569 research outputs found

    What determines the properties of the X-ray jets in FR-I radio galaxies?

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    We present the first large sample investigation of the properties of jets in Fanaroff and Riley type I radio galaxies (FR-I) based on data from the Chandra archive. We explore relations between the properties of the jets and the properties of host galaxies in which they reside. We find previously unknown correlations to exist, relating photon index, volume emissivity, jet volume and luminosity, and find that the previously long held assumption of a relationship between luminosities at radio and X-ray wavelengths is linear in nature when bona fide FR-I radio galaxies are considered. In addition, we attempt to constrain properties which may play a key role in determination of the diffuse emission process. We test a simple model in which large-scale magnetic field variations are primarily responsible for determining jet properties; however, we find that this model is inconsistent with our best estimates of the relative magnetic field strength in our sample. Models of particle acceleration should attempt to account for our results if they are to describe FR-I jets accurately.Comment: 14 Pages, 2 Figures, 9 Tables, Final Version, Published in MNRA

    A VLA Study of 15 3CR Radio Galaxies

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    We present VLA radio maps in total intensity and polarization at 1.4, 4.9 and 8.4 GHz of fifteen 3CR radio galaxies for which good maps showing the large-scale radio structure have not previously been available. Previously unknown cores are detected in several sources and a bright one-sided jet in 3C 287.1 is mapped for the first time; several other jet-like features are also imaged. Total and core fluxes are tabulated and radio core positions are listed and compared to optical positions. The galaxy at the optical position listed for 3C 169.1 is found to lie farther from the radio core position than another dimmer, bluer galaxy. We discuss individual sources in some detail.Comment: 35 pages, 22 figures but 35 separate Postscript figure files, AASTeX, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Supplemen

    Probing gaseous halos of galaxies with radio jets

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    Reproduced with permission from Astronomy & Astrophysics. © 2019 ESOContext. Gaseous halos play a key role in understanding inflow, feedback, and the overall baryon budget in galaxies. Literature models predict transitions of the state of the gaseous halo between cold and hot accretion, winds, fountains, and hydrostatic halos at certain galaxy masses. Since luminosities of radio AGN are sensitive to halo densities, any significant transition would be expected to show up in the radio luminosities of large samples of galaxies. The LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) Two-Metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) has identified a galaxy stellar mass scale, 10 11 M ⊙, above which the radio luminosities increase disproportionately. Aims. We investigate if radio luminosities of galaxies, especially the marked rise at galaxy masses around 10 11 M ⊙, can be explained with standard assumptions regarding jet powers, scaling between black hole mass and galaxy mass, and gaseous halos. Methods. Based on observational data and theoretical constraints, we developed models for the radio luminosity of radio AGN in halos under infall, galactic wind, and hydrostatic conditions. We compared these models to LoTSS data for a large sample of galaxies in the mass range between 10 8.5 M ⊙ and 10 12 M ⊙. Results. Under the assumption that the same characteristic upper limit to jet powers known from high galaxy masses holds at all masses, we find the maximum radio luminosities for the hydrostatic gas halos to lie close to the upper envelope of the distribution of the LOFAR data. The marked rise in radio luminosity at 10 11 M ⊙ is matched in our model and is related to a significant change in halo gas density around this galaxy mass, which is a consequence of lower cooling rates at a higher virial temperature. Wind and infall models overpredict the radio luminosities for small galaxy masses and have no particular steepening of the run of the radio luminosities predicted at any galaxy mass. Conclusions. Radio AGN could have the same characteristic Eddington-scaled upper limit to jet powers in galaxies of all masses in the sample if the galaxies have hydrostatic gas halos in phases when radio AGN are active. We find no evidence of a change of the type of galaxy halo with the galaxy mass. Galactic winds and quasi-spherical cosmological inflow phases cannot frequently occur at the same time as powerful jet episodes unless the jet properties in these phases are significantly different from what we assumed in our model.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    A Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach for measurement of jet precession in radio-loud active galactic nuclei

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    © 2020 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.Jet precession can reveal the presence of binary systems of supermassive black holes. The ability to accurately measure the parameters of jet precession from radio-loud AGN is important for constraining the binary supermassive black hole population, which are expected as a result of hierarchical galaxy evolution. The age, morphology, and orientation along the line of sight of a given source often result in uncertainties regarding jet path. This paper presents a new approach for efficient determination of precession parameters using a 2D MCMC curve-fitting algorithm which provides us a full posterior probability distribution on the fitted parameters. Applying the method to Cygnus A, we find evidence for previous suggestions that the source is precessing. Interpreted in the context of binary black holes leads to a constraint of parsec scale and likely sub-parsec orbital separation for the putative supermassive binary.Peer reviewe

    Numerical modelling of the lobes of radio galaxies in cluster environments – III. Powerful relativistic and non-relativistic jets

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    We present results from two suites of simulations of powerful radio galaxies in poor cluster environments, with a focus on the formation and evolution of the radio lobes. One suite of models uses relativistic hydrodynamics and the other relativistic magnetohydrodynamics; both are set up to cover a range of jet powers and velocities. The dynamics of the lobes are shown to be in good agreement with analytical models and with previous numerical models, confirming in the relativistic regime that the observed widths of radio lobes may be explained if they are driven by very light jets. The ratio of energy stored in the radio lobes to that put into the intracluster gas is seen to be the same regardless of jet power, jet velocity or simulation type, suggesting that we have a robust understanding of the work done on the ambient gas by this type of radio source. For the most powerful jets, we at times find magnetic field amplification by up to a factor of 2 in energy, but mostly the magnetic energy in the lobes is consistent with the magnetic energy injected. We confirm our earlier result that for jets with a toroidally injected magnetic field, the field in the lobes is predominantly aligned with the jet axis once the lobes are well developed, and that this leads to radio flux anisotropies of up to a factor of about two for mature sources. We reproduce the relationship between 151 MHz luminosity and jet power determined analytically in the literature.Peer reviewe

    3D Hydrodynamic Simulations of Large-Scale Precessing Jets : Radio Morphology

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society] ©: 2020 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. The final published version is available at: https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/staa3020.The prospect of relativistic jets exhibiting complex morphologies as a consequence of geodetic precession has long been hypothesised. We have carried out a 3D hydrodynamics simulation study varying the precession cone angle, jet injection speed and number of turns per simulation time. Using proxies for the radio emission we project the sources with different inclinations to the line of sight to the observer. We find that a number of different precession combinations result in characteristic `X' shaped sources which are frequently observed in radio data, and some precessing jet morphologies may mimic the morphological signatures of restarting radio sources. We look at jets ranging in scale from tens to hundreds of kiloparsecs and develop tools for identifying known precession indicators of point symmetry, curvature and jet misalignment from the lobe axis and show that, based on our simulation sample of precessing and non-precessing jets, a radio source that displays any of these indicators has a 98% chance of being a precessing source.Peer reviewe

    "Relic jet activity in “Hanny’s Voorwerp” revealed by the LOFAR Two metre Sky Survey"

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    © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).We report new observations of "Hanny's Voorwerp" (hereafter HV) taken from the second data release of the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS). HV is a highly-ionised region in the environs of the galaxy IC2497, first discovered by the Galaxy Zoo project. The new 150MHz observations are considered in the context of existing multi-frequency radio data and archival narrow-band imaging from the Hubble Space Telescope, centred on the [Oiii] emission line. The combined sensitivity and spatial resolution of the LoTSS data -- which far exceed what was previously available at radio frequencies -- reveal clear evidence for large-scale extended emission emanating from the nucleus of IC2497. The radio jet appears to have punched a hole in the neutral gas halo, in a region co-located with HV. The new 150MHz data, alongside newly-processed archival 1.64GHz eVLA data, reveal that the extended emission has a steep spectrum, implying an age >108>10^8yr. The jet supplying the extended 150MHz structure must have "turned off" long before the change in X-ray luminosity reported in recent works. In this picture, a combination of jet activity and the influence of the radiatively efficient active galactic nucleus are responsible for the unusual appearance of HV.Peer reviewe

    A minimum price per unit of alcohol: A focus group study to investigate public opinion concerning UK government proposals to introduce of new price controls to curb alcohol consumption.

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    UK drinkers regularly consume alcohol in excess of guideline limits. One reason for this may be the high availability of low-cost alcoholic beverages. The introduction of a minimum price per unit of alcohol policy has been proposed as a means to reduce UK alcohol consumption. However, there is little in-depth research investigating public attitudes and beliefs regarding a minimum pricing policy. The aim of the present research was to investigate people's attitudes and beliefs toward the introduction of a minimum price per unit of alcohol policy and their views on how the policy could be made acceptable to the general public
