117 research outputs found

    Le pouvoir médical et le défi de la collaboration interprofessionnelle. Trois cas de figure

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    Dans la foulĂ©e de la loi 90 adoptĂ©e au QuĂ©bec en 2002, l’article analyse l’évolution du statut professionnel des mĂ©decins dans le cadre spĂ©cifique de leurs relations avec trois groupes de professionnels : les infirmiĂšres, les chiropraticiens et les techniciens ambulanciers. TirĂ©es d’entrevues et de sources documentaires, nos donnĂ©es montrent que les mĂ©decins n’ont pas renoncĂ© Ă  une part significative de leur pouvoir dans leurs rapports avec ces groupes professionnels : en refusant de dĂ©lĂ©guer le droit au diagnostic et Ă  la dĂ©termination du traitement mĂ©dical, ils continuent d’exercer un contrĂŽle rĂ©el sur les pratiques des autres groupes professionnels.Following the adoption of Bill 90 in QuĂ©bec in 2002, this paper analyses the changes in the professional status of physicians in the specific context of their relations with three professional groups: nurses, chiropractors and ambulance technicians. Our data, drawn from interviews and from documentary sources, indicate that physicians have not given up a significant portion of their power in their relations with these professional groups: by refusing to delegate the right to perform diagnosis and to prescribe medical treatment, they continue to exercise significant control over the practices of other professional groups

    Pouvoir médical et interventions législatives au Québec, 2001-2008

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    Traditionnellement dĂ©duit de la reconnaissance sociale accordĂ©e aux mĂ©decins et de la nature scientifique de leur savoir, le pouvoir mĂ©dical semble dĂ©sormais contestĂ© sur la base de divers facteurs, notamment les connaissances accrues des patients, mais peut-ĂȘtre spĂ©cialement la volontĂ© des responsables politiques de rationaliser les pratiques dans le domaine de la santĂ©, en particulier dans la perspective de rĂ©duction des coĂ»ts. Au-delĂ  de la perception que des mĂ©decins ont eux-mĂȘmes de leur pouvoir et de son Ă©volution, nous examinons 28 lois qui, adoptĂ©es par l’AssemblĂ©e nationale du QuĂ©bec entre 2001 et 2008, touchent Ă  diffĂ©rents degrĂ©s la profession et la pratique mĂ©dicales. Il ressort de cet exercice que le pouvoir mĂ©dical est objet Ă  la fois d’une Ă©rosion relative et d’une consolidation, selon qu’on porte attention au contrĂŽle des conditions d’exercice de la pratique ou au statut hĂ©gĂ©monique de la profession au sein du systĂšme de santĂ©.Traditionally derived from the social recognition granted to physicians and from the scientific nature of their knowledge, the power of the medical profession now seems to be challenged on the basis of several factors, including increased knowledge on the part of patients, but perhaps more especially the desire of political leaders to streamline practices in the health care sector, particularly with a view to cost reduction. Above and beyond the perception that physicians themselves have of their own power and its evolution, this paper examines 28 bills adopted by the National Assembly of QuĂ©bec between 2001 and 2008 that affect the medical profession and medical practice to varying degrees. This exercise tends to indicate that medical power is undergoing both a relative degree of erosion and a consolidation, depending on whether one focuses on the control of conditions of the exercise of practice, or on the hegemonical status of the profession within the health-care sector

    Évaluation pharmacoĂ©conomique d'un test de prĂ©disposition gĂ©nĂ©tique aux effets secondaires musculaires reliĂ©s aux statines

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    Introduction : Les statines ont prouvĂ© leur efficacitĂ© dans le traitement des dyslipidĂ©mies. Cependant, ces molĂ©cules sont associĂ©es Ă  des effets secondaires d’ordre musculaire. Puisque ces effets peuvent avoir des consĂ©quences graves sur la vie des patients en plus d’ĂȘtre possiblement Ă  l’origine de la non-observance d’une proportion importante des patients recevant une statine, un outil pharmacogĂ©nomique qui permettrait d’identifier a priori les patients susceptibles de dĂ©velopper des effets secondaires musculaires induits par une statine (ESMIS) serait trĂšs utile. L’objectif de la prĂ©sente Ă©tude Ă©tait donc de dĂ©terminer la valeur monĂ©taire d’un tel type d’outil Ă©tant donnĂ© que cet aspect reprĂ©senterait une composante importante pour sa commercialisation et son implantation dans la pratique mĂ©dicale courante. MĂ©thode : Une premiĂšre simulation fut effectuĂ©e Ă  l’aide de la mĂ©thode de Markov, mais celle-ci ne permettait pas de tenir compte de tous les Ă©lĂ©ments dĂ©sirĂ©s. C’est pourquoi la mĂ©thode de simulation d'Ă©vĂšnements discrets fut utilisĂ©e pour Ă©tudier une population de 100 000 patients hypothĂ©tiques nouvellement initiĂ©s sur une statine. Cette population virtuelle a Ă©tĂ© dupliquĂ©e pour obtenir deux cohortes de patients identiques. Une cohorte recevait le test et un traitement appropriĂ© alors que l'autre cohorte recevait le traitement standard actuel—i.e., une statine. Le modĂšle de simulation a permis de faire Ă©voluer les deux cohortes sur une pĂ©riode de 15 ans en tenant compte du risque de maladies cardio-vasculaires (MCV) fatal ou non-fatal, d'ESMIS et de mortalitĂ© provenant d’une autre cause que d’une MCV. Les consĂ©quences encourues (MCV, ESMIS, mortalitĂ©) par ces deux populations et les coĂ»ts associĂ©s furent ensuite comparĂ©s. Finalement, l’expĂ©rience fut rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©e Ă  25 reprises pour Ă©valuer la stabilitĂ© des rĂ©sultats et diverses analyses de sensibilitĂ© ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es. RĂ©sultats : La diffĂ©rence moyenne des coĂ»ts en traitement des MCV et des ESMIS, en perte de capital humain et en mĂ©dicament Ă©tait de 28,89 entrelesdeuxcohortespourladureˊetotaledel’expeˊrimentation(15ans).Lescou^tseˊtantpluseˊleveˊschezcellequin’eˊtaitpassoumiseautest.Toutefois,l’eˊcart−typeaˋlamoyenneeˊtaitconsideˊrable(416,22 entre les deux cohortes pour la durĂ©e totale de l’expĂ©rimentation (15 ans). Les coĂ»ts Ă©tant plus Ă©levĂ©s chez celle qui n’était pas soumise au test. Toutefois, l’écart-type Ă  la moyenne Ă©tait considĂ©rable (416,22 ) remettant en question la validitĂ© de l’estimation monĂ©taire du test pharmacogĂ©nomique. De plus, cette valeur Ă©tait fortement influencĂ©e par la proportion de patients prĂ©disposĂ©s aux ESMIS, par l’efficacitĂ© et le coĂ»t des agents hypolipidĂ©miants alternatifs ainsi que par les coĂ»ts des traitements des ESMIS et de la valeur attribuĂ©e Ă  un mois de vie supplĂ©mentaire. Conclusion : Ces rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent qu’un test de prĂ©disposition gĂ©nĂ©tique aux ESMIS aurait une valeur d’environ 30 chezdespatientss’appre^tantaˋcommenceruntraitementaˋbasedestatine.Toutefois,l’incertitudeentourantlavaleurobtenueesttreˋsimportanteetplusieursvariablesdontlesdonneˊesreˊellesnesontpasdisponiblesdanslalitteˊratureontuneinfluenceimportantesurlavaleur.Lavaleurreˊelledecetoutilgeˊneˊtiquenepourradonce^tredeˊtermineˊeseulementlorsquelemodeˋleseramisaˋjouravecdesdonneˊespluspreˊcisessurlapreˊvalencedesESMISetleurimpactsurl’observanceautraitementpuisanalyseˊavecunplusgrandnombredepatients.Introduction:Statinshaveproventheirefficacyinthetreatmentofdyslipidemias.However,thesemoleculesareassociatedwithmuscularsideeffects.Sincethesesideeffectsmayhaveadverseconsequencesonpatients’dailylifeandhaveanimportantroleinthediscontinuationofstatintherapyinalargeproportionofpatients,itwouldbeusefultodevelopapharmacogenomictestthatidentifiesaprioritheindividualswhoarelikelytodevelopstatin−relatedmuscularsideeffects(SRMSE).Theobjectiveofthepresentstudywastodetermineofthemonetaryvalueofsuchatypeoftestconsideringthatthisaspectwouldrepresentanimportantcomponentofitsmarketingandimplementationintomedicalpractice.Method:ThefirstsimulationwascarriedoutusingthemethodofMarkov,butthisonedidnotallowconsiderallthedesiredelements.Thisiswhythediscreteeventssimulationmethodhavebeenusedtostudyapopulationof100000hypotheticalpatientsnewlyinitiatedonastatin.Thisvirtualpopulationwasduplicatedtohavetwoidenticalcohortsofpatients.Thefirstonewasadministeredthetestandasuitabletreatmentwhilethesecondreceivedthecurrentstandardtreatment—thatis,astatin.Themodelallowedthetwocohortstoevolveoveraperiodof15yearstakingintoaccounttherisksoffatalandnonfatalcardiovasculardiseases(CVD),SRMSEandmortalityfromothercausesthanCVD.Theconsequences(CVD,SRMSE,death)incurredinthesetwopopulationsandtheassociatedcostswerethencompared.Finally,theprocesswasrepeated25timestoassessthestabilityoftheresultsandvarioussensitivityanalyseswerecarriedout.Results:ThemeandifferenceofCVDandSRMSEtreatments,lostofhumancapitalanddrugscostsbetweenthetwocohortswasof28.89 chez des patients s’apprĂȘtant Ă  commencer un traitement Ă  base de statine. Toutefois, l’incertitude entourant la valeur obtenue est trĂšs importante et plusieurs variables dont les donnĂ©es rĂ©elles ne sont pas disponibles dans la littĂ©rature ont une influence importante sur la valeur. La valeur rĂ©elle de cet outil gĂ©nĂ©tique ne pourra donc ĂȘtre dĂ©terminĂ©e seulement lorsque le modĂšle sera mis Ă  jour avec des donnĂ©es plus prĂ©cises sur la prĂ©valence des ESMIS et leur impact sur l’observance au traitement puis analysĂ© avec un plus grand nombre de patients.Introduction: Statins have proven their efficacy in the treatment of dyslipidemias. However, these molecules are associated with muscular side effects. Since these side effects may have adverse consequences on patients’ daily life and have an important role in the discontinuation of statin therapy in a large proportion of patients, it would be useful to develop a pharmacogenomic test that identifies a priori the individuals who are likely to develop statin-related muscular side effects (SRMSE). The objective of the present study was to determine of the monetary value of such a type of test considering that this aspect would represent an important component of its marketing and implementation into medical practice. Method: The first simulation was carried out using the method of Markov, but this one did not allow consider all the desired elements. This is why the discrete events simulation method have been used to study a population of 100 000 hypothetical patients newly initiated on a statin. This virtual population was duplicated to have two identical cohorts of patients. The first one was administered the test and a suitable treatment while the second received the current standard treatment—that is, a statin. The model allowed the two cohorts to evolve over a period of 15 years taking into account the risks of fatal and non fatal cardiovascular diseases (CVD), SRMSE and mortality from other causes than CVD. The consequences (CVD, SRMSE, death) incurred in these two populations and the associated costs were then compared. Finally, the process was repeated 25 times to assess the stability of the results and various sensitivity analyses were carried out. Results: The mean difference of CVD and SRMSE treatments, lost of human capital and drugs costs between the two cohorts was of 28.89 , these costs being higher in the cohort who was not administered the test. However, the standard deviation with the average was considerable (416.22 )callinginquestionthevalidityofthemonetaryestimateofthetestpharmacogenomic.ThisdifferencevariedalotasafunctionoftheproportionofpatientsbeingpredisposedtoSRMSE,theefficacyandthecostsofthealternativetreatments,theSRMSEcost,andthevalueassignedtooneadditionalmonthoflife.Conclusion:TheresultssuggestthatatestofgeneticpredispositiontoSRMSEwouldhaveavaluearound30) calling in question the validity of the monetary estimate of the test pharmacogenomic.This difference varied a lot as a function of the proportion of patients being predisposed to SRMSE, the efficacy and the costs of the alternative treatments, the SRMSE cost, and the value assigned to one additional month of life. Conclusion: The results suggest that a test of genetic predisposition to SRMSE would have a value around 30 in patients who start a statin treatment. However, uncertainty surrounding the value obtained is very important and several variables for which the real data are not available in the literature have an important influence on the value. The real value of this genetic tool could thus be given only when the model is updated with more precise data on the prevalence of the ESMIS and their impact on the observance at the treatment and then analyzed with a higher number of patients

    La pratique actuelle et les obstacles Ă  la pratique de l'entrainement mental selon la perception d'entraĂźneurs et d'athlĂštes en natation

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    La prĂ©paration d'un athlĂšte Ă  la performance sportive implique qu'il travaille de concert plusieurs aspects ; physique, mental, technique, tactique et social. Cependant, la prĂ©paration mentale dans le sport est une composante qui semble nĂ©gligĂ©e par les athlĂštes et les entraineurs, car elle est la derniĂšre Ă  ĂȘtre entrainĂ©e, lorsqu'elle l'est. Il y a une mĂ©connaissance des effets de l'entrainement mental sur la performance sportive, un manque de ressources professionnelles et une sous-utilisation des ressources disponibles Ă  ce sujet. Ainsi, le prĂ©sent projet de recherche a pour objectifs d'identifier les effets de l'entrainement mental sur la performance sportive selon des entraineurs et des athlĂštes en natation, d'identifier les stratĂ©gies d'entrainement mental les plus utilisĂ©es en natation, de dĂ©montrer comment l'entrainement mental est intĂ©grĂ© Ă  la pratique sportive et Ă  la pĂ©riodisation d'entrainement ainsi que d'identifier les obstacles Ă  la pratique de l'entrainement mental. Pour ce faire, des entrevues semi-structurĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es auprĂšs de douze nageurs, ainsi que cinq entraineurs de niveau provincial en natation. Les rĂ©ponses de chacun des participants ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es Ă  l'aide d'une approche inductive gĂ©nĂ©rale d'analyse de donnĂ©es qualitatives. Il en rĂ©sulte que les entraineurs pratiquent l'entrainement mental avec leurs athlĂštes, mais se disent limitĂ©s dans leurs compĂ©tences Ă  ce sujet, ce qui les rend parfois inconfortables. En ce qui concerne les athlĂštes, ils ont entiĂšrement confiance en leur entraineur en ce qui a trait Ă  la prĂ©paration mentale. Ils mentionnent ne pas pratiquer l'entrainement mental durant leurs entrainements, mais tout de mĂȘme avoir dĂ©veloppĂ© certaines techniques. Enfin, cette Ă©tude permet de dĂ©mystifier la vision des entraineurs et des athlĂštes concernant la prĂ©paration mentale. Cette prise de conscience facilitera le dĂ©veloppement et l'atteinte du plein potentiel autant chez l'entraineur que chez l'athlĂšte, car il est possible de s'entrainer mentalement sur une base quotidienne au mĂȘme titre que l'entrainement physique, technique, tactique et social.An athlete's preparation to performance requires working on many aspects such as physical, mental, technical, tactical, and social. However, mental preparation in sport is one of the aspects that seems to be neglected by athletes and coaches because it is the last to be trained, when it is. Swimming athletes and coaches have a lack of knowledge about mental training effects on sports performance. There is also a lack of resources and a disuse of available resources about mental training. Therefore, the goals of this study were to identify the effects of mental training on performance based on swimmers and swimming coaches' perception, to know the most used mental training strategies and how they are included to the annual periodization and to understand the obstacles encountered by swimming athletes and coaches when introducing and practising mental training. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with twelve swimmers and five swimming coaches from a provincial level. Each answer was analyzed with a general inductive approach for qualitative data. The outcome of this study was that coaches are practising mental training with their athletes, but they are limited by their lack of knowledge, and they are sometimes uncomfortable with it. Concerning the athletes, they are confident about their coaches' skills on mental training, and they know that if they are experiencing any problems, they can talk to them. On the other hand, swimmers also mentioned that they are not practising mental training during their swimming training. They rather developed mental training techniques on their own, according to their needs. Thus, this study allowed understanding athletes' and coaches' perception about mental training. This awareness will facilitate the development and the attainment of the athletes and coaches' full potential because it is possible to practice mental training daily such as physical, technical, tactical, and social training

    Des souches de trichogrammes contre la pyrale du buis

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    editorial reviewedContexte - Le programme de recherche SaveBuxus a pour objectif l’évaluation et la mise au point de solutions de biocontrĂŽle pour protĂ©ger le buis en luttant notamment contre la pyrale du buis Cydalima perspectalis. travaux - Le but du laboratoire biocontrĂŽle est de dĂ©velopper une stratĂ©gie de lutte Ă  l’aide de trichogrammes pour contrĂŽler C. perspectalis. Des tests de screening (tri) ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s sur 56 souches de tichogrammes. rĂ©sultats - Trente-six des cinquante-six souches de trichogrammes sont capables de parasiter les oeufs de la pyrale du buis. Cinq de ces souches montrent un taux d’efficacitĂ© globale intĂ©ressant. De plus, des individus F1 Ă©mergent de ces oeufs

    Eliciting Awe in the Spectator: The Case of a Dhrupad-Based Dance Performance

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    This paper describes “Kalos, eüdos, skopeün,” an immersive Dhrupad-based dance installation designed to elicit feelings of awe in the spectators, in a real-life artistic context. This study used a mixed-methods approach in order to explore spectators’ awe experience (N=45), using specific scales and interpretative phenomenological analysis. Results suggested that “Kalos, eüdos, skopeün,” with its combination of nature motifs and the slow dance-walk associated with the Dhrupad music in the choreography, was able to produce awe-related moments in some spectators and inspire a degree of positive emotions. Our qualitative results viewed awe explicitly as a positive emotion and showed that generally the spectator narratives, involving the whole performance, were based on modified states of consciousness. Three themes emerged: the main theme is “A rich experience of modified states of consciousness” involving the whole performance, and two interconnected sub-themes “Captivated by the slowness of the dancers” associated with the slow movement and “I can still hear the mantra in my head” in rapport with Dhrupad music. This study was carried out as part of the Canadian FRQSC/FCI Project (2019-RC2-260306)

    La complexité de la relation d'isomorphisme pour les modÚles dénombrables d'une théorie oméga-stable

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    PARIS7-BibliothÚque centrale (751132105) / SudocPARIS-BIUSJ-Mathématiques rech (751052111) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Statistical tools for discovering pseudo-periodicities in biological sequences

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Many protein sequences present non trivial periodicities, such as cysteine signatures and leucine heptads. These known periodicities probably represent a small percentage of the total number of sequences periodic structures, and it is useful to have general tools to detect such sequences and their period in large databases of sequences. We compare three statistics adapted from those used in time series analysis: a generalisation of the simple autocovariance based on a similarity score and two statistics intending to increase the power of the method. Theoretical behaviour of these statistics are derived, and the corresponding tests are then described. In this paper we also present an application of these tests to a protein known to have sequence periodicity

    Preliminary Program Evaluation of the Bereavement Support Group “Animation d’un groupe de soutien pour personnes endeuillĂ©es”

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    Un grand nombre de personnes sera appelĂ©e Ă  vivre, un jour ou l’autre, le dĂ©cĂšs d’un ĂȘtre cher et, par consĂ©quent, Ă  entreprendre un processus de deuil. Pour certains endeuillĂ©s, un soutien professionnel s’avĂšrera nĂ©cessaire afin de retrouver un Ă©quilibre. Le programme « Animation d’un groupe de soutien pour personnes endeuillĂ©es » de Viens, Monbourquette, Aspermont et Chartrand (2017) est frĂ©quemment utilisĂ© par les intervenants quĂ©bĂ©cois Ă  cette fin. Toutefois, l’efficacitĂ© de ce programme n’a jamais Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e empiriquement. Ainsi, la prĂ©sente Ă©tude a pour but une Ă©valuation prĂ©liminaire de ce programme en observant l’atteinte de ses objectifs par les participants (n = 8) ainsi qu’en mesurant les changements sur le plan des rĂ©actions liĂ©es au deuil Ă  la suite de leur participation au programme. Les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude montrent, avec une tendance statistique, une diminution des rĂ©actions liĂ©es au deuil chez les participants Ă  la suite du programme. Toutefois, les rĂ©sultats indiquent que le programme menĂ© dans le cadre d’un groupe hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne semble se rĂ©vĂ©ler plus efficace chez certains endeuillĂ©s. En effet, un niveau d’atteinte plus Ă©levĂ© des objectifs ainsi qu’une diminution plus significative des rĂ©actions associĂ©es Ă  la perte d’un ĂȘtre cher ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©s chez les participants traversant un dĂ©cĂšs anticipĂ© (p. ex., maladie dĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rative) comparativement aux endeuillĂ©s vivant une situation de dĂ©cĂšs non anticipĂ© (p. ex., accident). Cette Ă©tude contribue au dĂ©veloppement des connaissances sur l’intervention de groupe auprĂšs des personnes endeuillĂ©es et propose des rĂ©flexions quant Ă  l’accompagnement des personnes vivant un deuil.At some point in their life, most people will experience the loss of a loved one and will therefore initiate a grieving process. For some bereaved individuals, a professional support will be necessary to guide them through that difficult time. The bereavement support group “Animation d’un groupe de soutien pour personnes endeuillĂ©es” designed by Viens, Monbourquette, Aspermont and Chartrand (2017) is frequently used by mental health professionals in Quebec for this purpose. However, this program has never been empirically evaluated. Therefore, the goal of the present study was to conduct a preliminary evaluation of this program. To do so, achievement of program’s goals by participants (n = 8) and changes in their grief reactions were examined. Results showed a decrease in participant’s grief reactions after their participation in the program with a statistical trend. However, results suggest that the program was more effective for some participants than others, especially in the context of an heterogeneous group. Indeed, when the loss was expected (e.g., degenerative disease), the participants demonstrated higher levels of program goals’ achievement and a greater reduction in their grief reactions after participating in the program when compared to participants grieving an unexpected loss (e.g., accident). This study contributes to knowledge on group interventions for bereaved individuals and provide new insights on how to support them
