4,750 research outputs found

    Anticipation and Adaptation in Particulate Matter Policy: The European Union, the Netherlands, and United States

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    The evolution of particulate matter (PM) air quality policy in the European Union and in the United States between 1970 and the present has been atypical. The US government and the European Commission have mandated scheduled reviews of PM policy over the past three decades and have updated that policy to new scientific information on multiple occasions. The use of planned adaptation over such a long period and in this manner, as a means to deal with uncertainty, has not often been reproduced in air quality policy. Furthermore, particulate matter policy in the EU and US does not conform to the commonly held perception that the EU’s environmental policies are, by and large, more precautionary than the respective policies in the United States. The US decisions to adopt air quality standards for PM10 and PM2.5, in 1987 and 1997 respectively, led those in the EU by approximately nine years. An analysis of the comparative stringency of the PM standards in the US and EU shows that the PM2.5 standard the US implemented in 1997 is more stringent than the standards that have been proposed in the EU by the European Commission and the European Parliament. In September this year, the US repealed their annual standard for PM10. Prior to that, however, the annual PM10 standard the EU implemented in 1999 was more stringent than the one the US adopted in 1987. The daily PM10 standards in the EU and US are of similar stringency. In the Appendix, these comparisons in stringency are discussed in more detail. The differences between the EU and US policies are remarkable because they are based on the same science and therefore reflect dissimilar processes of interpreting that science and the uncertainties inherent in it. The two cases themselves focus on the sciencepolicy interfaces for their respective governing bodies. The EU case also looks at the science-policy interface in the Netherlands. The US case also examines policies for sulfur dioxides that relate to the PM policies. The remainder of this summary discusses how characteristics of the science-policy interfaces may have led to the differences in outcomes

    Deformed wing virus variant shift from 2010 to 2016 in managed and feral UK honey bee colonies

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    Deformed wing virus (DWV) has been linked to the global decline of honey bees. DWV exists as three master variants (DWV-A, DWV-B, and DWV-C), each with differing outcomes for the honey bee host. Research in the USA showed a shift from DWV-A to DWV-B between 2010 to 2016 in honey bee colonies. Likewise, in the UK, a small study in 2007 found only DWV-A, whereas in 2016, DWV-B was the most prevalent variant. This suggests a shift from DWV-A to DWV-B might have occurred in the UK between 2007 and 2016. To investigate this further, data from samples collected in 2009/10 (n = 46) were compared to existing data from 2016 (n = 42). These samples also allowed a comparison of DWV variants between Varroa-untreated (feral) and Varroa-treated (managed) colonies. The results revealed that, in the UK, DWV-A was far more prevalent in 2009/10 (87%) than in 2016 (43%). In contrast, DWV-B was less prevalent in 2009/10 (76%) than in 2016 (93%). Regardless if colonies had been treated for Varroa (managed) or not (feral), the same trend from DWV-A to DWV-B occurred. Overall, the results reveal a decrease in DWV-A and an increase in DWV-B in UK colonies

    Gene dosage compensation calibrates four regulatory RNAs to control Vibrio cholerae quorum sensing

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    Quorum sensing is a mechanism of cell-to-cell communication that allows bacteria to coordinately regulate gene expression in response to changes in cell-population density. At the core of the Vibrio cholerae quorum-sensing signal transduction pathway reside four homologous small RNAs (sRNAs), named the quorum regulatory RNAs 1–4 (Qrr1–4). The four Qrr sRNAs are functionally redundant. That is, expression of any one of them is sufficient for wild-type quorum-sensing behaviour. Here, we show that the combined action of two feedback loops, one involving the sRNA-activator LuxO and one involving the sRNA-target HapR, promotes gene dosage compensation between the four qrr genes. Gene dosage compensation adjusts the total Qrr1–4 sRNA pool and provides the molecular mechanism underlying sRNA redundancy. The dosage compensation mechanism is exquisitely sensitive to small perturbations in Qrr levels. Precisely maintained Qrr levels are required to direct the proper timing and correct patterns of expression of quorum-sensing-regulated target genes

    A comparative study of Tam3 and Ac transposition in transgenic tobacco and petunia plants

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    Transposition of the Anthirrinum majus Tam3 element and the Zea mays Ac element has been monitored in petunia and tobacco plants. Plant vectors were constructed with the transposable elements cloned into the leader sequence of a marker gene. Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated leaf disc transformation was used to introduce the transposable element constructs into plant cells. In transgenic plants, excision of the transposable element restores gene expression and results in a clearly distinguishable phenotype. Based on restored expression of the hygromycin phosphotransferase II (HPTII) gene, we established that Tam3 excises in 30% of the transformed petunia plants and in 60% of the transformed tobacco plants. Ac excises from the HPTII gene with comparable frequencies (30%) in both plant species. When the β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene was used to detect transposition of Tam3, a significantly lower excision frequency (13%) was found in both plant species. It could be shown that deletion of parts of the transposable elements Tam3 and Ac, removing either one of the terminal inverted repeats (TIR) or part of the presumptive transposase coding region, abolished the excision from the marker genes. This demonstrates that excision of the transposable element Tam3 in heterologous plant species, as documented for the autonomous element Ac, also depends on both properties. Southern blot hybridization shows the expected excision pattern and the reintegration of Tam3 and Ac elements into the genome of tobacco plants.

    Folic acid deficiency optic neuropathy: A case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Nutritional optic neuropathies are uncommon and can be associated with gradual visual loss and optic atrophy or sudden vision loss and optic disc swelling.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 44-year-old woman presented with a 4-week history of progressive visual loss and was noted to have bilateral retrobulbar optic neuropathy. No other clinical abnormality was noted. Investigations revealed severe folate deficiency with normal vitamin B12 levels. Her alcohol and tobacco consumption was moderate and subsequent correction of folate levels with oral supplementation has led to improvement in her visual acuity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This case highlights an unusual presentation of folic acid deficiency that may present to the general physician.</p

    Incidence and drug treatment of emotional distress after cancer diagnosis : a matched primary care case-control study

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    Notes This work is published under the standard license to publish agreement. After 12 months the work will become freely available and the license terms will switch to a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.Peer reviewedPublisher PD