1,502 research outputs found

    Financial Characteristics of Acquired Firms in the Canadian Food Industry

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    Mergers and acquisitions represent an important reallocation of resources. In 1998, the value of these transactions jumped to almost $160 billion in Canada. The motives for firms to merge or acquire other firms change for different periods and industries. This study provides a financial profile of Canadian corporations in the food industry that were acquired during the 1996-98 period. Overall, acquired firms did not represent a significant share of the total sales of incorporated Canadian food firms. Firms with balanced (or matched) growth-resources, less liquidity and leverage were more likely to be acquired in 1997 and 1998. Large firms with matched growth resources were also more likely to be taken over.Agribusiness,

    Intensive Livestock Farming: Does Farm Size Matter?

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    Farm Management, Livestock Production/Industries,

    XB-70 flight test data comparisons with simulation predictions of inlet unstart and buzz

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    XB-70 flight test data comparison with simulated predictions of inlet unstart and buz

    Inhibition of GSK3 by lithium, from single molecules to signaling networks

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    For more than 60 years, the mood stabilizer lithium has been used alone or in combination for the treatment of bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, and other mental illnesses. Despite this long history, the molecular mechanisms trough which lithium regulates behavior are still poorly understood. Among several targets, lithium has been shown to directly inhibit glycogen synthase kinase 3 alpha and beta (GSK3α and GSK3β). However in vivo, lithium also inhibits GSK3 by regulating other mechanisms like the formation of a signaling complex comprised of beta-arrestin 2 (βArr2) and Akt. Here, we provide an overview of in vivo evidence supporting a role for inhibition of GSK3 in some behavioral effects of lithium. We also explore how regulation of GSK3 by lithium within a signaling network involving several molecular targets and cell surface receptors [e.g., G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) and receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs)] may provide cues to its relative pharmacological selectivity and its effects on disease mechanisms. A better understanding of these intricate actions of lithium at a systems level may allow the rational development of better mood stabilizer drugs with enhanced selectivity, efficacy, and lesser side effects

    Cruise ship suppliers: A field study of the supplier relationship characteristics in a service supply chain

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    The article of record as published may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tmp.2015.07.008Given the significance of the service industry, the role of global service supply chains is becoming an important new area of research. This paper examines the ways suppliers positively contribute to service quality in the cruise industry and defines the nature of the relationships between a major cruise line corporation and its suppliers. The data stems from a 4-year field study of a large cruise line corporation and twenty-one semi-structured interviews conducted on board and shore-side with senior management. Additionally logistics processes were observed and analyzed through an ethnographic lens. The characteristics of the relationship are described and hence enabling a better understanding of the service quality creation among suppliers. The results have implications for service and hospitality supply chains in such settings as large resorts and humanitarian logistics

    Logiques sociales de recours aux antidépresseurs : le cas de la rupture conjugale

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    La dépression et l’antidépresseur, phénomènes plus vastes, plus complexes que l’ordre biomédical ne l’entend, répondent à des logiques qui dépassent les seules considérations organiques, corporelles. Certaines recherches montrent d’ailleurs que ces deux entités sont autonomes l'une de l'autre, signifiant que les antidépresseurs sont prescrits pour des raisons indépendantes de la prévalence de problèmes de santé mentale. C’est dans cette optique que, dans ce mémoire, nous examinons les raisons pour lesquelles les individus ont recours aux antidépresseurs suite à une rupture conjugale. C’est à l’aide des récits de huit femmes ayant pris des antidépresseurs suite à une rupture conjugale qu’on a donc investigué les rouages du recours à ces médicaments. À la lumière des résultats, on observe effectivement que la prise d’antidépresseurs semble répondre à une logique qui soit extra–médicale. D’abord par le constat que seules trois d’entres ces huit femmes ont justifié leur prise d’antidépresseurs par la réception d’un diagnostic formel de dépression. Ensuite, par la découverte qu’elle se déploie essentiellement selon une double symbolique au centre duquel prime le lien social. En effet, on a recours aux antidépresseurs suite à une rupture conjugale parce qu’ils sont à la fois l’incarnation d’un lien de confiance avec un être semblable à soi, empathique, le médecin, et le symbole d’un retour à la vie dite ‘normale’ où les manières d’être et d’interagir sont conformes à celles du groupe auquel on s’identifie. On croit que l’importance accordée à la confiance au médecin et à la normalisation quant au recours à l’antidépresseur témoignent du resserrement des liens d’identification propre à l’individualisme contemporain lesquels, en opposition aux grands récits de jadis, sont désormais axés sur une intimité de valeurs et d’objectifs entre semblables.Depression and antidepressants are far more complex phenomenons than the biomedical order pretends. Some research show that these two entities are independant from one another, meaning that antidepressants are prescribed for reasons independant of mental health problems. In this master’s thesis we examine why individuals have recourse to antidepressants following a relationship break-up; the relationship (marital or not) break-up being a critical situation associated with the prevalence of depression. Eight women who took antidepressants following a relationship break-up were interviewed for this study. The findings show that the recourse to antidepressants appears to respond to a logic that is non-medical. First, by the fact that only three of the eight women interviewed justified their recourse to antidepressants by receiving a diagnosis of depression. Second, by the discovery that these women relied on antidepressants because they are the embodiment of a relationship of trust with someone familiar to themselves, the doctor, and the symbol of a return to a ‘normal’ life