697 research outputs found

    Stepfamily Instability in Germany

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    Separations exert a detrimental impact on different areas of life in both adults and children. Having already experienced family instability, stepfamily members are at risk of experiencing even multiple family separations across the life course. To better understand stepfamily (in)stability in Europe, we study stability risks and facilitators between stepfamilies in Germany. We pursue Cherlin's perspective of stepfamilies' destabilizing lack of institutionalization. Specifically, we assess the impact of social control in terms of social and legislative conditions, (step)parents' social roles in terms of gender roles, and customs and conventions of family life in terms of union status. We apply event history analysis to a sample of 2,166 stepfamilies, 543 of which end up separated, from the German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS). For example, we find that social and legislative liberalization might destabilize stepfamilies if it eases leaving unhappy relationships, and might stabilize stepfamilies if it alleviates stepfamilies' financial or caregiving burdens through de-familiarization. In contrast to stepfather families, stepmother families' stability appears to profit from stepmothers' and biological fathers' investment in stepfamily relationships to make up for noncomplying with gendered social roles. Overall, stepfamily stability appears to benefit from individual as well as societal pursuits of re-institutionalization

    Alpha and beta diversity patterns of macro-moths reveal a breakpoint along a latitudinal gradient in Mongolia

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    Little is known about the diversity and distribution patterns of moths along latitudinal gradients. We studied macro-moths in Mongolia along an 860 km latitudinal climatic gradient to gain knowledge on community composition, alpha, beta, and gamma diversity as well as underlying factors, which can be used as baseline information for further studies related to climate change. We identified 236 species of moths of ten families. Our study shows that the diversity of moths increased with the latitude, i.e., low species richness in the south and higher richness in the north. Moth community composition changed along the gradient, and we revealed a breakpoint of beta diversity that divided grassland and desert communities. In the desert, beta diversity was driven by species loss (i.e., nestedness), and few tolerant species existed with high abundance. In contrast, in the grassland, beta diversity was driven by species replacement with more unique species, (i.e., species which occurred only in one site). We found the lowest species diversity in the transitional zones dominated by few generalist species such as Agrotis ripae and Anarta trifolii. Low precipitation and an increasing number of grazing goats are drivers of species loss. We suggest different conservation strategies regarding the contrasting patterns of beta diversity in desert and grassland

    Probing the Tavis-Cummings level splitting with intermediate-scale superconducting circuits

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    We demonstrate the local control of up to eight two-level systems interacting strongly with a microwave cavity. Following calibration, the frequency of each individual two-level system (qubit) is tunable without influencing the others. Bringing the qubits one by one on resonance with the cavity, we observe the collective coupling strength of the qubit ensemble. The splitting scales up with the square root of the number of the qubits, which is the hallmark of the Tavis-Cummings model. The local control circuitry causes a bypass shunting the resonator, and a Fano interference in the microwave readout, whose contribution can be calibrated away to recover the pure cavity spectrum. The simulator's attainable size of dressed states with up to five qubits is limited by reduced signal visibility, and -- if uncalibrated -- by off-resonance shifts of sub-components. Our work demonstrates control and readout of quantum coherent mesoscopic multi-qubit system of intermediate scale under conditions of noise

    Quantum emulation of the transient dynamics in the multistate Landau-Zener model

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    Quantum simulation is one of the most promising near term applications of quantum computing. Especially, systems with a large Hilbert space are hard to solve for classical computers and thus ideal targets for a simulation with quantum hardware. In this work, we study experimentally the transient dynamics in the multistate Landau-Zener model as a function of the Landau-Zener velocity. The underlying Hamiltonian is emulated by superconducting quantum circuit, where a tunable transmon qubit is coupled to a bosonic mode ensemble comprising four lumped element microwave resonators. We investigate the model for different initial states: Due to our circuit design, we are not limited to merely exciting the qubit, but can also pump the harmonic modes via a dedicated drive line. Here, the nature of the transient dynamics depends on the average photon number in the excited resonator. The greater effective coupling strength between qubit and higher Fock states results in a quasi-adiabatic transition, where coherent quantum oscillations are suppressed without the introduction of additional loss channels. Our experiments pave the way for more complex simulations with qubits coupled to an engineered bosonic mode spectrum
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