15 research outputs found

    Does ultraviolet astronomy have a future?

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    Recent news of the cancellation of further servicing missions for HST and the recent failure of its prime UV spectrograph has brought into focus the limited future for UV astronomy, without rapid action. If this situation does not change, the routine access to the far-UV that we have enjoyed for more than 25 years, since the launch of IUE, will end by around 2008. Although the James Webb Space Telescope is planned to replace HST in the next decade, it is infrared-optimized and has no UV capability. Indeed, not one future UV/optical mission is currently approved by any space agency. This article reviews the status and likely future of the current UV missions, addresses the scientific importance of UV observations and presents a way forward that could fill the "UV-gap" in the decade beyond HST

    Observational constraints on the degenerate mass-radius relation

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    The white dwarf mass-radius relationship is fundamental to modern astrophysics. It is central to routine estimation of DA white dwarf masses derived from spectroscopic temperatures and gravities. It is also the basis for observational determinations of the white dwarf initial-final-mass relation. Nevertheless, definitive and detailed observational confirmations of the mass-radius relation (MRR) remain elusive owing to a lack of sufficiently accurate white dwarf masses and radii. Current best estimates of masses and radii allow only broad conclusions about the expected inverse relation between masses and radii in degenerate stars. In this paper, we examine a restricted set of 12 DA white dwarf binary systems for which accurate (1) trigonometric parallaxes, (2) spectroscopic effective temperatures and gravities, and (3) gravitational redshifts are available. We consider these three independent constraints on mass and radius in comparison with an appropriate evolved MRR for each star. For the best-determined systems it is found that the DA white dwarfs conform to evolve theoretical MRRs at the 1σ to 2σ level. For the white dwarf 40 Eri B (WD 0413–077) we find strong evidence for the existence of a "thin'' hydrogen envelope. For other stars improved parallaxes will be necessary before meaningful comparisons are possible. For several systems current parallaxes approach the precision required for the state-of-the-art mass and radius determinations that will be obtained routinely from the Gaia mission. It is demonstrated here how these anticipated results can be used to firmly constrain details of theoretical mass-radius determinations

    Reflections on the discovery space for a large ultraviolet-visible telescope: Inputs from the European-led EUVO exercise

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    The solutions to a number of astrophysical problems require access to the ultraviolet, optical, and infrared from space-based facilities, with capabilities beyond those available with Hubble Space Telescope or James Webb Space Telescope. A large ultraviolet-optical-infrared telescope will need to have a large collecting area and milliarcsecond angular resolution capabilities plus highly efficient instruments, providing a revolutionary enhancement in capability. During 2013, the European astronomical community was involved in an exercise to outline the big science that could be achieved with such a facility; the proposal was called EUVO (as per European Ultraviolet-Visible Observatory). Inspired by that work, we describe a proposal on future science and instrumentation to be carried out with a 10-m class telescope

    A comprehensive near- and far-ultraviolet spectroscopic study of the hot DA white dwarf G191-B2B

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    We present a detailed spectroscopic analysis of the hot DA white dwarf G191-B2B, using the best signal-to-noise ratio, high-resolution near- and far-UV spectrum obtained to date. This is constructed from co-added Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Space Telescope Imaging Spectrometer (STIS) E140H, E230H and FUSE observations, covering the spectral ranges of 1150–3145 Å and 910–1185 Å, respectively. With the aid of recently published atomic data, we have been able to identify previously undetected absorption features down to equivalent widths of only a few mÅ. In total, 976 absorption features have been detected to 3σ confidence or greater, with 947 of these lines now possessing an identification, the majority of which are attributed to Fe and Ni transitions. In our survey, we have also potentially identified an additional source of circumstellar material originating from Si III. While we confirm the presence of Ge detected by Vennes et al., we do not detect any other species. Furthermore, we have calculated updated abundances for C, N, O, Si, P, S, Fe and Ni, while also calculating, for the first time, a non-local thermodynamic equilibrium abundance for Al, deriving Al III/H=1.60+0.07−0.08×10−7. Our analysis constitutes what is the most complete spectroscopic survey of any white dwarf. All observed absorption features in the FUSE spectrum have now been identified, and relatively few remain elusive in the STIS spectrum

    Where are all the Sirius-like binary systems?

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    Approximately 70 per cent of the nearby white dwarfs appear to be single stars, with the remainder being members of binary or multiple star systems. The most numerous and most easily identifiable systems are those in which the main-sequence companion is an M star, since even if the systems are unresolved the white dwarf either dominates or is at least competitive with the luminosity of the companion at optical wavelengths. Harder to identify are systems where the non-degenerate component has a spectral type earlier than M0 and the white dwarf becomes the less luminous component. Taking Sirius as the prototype, these latter systems are referred to here as ‘Sirius like’. There are currently 98 known Sirius-like systems. Studies of the local white dwarf population within 20 pc indicate that approximately 8 per cent of all white dwarfs are members of Sirius-like systems, yet beyond 20 pc the frequency of known Sirius-like systems declines to between 1 and 2 per cent, indicating that many more of these systems remain to be found. Estimates are provided for the local space density of Sirius-like systems and their relative frequency among both the local white dwarf population and the local population of A to K main-sequence stars. The great majority of currently unidentified Sirius-like systems will likely turn out to be closely separated and unresolved binaries. Ways to observationally detect and study these systems are discussed

    Atmospheric and Fundamental Parameters of Eight Nearby Multiple Stars

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    We present the complete set of atmospheric and fundamental parameters, in addition to the masses, for the individual components of eight stellar systems. The list of the systems, whose orbital solutions were published recently, includes seven binaries (HIP 14524, HIP 16025, HIP 46199, HIP 47791, HIP 60444, HIP 61100, HIP 73085) and one triple system (HIP 28671). The systems were analyzed using a spectrophotometric computational technique known as Al-Wardats method for analyzing binary and multiple stellar systems, which makes use of ATLAS9 line-blanketed plane-parallel model atmospheres. Using these estimated parameters, the positions of the components were located on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, evolutionary tracks and isochrones to estimate their ages, the range depending on the uncertainties in their metallicities. Five systems were found to be pre-main-sequence stars (HIP 14524, HIP 46199, HIP 60444, HIP 61100, HIP 73085), two were main-sequence stars (the zero-age HIP 28671 and the 6.3 Gyr HIP 16025), and one is a subgiant system (HIP 47791) with an age of 1.4 Gyr. Fragmentation is proposed as the most probable formation process for the eight systems. A comparison between the estimated masses and the dynamical ones lead to new dynamical parallaxes for four systems: (28.63 ± 0.56) mas for HIP 14524, (15.6 ± 0.63) mas for HIP 16025, (9.73 ± 0.26) mas for HIP 47791, and (16.53 ± 0.59) mas for HIP 73085. Hence, the orbital solutions were reclassified. We conclude that Gaia DR3 parallaxes are more precise than those given by Gaia DR2 and Hipparcos 2

    The origin of hot white dwarf circumstellar features

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    We have analysed a sample of 23 hot DAs to better understand the source of the circumstellar features reported in previous work. Unambiguous detections of circumstellar material are again made at eight stars. The velocities of the circumstellar material at three of the white dwarfs are coincident with the radial velocities of interstellar medium (ISM) along the sight-line to the stars, suggesting that the objects may be ionizing the ISM in their locality. In three further cases, the circumstellar velocities are close to the ISM velocities, indicating that these objects are ionizing either the ISM or evaporated planetesimals/material in a circumstellar disc. The circumstellar velocity at WD 1614-084 lies far from the ISM velocities, indicating the ionization of either an undetected ISM component or circumstellar material. The material seen at WD0232+035 can be attributed to the photoionization of material lost from its M dwarf companion. The measured column densities of the circumstellar material lie within the ionized ISM column density ranges predicted to exist in hot DA Strömgren spheres.

    Spectral analysis of the binary nucleus of the planetary nebula Hen 2-428-first results

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    Identifying progenitor systems for the double-degenerate scenario is crucial to check the reliability of type Ia supernovae as cosmological standard candles. Santander-Garcia et al. (2015) claimed that Hen 2-428 has a doubledegenerate core whose combined mass significantly exceeds the Chandrasekhar limit. Together with the short orbital period (4.2 hours), the authors concluded that the system should merge within a Hubble time triggering a type Ia supernova event. Garcia-Berro et al. (2016) explored alternative scenarios to explain the observational evidence, as the high mass conclusion is highly unlikely within predictions from stellar evolution theory. They conclude that the evidence supporting the supernova progenitor status of the system is premature. Here we present the first quantitative spectral analysis of Hen 2-428which allows us to derive the effective temperatures, surface gravities and helium abundance of the two CSPNe based on state-of-The-Art, non-LTE model atmospheres. These results provide constrains for further studies of this particularly interesting system

    Orbital and evolutionary constraints on the planet hosting binary GJ 86 from the Hubble Space Telescope

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    This paper presents new observations of the planet-hosting, visual binary GJ 86 (HR 637) using the Hubble Space Telescope. Ultraviolet and optical imaging with WFC3 confirms the stellar companion is a degenerate star and indicates the binary semimajor axis is larger than previous estimates, with a ≳ 28 au. Optical STIS spectroscopy of the secondary reveals a helium-rich white dwarf with C2 absorption bands and Teff = 8180 K, thus making the binary system rather similar to Procyon. Based on the 10.8 pc distance, the companion has 0.59 M⊙ and descended from a main-sequence A star of 1.9 M⊙ with an original orbital separation a ≳ 14 au. If the giant planet is coplanar with the binary, the mass of GJ 86Ab is between 4.4 and 4.7 MJup. The similarity of GJ 86 and Procyon prompted a re-analysis of the white dwarf in the latter system, with the tentative conclusion that Procyon hosts a planetesimal population. The periastron distance in Procyon is 20 per cent smaller than in α Cen AB, but the metal-enriched atmosphere of Procyon B indicates that the planet formation process minimally attained 25 km bodies, if not small planets as in α Cen

    New Praesepe white dwarfs and the initial mass-final mass relation

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    We report the spectroscopic confirmation of four further white dwarf members of Praesepe. This brings the total number of confirmed white dwarf members to eleven making this the second largest collection of these objects in an open cluster identified to date. This number is consistent with the high mass end of the initial mass function of Praesepe being Salpeter in form. Furthermore, it suggests that the bulk of Praesepe white dwarfs did not gain a substantial recoil kick velocity from possible asymmetries in their loss of mass during the asymptotic giant branch phase of evolution. By comparing our estimates of the effective temperatures and the surface gravities of WD0833+194, WD0840+190, WD0840+205 and WD0843+184 to modern theoretical evolutionary tracks we have derived their masses to be in the range 0.72−0.76M⊙ and their cooling ages ~300Myrs. For an assumed cluster age of 625±50Myrs the infered progenitor masses are between 3.3−3.5M⊙. Examining these new data in the context of the initial mass-final mass relation we find that it can be adequately represented by a linear function (a0=0.289±0.051, a1=0.133±0.015) over the initial mass range 2.7M⊙ to 6M⊙. Assuming an extrapolation of this relation to larger initialmasses is valid and adopting a maximum white dwarf mass of 1.3M⊙, our results support a minimum mass for core-collapse supernovae progenitors in the range ~6.8-8.6M⊙