124,906 research outputs found

    Cloud-free resolution element statistics program

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    Computer program computes number of cloud-free elements in field-of-view and percentage of total field-of-view occupied by clouds. Human error is eliminated by using visual estimation to compute cloud statistics from aerial photographs

    Induced Gravity II: Grand Unification

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    As an illustration of a renormalizable, asymptotically-free model of induced gravity, we consider an SO(10)SO(10) gauge theory interacting with a real scalar multiplet in the adjoint representation. We show that dimensional transmutation can occur, spontaneously breaking SO(10)SO(10) to SU(5)U(1),SU(5){\otimes}U(1), while inducing the Planck mass and a positive cosmological constant, all proportional to the same scale vv. All mass ratios are functions of the values of coupling constants at that scale. Below this scale (at which the Big Bang may occur), the model takes the usual form of Einstein-Hilbert gravity in de Sitter space plus calculable corrections. We show that there exist regions of parameter space in which the breaking results in a local minimum of the effective action, and a {\bf positive} dilaton (mass)2(\hbox{mass})^2 from two-loop corrections associated with the conformal anomaly. Furthermore, unlike the singlet case we considered previously, some minima lie within the basin of attraction of the ultraviolet fixed point. Moreover, the asymptotic behavior of the coupling constants also lie within the range of convergence of the Euclidean path integral, so there is hope that there will be candidates for sensible vacua. Although open questions remain concerning unitarity of all such renormalizable models of gravity, it is not obvious that, in curved backgrounds such as those considered here, unitarity is violated. In any case, any violation that may remain will be suppressed by inverse powers of the reduced Planck mass.Comment: 44 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. v2 has new discussion concerning stability of SSB plus related appendix. Additional references added. v3 is version to be published; contains minor revision

    Zero modes in de Sitter background

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    There are five well-known zero modes among the fluctuations of the metric of de~Sitter (dS) spacetime. For Euclidean signature, they can be associated with certain spherical harmonics on the S4S^4 sphere, viz., the vector representation 5\bf5 of the global SO(5)SO(5) isometry. They appear, for example, in the perturbative calculation of the on-shell effective action of dS space, as well as in models containing matter fields. These modes are shown to be associated with collective modes of S4S^4 corresponding to certain coherent fluctuations. When dS space is embedded in flat five dimensions E5,E^5, they may be seen as a legacy of translation of the center of the S4S^4 sphere. Rigid translations of the S4S^4-sphere on E5E^5 leave the classical action invariant but are unobservable displacements from the point of view of gravitational dynamics on S4.S^4. Thus, unlike similar moduli, the center of the sphere is not promoted to a dynamical degree of freedom. As a result, these zero modes do not signify the possibility of physically realizable fluctuations or flat directions for the metric of dS space. They are not associated with Killing vectors on S4S^4 but can be with certain non-isometric, conformal Killing forms that locally correspond to a rescaling of the volume element dV4.dV_4. For convenience, we frame our discussion in the context of renormalizable gravity, but the conclusions apply equally to the corresponding zero modes in Einstein gravity. We expect that these zero modes will be present to all orders in perturbation theory. They will occur for Lorentzian signature as well, so long as the hyperboloid H4H^4 is locally stable, but there remain certain infrared issues that need to be clarified. We conjecture that they will appear in any gravitational theory having dS background as a locally stable solution of the effective action, regardless of whether additional matter is included.Comment: v4, 28pages, no figures; final journal form, minor changes in text and refs from v

    Valuing Ecosystem Services with Fishery Rents: A Lumped-Parameter Approach to Hypoxia in the Neuse River Estuary

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    Valuing ecosystem services with microeconomic underpinnings presents challenges because these services typically constitute nonmarket values and contribute to human welfare indirectly through a series of ecological pathways that are dynamic, nonlinear, and difficult to quantify and link to appropriate economic spatial and temporal scales. This paper develops and demonstrates a method to value a portion of ecosystem services when a commercial fishery is dependent on the quality of estuarine habitat. Using a lumped-parameter, dynamic open access bioeconomic model that is spatially explicit and includes predator-prey interactions, this paper quantifies part of the value of improved ecosystem function in the Neuse River Estuary when nutrient pollution is reduced. Specifically, it traces the effects of nitrogen loading on the North Carolina commercial blue crab fishery by modeling the response of primary production and the subsequent impact on hypoxia (low dissolved oxygen). Hypoxia, in turn, affects blue crabs and their preferred prey. The discounted present value fishery rent increase from a 30% reduction in nitrogen loadings in the Neuse is $2.56 million, though this welfare estimate is fairly sensitive to some parameter values. Surprisingly, this number is not sensitive to initial conditions.Open access, Predator-prey, Hypoxia, Habitat-dependent fisheries

    Strong photon non-linearities and photonic Mott insulators

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    We show, that photon non-linearities in electromagnetically induced transparency can be at least one order of magnitude larger than predicted in all previous approaches. As an application we demonstrate that, in this regime they give rise to very strong photon - photon interactions which are strong enough to make an experimental realization of a photonic Mott insulator state feasible in arrays of coupled ultra high-Q micro-cavities.Comment: minor changes, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Looming struggles over technology for border control

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    New technologies under development, capable of inflicting pain on masses of people, could be used for border control against asylum seekers. Implementation might be rationalized by the threat of mass migration due to climate change, nuclear disaster or exaggerated fears of refugees created by governments. We focus on taser anti-personnel mines, suggesting both technological countermeasures and ways of making the use of such technology politically counterproductive. We also outline several other types of ‘non-lethal’ technology that could be used for border control and raise human rights concerns: high-powered microwaves, armed robots, wireless tasers, acoustic devices/vortex rings, ionizing and pulsed energy lasers, chemical calmatives, convulsants, bioregulators and malodurants. Whether all these possible border technologies will be implemented is a matter for speculation, but their serious human rights implications warrant advance scrutiny