierarchischen Gliederung der Vegetationstypen (Syntaxonomie), die die Ebenen der Assoziation, des Verbandes, der Ordnung und der Klasse umfasst. Hierbei ist die Assoziation die grundlegende Einheit, in der die Pflanzengesellschaften zusammengefasst werden, die sich durch gleiche charakteristische Arten(gruppen)kombinationen auszeichnen. Der Verband vereinigt ähnliche Assoziationen. Das sind bereits umfassendere, jedoch standörtlich noch recht einheitliche Vegetationseinheiten. In Ordnungen werden ähnliche Verbände zusammengefasst. Die Klasse vereinigt ähnliche Ordnungen

    Observation of Cosmic Ray Anisotropy with Nine Years of IceCube Data

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    Design of an Efficient, High-Throughput Photomultiplier Tube Testing Facility for the IceCube Upgrade

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    Multi-messenger searches via IceCube’s high-energy neutrinos and gravitational-wave detections of LIGO/Virgo

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    We summarize initial results for high-energy neutrino counterpart searches coinciding with gravitational-wave events in LIGO/Virgo\u27s GWTC-2 catalog using IceCube\u27s neutrino triggers. We did not find any statistically significant high-energy neutrino counterpart and derived upper limits on the time-integrated neutrino emission on Earth as well as the isotropic equivalent energy emitted in high-energy neutrinos for each event

    In-situ estimation of ice crystal properties at the South Pole using LED calibration data from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory

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    The IceCube Neutrino Observatory instruments about 1 km3 of deep, glacial ice at the geographic South Pole using 5160 photomultipliers to detect Cherenkov light emitted by charged relativistic particles. A unexpected light propagation effect observed by the experiment is an anisotropic attenuation, which is aligned with the local flow direction of the ice. Birefringent light propagation has been examined as a possible explanation for this effect. The predictions of a first-principles birefringence model developed for this purpose, in particular curved light trajectories resulting from asymmetric diffusion, provide a qualitatively good match to the main features of the data. This in turn allows us to deduce ice crystal properties. Since the wavelength of the detected light is short compared to the crystal size, these crystal properties do not only include the crystal orientation fabric, but also the average crystal size and shape, as a function of depth. By adding small empirical corrections to this first-principles model, a quantitatively accurate description of the optical properties of the IceCube glacial ice is obtained. In this paper, we present the experimental signature of ice optical anisotropy observed in IceCube LED calibration data, the theory and parametrization of the birefringence effect, the fitting procedures of these parameterizations to experimental data as well as the inferred crystal properties.</p

    The Acoustic Module for the IceCube Upgrade

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    A Combined Fit of the Diffuse Neutrino Spectrum using IceCube Muon Tracks and Cascades

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