23 research outputs found

    Altered photoreceptor metabolism in mouse causes late stage age-related macular degeneration-like pathologies

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in the elderly. While the histopathology of the different disease stages is well characterized, the cause underlying the progression, from the early drusen stage to the advanced macular degeneration stage that leads to blindness, remains unknown. Here, we show that photoreceptors (PRs) of diseased individuals display increased expression of two key glycolytic genes, suggestive of a glucose shortage during disease. Mimicking aspects of this metabolic profile in PRs of wild-type mice by activation of the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) caused early drusen-like pathologies, as well as advanced AMD-like pathologies. Mice with activated mTORC1 in PRs also displayed other early disease features, such as a delay in photoreceptor outer segment (POS) clearance and accumulation of lipofuscin in the retinal-pigmented epithelium (RPE) and of lipoproteins at the Bruch\u27s membrane (BrM), as well as changes in complement accumulation. Interestingly, formation of drusen-like deposits was dependent on activation of mTORC1 in cones. Both major types of advanced AMD pathologies, including geographic atrophy (GA) and neovascular pathologies, were also seen. Finally, activated mTORC1 in PRs resulted in a threefold reduction in di-docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-containing phospholipid species. Feeding mice a DHA-enriched diet alleviated most pathologies. The data recapitulate many aspects of the human disease, suggesting that metabolic adaptations in photoreceptors could contribute to disease progression in AMD. Identifying the changes downstream of mTORC1 that lead to advanced pathologies in mouse might present new opportunities to study the role of PRs in AMD pathogenesis

    Health benefits attributed to 17α-estradiol, a lifespan-extending compound, are mediated through estrogen receptor α.

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    Metabolic dysfunction underlies several chronic diseases, many of which are exacerbated by obesity. Dietary interventions can reverse metabolic declines and slow aging, although compliance issues remain paramount. 17α-estradiol treatment improves metabolic parameters and slows aging in male mice. The mechanisms by which 17α-estradiol elicits these benefits remain unresolved. Herein, we show that 17α-estradiol elicits similar genomic binding and transcriptional activation through estrogen receptor α (ERα) to that of 17β-estradiol. In addition, we show that the ablation of ERα completely attenuates the beneficial metabolic effects of 17α-E2 in male mice. Our findings suggest that 17α-E2 may act through the liver and hypothalamus to improve metabolic parameters in male mice. Lastly, we also determined that 17α-E2 improves metabolic parameters in male rats, thereby proving that the beneficial effects of 17α-E2 are not limited to mice. Collectively, these studies suggest ERα may be a drug target for mitigating chronic diseases in male mammals

    Distribution of ELOVL4 in the Developing and Adult Mouse Brain

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    ELOngation of Very Long chain fatty acids (ELOVL)-4 is essential for the synthesis of very long chain-fatty acids (fatty acids with chain lengths ≥ 28 carbons). The functions of ELOVL4 and its very long-chain fatty acid products are poorly understood at present. However, mutations in ELOVL4 cause neurodevelopmental or neurodegenerative diseases that vary according to the mutation and inheritance pattern. Heterozygous inheritance of different ELOVL4 mutations causes Stargardt-like Macular Dystrophy or Spinocerebellar Ataxia type 34. Homozygous inheritance of ELOVL4 mutations causes more severe disease characterized by seizures, intellectual disability, ichthyosis, and premature death. To better understand ELOVL4 and very long chain fatty acid function in the brain, we examined ELOVL4 expression in the mouse brain between embryonic day 18 and postnatal day 60 by immunolabeling using ELOVL4 and other marker antibodies. ELOVL4 was widely expressed in a region- and cell type-specific manner, and was restricted to cell bodies, consistent with its known localization to endoplasmic reticulum. ELOVL4 labeling was most prominent in gray matter, although labeling also was present in some cells located in white matter. ELOVL4 was widely expressed in the developing brain by embryonic day 18 and was especially pronounced in regions underlying the lateral ventricles and other neurogenic regions. The basal ganglia in particular showed intense ELOVL4 labeling at this stage. In the postnatal brain, cerebral cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum, thalamus, hypothalamus, midbrain, pons, and medulla all showed prominent ELOVL4 labeling, although ELOVL4 distribution was not uniform across all cells or subnuclei within these regions. In contrast, the basal ganglia showed little ELOVL4 labeling in the postnatal brain. Double labeling studies showed that ELOVL4 was primarily expressed by neurons, although presumptive oligodendrocytes located in white matter tracts also showed labeling. Little or no ELOVL4 labeling was present in astrocytes or radial glial cells. These findings suggest that ELOVL4 and its very long chain fatty acid products are important in many parts of the brain and that they are particularly associated with neuronal function. Specific roles for ELOVL4 and its products in oligodendrocytes and myelin and in cellular proliferation, especially during development, are possible

    Ablation of pigment epithelium-derived factor receptor (PEDF-R/Pnpla2) causes photoreceptor degeneration

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    Photoreceptor cells express the patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing 2 (PNPLA2) gene that codes for pigment epithelium-derived factor receptor (PEDF-R) (also known as ATGL). PEDF-R exhibits phospholipase activity that mediates the neurotrophic action of its ligand PEDF. Because phospholipids are the most abundant lipid class in the retina, we investigated the role of PEDF-R in photoreceptors by generating CRISPR Pnpla2 knock-out mouse lines in a retinal degeneration-free background. Pnpla2−/− mice had undetectable retinal Pnpla2 gene expression and PEDF-R protein levels as assayed by RT-PCR and immunofluorescence, respectively. The photoreceptors of mice deficient in PEDF-R had deformities as examined by histology and transmission electron microscopy. Pnpla2 knockdown diminished the PLA2 enzymatic activity of PEDF-R in the retina. Lipidomic analyses revealed the accumulation of lysophosphatidyl choline-DHA and lysophosphatidyl ethanolamine-DHA in PEDF-R-deficient retinas, suggesting a possible causal link to photoreceptor dysfunction. Loss of PEDF-R decreased levels of rhodopsin, opsin, PKCα, and synaptophysin relative to controls. Pnpla2−/− photoreceptors had surface-exposed phosphatidylserine, and their nuclei were TUNEL positive and condensed, revealing an apoptotic onset. Paralleling its structural defects, PEDF-R deficiency compromised photoreceptor function in vivo as indicated by the attenuation of photoreceptor a- and b-waves in Pnpla2−/− and Pnpla2+/− mice relative to controls as determined by electroretinography. In conclusion, ablation of PEDF-R in mice caused alteration in phospholipid composition associated with malformation and malperformance of photoreceptors. These findings identify PEDF-R as an important component for photoreceptor structure and function, highlighting its role in phospholipid metabolism for retinal survival and its consequences

    ELOVL4 Mutations That Cause Spinocerebellar Ataxia-34 Differentially Alter Very Long Chain Fatty Acid Biosynthesis

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    The FA Elongase-4 (ELOVL4) enzyme mediates biosynthesis of both very long chain (VLC)-PUFAs and VLC-saturated FA (VLC-SFAs). VLC-PUFAs play critical roles in retina and sperm function, whereas VLC-SFAs are predominantly associated with brain function and maintenance of the skin permeability barrier. While some ELOVL4 mutations cause Autosomal Dominant Stargardt-like Macular Dystrophy (STGD3), other ELOVL4 point mutations, such as L168F and W246G, affect the brain and/or skin, leading to Spinocerebellar Ataxia-34 (SCA34) and Erythrokeratodermia variabilis. The mechanisms by which these ELOVL4 mutations alter VLC-PUFA and VLC-SFA biosynthesis to cause the different tissue-specific pathologies are not well understood. To understand how these mutations alter VLC-PUFA and VLC-SFA biosynthesis, we expressed WT-ELOVL4, L168F, and W246G ELOVL4 variants in cell culture and supplemented the cultures with VLC-PUFA or VLC-SFA precursors. Total lipids were extracted, converted to FA methyl esters, and quantified by gas chromatography. We showed that L168F and W246G mutants were capable of VLC-PUFA biosynthesis. W246G synthesized and accumulated 32:6n3, while L168F exhibited gain of function in VLC-PUFA biosynthesis as it made 38:5n3, which we did not detect in WT-ELOVL4 or W246G-expressing cells. However, compared with WT-ELOVL4, both L168F and W246G mutants were deficient in VLC-SFA biosynthesis, especially the W246G protein, which showed negligible VLC-SFA biosynthesis. These results suggest VLC-PUFA biosynthetic capabilities of L168F and W246G in the retina, which may explain the lack of retinal phenotype in SCA34. Defects in VLC-SFA biosynthesis by these variants may be a contributing factor to the pathogenic mechanism of SCA34 and Erythrokeratodermia variabilis

    A novel ELOVL4 variant, L168S, causes early childhood-onset Spinocerebellar ataxia-34 and retinal dysfunction: a case report

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    Abstract Spinocerebellar ataxia 34 (SCA34) is an autosomal dominant inherited disease characterized by age-related cerebellar degeneration and ataxia caused by mutations in the Elongation of Very Long Chain Fatty Acid-4 (ELOVL4) gene. The ELOVL4 enzyme catalyzes the biosynthesis of both very long chain saturated fatty acids (VLC-SFA) and very long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (VLC-PUFA) that are important for neuronal, reproductive, and skin function. Several variants in ELOVL4 have been shown to cause different tissue-specific disorders including SCA34 with or without Erythrokeratodermia Variabilis (EKV), a skin condition characterized by dry, scaly skin, Autosomal Dominant Stargardt-Like Macular Dystrophy (STGD3), and seizures associated with neuro-ichthyotic disorders. What is puzzling is how different mutations in the same gene seem to cause different tissue-specific disorders. To date, no SCA34 patients have presented with both SCA34 and STGD3 pathology that is caused by ELOVL4 variants that cause truncation of ELOVL4. Here, we report a novel case of an early childhood onset and rapidly progressive cerebellar degeneration and retinal dysfunction in a Belgian-Italian girl who developed severe dysarthria and gait problems starting at about 3.5 years of age and progressed to immobility by 4.5 years of age. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed progressive vermian, cerebellar, cortical atrophy, progressive corpus callosum slimming, and hot cross bun sign visible on the MRI. Ophthalmological examinations also revealed progressive macular dysfunction as measured by electroretinography. Using exome sequencing, we identified a novel heterozygous ELOVL4 variant, c.503 T > C (p. L168S) in the patient. To understand the enzymatic function of this novel ELOVL4 variant and how it alters the levels of VLC-PUFA and VLC-SFA biosynthesis to contribute to cerebellar and retinal dysfunction, we expressed wild-type ELOVL4 or the L168S ELOVL4 variant in cell culture and supplemented the cultures with VLC-PUFA or VLC-SFA precursors. We showed that the L168S ELOVL4 variant is deficient in the biosynthesis of VLC-SFA and VLC-PUFA. Our work suggests that differential depletion of these fatty acids may be a contributing factor to the pathogenic mechanism of SCA34 with or without EKV. Further studies will help further define how the different ELOVL4 variants cause different tissue-specific disorders with variable ages of onset

    HK2 Mediated Glycolytic Metabolism in Mouse Photoreceptors Is Not Required to Cause Late Stage Age-Related Macular Degeneration-Like Pathologies

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a multifactorial disease of unclear etiology. We previously proposed that metabolic adaptations in photoreceptors (PRs) play a role in disease progression. We mimicked these metabolic adaptations in mouse PRs through deletion of the tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) protein TSC1. Here, we confirm our previous findings by deletion of the other complex protein, namely TSC2, in rod photoreceptors. Similar to deletion of Tsc1, mice with deletion of Tsc2 in rods develop AMD-like pathologies, including accumulation of apolipoproteins, migration of microglia, geographic atrophy, and neovascular pathologies. Subtle differences between the two mouse models, such as a significant increase in microglia activation with loss of Tsc2, were seen as well. To investigate the role of altered glucose metabolism in disease pathogenesis, we generated mice with simulation deletions of Tsc2 and hexokinase-2 (Hk2) in rods. Although retinal lactate levels returned to normal in mice with Tsc2-Hk2 deletion, AMD-like pathologies still developed. The data suggest that the metabolic adaptations in PRs that cause AMD-like pathologies are independent of HK2-mediated aerobic glycolysis

    Differential Effect of Murine Alpha/Beta Interferon Transgenes on Antagonization of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Replication

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    Alpha/beta interferons (IFN-α/β) are potent, endogenous antiviral cytokines that suppress the replication of RNA and DNA viruses, including herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). The present study compared the efficacies of IFN-α/β transgenes, including IFN-α1, -α4, -α5, -α6, -α9, and -β, against HSV-1 infection. L929 cells transfected with the IFN-α/β transgenes produced similar levels of IFN, as measured by bioassay and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. In addition, transfected cells were less susceptible to HSV-1 infection than were cells transfected with a plasmid vector control. The murine IFN-β plasmid construct exhibited the greatest reduction, while the murine IFN-α5 transgene showed a modest inhibitory effect in viral titers recovered from the supernatants of transfected, infected L929 cultures. Consistent with this observation, the IFN-β transgene antagonized viral transcript levels, including infected cell protein 27, thymidine kinase, and glycoprotein B, to a greater extent than did the IFN-α transgenes at 6 to 10 h postinfection as determined by real-time PCR. Cells transfected with the IFN-α4, IFN-α9, or IFN-β transgenes showed the greatest reduction in viral protein expression relative to the other transfected cells, which was associated with increased STAT1 expression. The absence of the IFN-responsive protein kinase R (PKR) gene completely abrogated the antiviral induction by all IFN-α/β against HSV-1. In the absence of RNase L, viral yields were increased 10-fold, but the antiviral effect of IFN was either unaffected or enhanced. These results suggest that the predominant IFN-mediated, antiviral pathway during HSV-1 infection taken by IFN-α/β in L929 cells utilizes PKR

    Elovl4 5-bp deletion does not accelerate cone photoreceptor degeneration in an all-cone mouse

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    <div><p>Mutations in the elongation of very long chain fatty acid 4 (<i>ELOVL4</i>) gene cause Stargardt macular dystrophy 3 (STGD3), a rare, juvenile-onset, autosomal dominant form of macular degeneration. Although several mouse models have already been generated to investigate the link between the three identified disease-causing mutations in the <i>ELOVL4</i> gene, none of these models recapitulates the early-onset cone photoreceptor cell death observed in the macula of STGD3 patients. To address this specifically, we investigated the effect of mutant ELOVL4 in a mouse model with an all-cone retina. Hence, we bred mice carrying the heterozygously mutated <i>Elovl4</i> gene on the <i>R91W;Nrl</i><sup><i>-/-</i></sup> all-cone background and analyzed the retinal lipid composition, morphology, and function over the course of 1 year. We observed a reduction of total phosphatidylcholine-containing very long chain-polyunsaturated fatty acids (PC-VLC-PUFAs) by 39% in the <i>R91W;Nrl</i><sup><i>-/-</i></sup><i>;Elovl4</i> mice already at 6 weeks of age with a pronounced decline of the longest forms of PC-VLC-PUFAs. Total levels of shorter-chain fatty acids (< C26) remained unaffected. However, this reduction in PC-VLC-PUFA content in the all-cone retina had no impact on morphology or function and did not accelerate retinal degeneration in the <i>R91W;Nrl</i><sup><i>-/-</i></sup><i>;Elovl4</i> mice. Taken together, mutations in the <i>ELOVL4</i> gene lead to cone degeneration in humans, whereas mouse models expressing the mutant <i>Elovl4</i> show predominant rod degeneration. The lack of a phenotype in the all-cone retina expressing the mutant form of the protein supports the view that aberrant function of ELOVL4 is especially detrimental for rods in mice and suggests a more subtle role of VLC-PUFAs for cone maintenance and survival.</p></div