1,592 research outputs found

    Gleitender Übergang in die Rente durch Flexibilisierung der Teilrente

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    Vor dem Hintergrund der Anhebung der gesetzlichen Altersgrenzen wird oft eine Verbesserung der Möglichkeiten des gleitenden Übergangs in die Rente für diejenigen gefordert, die im Alter nicht mehr so viel arbeiten wollen oder können. In dieser Studie werden Optionen eines gleitenden Übergangs miteinander verglichen. Es zeigt sich, dass die weitaus beliebteste Option der Altersteilzeit gegenüber der kaum wahrgenommenen Teilrente aus der Sicht des Versicherten keine wesentlichen Vorteile aufweist. Der große Nachteil der Teilrente sind die starren Stufen und die komplizierte Berechnung der Hinzuverdienstgrenzen. Durch eine Abschaffung der Stufen könnte die Attraktivität des Teilrentenbezugs und des Hinzuverdiensts wesentlich erhöht und die Altersteilzeit zumindest aus der Sicht des Versicherten obsolet werden

    Berufstätigkeit als Proxy für Arbeitsbelastungen? Routinedatenanalyse am Beispiel der Rehabilitation

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    Aim of the study: Job exposures are associated with health-related outcomes including sick leave and reduction in earning capacity. Rehabilitation of persons in working age aims primarily to secure or restore work capacity. Information concerning job exposures is, however, not directly available in routine data of healthcare payers. Since exposures relate to specific occupations and the current occupation is part of routine data, job exposures may be determined indirectly via job-exposure matrices (JEM). The aim of the study is to describe the possibilities and challenges of the representation of job exposures by the occupation according to routine data using the example of rehabilitation. Methods: The Scientific Use File 'SUFRSDLV15B' of the German Pension Insurance was analysed. We used data from n=1 242 171 persons in work with at least one completed medical rehabilitation between 2008 and 2015 (dataset 1). The occupation is coded according to KldB 88 or KldB 2010 (German Classification of Occupations). In addition, data from a nationwide survey with 2530 rehabilitation patients was available (dataset 2). Job exposures are operationalized by the Job Exposure Index via JEM. The relationship to the return-to-work prognosis at the end of rehabilitation (dataset 1) and to patient reported outcome measures (dataset 2) is described. Results: Information concerning the occupation is available for about 91% of rehabilitation measures of employed patients for the year prior to rehabilitation. At high levels of job exposures, the proportion of persons with a predicted working capacity in the last job of fewer than 3 h per day increased by a factor of 4 compared to low-level job exposures (23.5 vs. 6.1%). On the other hand, there is a low association only to reduced working capacity in the general labour market (2.9 vs. 2.4%). High-level job exposures are associated with self-reported, work-related impairments. Conclusion: The Job Exposure Index may offer a valid approach to depict occupation-related exposures. The index can be used in the analysis of routine data of the pension insurance and other social security funds, as well as in the linkage of individual assessment data with routine data containing the occupation, without any additional data collection effort. Due to its construction based on job classifications, it will not replace the assessment of individual burdens

    Towards Reversible De-Identification in Video Sequences Using 3D Avatars and Steganography

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    We propose a de-identification pipeline that protects the privacy of humans in video sequences by replacing them with rendered 3D human models, hence concealing their identity while retaining the naturalness of the scene. The original images of humans are steganographically encoded in the carrier image, i.e. the image containing the original scene and the rendered 3D human models. We qualitatively explore the feasibility of our approach, utilizing the Kinect sensor and its libraries to detect and localize human joints. A 3D avatar is rendered into the scene using the obtained joint positions, and the original human image is steganographically encoded in the new scene. Our qualitative evaluation shows reasonably good results that merit further exploration.Comment: Part of the Proceedings of the Croatian Computer Vision Workshop, CCVW 2015, Year

    Systematic review finds major deficiencies in sample size methodology and reporting for stepped-wedge cluster randomised trials

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    BACKGROUND: Stepped-wedge cluster randomised trials (SW-CRT) are increasingly being used in health policy and services research, but unless they are conducted and reported to the highest methodological standards, they are unlikely to be useful to decision-makers. Sample size calculations for these designs require allowance for clustering, time effects and repeated measures. METHODS: We carried out a methodological review of SW-CRTs up to October 2014. We assessed adherence to reporting each of the 9 sample size calculation items recommended in the 2012 extension of the CONSORT statement to cluster trials. RESULTS: We identified 32 completed trials and 28 independent protocols published between 1987 and 2014. Of these, 45 (75%) reported a sample size calculation, with a median of 5.0 (IQR 2.5–6.0) of the 9 CONSORT items reported. Of those that reported a sample size calculation, the majority, 33 (73%), allowed for clustering, but just 15 (33%) allowed for time effects. There was a small increase in the proportions reporting a sample size calculation (from 64% before to 84% after publication of the CONSORT extension, p=0.07). The type of design (cohort or cross-sectional) was not reported clearly in the majority of studies, but cohort designs seemed to be most prevalent. Sample size calculations in cohort designs were particularly poor with only 3 out of 24 (13%) of these studies allowing for repeated measures. DISCUSSION: The quality of reporting of sample size items in stepped-wedge trials is suboptimal. There is an urgent need for dissemination of the appropriate guidelines for reporting and methodological development to match the proliferation of the use of this design in practice. Time effects and repeated measures should be considered in all SW-CRT power calculations, and there should be clarity in reporting trials as cohort or cross-sectional designs

    Bundles with even-dimensional spherical space form as fibers and fiberwise quarter pinched Riemannian metrics

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    Let EE be a smooth bundle with fiber an nn-dimensional real projective space RPn\mathbb{R}P^n. We show that, if every fiber carries a positively curved pointwise strongly 1/41/4-pinched Riemannian metric that varies continuously with respect to its base point, then the structure group of the bundle reduces to the isometry group of the standard round metric on RPn\mathbb{R}P^n.Comment: 11 pages, to appear in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Societ

    Poarch Creek Indian parents' perceptions of schools

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    This study examines Poarch Creek Indian parents' perceptions of 1) education quality, 2) parent involvement, 3) Indian culture, and 4) suggestions. This study was designed with the tribe's education director to help address the educational needs of the Poarch Band of Creek Indians. Through 79 parent surveys and six individual interviews with parents, perceptions were recorded and analyzed to better understand parents' feelings about their child(ren)'s school. Overall parents were very pleased with the quality of education that the schools provide. Parents reported to be involved with their child’s education at home and school. However, parents had mixed feelings about how schools are teaching Indian culture and history. Parents also had suggestions for ways that schools and the tribe can help to improve education. All of this information has been complied, analyzed, and written into an easily accessible report for parents, community members, and tribal leaders

    Four generations of Poarch Creek history

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    The Poarch Band of Creek Indians are a segment of the original Creek Nation that avoided removal and remained in Alabama. This dissertation is a qualitative study designed to record oral histories of Poarch Creek people. Together the tribe and I collected and recorded oral histories from four generations of four Poarch Creek families. In addition, I did participant observations, analyzed documents, had informal conversations, and recorded field notes. All of this data helps us to understand more about family, community, education, religion, relationships, living situations, and many more aspects of Poarch Creeks from 1920 to 2011. Other stories were shared about the history of the Poarch Band of Creek Indians before, during, and after federal recognition. All of these stories teach us about how Poarch Creek identity has changed and been maintained over time

    Bacillus anthracis genome organization in light of whole transcriptome sequencing

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    Emerging knowledge of whole prokaryotic transcriptomes could validate a number of theoretical concepts introduced in the early days of genomics. What are the rules connecting gene expression levels with sequence determinants such as quantitative scores of promoters and terminators? Are translation efficiency measures, e.g. codon adaptation index and RBS score related to gene expression? We used the whole transcriptome shotgun sequencing of a bacterial pathogen Bacillus anthracis to assess correlation of gene expression level with promoter, terminator and RBS scores, codon adaptation index, as well as with a new measure of gene translational efficiency, average translation speed. We compared computational predictions of operon topologies with the transcript borders inferred from RNA-Seq reads. Transcriptome mapping may also improve existing gene annotation. Upon assessment of accuracy of current annotation of protein-coding genes in the B. anthracis genome we have shown that the transcriptome data indicate existence of more than a hundred genes missing in the annotation though predicted by an ab initio gene finder. Interestingly, we observed that many pseudogenes possess not only a sequence with detectable coding potential but also promoters that maintain transcriptional activity

    The development of special sequentially-timed charges for breaking frozen waterways

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    This article documents the development of the noninvasive use of explosives during the destruction of ice mass in river fl ows. The system of special sequentially-timed charges utilizes the increase in effi ciency of cutting charges by covering them with bags fi lled with water, while simultaneously increasing the effect of the entire system of timed charges. Timing, spatial combinations during placement, and the linking of these charges results in the loosening of ice barriers on a frozen waterway, while at the same time regulating the size of the ice fragments. The developed charges will increase the operability and safety of IRS units