2,075 research outputs found

    Collective and Unitary Models: a Clarification

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    No abstractunitary; collective; intrahousehold allocation; distribution factors; demand

    Distributional Effects in Household Models: Separate Spheres and Income Pooling

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    We derive distributional effects for a non-cooperative alternative to the unitary model of household behaviour. We consider the Nash equilibria of a voluntary contributions to public goods game. Our main result is that, in general, the two partners either choose to contribute to different public goods or they contribute to at most one common good. The former case corresponds to the separate spheres case of Lundberg and Pollak (1993). The second outcome yields (local) income pooling. A household will be in different regimes depending on the distribution of income within the household. Any bargaining model with this non-cooperative case as a breakdown point will inherit the local income pooling. We conclude that targetting benefits such as child benefits to one household member may not always have an effect on outcomes.Nash equilibrium; Nash bargaining; collective models; intra-household allocation; local income pooling; separate spheres

    Distributional effects in household models: separate spheres and income pooling

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    We derive distributional effects for a non-cooperative alternative to the unitary model of household behaviour. We consider the Nash equilibria of a voluntary contributions to public goods game. Our main result is that, in general, the two partners either choose to contribute to di€erent public goods or they contribute to at most one common good. The former case corresponds to the separate spheres case of Lundberg and Pollak (1993). The second outcome yields (local) income pooling. A household will be in different regimes depending on the distribution of income within the household. Any bargaining model with this non-cooperative case as a breakdown point will inherit the local income pooling. We conclude that targeting benefits such as child benefits to one household member may not always have an effect on outcomes.

    Reassessing history : Native American narratives in Kentucky tourism

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    Dans toutes les sociĂ©tĂ©s, les rapports de pouvoir qui existent ont une grande influence sur les dynamiques de mĂ©moire. Le colonialisme anglais et amĂ©ricain, et plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment les politiques de relocalisation comme l’Indian Removal Act (1830) ont eu un fort impact sur la prĂ©sence autochtone dans le paysage culturel du Sud-est des États-Unis. La production de la mĂ©moire collective Ă  travers la commĂ©moration, l’éducation et le tourisme sont un reflet de ces rapports de pouvoir. Elle dĂ©montre aussi quels Ă©vĂšnements du passĂ© dĂ©finissent le prĂ©sent. Ce mĂ©moire de maĂźtrise tente de comprendre comment les rĂ©cits de la prĂ©sence autochtone au Kentucky sont inscrits dans le paysage culturel de l'Ă©tat. Le Kentucky dĂ©tient un riche passĂ© prĂ©colonial encore visible sur le territoire. Plusieurs artefacts tĂ©moignent de l’occupation millĂ©naire du Kentucky par des nations autochtones. Toutefois, selon l’histoire dominante du Kentucky, le territoire n’était pas occupĂ© au moment des premiers contacts. La contradiction entre ce mythe et les preuves archĂ©ologiques qui se retrouvent dans le paysage a Ă©tĂ© peu Ă©tudiĂ©e. Ce mythe continue de servir de base pour, entre-autres, l’éducation et le tourisme et encourage une image fausse de la prĂ©sence autochtone au Kentucky. Les moyens utilisĂ©s par le pouvoir colonial amĂ©ricain pour tenter d’effacer la prĂ©sence autochtone aux États-Unis vont au-delĂ  de la violence des politiques de relocalisation et d’assimilation. En effet, des moyens plus subtils, comme la commĂ©moration et les mythes, ont permis Ă  la culture dominante de se rĂ©approprier le territoire Ă  travers la mĂ©moire. Quels sont les facteurs qui ont permis de crĂ©er et qui aident Ă  maintenir un Ă©cart entre l'histoire dominante du Kentucky et les preuves archĂ©ologiques? Quelles reprĂ©sentations matĂ©rielles dans le paysage culturel du Kentucky dĂ©finissent cet Ă©cart? Le tourisme patrimonial au Kentucky sera l'Ă©lĂ©ment central de cette analyse.In all societies, power dynamics greatly influence memory. British and American colonialism, and relocation policies, like the Indian Removal Act (1830), had a strong impact on Native American presence in the cultural landscape of the Southeast United States. The production of collective memory through commemoration, tourism and education is a reflection of the power relations within society. It also shows which events in the past still define the present. This master’s thesis seeks to understand how narratives of the past influence today’s narratives about Native Americans in Kentucky, as well as how these narratives are inscribed in the cultural landscape of the state. Kentucky holds a rich pre-colonial history that is still visible on the landscape. Many artifacts can be found on the land and bear witness to the long-standing Native American presence in Kentucky. However, according to Kentucky’s dominant history, the territory was ''empty'' at the time of first contact. The contradiction that exists between this myth and the abundance of archaeological evidence, and the way it is translated into the cultural landscape, has seldom been studied. This myth provides the basis for, among other things, education and tourism, and promotes an inaccurate image of the Native presence in Kentucky, which contributes to keeping Native American identities in the past. The colonial means used to erase Native American presence in the United States went further than the violence of the federal policies of assimilation and relocation. Subtler methods, like commemoration and myths, have allowed the dominant culture to claim the land through memory. What are the factors that have created and helped to maintain the gap between Kentucky’s dominant interpretation of history and archaeological fact? What material representations on the cultural landscape of Kentucky are most evident of the gap? Heritage tourism will be the focus of this analysis

    Facing the challenge of predicting the standard formation enthalpies of n-butyl-phosphate species with ab initio methods

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    Tributyl-phosphate (TBP), a ligand used in the PUREX liquid-liquid separation process of spent nuclear fuel, can form explosive mixture in contact with nitric acid, that might lead to violent explosive thermal runaway. In the context of safety of a nuclear reprocessing plant facility, it is crucial to predict the stability of TBP at elevated temperatures. So far, only the enthalpies of formation of TBP is available in the literature with a rather large uncertainties, while those of its degradation products, di-(HDBP) and mono-(H2_2MBP}) are unknown. In this goal, we have used state-of-the art quantum chemical methods to compute the formation enthalpies and entropies of TBP and its degradation products di-(HDBP), mono-(H2_2MBP) in gas and liquid phases. Comparisons of levels of quantum chemical theory revealed that there are significant effects of correlation on their electronic structures, pushing for the need of not only high level of electronic correlation treatment, namely local coupled cluster with single and double excitation operators and perturbative treatment of triple excitations [LCCSD(T)], but also extrapolations to the complete basis to produce reliable and accurate thermodynamics data. Solvation enthalpies were computed with the conductor like screening model for real solvents [COSMO-RS], for which we observe errors not exceeding 22 kJ mol−1^{-1}. We thus propose with final uncertainty of about 20 kJ mol−1^{-1} standard enthalpies of formation of TBP, HDBP, and H2_2MBP which amounts to -1281.7±\pm24.4, -1229.4±\pm19.6 and -1176.7±\pm14.8 kJ mol−1^{-1}, respectively, in the gas phase. In the liquid phase, the predicted values are -1367.3±\pm24.4, -1348.7±\pm19.6 and -1323.8±\pm14.8 kJ mol−1^{-1}, to which we may add about -22 kJ mol−1^{-1} error from the COSMO-RS solvent model. From these data, we predict the complete hydrolysis of TBP to be nearly thermoneutral

    Prevalence of stereotypy in individuals with developmental disabilities: a systematic review

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    Although many researchers have examined the prevalence of stereotypy in individuals with developmental disabilities, the results of previous studies have not been aggregated and analyzed methodically. Thus, we conducted a systematic review of studies reporting the prevalence of stereotypy in individuals with developmental disabilities. Our results indicated that the average prevalence of stereotypy across studies was 61 % and that individuals with autism spectrum disorders had the highest reported prevalence (i.e., 88 %) across specific diagnoses. Children and adults generally had similar overall prevalence measures, but the specific forms varied with age and diagnosis. Studies using the Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised and the Autism Diagnostic Schedule-Revised generally reported higher estimates of prevalence of specific forms of stereotypy when compared to the Behavior Problem Inventory. However, the latter seemed more sensitive than the Aberrant Behavior Checklist for overall prevalence. Studies with a low risk of bias found a lower prevalence of stereotypy than those with a high risk of bias. Our systematic review underlines the importance of continuing research efforts to improve the assessment and treatment of stereotypy in individuals with developmental disabilities

    Familles et réseau familial extra-résidentiel : une réflexion sur les limites de la définition statistique de la famille

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    MonoparentalitĂ© et recomposition familiale font dorĂ©navant partie de la vie familiale. Dans ce contexte, souvent les parents sĂ©parĂ©s ne vivent plus au quotidien avec leurs enfants, sans que ne s’éteignent les droits et les obligations qui les unissent. Le maintien de ces relations parent-enfants met en cause la pertinence de la dĂ©finition statistique de la famille fondĂ©e sur la corĂ©sidence. Les rĂ©sultats d’une analyse fondĂ©e sur l’EnquĂȘte sociale gĂ©nĂ©rale de 2001 rĂ©alisĂ©e par Statistique Canada montrent que le nombre de mĂ©nages qui, Ă  un moment ou l’autre, accueillent des enfants de moins de 18 ans augmente de 13 %, lorsque l’on tient compte du rĂ©seau familial extra-rĂ©sidentiel. La vĂ©rification de l’existence de relations concrĂštes entre parents et enfants qui ne vivent pas ensemble rencontre cependant des embĂ»ches liĂ©es aux perceptions divergentes des parents selon qu’ils habitent ou non avec leurs enfants, ainsi qu’aux difficultĂ©s associĂ©es Ă  la reprĂ©sentativitĂ© des Ă©chantillons des parents non rĂ©sidants.Lone-parenthood and step-parenthood are now part of contemporary family life. In this context, separated parents often do not live on a daily basis with their children, while still assuming rights and responsibilities towards them. The maintenance of these parent-children relationships questions the relevance of the traditional definition of the family based on co-residence. An analysis of the 2001 General Social Survey conducted by Statistics Canada shows a 13 % increase in the number of households that include children aged less than 18 years, when taking into account the extra-residential family network. Verifying the existence of concrete relationships between family members who are not living together proves, however, to be difficult, because of the divergent perceptions of parents depending on whether or not they live with their children, and of the problems associated with reaching a representative sample of non-residing parents

    Quel partenariat entre collectivités locales et entreprises en matiÚre d'environnement ?

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