20 research outputs found

    Study of Energy-saving Wort Boiling Systems for Czech Beer Production

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    The effects of a low-pressure and dynamic low-pressure wort boiling systems on a brewing process economy and quality of the Czech beer were studied in a pilot scale trial brews (200 L) of pale lager beer, that had been prepared in agreement with Protected Geographical Indication Czech beer. The process parameters of brews were designed to make conversion of hop α-acids and thermal charge of wort in low-pressure and atmospheric wortboiling comparable. Despite the balance-reduced boiling time and equal iso-α-acids content in worts, low-pressure wort boiling systems showed increasing yield of iso-α-acids in beer in a series of atmospherics, dynamic low-pressure and low-pressure wort boiling. Conversely to that, head retention decreased in this order. Low-pressure boiling saved significant amount of time and energy (28% and 25%), but sensorial quality of produced beer was significantly different (evaluated as less pleasant), compared to the classical atmospheric boiling system. Beers prepared with the use of dynamic low-pressure and atmospheric boiling have not been distinguished by triangle test. This technology can save a considerable amount of time and energy (approximately 22% and 15%).This article presents the results of the basic pilot study, which will be verified and extended in the further work on this issue

    Influence of the Driving Medium on the Gas Content in Beer and on Beer Sensorics

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    The choice of technology used for keg beer tapping has a considerable influence on his final taste and quality. The presence of oxygen has a substantial impact, causing rapid oxidative changes in draft beer that result in rapid aging, and the beer will acquire characteristic oxidative aroma and taste. When using inert driving gas, this phenomenon is suppressed but, as demonstrated in the present pilot study, the composition of the driving gas has an impact on the sensory profile of beer. The results show that the optimal ratio of nitrogen and carbon dioxide in the driving medium cannot be strictly determined since various kinds of beer and different speeds of draft require a different composition of driving media

    Methods of Evaluating of Sensory Assessors – Part 1

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    The precission and repeatability of sensory analysis is infl uenced by a number of physiological, psychological and genetic factors. These can be largely eliminated by appropriate selection of the assessors through their regular evaluation. Therefore, assays have been developed to defi ne the divergence of assessor ratings from the rest of the tasting committee. This makes it possible to recognize the area that needs to be focused on in the training of assessors. The article presents specific examples of calculations to determine the degree of conformity among assessors using the ANOVA method and other statistical methods

    Characterization of the Strains Isolated from Kefir Grains and their Use for the Production of Beer-based Fermented Beverages from Nontraditional Cereals

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    In this contribution, the results of the pilot brewing experiments aimed to new beers and beer-like beverages production are presented. Wort of malted winter wheat (Citrus variety with a high content of carotenoids), oats, barley and combinations thereof were fermented by yeast strains RIBM163 and RIBM 164 (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and/or lactic acid bacteria RIBM2-107 and RIBM 2-108 (Lactobacillus casei subsp. paracasei) isolated from kefir grains. Each of these strains is characterized by a specific spectrum of sensory active metabolites. Using Citrus malt, number of beverages with very promising sensory properties can be produced. Non-hopped low alcohol beverages with a fresh citrus aroma and acidic flavor could be made by mixed yeast and bacterial culture (RIBM 2-107+RIBM163) fermentation. Beer/low alcohol beer with a light and refreshing aromas and flavors could be produced from Citrus malt and/or mixture with barley malt. Fermented malt beverages from oats also have interesting taste characteristics. Beer/ low alcohol beer from a mixture of oats and barley malt fermented by yeast strain RIBM164 is characterized by a pleasant fruity aroma with pleasant strong grainy notes (oats)

    Generic pregabalin : current situation and implications for health authorities, generics and biosimilars manufacturers in the future

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    The manufacturer of pregabalin has a second use patent covering prescribing for neuropathic pain: its principal indication. The manufacturer has threatened legal action in the UK if generic pregabalin rather than Lyrica is prescribed for this indication. No problems exist for practitioners who prescribe pregabalin for epilepsy or generalized anxiety disorder. This has serious implications for health authorities. In Germany, however, generics could be legally prescribed for any approved indication once one indication loses its patent. We aim to establish the current situation with pregabalin among principally European countries. Personnel from 33 regional and national health authorities mainly from Europe, and nine from universities across Europe working as advisers to health authorities or with insight into their activities, were surveyed regarding four specific questions via email to shed light on the current situation with Lyrica and pregabalin in their country. The information collated from each country was subsequently checked for accuracy with each co-author by email and face-to-face contact and collated into five tables. The scenarios ranged from extending the patent life of Lyrica (e.g. France), endorsing the prescribing of Lyrica for neuropathic pain (e.g. Catalonia and South Korea), and current prescribing of pregabablin for all indications (e.g. Serbia and Germany). Little activity has taken place in European countries in which generic pregabalin is not yet reimbursed. The availability of generic pregabalin has prompted a number of different activities to be undertaken among the 33 countries and regions surveyed. The situation in Serbia and the historic situation in Germany provide examples of ways to maximize savings once a product loses its patent for at least one indication

    Technical monuments - the local railway - Tábor - Bechyně

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    This thesis deals with the history of the rail link in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. It describes the evolution path from the first koněspřežných lines to today's high-speed trains. Important are also the advantages and disadvantages of rail transport, and how it contributed to the development path of each region. It also deals with the impact of railroads on the population. Besides the main line of work is focused primarily on the local track (the local track). Specifically, the first electrified the local track in Austria-Hungary, distance from Tábor to Bechyně, which is accompanied by photographic documentation of background, line and technical elements that were used. For the local track has produced a large portion of the electric equipment František Křižík and therefore this work is a treatise on his life and activities at the track

    Safety by European Championship in Football 2008

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    Import 01/09/2009Práce popisuje bezpečnostní opatření a spolupráci jednotlivých složek pořádkových a bezpečnostních sil během Mistrovství Evropy v kopané Euro 2008, konané ve Švýcarsku a Rakousku. Najdete zde popisy jednotlivých pořadatelských stadionů a výčet bezpečnostních hrozeb a v souvislosti s nimi opatření, která byla prováděna pořadateli turnaje. Dále je uveden stručný seznam chuligánských skupin jednotlivých zúčastněných států, nastiňuje problematiku bezpečnosti na fotbalových stadionech, popisuje společnou bezpečnostní strategii zemí pořádajících šampionát a zmiňuje charakteristiku jednotlivých pořádkových složek a jejich spolupráci na státní i mezinárodní úrovni.The work describes the security measures and cooperation between the different components of the police and security forces during the European football championship Euro 2008, held in Switzerland and Austria. You will find descriptions of the various stadiums and organizing a list of security threats in connection with the measures that were implemented the tournament organizer. Furthermore, a brief list of groups of hooligans individual participating states, outlines the security at football stadiums, describes common security strategy for the organizing country championship, and refers to the characteristics of individual components of the police and their cooperation at national and international level.Prezenční030 - Katedra požární ochrany a ochrany obyvatelstvavýborn

    Electrostatic precipitators

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    katedra elektroenergetik

    Revitalization of the camera system in the cadastral area of Orlová

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    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na zhodnocení bezpečnostních hrozeb, popis stávajícího kamerového systému a na návrh jeho rozšíření ve městě Orlová. Práce je rozdělena do několika částí. V první části jsou popsány typy kamer a rozdělení kamerových systémů, základní informace o městě a popis současného umístění kamer ve městě. Další kapitola je zaměřena na analýzu rizik vyhodnocenou na základě koncepce prevence kriminality vydávanou Městskou policií Orlová s cílem nejvýznamnější rizika a kritická místa vytipovat. V poslední části jsou, na základě získaných dat z předchozí analýzy, uvedeny návrhy nových míst pro umístění kamer v Orlové.The diploma thesis is focused on evaluation of security threats, description of the existing camera system and proposal of its extension in Orlová. The thesis is divided into several parts. The first part describes cameras and types of camera systems, basic information about a city and a description of the current location of cameras in Orlová. Another part is focused on the risk analysis evaluated on the basis of the crime prevention concept issued by the Orlová municipal police with the aim to identifying the most significant risks and critical points. In the last part, based on the data obtained from the previous analysis, there are presented suggestions of new places for camera placement in Orlová.060 - Katedra bezpečnostních služebdobř

    Expansion into new market by Czech Company

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    Cílem této diplomové práce je vypracování návrhů možností vstupu české firmy Choketopus na trh Spojených států amerických. Práce je rozdělena do tří částí. První část je teoretická a popisuje vznik nadnárodních společností a možnosti vstupu společností na zahraniční trhy. Druhá část je praktická a věnuje se analýze vnitřního a vnějšího prostředí firmy. Prvky vnitřní analýzy jsou působení firmy na domácím trhu, její produktové portfolio a marketingový mix. Analýza vnějšího prostředí se zaměřuje na podnikatelské a konkurenční prostředí Spojených států. Ve třetí části jsou na základě analýzy navrženy možnosti firmy pro vstup na zahraniční trh, cíle, časový plán a klíčové ukazatele výkonu.The goal of this diploma thesis is suggesting the possibilities of entering the market of United States for Czech company called Choketopus. Thesis is divided in three parts. The first part is theoretical and describes establishment of transnational companies and possibilities of entering a foreign market. The second part is practical and focuses on analysis of internal and external environment of the company. The features of internal analysis are the activity of the company on domestic market, product portfolio and marketing mix. The features of external analysis are business environment and competition on the market of United States. In the third part are suggestions of entering the new market, goals, action plan and key performance indicators, based on previous analysis