85 research outputs found
Development, Validation and Application of a Model
The purpose of this paper is to develop a reputation model for higher education programmes, provide empirical evidence for the model and illustrate its application by using Copenhagen Business School (CBS) as the recurrent case. The developed model is a cause-and-effect model linking image to reputation via rational and emotional evaluations as well as relevant corporate identity determinants. As reputation, image and identity are very complex concepts, it is important to determine which of the many elements should be included in the model. This paper discusses why a given aspect is important for higher education reputation and which relations exist between the included determinants from a theoretical perspective. It is demonstrated how the model and measurement system may be a useful management tool for the improvement of the reputation of a higher education. In this way, the model can help leaders of higher education institutions to set strategic directions and support their decisions in an effort to create even better study programmes with a better reputation. Finally, managerial implications and directions for future research are discussed.
Keywords: Reputation, image, corporate identity, higher education, structural equation modelling
Modelling Emotional and Attitudinal Evaluations of Major Sponsors
The paper reports findings from a larger study of sponsors and their relationship to sponsored
parties. In the present reporting, the focus is on sponsors. Rather than evaluating such
sponsorships in traditional effect hierarchical terms, a conceptual Sponsor Value Model is
specified as a structural equation model where the drivers are attitudes towards the
sponsorship and emotions towards the sponsorship. It is found that the two classes of
variables describe different aspects of the perception of sponsorships, and that they both
contribute significantly to the overall value of sponsoring for a particular company. In the
present paper, two cases are shown for two major sponsors. The specified Sponsor Value
Model is estimated by a partial least squares (PLS) method. It is found that the two sponsors
are perceived differently, both in terms of emotional and attitudinal responses. It is also found
that the emotional responses aroused by the sponsorships are at least as important as those
ascribable to attitudinal elements.
Key words: Sponsorship, emotional response, attitudes towards sponsorship, structural
equation mode
An Empirical Analysis in the Hotel Industry
This paper examines the links between employee attitudes, customer loyalty and company profitability. From a conceptual point of view, this employee-customer-profit chain, also known as the service-profit chain, is well founded and generally accepted. But for many companies, it seems difficult to demonstrate such links, and several issues must be addressed to uncover the links. To investigate these links empirically, a hotel chain provided data matching employee and customer measures with measures of profitability. We have successfully employed a modeling approach, and the paper reports empirical evidence of the employee-customer-profit chain. As it is possible to estimate the links, we have demonstrated their effect on company profitability. The research findings provide a better understanding of the service-profit chain and may help practitioners in improving company financial performance
A Study in the Hotel Industry
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the links between employee attitudes, customer loyalty and business results.
Methodology/approach – From a conceptual point of view, this employee-customer-business results chain is well founded and generally accepted, also in the European Excellence Model. But for many companies, it seems difficult to demonstrate such links, and several issues must be addressed to uncover the links. To investigate these links empirically, a hotel chain provided data matching employee and customer measures with measures of profit, and a modeling approach is developed.
Findings – The model is successfully applied. As it is possible to estimate and test the links, we have demonstrated the effects of employee attitudes on customer loyalty and further on business results. The findings provide strong empirical evidence for the developed model, and the study provided evidence of theemployee-customer-business result chain.
Research limitations – The study is limited to four hotels in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Practical implications – The research findings provide a better understanding of the employee-customer-business result chain and may help practitioners in improving company financial performance.
Originality/value – This paper provides new insights into the relationships between employee attitudes, customer loyalty, and business results
Customer experience management and business performance
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine how essential dimensions of customer experience management (CEM) drive business performance in Danish companies.
Methodology/approach – An empirical study is conducted to investigate the relationships between seven CEM dimensions, differentiation, market performance and financial performance. The conceptual model is operationalized by a structural equation model, and the model is estimated and tested by using the partial least squares method. A survey among 484 companies in Denmark forms the empirical basis for the study.
Findings – The findings provide evidence that the seven CEM dimensions influence financial performance. The high performing companies differentiate significantly from the low performing companies with regard to how they master CEM. All seven CEM dimensions are essential in producing differentiation, market performance and financial performance.
Research limitations – This study is limited to the seven identified CEM dimensions in Danish companies.
Practical implications – This study has clear implications in terms of identifying and measuring the importance of essential CEM dimensions which influence business performance. The results can help companies to understand CEM and develop CEM strategies.
Originality/value – The paper provides a deeper insight into CEM and how CEM works
Kompetencer, innovation og kundeindsigt er vejen til bedre digitale kundeoplevelser
Analysen dækker danske virksomheders fokus på
digitale kundeoplevelser og disses betydning for
virksomhedens forretningsresultater.
I alt 756 har deltaget i analysen der ligger som
baggrund for denne forskningsrapport, primært
ledere og personer med en betroet stilling og indsigt.
Respondenterne er primært tilknyttet følgende
funktioner i virksomheden: Salg & Marketing,
Kundeservice, It/Digital, Forretningsudvikling og
strategi, Økonomi, HR og Analyse.
Fra en videnskabelig synsvinkel viser undersøgelsens
spørgeskema og målinger god validitet, det vil
sige gyldighed. Hver af modellens variable er målt
ved et sæt af spørgsmål til respondenterne.
Data er analyseret ved flere statistiske metoder.
Der er gennemført reliabilitetsanalyser, som viser
høj reliabilitet, det vil sige intern konsistens i
svarene på spørgsmålene inden for modellens
sammensatte variable.
Der er gennemført regressionsanalyser til estimation
og test af sammenhængende mellem modellens
variable. Alle sammenhænge er statistisk signifikante,
og der opnås stor forklaringskraft for modellen.
PÃ¥ denne baggrund er der fra en teoretisk synsvinkel
tale om en robust og solid model med pålidelige og
anvendelige resultater
Danske CEO's på sporet af kunder og innovation
For 6. år i træk udgiver CBS/Institut for Afsætningsøkonomi
og Rambøll Management Consulting
rapporten CEMindex. Analysen afdækker danske
virksomheders fokus på kundeoplevelser, og den ser
på den forretningsmæssige betydning af at investere
i kunderne.
Ca. 600 virksomheder er repræsenteret i analysen,
som har henvendt sig til CXO’s samt ledere inden for
Salg & Marketing, Forretningsudvikling & Strategi, HR
og andre relevante ledere.
I forhold til de foregående år er analysemodellen i år
ændret. Det har betydet, at der er indført nye
dimensioner og spørgsmål. Ændringerne er foretaget
ud fra en forskningsmæssig synsvinkel samt ud fra
Rambølls erfaringer fra løsningen af mere end 100
projekter inden for området. Den ændrede model og
de ændrede spørgsmål har betydet, at der er færre
muligheder for sammenligning fra tidligere års
Whole blood gene expression in infants with respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis
BACKGROUND: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a major cause of viral bronchiolitis in infants worldwide, and environmental, viral and host factors are all of importance for disease susceptibility and severity. To study the systemic host response to this disease we used the microarray technology to measure mRNA gene expression levels in whole blood of five male infants hospitalised with acute RSV, subtype B, bronchiolitis versus five one year old male controls exposed to RSV during infancy without bronchiolitis. The gene expression levels were further evaluated in a new experiment using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (QRT-PCR) both in the five infants selected for microarray and in 13 other infants hospitalised with the same disease. RESULTS: Among the 30 genes most differentially expressed by microarray nearly 50% were involved in immunological processes. We found the highly upregulated interferon, alpha-inducible protein 27 (IFI27) and the highly downregulated gene Charcot-Leyden crystal protein (CLC) to be the two most differentially expressed genes in the microarray study. When performing QRT-PCR on these genes IFI27 was upregulated in all but one infant, and CLC was downregulated in all 18 infants, and similar to that given by microarray. CONCLUSION: The gene IFI27 is upregulated and the gene CLC is downregulated in whole blood of infants hospitalised with RSV, subtype B, bronchiolitis and is not reported before. More studies are needed to elucidate the specificity of these gene expressions in association with host response to this virus in bronchiolitis of moderate severity
2018 Scholars at Work Conference Program
Program for the 2018 Scholars at Work Conference at Minnesota State University, Mankato on March 30, 2018
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