32 research outputs found

    Strategies to enhance properties of 3D-printed ceramics

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    Technologies of additive manufacturing (AM) impress with the ability of fabricating ceramic parts of high precision and complexity. However, their mechanical performance may be affected by printing process-related parameters as compared to conventionally processed ceramics. To improve strength and damage tolerance of 3D-printed alumina-based ceramics, two different approaches have been investigated, focusing on microstructural and architectural design. (i) High strength alumina based on a multilayer design: A-B-A laminates of (A) alumina and (B) alumina-zirconia materials were additive manufactured using the 2K-lithography-based ceramic manufacturing (LCM) technology. Through mismatching thermal expansions of the different materials, compressive residual stresses were induced into the surface alumina layers during cooling after sintering. A biaxial strength of 1 GPa was obtained, in comparison to 650 MPa on 3D-printed bulk alumina.[1] (ii) Damage tolerance alumina: Textured alumina ceramics were 3D-printed by applying the method of templated grain growth. Through shear forces, occurring during the printing process, aligned high aspect ratio templates grew due to the dissolution and precipitation of surrounding submicron-sized powder particles. As a result, anisotropic crystallographic properties as well as the morphology of the textured grains led to a biaxial strength of 670 MPa, compared to 570 MPa measured on equiaxed alumina sintered under the same conditions. Additionally, toughening mechanisms as crack deflection, bifurcation and even crack arrest could be observed, leading to an enhanced damage tolerance.[2] These two strategies may be applied to other 3D-printed ceramic materials and systems of more complex geometry to enhance their structural properties

    Lithography-based ceramic manufacture (LCM) of auxetic structures: present capabilities and challenges

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    Auxetic metamaterials are known for having a negative Poisson's ratio (NPR) and for displaying the unexpected properties of lateral expansion when stretched and densification when compressed. Even though a wide set of micro-manufacturing resources have been used for the development of auxetic metamaterials and related devices, additional precision and an extension to other families of materials is needed for their industrial expansion. In addition, their manufacture using ceramic materials is still challenging. In this study we present a very promising approach for the development of auxetic metamaterials and devices based on the use of lithography-based ceramic manufacturing. The process stands out for its precision and complex three-dimensional geometries attainable, without the need of supporting structures, and for enabling the manufacture of ceramic auxetics with their geometry controlled from the design stage with micrometric precision. To our knowledge it represents the first example of application of this technology to the manufacture of auxetic geometries using ceramic materials. We have used a special three-dimensional auxetic design whose remarkable NPR has been previously highlighted

    Digital light processing stereolithography of hydroxyapatite scaffolds with bone-like architecture, permeability, and mechanical properties

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    AbstractThis work deals with the additive manufacturing and characterization of hydroxyapatite scaffolds mimicking the trabecular architecture of cancellous bone. A novel approach was proposed relying on stereolithographic technology, which builds foam‐like ceramic scaffolds by using three‐dimensional (3D) micro‐tomographic reconstructions of polymeric sponges as virtual templates for the manufacturing process. The layer‐by‐layer fabrication process involves the selective polymerization of a photocurable resin in which hydroxyapatite particles are homogeneously dispersed. Irradiation is performed by a dynamic mask that projects blue light onto the slurry. After sintering, highly‐porous hydroxyapatite scaffolds (total porosity ~0.80, pore size 100‐800 µm) replicating the 3D open‐cell architecture of the polymeric template as well as spongy bone were obtained. Intrinsic permeability of scaffolds was determined by measuring laminar airflow alternating pressure wave drops and was found to be within 0.75‐1.74 × 10−9 m2, which is comparable to the range of human cancellous bone. Compressive tests were also carried out in order to determine the strength (~1.60 MPa), elastic modulus (~513 MPa) and Weibull modulus (m = 2.2) of the scaffolds. Overall, the fabrication strategy used to print hydroxyapatite scaffolds (tomographic imaging combined with digital mirror device [DMD]‐based stereolithography) shows great promise for the development of porous bioceramics with bone‐like architecture and mass transport properties

    3D-Printed piezoelectric actuators

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    Usually smart piezoelectric actuators are driven far away from their resonances to avoid control and design efforts. Being in a sharp contrast to that we propose actuator designs, that consider the structural conformity of structurally integrated actuators. This strategy requires perfect impedance-matched actuators, whereas their transfer functions are matched to the structural system of interest. Consequently the actuator characteristics are not linear anymore. The main advantage of structurally conformed actuators is a perfect power transfer to the mechanical structures. But we have to innovate a paradigm shift: such low-energy concepts require a simultaneous design of all components from the very first beginning. Furthermore we found out, that such high-sophisticated actuators have extreme complex topologies, especially in three-dimensional cases. Additive manufacturing seems to be the most-promising fabrication method for impedance-matched actuators even against the background, that we have to develop a print technique for piezoelectric materials. In this presentation we will explain the concept of low-energy actuators that can be highly loaded, yielding in completely new actuator geometries. We will present 3D-printing techniques for piezoelectric materials and we will propose several new actuator types. Experimental results prove the performance of 3D-printed piezoelectric actuators

    Lithography-based addtive manufacture of ceramic biodevices with design-controlled surface topographies

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    The possibility of manufacturing textured materials and devices, with surface properties controlled from the design stage, instead of being the result of machining processes or chemical attacks, is a key factor for the incorporation of advanced functionalities to a wide set of micro- and nanosystems. High-precision additive manufacturing (AM) technologies based on photopolymerization, together with the use of fractal models linked to computer-aided design tools, allow for a precise definition of final surface properties. However, the polymeric master parts obtained with most commercial systems are usually inadequate for biomedical purposes and their limited strength and size prevents many potential applications. On the other hand, additive manufacturing technologies aimed at the production of final parts, normally based on layer-by-layer melting or sintering ceramic or metallic powders, do not always provide the required precision for obtaining controlled micro-structured surfaces with high-aspect-ratio details. Towards the desired degree of precision and performance, lithography-based ceramic manufacture is a remarkable option, as we discuss in the present study, which presents the development of two different micro-textured biodevices for cell culture. Results show a remarkable control of the surface topography of ceramic parts and the possibility of obtaining design-controlled micro-structured surfaces with high-aspect-ratio micro-metric details

    Die Sandvegetation am Seedamm im Nationalpark Neusiedlersee-Seewinkel

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    Im Rahmen dieser Masterarbeit wurden ausgewählte Sandflächen entlang des Seedamms im Nationalpark Neusiedlersee-Seewinkel dokumentiert. Die Flächen zeigten eine unterschiedliche Vegetationsbedeckung, zwischen 25 - 74%. Die Vegetationsaufnahmen wurden im August 2010 sowie im April, Mai und August 2011 durchgeführt. Drei unterschiedliche Methoden (Line-Point Methode, Abundanz Methode, modifizierte Methode nach Braun-Blanquet) wurden angewandt. Die untersuchten Flächen wiesen zum Teil sehr unterschiedliche Artenspektren auf. Auf den allermeisten Flächen zeigte sich die Dominanz von 2 Arten (Cynodon dactylon, Artemisia campestris), doch hatte dies relativ wenig Auswirkung auf das Vorkommen anderer, zum Teil gefährdeter Arten. Einzelne Arten waren allerdings nur mit wenigen Individuen auf den Probeflächen vertreten, wobei es andererseits gelegentlich zu Massenvorkommen einzelner, teils gefährdeter Arten kam (z.B. Plantago arenaria, Erysimum diffusum, seltener auch Silene conica). Insgesamt wurden 64 Arten gefunden, inklusive 18 Rote-Liste-Arten, darunter auch besonders vom Aussterben gefährdete Arten (Chondrilla juncea, Silene conica und Trigonella procumbens). Die biogeographische Verbreitung der im Untersuchungsgebiet angetroffenen Arten entsprach dem im pannonischen Raum Ostösterreichs typischen Muster, mit Schwerpunkt (sub)mediterran bzw. (sub)kontinental. Ein Vergleich mit älteren Daten von Bojko, der 1934 ähnliche Flächen entlang des Seedammes untersuchte, ergab zum Teil sehr deutliche Veränderungen. Einerseits ist Onobrychis arenaria verschwunden, andererseits treten neue, zum Teil sehr seltene Arten hinzu (Trigonella procumbens, Medicago minima, Medicago monspeliaca). Auffällig ist, dass Bojko Artemisia campestris auf den Sandflächen nicht erwähnte, und nur Cynodon dactylon als dominierende Art auswies. Zum nachhaltigen Schutz der noch vorhandenen wertvollen Sandflächen im Nationalpark Neusiedlersee-Seewinkel sollten auch weiterhin entsprechende Managementprogramme weiterlaufen, wobei das Offenhalten der Sandflächen durch Beweidung oder anderer Maßnahmen von zentraler Bedeutung ist

    Machine learning assisted material development for lithography-based additive manufacturing of porous alumina ceramics

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    The transition of applying ceramic additive manufacturing (AM) from prototyping to mass production and from monolithic to multi-material (MM) components can be supported by continual development in materials and processes. Lithography-based ceramic manufacturing (LCM) can be used for MM printing of ceramics with high accuracy by introducing different approaches that enable discrete/smooth multidirectional material transitions. Adaptation of ceramic slurries plays important role for the successful printing and co-sintering. Especially for co-sintering, the shrinkage of the materials must be adapted so that no internal residual stresses occur. Machine learning (ML) offers promising opportunities for development of new materials and optimization of processes in AM by introducing relations between input features and output responses. In this article, ML algorithms were used for the prediction of shrinkage and porosity of alumina samples dependent on input features including material, printing, and thermal processing parameters so that defect-free porous/dense alumina combination can be achieved

    Modelling the Mechanical Properties of Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds Produced by Digital Light Processing-Based Vat Photopolymerization

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    Porosity is a key feature in dictating the overall performance of biomedical scaffolds, with special relevance to mechanical properties. Usually, compressive strength and elastic modulus are the main parameters used to determine the potential mechanical suitability of porous scaffolds for bone repair. However, their assessment may not be so easy from an experimental viewpoint and, especially if the porosity is high, so reliable for brittle bioceramic foams. Hence, assessing the relationship between porosity and mechanical properties based only on the constitutive parameters of the solid material is a challenging and important task to predict the scaffold performance for optimization during design. In this work, a set of equations was used to predict the compressive strength and elastic modulus of bone-like hydroxyapatite scaffolds produced by digital light processing-based vat photopolymerization (total porosity about 80 vol.%). The compressive strength was found to depend on total porosity, following a power-law approximation. The relationship between porosity and elastic modulus was well fitted by second-order power law, with relative density and computational models obtained by numerical simulations

    Additive Fertigung keramischer Schneidstoffe

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    Die additive Fertigung von Schneidstoffen hat das Potenzial, leistungsfähigere Zerspanungswerkzeuge zu ermöglichen. Das Lithography-based Ceramic-Manufacturing-(LCM)-Verfahren erlaubt die Fertigung hochbelastbarer Bauteile aus Keramik. Dieser Beitrag stellt zum einen das LCM-Verfahren und zum anderen die Entwicklung additiv herstellbarer Wendeschneidplatten vor. Zuletzt erfolgt die Überprüfung der Funktions‧tauglichkeit von additiv hergestellten keramischen Wendeschneidplatten in Außenlängsdrehversuchen mit vermicularem Gusseisen (GJV-450)