5 research outputs found

    Observer and relocation errors matter in resurveys of historical vegetation plots

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    Aim: Revisits of non-permanent, relocatable plots first surveyed several decades ago offer a direct way to observe vegetation change and form a unique and increasingly used source of information for global change research. Despite the important insights that can be obtained from resurveying these quasi-permanent vegetation plots, their use is prone to both observer and relocation errors. Studying the combined effects of both error types is important since they will play out together in practice and it is yet unknown to what extent observed vegetation changes are influenced by these errors. Methods: We designed a study that mimicked all steps in a resurvey study and that allowed determination of the magnitude of observer errors only vs the joint observer and relocation errors. Communities of vascular plants growing in the understorey of temperate forests were selected as study system. Ten regions in Europe were covered to explore generality across contexts and 50 observers were involved, which deliberately differed in their experience in making vegetation records. Results: The mean geographic distance between plots in the observer+relocation error data set was 24m. The mean relative difference in species richness in the observer error and the observer+relocation data set was 15% and 21%, respectively. The mean pseudo-turnover between the five records at a quasi-permanent plot location was on average 0.21 and 0.35 for the observer error and observer+relocation error data sets, respectively. More detailed analyses of the compositional variation showed that the nestedness and turnover components were of equal importance in the observer data set, whereas turnover was much more important than nestedness in the observer+relocation data set. Interestingly, the differences between the observer and the observer+relocation data sets largely disappeared when looking at temporal change: both the changes in species richness and species composition over time were very similar in these data sets. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that observer and relocation errors are non-negligible when resurveying quasi-permanent plots. A careful interpretation of the results of resurvey studies is warranted, especially when changes are assessed based on a low number of plots. We conclude by listing measures that should be taken to maximally increase the precision and the strength of the inferences drawn from vegetation resurveys

    Drivers of Macrophyte and Diatom Diversity in a Shallow Hypertrophic Lake

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    We studied macrophyte and diatom assemblages and a range of environmental factors in the large hypertrophic Dehtář fishpond (Southern Bohemia, Czech Republic) over the course of several growing seasons. The spatial diversity of the environment was considered when collecting diatoms and water samples in three distinct parts of the fishpond, where automatic sensor stations continually measuring basic factors were established. Macrophytes were mapped in 30 segments of the fishpond littoral altogether. High species richness and spatiotemporal variability were found in assemblages of these groups of autotrophs. Water level fluctuations, caused by the interaction of fish farming management and climatic extremes, were identified as one of the most important factors shaping the structure and species composition of diatom and macrophyte assemblages. The distance of the sampling sites from large inflows reflected well the spatial variability within the fishpond, with important differences in duration of bottom drainage and exposure to disturbances in different parts of the fishpond. Disturbances caused by intensive wave action are most probably a crucial factor allowing the coexistence of species with different nutrient requirements under the hypertrophic conditions of the Dehtář fishpond. Due to a range of variables tested and climatic extremes encountered, our study may be considered as a basis for predictive model constructions in similar hypertrophic water bodies under a progressing climate change


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    Vliv hospodářských zásahů na změnu v biologické rozmanitosti ve zvláště chráněných územích:Vliv různých managementových zásahů na vegetaci vřesovišť v Národním parku Podyjí III.

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    Pokusy mají za cíl otestovat některé metody managementu vřesovišť: vypalování, pokosení drnů, pastvu. V této vegetační sezóně bylo sledováno celkem 38 trvalých ploch na vřesovištích v NP Podyjí. Od r. 2000 je také sledována dynamika mikrobiálních transformací dusíku v půdě, rychlost rozkladu opadu a efektivita využití N a P rostlinami