163 research outputs found

    Agire nello Spirito. Sull’esperienza morale della vita spirituale. [Reseña]

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    Reseña de Paolo MIRABELLA, Agire nello Spirito. Sull’esperienza morale della vita spirituale, Cittadella Editrice («Questioni di etica teologica»), Assisi 2003, 232 pp., 15 x 21, ISBN 88-308-0757-5

    Celibato por el reino: carisma y profecía. 32.ª Semana Nacional para Institutos de Vida Consagrada. [Reseña]

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    Reseña de Bonifacio FERNÁNDEZ y Fernando PRADO (eds.), Celibato por el reino: carisma y profecía. 32.ª Semana Nacional para Institutos de Vida Consagrada, Publicaciones Claretianas, Madrid 2003, 390 pp., 14 x 21, ISBN 84-7966-259-

    Direzione Spirituale. Un cammino verso la pienezza della vita in Cristo. [Reseña]

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    Reseña de Raimondo FRATTALLONE, Direzione Spirituale. Un cammino verso la pienezza della vita in Cristo, LAS (Studi di spiritualità, n. 16), Roma 2006, 456 pp., 14 X 21, ISBN 88-213-0607-0

    El discernimiento espiritual. Un grano de sabiduría vale más que todas las riquezas de la tierra. [Reseña]

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    Reseña de Livio FANZAGA, El discernimiento espiritual. Un grano de sabiduría vale más que todas las riquezas de la tierra. Caparros Editores (Colección Tertio Millennio), Madrid 2004, 260 pp., 17 x 24, ISBN 84-96282-02-3

    El concepto teológico-místico de «fondo del alma» en la obra de Edith Stein. [Reseña]

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    Reseña de Stephan PATT, El concepto teológico-místico de «fondo del alma» en la obra de Edith Stein, Pamplona: Eunsa («Colección Teológica», 120), 2009, 206 pp., 16 X 24, ISBN 978-84-313-2623-4

    El uso de la Sagrada Escritura en el Magisterio Pontificio desde Pío X hasta Juan XXIII.

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    «Vosotros sois la luz del mundo». Explicando a los jóvenes la vocación al Opus Dei. [Reseña]

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    Reseña de Martin RHONHEIMER, «Vosotros sois la luz del mundo». Explicando a los jóvenes la vocación al Opus Dei, Madrid: Rialp, 2009, 272 pp., 13 x 21, ISBN 978-84-321-3727-3

    Vocación, historia y discernimiento

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    Spiritual theology is one of the indispensable paths toward understanding Christian vocation. Vocation profoundly depends on God’s action in the world, on his will to save all mankind, which counts on human beings’ free response to divine calling. At the same time, response to a personal calling is made in a particular social context that affects the phenomenon of vocation. This article examines the set of relations that converge on vocation, such as those between freedom, nature, and each person’s history. In the end, the article analyzes the requisites of an authentic vocational discernment.Uno de los caminos insustituibles para comprender la vocación cristiana es el de la teología espiritual. La vocación depende a un nivel profundo de la acción de Dios en el mundo, de su voluntad salvífica sobre todos los hombres que se realiza contando con la respuesta libre de las personas a la llamada divina. Al mismo tiempo, esa respuesta a una llamada personal se sitúa en un contexto social determinado que afecta al fenómeno de la vocación. El artículo examina el conjunto de relaciones que convergen en la vocación, como son las relaciones entre la libertad, la naturaleza y la historia de cada persona. A continuación, se analizarán las condiciones de un auténtico discernimiento vocacional

    Orbital X-Ray Variability of the Microquasar LS 5039

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    The properties of the orbit and the donor star in the high mass X-ray binary microquasar LS 5039 indicate that accretion processes should mainly occur via a radiatively driven wind. In such a scenario, significant X-ray variability would be expected due to the eccentricity of the orbit. The source has been observed at X-rays by several missions, although with a poor coverage that prevents to reach any conclusion about orbital variability. Therefore, we conducted RossiXTE observations of the microquasar system LS 5039 covering a full orbital period of 4 days. Individual observations are well fitted with an absorbed power-law plus a Gaussian at 6.7 keV, to account for iron line emission that is probably a diffuse background feature. In addition, we have taken into account that the continuum is also affected by significant diffuse background contamination. Our results show moderate power-law flux variations on timescales of days, as well as the presence of miniflares on shorter timescales. The new orbital ephemeris of the system recently obtained by Casares et al. have allowed us to show, for the first time, that an increase of emission is seen close to the periastron passage, as expected in an accretion scenario. Moreover, the detected orbital variability is a factor of ~4 smaller than the one expected by using a simple wind accretion model, and we suggest that an accretion disk around the compact object could be responsible for this discrepancy. On the other hand, significant changes in the photon index are also observed clearly anti-correlated with the flux variations. We interpret the overall X-ray spectral characteristics of LS 5039 in the context of X-ray radiation produced by inverse Compton and/or synchrotron processes in the jet of this microquasar.Comment: published in Astrophysical Journal, submission format (real number of pages: 7, 4 figures