135 research outputs found

    Dynamic modelling of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Central Carbon Metabolism

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    Dynamic modelling of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Central Carbon Metabolism

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    CuInSe2 thin films produced by rf sputtering in Ar/H2 atmospheres

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    Structural, compositional, optical, and electrical properties of CuInSe2thin filmsgrown by rf reactive sputtering from a Se excess target in Ar/H2 atmospheres are presented. The addition of H2 to the sputtering atmospheres allows the control of stoichiometry of films giving rise to remarkable changes in the film properties. Variation of substrate temperature causes changes in film composition because of the variation of hydrogen reactivity at the substrate. Measurements of resistivity at variable temperatures indicate a hopping conduction mechanism through gap states for films grown at low temperature (100–250 °C), the existence of three acceptor levels at about 0.046, 0.098, and 0.144 eV above valence band for films grown at intermediate temperature (250–350 °C), and a pseudometallic behavior for film grown at high temperatures (350–450 °C). Chalcopyrite polycrystalline thin films of CuInSe2 with an average grain size of 1 μm, an optical gap of 1.01 eV, and resistivities from 10− 1 to 103 Ω cm can be obtained by adding 1.5% of H2 to the sputtering atmosphere and by varying the substrate temperature from 300 to 400 °C

    Plan de marketing de la empresa Alpa Aluminio

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    En este estudio se ha elaborado un plan de marketing de la empresa Alpa Aluminio que cuenta con más de 30 años de experiencia en el sector del aluminio. Se dedica a la fabricación de puertas, ventanas, contraventanas, barandillas y todo tipo de cerramientos. Es una pequeña empresa situada en Areso (Navarra) cuya participación en el mercado no es muy elevada debido a la gran competencia que existe en este sector. Después de analizar todo el mercado y teniendo en cuenta sus debilidades y fortalezas se han establecido unos objetivos de acuerdo con sus capacidades. El objetivo principal es incrementar la cuota de mercado consiguiendo nuevas constructoras mediante un marketing directo y darse a conocer mediante estrategias publicitarias como la radio, folletos, etc. Además de otros objetivos como mejorar la atención al cliente. Si se ejecutan todas las acciones Alpa Aluminio será conocida en gran parte de Guipúzcoa y Navarra, y podrá captar muchos clientes debido a sus precios competitivos. De esta manera, conseguirá aumentar sus ventas y aumentar su participación en el mercado.Graduado o Graduada en Administración y Dirección de Empresas por la Universidad Pública de NavarraEnpresen Administrazio eta Zuzendaritzan Graduatua Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa

    Prácticas farmacéuticas seguras en la Farmacia Comunitaria: Uso seguro de hipnóticos y ansiolíticos

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    Introducción: El uso de los ansiolíticos e hipnóticos es cada vez más prevalente en los países desarrollados como España, siendo las benzodiacepinas los fármacos más prescritos y dispensados. Podríamos decir que dichos fármacos se encuentran entre los peores utilizados por su desconocimiento, su falta de adherencia, sus efectos adversos y su uso durante largos periodos de tiempo, pudiendo dar lugar a sufrir de farmacodependencia, tolerancia y adicción. Objetivo: El presente estudio tiene por objetivo conocer el perfil del consumo de benzodiacepinas en los pacientes de una oficina de farmacia de Sevilla, describiendo el grado de cumplimiento terapéutico con respecto a las mismas y el nivel de conocimiento del uso de benzodiacepinas. Metodología: Se presenta un estudio cuantitativo descriptivo transversal, en el que haciendo uso del Test de Morisky-Green-Levine (validado para población española) y el Cuestionario de Conocimiento de la Enfermedad de elaboración propia, se entrevistaron a las personas que se encontraban en tratamiento farmacológico con benzodiacepinas que acudieron a la Farmacia del barrio de Sevilla Este situado en Sevilla capital. Resultados: Los encuestados presentaron conocimientos adecuados sobre la enfermedad y los factores que pueden mejorarla o agravarla. En cuanto al cumplimiento terapéutico, más de la mitad de los encuestados cumplen con su tratamiento. En cuanto a los no cumplidores, cabe destacar que refieren síntomas de retirada brusca tales como insomnio, nerviosismo y/o taquicardia. Esta falta de adherencia se relaciona con el olvido de alguna toma o la supresión voluntaria de la medicación cuando se encuentran mejor o cuando sufren molestias derivadas de su medicación. Se han valorado también cuáles son las benzodiacepinas más utilizadas y su uso a lo largo del tiempo.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Farmaci

    Structural, electrical, and optical properties of CuGaSe2 rf sputtered thin films

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    Thin films of CuGaSe2 have been produced by rf sputtering. Compositional, structural, electrical, and optical properties are strongly influenced by growthtemperature. At substrate temperatures lower than 300 °C amorphous or poorly crystalline Se‐excess films are obtained, showing high resistivity (≊103 Ω cm) and optical transitions at 1.62, 1.80, and 2.4 eV (values lower than the single‐crystal counterparts). At the higher growthtemperatures,polycrystalline films are obtained (average grain size 0.7 μm) with lower values of resistivity (1 Ω cm), and optical transitions at 1.68, 1.90, and 2.55 eV (very close to the single‐crystal values). A hopping conduction mechanism has been detected at the lower measuringtemperature (T150 K). Structural and compositional characteristics are used to explain the behavior observed in the electrical and optical properties

    Face recognition in controlled environments using multiple images

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    Our objective is the design of a face recognition system for its use in controlled environments. For that reason, different tasks will be performed, that chronologically can be stated as: The study of the basis of pattern recognition, and especially the statistical pattern recognition. The study of the main feature selection techniques, focusing in principal component analysis (PCA), and the basic classifiers, as the nearest neighbour and Parzen classifiers. The study of the main combinations techniques, as we will try to take advantage of the availability of sets of faces to make better-founded decisions The evaluation of the main problems, like pose variation or light changes. The choice and posterior adaptation of these different general tools to our needs, like the use of modifications of the Parzen classifier. The design of the main algorithm, focusing on the differences between the two working modes, identifying (when we try to recognize a person among the different people in our Data collection Cut out faces Normaliza-tionFeature selection PCA / LDA projectionModel selection Represen-tation of the classes UpdatingClassifier selection k-NN ParzenTraining Parameter optimiza-tion Testing Identifica-tion / verifica-tion of groups of faces 14 system) and verifying (when we know a priori the id of the person and we try to assure its identity), and the use of single images or sets of faces. The implementation of the algorithms in C, trying to become familiar with the development environment and considering the possible optimization but maintaining the clarity of the code. The testing of the whole application using faces from different databases and from real data; that is, captured in real scenarios and in non optimal condition

    Justiça restaurativa e os círculos de construção de paz: a coesão do tecido social como contributo à prevenção criminal

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    O presente estudo procura apresentar os resultados de um trabalho de estudo e coleta de informações com vistas à aplicabilidade de um novo paradigma de resolução de conflitos, complementar ao sistema penal vigente no Brasil, que se corporifica na Justiça Restaurativa dentro de sua respectiva metodologia dos Círculos de Construção de Paz como propulsores e fomentadores da coesão do tecido social, notadamente como contributo à prevenção criminal, seja com o conflito já instalado ou nas situações relacionais com perspectivas potenciais de resultarem em conflitos. Os resultados obtidos através da intertextualidade entre leis, doutrinas, documentos, de entrevistas exploratórias através de grelhas explicativas, bem como as impressões da autora acerca do tema, apresenta conclusões positivas sobre o uso da Justiça Restaurativa, notadamente porque as práticas já implementadas em alguns locais tem boa recepção entre os participantes e ótimo êxito para a harmonia social. Entretanto, ainda há uma dificuldade formal em face da inexistência de legislação que regule sua aplicação, assim como o desconhecimento na sua aplicabilidade e seus propósitos, quiçá sobre sua efetividade. Essa maturidade, entre os órgãos públicos e entre as comunidades, deve se dar através de fóruns, debates, formação de facilitadores de Justiça Restaurativa dos mais diversos segmentos e através dos Círculos de Construção de Paz mesmo quando não haja conflito, redundando no conhecimento sobre o assunto além de ser uma excelente forma de fortalecimento de laços. Dessa forma se procurou apresentar todas as nuances que impelem aos conflitos, os índices criminais, a reincidência criminal, a violência que assola todas as comunidades e suas possíveis motivações, a inabilidade do sistema criminal em impedir e diminuir os conflitos e, como a Justiça Restaurativa pode ser inserida tanto no contexto legal quanto das relações pessoais, como forma de harmonizar e aproximar as pessoas, contribuindo para aquilo a que se destina: a coesão do tecido social como fator de prevenção criminal. Mas acima de tudo, tem de mudar a perspectiva de uma cultura de guerra para uma cultura de paz.The present research seeks to present the results of a work of studying and collecting information aiming the applicability of a new paradigm in the aspects of conflict resolution, complementary to the current criminal system in Brazil, which embodies in Restorative Justice inside its respective methodology of Peacemaking Circles as propellants and developers of the social fabric’s cohesion, notably as a contribution to criminal prevention, being with the already installed conflict or with relational situations with potential prospects to result in conflicts. The results obtained through the intertextuality between laws, doctrines, documents, exploratory interviews through explanatory grids, as well as the impressions of the author about the theme, demonstrate positive conclusions about using the Restorative Justice, notably because the practices that are already implemented in some places have good reception between the participants and are of favourable outcome to the social harmony. However, there is still a formal difficulty in terms of the absence of legislation which manages its application, as well as the ignorance in its applicability and purposes, perhaps even about its effectiveness. This maturity, among public organs and communities, must be given through forums, debates, the training of Restorative Justice facilitators of multiple areas and through the Peacemaking Circles; even when there isn’t a conflict, that would result in the knowledge on the subject and is a great way of strengthening relationships. This sought to present all the nuances that urge conflicts: criminal records, recidivism, violence havocking all the communities and their possible motivations, the criminal system’s inability to prevent and reduce conflicts and, since the Restorative Justice can be incorporated not only in legal contexts but also in personal relationships, as a way to harmonize and bring people together, contributing to what it is intended: the cohesion of the social fabric as a criminal prevention factor. But above everything, you have to change the perspective of a culture of war to a culture of peace

    La E. U. Cardenal Cisneros en la formación de docentes de la Universidad Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial

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    El presente artículo describe el papel de la Escuela Universitaria Cardenal Cisneros (EUCC) en el Programa de Cooperación Interuniversitaria Universidad Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial -Universidad de Alcalá de Henares. La EUCC asume la formación de docentes de las escuelas de formación de profesorado de Malabo y Bata y realiza intervenciones con los alumnos de dichas escuelas aportando la experiencia propia y desplazando profesores a Guinea en estancias breves. Las tareas realizadas están siendo acogidas favorablemente y se constatan progresos en diversos ámbitos.The present article describes the role of the Cardenal Cisneros University college (EUCC) in the Programa de Cooperación Interuniversitaria Universidad Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial – Universidad de Alcalá de Henares. (Interuniversity Cooperation Programme. Equatorial Guinea National University – University of Alcalá de Henares). The EUCC participates in the training of teacher trainees in the Malabo and Bata teacher training colleges. The EUCC collaboration is based on sharing experiences with teachers trainees in the aforementioned colleges during short stays in the country. The tasks developed have been warmly welcomed and they have proved to be fruitful in different areas

    Deposition of SiNx : H thin films by the electron cyclotron resonance and its application to Al/SiNx : H/Si structures

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    We have analyzed the electrical properties and bonding characteristics of SiNx:H thin films deposited at 200 degrees C by the electron cyclotron resonance plasma method. The films show the presence of hydrogen bonded to silicon (at the films with the ratio N/Si<1.33) or to nitrogen (for films where the ratio N/Si is higher than 1.33). In the films with the N/Si ratio of 1.38, the hydrogen content is 6 at. %. For compositions which are comprised of between N/Si=1.1 and 1.4, hydrogen concentration remains below 10 at. %. The films with N/Si=1.38 exhibited the better values of the electrical properties (resistivity, 6x10(13) Omega cm; and electric breakdown field, 3 MV/cm). We have used these films to make metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) devices on n-type silicon wafers. C-V measurements accomplished on the structures indicate that the interface trap density is kept in the range (3 - 5) x 10(11) cm(-2) eV(-1) for films with the N/Si ratio below 1.38. For films where the N/Si ratio is higher than 1.3, the trap density suddenly increases, following the same trend of the concentration of N-H bonds in the SiNx:H films. The results are explained on the basis of the model recently reported by Lucovsky [J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 14, 2832 (1996)] for the electrical behavior of (oxide-nitride-oxide)/Si structures. The model is additionally supported by deep level transient spectroscopy measurements, that show the presence of silicon dangling bonds at the insulator/semiconductor interface (the so-called P-bN0 center), The concentration of these centers follows the same trend with the film composition of the interface trap density and, as a consequence, with the concentration of N-H bonds. This result further supports the N-H bonds located at the insulator/semiconductor interface which act as a precursor site to the defect generation of the type . Si=Si-3, i.e., the P-bN0 centers. A close relation between interface trap density, P-bN0 centers and N-H bond density is established