1,546 research outputs found

    What about Writing?: A National Study of Writing Instruction in Teacher Preparation Programs

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    This study explores how writing instruction is taught to pre-service teachers across the US. Despite growing writing demands in K-12 classrooms, our national survey of literacy teacher educators revealed that colleges and universities rarely offer stand-alone writing instruction courses. Instead instructors are responsible for embedding writing instruction into their reading courses. Equally concerning, our data revealed a lack of confidence among many teacher educators regarding teaching writing. This study highlights the need for greater attention to writing in teacher education and adds to the conversation of why these issues continue to plague higher education

    Early book sharing: What teachers should know

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    The purpose of this paper is to describe strategies that caregivers use while reading books with young children. Research indicates that caregivers: a) use strategies that simplify or extend book language, b) use prosody, and c) use management strategies so the book reading event is meaningful for children. Then, how teachers of preschool children can use these same strategies to plan meaningful book sharing events for children in preschool settings is described

    Engaging Teachers in Digital Products and Processes: Interview Feature Articles

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    Students sit in pairs interviewing each other--talking, laughing, taking notes with pen and paper. Computers begin to appear on tables, as students segue into drafting feature articles-- those splash-of-color pieces that go beyond straight news in magazines and news source. Conversation diminishes to a soft hum, as focus shifts to the interplay of thinking, written notes, and the emerging text on the computer screen. Words continue to waft over the room as comments and questions pertaining to content and processes are directed to others. Computer screens are filling up with these words… Thus begins, the first day of writing workshop in our teacher education courses

    Professional Development and Educational Policy: A Comparison of Two Fields in Education

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    The purpose of this paper is to compare two fields of research related to school reform: professional development and educational policy. A content analysis of the literature in both fields revealed two areas where they align (i.e., a focus on teachers’ professional development and the idea that change takes time) as well as two areas where there are differences (i.e., theoretical grounding of each field and planning for teachers’ learning). Considerations for successful school reform are suggested

    “We Do More Than Discuss Good Ideas”: A Close Look at the Development of Professional Capital in an Elementary Education Liaison Group

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    In an era when many news media, policy makers, and professionals in the field may consider teacher education under attack, teacher education programs are being held accountable for increased rigor (Council of Chief of State School Officers, 2012). Teacher educators are in a unique position to examine more closely specific practices and teacher education as a profession to enhance program quality and candidate outcomes. Toward that end, we focused on work within a community of practice (Wenger, 1998) for this inquiry. Faculty who work in elementary school settings at least one day per week, serving as liaisons to partner schools and supervising teacher candidates, made up this community

    Developing Student Leaders in Campus Outdoor Recreation Programs: An Appreciative Inquiry

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    Campus outdoor recreation programs can play an integral role in developing student leaders. In this study, we sought a better understanding of the shared positive elements exemplary outdoor programs are using to develop their student leaders. The study was designed using a collec­tive case study methodology and the theoretical lens of the Leadership Identity Development (LID) model. Representatives from five exemplary outdoor programs were interviewed with an appreciative inquiry approach. Five common themes emerged from the data: (a) Institutional Support, (b) Transformative Experiences, (c) Meaningful Culture, (d) Facilitative Structures, and (e) the Keys to the Castle: Authentic Leadership Opportunities. Themes were interrelated and contributed to an overall understanding of the environment that allows for successful leadership development in campus outdoor programs

    Transforming Schools: The Power of Teachers’ Input in Professional Development

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    Recent legislative actions have mandated the professional development of teachers in hopes of improved student achievement. However, research has shown that mandated professional development most usually does not lead to a positive outcome. This article describes three aspects that have been identified as contributing to the transformation of instruction in schools: school context, role of the administrator, and cohesion between professional development and needs of students/teachers. Mezirow’s adult learning theory supports these important aspects of school reform and has implications for planning and developing educators’ professional development
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