6,782 research outputs found

    Effects of Gamma Ray Bursts in Earth Biosphere

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    We continue former work on the modeling of potential effects of Gamma Ray Bursts on Phanerozoic Earth. We focus on global biospheric effects of ozone depletion and show a first modeling of the spectral reduction of light by NO2 formed in the stratosphere. We also illustrate the current complexities involved in the prediction of how terrestrial ecosystems would respond to this kind of burst. We conclude that more biological field and laboratory data are needed to reach even moderate accuracy in this modelingComment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Remotely Sensed Spatiotemporal Variation in Crude Protein of Shortgrass Steppe Forage

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    In the Great Plains of central North America, sustainable livestock production is dependent on matching the timing of forage availability and quality with animal intake demands. Advances in remote sensing technology provide accurate information for forage quantity. However, similar efforts for forage quality are lacking. Crude protein (CP) content is one of the most relevant forage quality determinants of individual animal intake, especially below an 8% threshold for growing animals. In a set of shortgrass steppe paddocks with contrasting botanical composition, we (1) modeled the spatiotemporal variation in field estimates of CP content against seven spectral MODIS bands, and (2) used the model to assess the risk of reaching the 8% CP content threshold during the grazing season for paddocks with light, moderate, or heavy grazing intensities for the last 22 years (2000–2021). Our calibrated model explained up to 69% of the spatiotemporal variation in CP content. Different from previous investigations, our model was partially independent of NDVI, as it included the green and red portions of the spectrum as direct predictors of CP content. From 2000 to 2021, the model predicted that CP content was a limiting factor for growth of yearling cattle in 80% of the years for about 60% of the mid-May to October grazing season. The risk of forage quality being below the CP content threshold increases as the grazing season progresses, suggesting that ranchers across this rangeland region could benefit from remotely sensed CP content to proactively remove yearling cattle earlier than the traditional October date or to strategically provide supplemental protein sources to grazing cattle.EEA Concepción del UruguayFil: Irisarri, Jorge Gonzalo Nicolás. Rothamsted Research. Sustainable Agriculture Sciences; Reino UnidoFil: Durante, Martin. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Concepción del Uruguay; ArgentinaFil: Durante, Martin. Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA). Estación Experimental INIA Tacuarembó. Programa Pasturas y Forrajes; UruguayFil: Derner, Justin D. United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service. Rangeland Resources Research Unit; Estados UnidosFil: Oesterheld, Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura; ArgentinaFil: Oesterheld, Martin. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura; ArgentinaFil: Augustine, David J.. United States Department of Agriculture–Agricultural Research Service. Rangeland Resources and Systems Research Unit; Estados Unido

    Uses of Chern-Simons actions

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    The role of Chern-Simons (CS) actions is reviewed, starting from the observation that all classical actions in Hamiltonian form can be viewed as 0+1 CS systems, in the same class with the coupling between the electromagnetic field and a point charge. Some suggestions are derived that could shed some light on the quantization problem in D=2n-1>3 dimensions.Comment: 17 pages, no figures. Ten Years of AdS/CFT conference, a workshop to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Maldacena Conjecture. Buenos Aires, December 2007. Added references, corrected typo

    Trypanosoma cruzi IIc: phylogenetic and phylogeographic insights from sequence and microsatellite analysis and potential impact on emergent Chagas disease.

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    Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas disease, is highly genetically diverse. Numerous lines of evidence point to the existence of six stable genetic lineages or DTUs: TcI, TcIIa, TcIIb, TcIIc, TcIId, and TcIIe. Molecular dating suggests that T. cruzi is likely to have been an endemic infection of neotropical mammalian fauna for many millions of years. Here we have applied a panel of 49 polymorphic microsatellite markers developed from the online T. cruzi genome to document genetic diversity among 53 isolates belonging to TcIIc, a lineage so far recorded almost exclusively in silvatic transmission cycles but increasingly a potential source of human infection. These data are complemented by parallel analysis of sequence variation in a fragment of the glucose-6-phosphate isomerase gene. New isolates confirm that TcIIc is associated with terrestrial transmission cycles and armadillo reservoir hosts, and demonstrate that TcIIc is far more widespread than previously thought, with a distribution at least from Western Venezuela to the Argentine Chaco. We show that TcIIc is truly a discrete T. cruzi lineage, that it could have an ancient origin and that diversity occurs within the terrestrial niche independently of the host species. We also show that spatial structure among TcIIc isolates from its principal host, the armadillo Dasypus novemcinctus, is greater than that among TcI from Didelphis spp. opossums and link this observation to differences in ecology of their respective niches. Homozygosity in TcIIc populations and some linkage indices indicate the possibility of recombination but cannot yet be effectively discriminated from a high genome-wide frequency of gene conversion. Finally, we suggest that the derived TcIIc population genetic data have a vital role in determining the origin of the epidemiologically important hybrid lineages TcIId and TcIIe

    Diagnóstico da morte súbita dos citros (MSC) utilizando fluorescência das folhas.

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    Teor de óleo essencial de Ocimum selloi Benth. sob diferentes doses de compostos orgânicos.

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    Em espécies bioativas, a aplicação de compostos orgânicos tem sido relacionada à produção de metabólitos secundários. No presente estudo, avaliou-se o efeito de diferentes doses de compostos orgânicos no teor de óleo essencial de alfavaca anisada, fornecendo bases científicas para agricultura orgânica. Em Curitiba-PR, ano de 2008, num delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, doses (0, 0,85, 1,7 e 3 t.ha-1) de compostos estabilizados (A, B, C e D), elaborados com diferentes materiais orgânicos, foram utilizadas no cultivo de alfavaca anisada. O espaçamento utilizado em cultivo protegido irrigado foi de 0,5m entre linhas por 1,0m entre plantas. Aos seis meses de cultivo, amostras compostas de folhas foram coletadas e submetidas ao processo de hidrodestilação, por meio do aparelho do tipo Clevenger, para quantificação do óleo essencial. Em solo com acúmulo de matéria orgânica as doses e compostos avaliados não influenciaram o teor de óleo essencial de Ocimum selloi Beth.Disponível também em: Cadernos de Agroecologia, V. 5, n.1, 2010

    Using APAR to Predict Aboveground Plant Productivity in Semi-Arid Rangelands: Spatial and Temporal Relationships Differ

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    Monitoring of aboveground net primary production (ANPP) is critical for effective management of rangeland ecosystems but is problematic due to the vast extent of rangelands globally, and the high costs of ground-based measurements. Remote sensing of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (APAR) can be used to predict ANPP, potentially offering an alternative means of quantifying ANPP at both high temporal and spatial resolution across broad spatial extents. The relationship between ANPP and APAR has often been quantified based on either spatial variation across a broad region or temporal variation at a location over time, but rarely both. Here we assess: (i) if the relationship between ANPP and APAR is consistent when evaluated across time and space; (ii) potential factors driving differences between temporal versus spatial models, and (iii) the magnitude of potential errors relating to space for time transformations in quantifying productivity. Using two complimentary ANPP datasets and remotely sensed data derived from MODIS and a Landsat/MODIS fusion data product, we find that slopes of spatial models are generally greater than slopes of temporal models. The abundance of plant species with different structural attributes, specifically the abundance of C4 shortgrasses with prostrate canopies versus taller, more productive C3 species with more vertically complex canopies, tended to vary more dramatically in space than over time. This difference in spatial versus temporal variation in these key plant functional groups appears to be the primary driver of differences in slopes among regression models. While the individual models revealed strong relationships between ANPP to APAR, the use of temporal models to predict variation in space (or vice versa) can increase error in remotely sensed predictions of ANPPEEA Concepción del UruguayFil: Gaffney, Rowan. United States Department of Agriculture–Agricultural Research Service. Rangeland Resources and Systems Research Unit; Estados UnidosFil: Porensky, Lauren M. United States Department of Agriculture–Agricultural Research Service. Rangeland Resources and Systems Research Unit; Estados UnidosFil: Feng, Gao. United States Department of Agriculture–Agricultural Research Service. Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory; Estados UnidosFil: Irisarri, Jorge Gonzalo Nicolás. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura; ArgentinaFil: Durante, Martin. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Concepción del Uruguay; ArgentinaFil: Derner, Justin D. United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service. Rangeland Resources Research Unit; Estados UnidosFil: Augustine, David J.. United States Department of Agriculture–Agricultural Research Service. Rangeland Resources and Systems Research Unit; Estados Unido