101 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Search-solve-create-share untuk Mengembangkan Kemampuan Penalaran Matematis Berbantuan Software Geogebra 4.4

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelaah perbedaan kemampuan n penalaran matematis mahasiswa yang pembelajarannya menggunakan model SSCS tanpa bantuan geogebra, model SSCS dengan bantuan Software Geogebra 4.4 dan pembelajaran biasa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuasi eksperimen. Sampel yang diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa angkatan 2016 sebanyak tiga kelas pada mata kuliah Geometri Euclid. Dari ketiga kelas tersebut, satu kelas sebagai kelas eksperimen 1, satu kelas sebagai eksperimen 2 dan satu kelas lagi sebagai kelas kontrol. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu terdapat perbedaan kemampuan penalaran matematis antara mahasiswa yang memperoleh model pembelajaran SSCS tanpa Geogebra, model SSCS berbantuan Geogebra dan model pembelajaran biasa. Kemampuan penalaran matematis tergolong cukup baik

    Pengaruh Penambahan Eco Enzyme Kulit Nanas Terhadap Hasil Tiga Varietas Sawi Pakcoy (Brassica chinensis L.) Pada Hidroponik Wick System

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    Pakcoy merupakan salah satu tanaman hortikultura yang banyak dibudidayakan secara hidroponik. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui perbedaan hasil dari beberapa varietas pakcoy dan pengaruh eco enzyme terhadap hasil tanaman beserta interaksi antara keduanya. Penelitian ini dilakukan di greenhouse Agrotechno Park Universitas Jember pada bulan Agustus-Oktober 2022. Rancangan yang digunakan yaitu Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial. Faktor  pertama yaitu varietas tanaman pakcoy dengan tiga taraf perlakuan (Pakcoy Hijau Var. Nauli, Pakcoy Merah Var. Xandria, dan Pakcoy Putih Var. Dakota) dan faktor kedua yaitu dosis eco enzyme dengan 4 taraf perlakuan (AB Mix, AB Mix+eco enzyme 10 ml/l, AB Mix+eco enzyme 15 ml/l, dan AB Mix+eco enzyme 20 ml/l). Parameter yang diamati diantaranya yaitu tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, luas daun, diameter batang, panjang akar, volume akar, berat basah, berat kering, dan kadar klorofil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat interaksi antara perlakuan varietas dan dosis eco enzyme terhadap hasil tanaman pakcoy yang didominasi oleh kombinasi perlakuan P1E1 (Pakcoy Hijau Var. Nauli X AB Mix+eco enzyme 10 ml/l). Namun, secara umum perlakuan E1 (AB Mix+eco enzyme 10 ml/l) tidak berbeda nyata dengan perlakuan E0 (AB Mix)


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    This paper investigates students’ perception on the use of Geschool in learning English during Covid-19 pandemic at SMPN 33 Padang. This study employed a descriptive quantitative method. A set of questionnaires has been distributed to a sample of 92 students of VIII grade SMPN 33 Padang. The findings indicated that the students have positive perceptions toward the use of Geschool in learning English. However, there were several challenges that were faced by the students such as poor connection, lack of knowledge about the internet in computers, the problem about data packages, and the last problem about less communication and interaction. In summary, overall data still shows that the respondents have a good perception on the use of Geschool in learning English during covid-19 pandemic although faced several challenges

    The Existence of Women's Entrepreneurship in the VUCA Era: Analyzing The Role of Socio-Cultural Support System and Financing on MSMEs

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    The challenge for MSMEs in the digital era is the emergence of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity or VUCA, so that the role of socio-cultural support systems and relevant financing is needed for MSMEs, especially those based on women's entrepreneurship. This study aims to analyze how the role of the socio-cultural support system and financing in the development of women entrepreneurship-based MSMEs. This research is quantitative with survey method. Research data were collected through interviews; focus group discussions (FGDs); and surveys of respondents of women entrepreneurship-based MSMEs. Based on the research results, it is known that women entrepreneurship MSMEs can face the VUCA era through the role of the socio-cultural support system, especially dimension_a and dimension_b in developing their business. Then, there is also the role of the financing support system, namely dimension_a and dimension_b. The existence of MSME development supported by the role of the socio-cultural support system and financing will improve the economic conditions of MSME actors in a sustainable manner, even in the VUCA era

    Developing the Students’ Ability in Understanding Mathematics and Self-confidence with VBA for Excel

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    Visual Basic Application for Excel is a simple program language and has the power to process data quickly. The utilization of math functions in Microsoft Excel can help work on Excel display more interactive so that teachers can create props inside Excel. The advantages of Microsoft Excel than other mathematical software are the many math functions and images available in the form of shapes or pictures. The availability of VBA, math and image functions in Microsoft Excel help teachers to design the creation of media related to mathematics learning, especially to develop the ability of junior high school students who have difficulty to connect mathematics lessons with basic mathematics knowledge requirements. By using VBA for Excel, the ability of junior high school students to improve in the usual way significantly with a t-test with 0.006 0.05.  Furthermore, there is an association between the students’ self-confidence and their mathematical comprehension skills with a contingency coefficient of 0.525 including a moderate association

    Social practice on Facebook: Critical discourse analysis in the process of text production

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    The study aims to identify the ways to produce text production process by Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN, or State Islamic University) students in Padang on Facebook. Documentations, observations, and in depth-interviews were used to collect data. There were 1,214 discourses found on group and personal accounts of 27 informants, and 400 discourses were taken as data of the research. The analysis was conducted by following Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis, (CDA), with the Critical Linguistics approach. The research findings show that the text production process by UIN students on Facebook were done in three ways, namely producing their own text, spreading other people’s texts that are shared from the site, and producing text as a result of consumption of other texts. Producing text itself is a way of producing text by creating its own status as a form of expression of thoughts, feelings, and experiences, without referring to other texts or texts that have been published on other walls. The form of production by spreading text from other website is the most common form of text production. Production status is a form of the author’s reaction to the text he or she understood.

    Exploring Factors That Impact on Motivation in Foreign Language Learning in the Classroom

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    In the study of second language learning, one of the most critical components is unveiling factors that impact on motivation in the classroom. Proficiency in foreign language learning is inextricably tied to motivation, in the understanding that proficiency may not take place if the learners are not strategically motivated. The effectiveness of an L2 learners’ growth may be dependent on various factors that affect motivation in the classroom. This study is an analysis of different factors that influence motivation in foreign language classroom. The study examined how different activities and situations influence the motivation of foreign language learners in the classroom. A total of 119 persons participated in the study, including high school teachers and their students. Questionnaire was used to collect the needed data, and data was analyzed using tables and graphs to discuss the factors that affect motivation in the classroom. Teaching strategy and style of learning, feedback, reward, group, class environment, technology, and punishment are the factors measured. The findings of the study indicate that teaching strategy and learning style exert huge impact on motivation, with over 39.50% of the response rate. This is closely followed by feedback and reward with about 19.32% and 12.60% respectively. The study further revealed that group has the least influence on motivation, with 2.52% value, which is lower than the impact of class environment that stands at 7.56%. It is concluded that both learners and teachers of foreign language accept that teaching strategy and learning style is the most significant factor that impacts on motivation. It is recommended for further studies to use larger study sample from different schools to explore these factors and ascertain their degree of impact on motivation in foreign language teaching and learning


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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang pencelupan kain rajut campuran Bamboo/Kapas  (60%/40% ) dengan zat warna reaktif Vinil Sulfon. Perbedaan sifat daya serap Bamboo dan kapas serta pengaruh penggunaan pH pada awal proses  dan waktu pemasukkan alkali (Na2CO3)  akan dibahas dalam penelitian ini.  Karakteristik hasil pencelupan dianalisa dengan pengujian K/S dan analisa terhadap ketahanan luntur warna setelah pencucian dan kerataan warna dengan menggunakan spektrofotometer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kondisi pH awal pencelupan, dan waktu penambahan alkali berpengaruh terhadap hasil pencelupan yang diamati. pH awal larutan, dan waktu pemasukkan alkali yang optimum pada proses pencelupan kain bamboo/ kapas metode One-Bath, adalah pH 7,5, dan waktu 10 menit dengan nilai ketuaan warna (K/S) 42,10, kerataan warna (SD K/S) 1,2031, dan ketahanan luntur warna rata – rata 4 – 5


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    Pada dasarnya benang lusi kain denim dicelup menggunakan zat warna indigo dengan proses perendaman beberapa kali (multi dip) menggunakan metoda slasher dyeing. Metoda ini menghasilkan celupan ring-dyeing, yaitu hasil pencelupan yang terkonsentrasi di permukaan benang sehingga mempermudah diperolehnya efek lusuh. Biowashing merupakan teknologi dalam proses penyempurnaan tekstil dengan memodifikasi pegangan serat menggunakan enzim selulase sebagai biokatalis dengan memutus ikatan 1,4-b-glukosida pada rantai molekul selulosa. Enzim yang digunakan adalah enzim selulase tipe netral (CellusoftĂ’CR) dengan variasi kondisi larutan pH 6, 7, 8 dengan waktu proses 10 menit, 20 menit dan 30 menit. Nilai optimum aktifitas kerja enzim selulase tipe netral (CellusoftĂ’CR) yaitu pada pH 6 selama 30 menit dengan hasil efek lusuh kain secara visual menunjukkan ranking pertama dengan nilai sebesar 99, pengurangan berat kain sebesar 3,03 %, kekuatan tarik kain sebesar 556 N untuk arah lusi dan 359 N untuk arah pakan dan kekakuan kain sebesar 7,9 mg.cm untuk arah lusi dan 2,9 mg.cm untuk arah pakan


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    Pencelupan benang poliakrilat dengan zat warna basa untuk warna muda sampai medium sering mengalami permasalahan diantaranya adalah ketidakrataan dalam pencelupan. Beberapa faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi hasil pencelupan tersebut adalah penggunaan retarder dan kondisi proses seperti suhu dan pH larutan celup. Pada penelitian ini membahas pengaruh variasi konsentrasi asam asetat dan retarder kationik terhadap ketuaan dan kerataan warna yang dihasilkan dalam proses pencelupan. Selain itu untuk menentukan konsentrasi optimum dari penggunaan asam asetat dan retarder kationik pada proses pencelupan sehingga menghasilkan pencelupan yang sesuai. Varasi konsentrasi asam asetat sebesar 0,5; 1,0; 1,5; dan 2,0 ml/l dan retarder kationik sebesar 0,5; 1,0; 1,5; dan 2,0 ml/l pada suhu 105°C dan waktu pencelupan selama 20 menit dengan metode arrest temperature system. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi asam asetat mengakibatkan hasil celup lebih tua tetapi lebih rata dan makin tinggi konsentrasi retarder kationik maka hasil celup lebih muda tetapi lebih rata. Kondisi optimum diperoleh pada pengerjaan dengan konsentrasi asam asetat 0,5 ml/l menggunakan retarder kationik 0,5 ml/l berdasarkan bobot perangkingan dengan total nilai sebesar 1340. Pada kondisi tersebut nilai K/S 11,46 dengan standar deviasi 0,27 dan nilai tahan luntur warna sebesar 4 – 5
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