124 research outputs found

    Mixed Map Labeling

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    Point feature map labeling is a geometric problem, in which a set of input points must be labeled with a set of disjoint rectangles (the bounding boxes of the label texts). Typically, labeling models either use internal labels, which must touch their feature point, or external (boundary) labels, which are placed on one of the four sides of the input points' bounding box and which are connected to their feature points by crossing-free leader lines. In this paper we study polynomial-time algorithms for maximizing the number of internal labels in a mixed labeling model that combines internal and external labels. The model requires that all leaders are parallel to a given orientation θ[0,2π)\theta \in [0,2\pi), whose value influences the geometric properties and hence the running times of our algorithms.Comment: Full version for the paper accepted at CIAC 201

    Experimental Evaluation of Book Drawing Algorithms

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    A kk-page book drawing of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) consists of a linear ordering of its vertices along a spine and an assignment of each edge to one of the kk pages, which are half-planes bounded by the spine. In a book drawing, two edges cross if and only if they are assigned to the same page and their vertices alternate along the spine. Crossing minimization in a kk-page book drawing is NP-hard, yet book drawings have multiple applications in visualization and beyond. Therefore several heuristic book drawing algorithms exist, but there is no broader comparative study on their relative performance. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive benchmark set of challenging graph classes for book drawing algorithms and provide an extensive experimental study of the performance of existing book drawing algorithms.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2017

    Partitioning Graph Drawings and Triangulated Simple Polygons into Greedily Routable Regions

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    A greedily routable region (GRR) is a closed subset of R2\mathbb R^2, in which each destination point can be reached from each starting point by choosing the direction with maximum reduction of the distance to the destination in each point of the path. Recently, Tan and Kermarrec proposed a geographic routing protocol for dense wireless sensor networks based on decomposing the network area into a small number of interior-disjoint GRRs. They showed that minimum decomposition is NP-hard for polygons with holes. We consider minimum GRR decomposition for plane straight-line drawings of graphs. Here, GRRs coincide with self-approaching drawings of trees, a drawing style which has become a popular research topic in graph drawing. We show that minimum decomposition is still NP-hard for graphs with cycles, but can be solved optimally for trees in polynomial time. Additionally, we give a 2-approximation for simple polygons, if a given triangulation has to be respected.Comment: full version of a paper appearing in ISAAC 201

    Recognizing Weighted Disk Contact Graphs

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    Disk contact representations realize graphs by mapping vertices bijectively to interior-disjoint disks in the plane such that two disks touch each other if and only if the corresponding vertices are adjacent in the graph. Deciding whether a vertex-weighted planar graph can be realized such that the disks' radii coincide with the vertex weights is known to be NP-hard. In this work, we reduce the gap between hardness and tractability by analyzing the problem for special graph classes. We show that it remains NP-hard for outerplanar graphs with unit weights and for stars with arbitrary weights, strengthening the previous hardness results. On the positive side, we present constructive linear-time recognition algorithms for caterpillars with unit weights and for embedded stars with arbitrary weights.Comment: 24 pages, 21 figures, extended version of a paper to appear at the International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD) 201

    Drawing Binary Tanglegrams: An Experimental Evaluation

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    A binary tanglegram is a pair of binary trees whose leaf sets are in one-to-one correspondence; matching leaves are connected by inter-tree edges. For applications, for example in phylogenetics or software engineering, it is required that the individual trees are drawn crossing-free. A natural optimization problem, denoted tanglegram layout problem, is thus to minimize the number of crossings between inter-tree edges. The tanglegram layout problem is NP-hard and is currently considered both in application domains and theory. In this paper we present an experimental comparison of a recursive algorithm of Buchin et al., our variant of their algorithm, the algorithm hierarchy sort of Holten and van Wijk, and an integer quadratic program that yields optimal solutions.Comment: see http://www.siam.org/proceedings/alenex/2009/alx09_011_nollenburgm.pd

    Computing Hive Plots: A Combinatorial Framework

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    Hive plots are a graph visualization style placing vertices on a set of radial axes emanating from a common center and drawing edges as smooth curves connecting their respective endpoints. In previous work on hive plots, assignment to an axis and vertex positions on each axis were determined based on selected vertex attributes and the order of axes was prespecified. Here, we present a new framework focusing on combinatorial aspects of these drawings to extend the original hive plot idea and optimize visual properties such as the total edge length and the number of edge crossings in the resulting hive plots. Our framework comprises three steps: (1) partition the vertices into multiple groups, each corresponding to an axis of the hive plot; (2) optimize the cyclic axis order to bring more strongly connected groups near each other; (3) optimize the vertex ordering on each axis to minimize edge crossings. Each of the three steps is related to a well-studied, but NP-complete computational problem. We combine and adapt suitable algorithmic approaches, implement them as an instantiation of our framework and show in a case study how it can be applied in a practical setting. Furthermore, we conduct computational experiments to gain further insights regarding algorithmic choices of the framework. The code of the implementation and a prototype web application can be found on OSF.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2023

    Optimal 3D Angular Resolution for Low-Degree Graphs

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    We show that every graph of maximum degree three can be drawn in three dimensions with at most two bends per edge, and with 120-degree angles between any two edge segments meeting at a vertex or a bend. We show that every graph of maximum degree four can be drawn in three dimensions with at most three bends per edge, and with 109.5-degree angles, i.e., the angular resolution of the diamond lattice, between any two edge segments meeting at a vertex or bend.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures. Extended version of paper to appear in Proc. 18th Int. Symp. Graph Drawing, Konstanz, Germany, 201