13 research outputs found

    Do We Know How Much Poverty There Is?

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    This paper tests the sensitivity of poverty indexes to the choice of adult equivalence scales, assumptions about the existence of economies of scale in consumption, methods for treating missing and zero incomes, and different adjustments to handle income misreporting. We also perform sensitivity analysis to the use of different poverty lines and poverty indexes, which are issues that have been much more explored in the literature. The sensitivity analysis is applied to household survey data from 17 Latin American countries, which include 92% of the population in the region. By varying these parameters within reasonable boundaries, we find that the proportion of poor could be said to be either 12. 7 percent or 65. 8 percent of the total population. Additionally, the ranking of countries with respect to poverty is also highly sensitive. This points to the need of justifying and being explicit about the underlying choices and definitions behind poverty statistics, and to the need of performing sensitivity analysis illustrating the menu of options that can answer the question of how much poverty there is.

    Diseño e implementación de un sistema web para mejorar la gestión de citas en el Área de laboratorio Emergencias Grau, Lima 2021

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    La presente investigación de un “Diseño e implementación de un sistema web para mejorar la gestión de citas en el área de laboratorio Emergencias Grau, Lima 2021” en el Hospital Emergencias Grau, donde existían serios problemas en la generación de citas, las largas colas que se generan a diario y la poca disponibilidad de cupos de citas que se dan. Ante todos los problemas encontrados, se decidió diseñar e implementar un sistema de Web para mejorar la gestión de citas mediante una plataforma virtual por Internet para mejorar y optimizar los servicios, canalizar y evitar las largas colas que se suscitan día a día. Además, se elaborará un sistema Android para que el paciente lo pueda gestionar mediante una aplicación y lo puedan realizar desde la comodidad de su casa o donde se encuentren podrán citar, anular o reprogramar sus citas, sin necesidad de tener que acudir al hospital.Design and implementation of a web system to improve the management of appointments in the Grau Emergency Laboratory area, Lima 2021” at the Grau Emergency Hospital, where there were serious problems in generating appointments, the long queues that are generated daily and the little availability of quotas of appointments that are given. Given all the problems encountered, it was decided to design and implement a Web system to improve appointment management through a virtual Internet platform to improve and optimize services, channel and avoid the long queues that arise every day. In addition, an Android system will be developed so that the patient can manage it through an application and they can do it from the comfort of their home or wherever they are, they can make an appointment, cancel or reschedule their appointments, without having to go to the hospital

    Proyecto app paw’s home

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    En los últimos años, las mascotas han sido una gran compañía para muchas familias, poco a poco la mayoría de los hogares tenía siempre una mascota como parte de la familia que brindaba amor a todos los miembros. Sin embargo, en muchas ocasiones los dueños tienen muchos pendientes adicionales y no logran tener suficiente tiempo para cuidar a sus mascotas. Luego de analizar este problema, se nos ocurrió una idea de negocio que pueda facilitar el acceso a los dueños a encontrar cuidadores que estén dispuestos a ofrecer sus hogares para el cuidado de las mascotas brindando una opción adicional a los dueños para no dejarlo en veterinarias donde probablemente la mascota pueda estresarse con la acumulación de muchos animales. Asimismo, luego de una ardua investigación logramos averiguar que no existe un modelo de negocio similar en el Perú, lo cual nos generó mucha intriga teniendo en cuenta que el mercado de mascotas es muy amplio y esta opción es indispensable para muchas personas que tienen poca disponibilidad de tiempo o suelen recurrir a viejas frecuentes. Es ahí donde nace Paw’s Home, un modelo de negocio presentado bajo un aplicativo móvil donde las personas podrán acceder de una manera fácil y ponerse en contacto con personas que están dispuestas a cuidar a sus mascotas en sus hogares o espacios adecuados. Brindando un ingreso adicional a los cuidadores y una solución para los usuarios (dueños).In recent years, pets have been a great company for many families, little by little most homes always had a pet as part of the family that provided love to all members. However, on many occasions’ vendor owners become very busy and do not have someone who can care for their pet. That is why we came up with a business idea that can facilitate access for owners to find caregivers who are willing to offer their homes for the care of pets, providing an additional option to the owners not to leave it in veterinarians where they probably become stressed with the accumulation of many animals. Likewise, after an arduous investigation we were able to find out that there is no similar business model in Peru, which generated a lot of intrigue considering that the pet market is very wide, and this option is essential for many people who have little availability. of time or they usually resort to frequent old women. This is where Paw's Home was born, a business model presented under a mobile application where people can easily access and get in touch with people who are willing to take care of their pets in their homes or suitable spaces. Providing additional income for caregivers and a quick solution for pet owners.Trabajo de investigació

    Do We Know How Much Poverty There Is?

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    This paper tests the sensitivity of poverty indexes to the choice of adult equivalence scales, assumptions about the existence of economies of scale in consumption, methods for treating missing and zero incomes, and different adjustments to handle income misreporting. We also perform sensitivity analysis to the use of different poverty lines and poverty indexes, which are issues that have been much more explored in the literature. The sensitivity analysis is applied to household survey data from 17 Latin American countries, which include 92% of the population in the region. By varying these parameters within reasonable boundaries, we find that the proportion of poor could be said to be either 12.7 percent or 65.8 percent of the total population. Additionally, the ranking of countries with respect to poverty is also highly sensitive. This points to the need of justifying and being explicit about the underlying choices and definitions behind poverty statistics, and to the need of performing sensitivity analysis illustrating the menu of options that can answer the question of how much poverty there is

    Do we know how much poverty there is?

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    This paper tests the sensitivity of poverty indexes to the choice of adult equivalence scales, assumptions about the existence of economies of scale in consumption, methods for treating missing and zero incomes, and different adjustments to handle income miss reporting. We also perform sensitivity analysis to the use of different poverty lines and poverty indexes, which are issues that have been much more explored in the literature. The sensitivity analysis is applied to household survey data from 17 Latin American countries, which include 92% of the population in the region. By varying these parameters within reasonable boundaries, we find that the proportion of poor could be said to be either 12.7 percent or 65.8 percent of the total population. Additionally, the ranking of counties with respect to poverty is also highly sensitive. This points to the need of justifying and being explicit about the underlying choices and definitions behind poverty statistics, and to the need of performing sensitivity analysis illustrating the menu of options that can answer the question of how much poverty there is