155 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal Analysis of the Population Risk of Congenital Microcephaly in Pernambuco State, Brazil.

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    Since an outbreak in Brazil, which started in 2015, Zika has been recognized as an important cause of microcephaly. The highest burden of this outbreak was in northeast Brazil, including the state of Pernambuco. The prevalence of congenital microcephaly in Pernambuco state was estimated from the RESP (Registro de Eventos em Saúde Pública) surveillance system, from August 2015 to August 2016 inclusive. The denominators were estimated at the municipality level from official demographic data. Microcephaly was defined as a neonatal head circumference below the 3rd percentile of the Intergrowth standards. Smoothed maps of the prevalence of microcephaly were obtained from a Bayesian model which was conditional autoregressive (CAR) in space, and first order autoregressive in time. A total of 742 cases were identified. Additionally, high and early occurrences were identified in the Recife Metropolitan Region, on the coast, and in a north-south band about 300 km inland. Over a substantial part of the state, the overall prevalence, aggregating over the study period, was above 0.5%. The reasons for the high occurrence in the inland area remain unclear

    Estudo bacteriológico de abscessos causados por picada de serpentes do genero bothrops

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    The bacterial flora of 99 cases of abscesses following Bothrops snakebite were analysed. They corresponded to 61.1% of all snakebite abs cesses observed in 1030 patients attending the Hospital de Doenças Tropicais de Goiânia in Goiás, Brazil, from January 1984 to April 1988. An exsudate sample of each abscess was examined by Gram stain, culture and susceptibility tests. The Gram negative bacillis, Morganella morganii, Escherichia coli and Providencia sp were the most frequent bacterias isolated. They were identified in 44.4%, 20.2% and 13.1% of the samples respectively. This flora was similar to those described in snake mouth and venom by other researchers. Based on the results of the susceptibility tests the authors suggested the use of chloramphenicol for the treatment of those abscesses which do not respond to simple drainage.Foi analisada a flora bacteriana de 99 abscessos causados por picadas de serpentes do gênero Bothrops, correspondendo a 61,1% dos casos que ocorreram em 1030 acidentes ofídicos atendidos no Hospital de Doenças Tropiciais (HDT) de Goiânia, no período de janeiro de 1984 a abril de 1988. O exsudato dos abscessos foi estudado através de bacterioscopia, cultura e testes de sensibilidade para aeróbios. Os bacilos Gram negativos foram isolados em maior frequência, destacando-se a Morganella morganii, Escherichia coli e Providencia sp presentes respectivamente em 44,4%, 20,2% e 13,1% das amostras. Esta flora aeróbica foi semelhante à encontrada na cavidade oral e no veneno das serpentes em outros estudos, nos quais predominaram Morganella morganii. Foi sugerido o uso do cloranfenicol no tratamento dos abscessos que não respondam à simples drenagem, face à grande sensibilidade destes microorganismos demonstrada nos testes "in vitro"

    Soroprevalência e fatores de risco para sífilis em população carcerária de Goiás

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    A cross-sectional survey was carried-out among 299 prisoners in the Penitentiary Center of Industrial Activity of Goiás (CEPAIGO), to determine the seroprevalence to T. pallidum and to identify risk factors associated to seropositivity. The seropositivity criterion was a positive VDRL test at any titer. A questionnaire was applied to evaluate the following'risk factors: time of imprisonment, clinical evidence of sexually transmitted diseases (STD), history of syphilis or others STD, homo/bisexuality and number of sexual partners. The positive (PPV) and negative (NPV) predictive values of the history of syphilis were calculated. Seroprevalence of 18,4% was found and no difference was detected in the different age groups. The PPV of history of syphilis was 26% indicating that 74% of the individuals who have reported syphilis in the past presented a negative VDRL test. Among all the risk factors studied, homo/bisexuality was the only one with statistically significant association with seropositivity (relative risks 5.7-95% CL1.2-26, p = 0.03). The paper discusses the methodological problems related with the investigation.Com o objetivo de dimensionar a prevalência da infecção pelo Treponema pallidum e determinar fatores de risco relacionados a soropositividade foram rastreados 299 presidiários no Centro Penitenciário de Atividades Industriais de Goiás (CEPAI-GO), 20 Km de Goiânia. O rastreamento sorológico foi realizado utilizando-se como critério de positividade, qualquer resultado sororeagente ao VDRL independentemente do título. Através de um questionário padronizado foram avaliados os seguintes fatores de risco: tempo de encarceramento, sinais e sintomas relativos às principais doenças sexualmente transmissíveis (DST), história de sífilis ou outras DST e práticas sexuais (homo/bissexualismo e número de parceiros). Foram calculados o valor preditivo positivo (VPP) e negativo (VPN) da história pregressa de sífilis obtida na anamnese. Uma soroprevalência global de 18,4% foi obtida, não havendo diferença entre as faixas etárias. O VPP do antecedente de sífilis foi de 26% significando que 74% dos indivíduos que referiram sífilis no passado não tiveram confirmação pelo VDRL. Entre os fatores de risco testados, a bissexualidade foi o único que apresentou associação estatisticamente significante com soropositividade (risco relativo 5,8 - LC 95% 1,2-16,0 p= 0,03). Foram discutidas as dificuldades metodológicas que poderiam ter influenciado nos resultados

    Considerações metodológicas na interpretação do rastreamento sorológico da hepatite B em doadores de sangue

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    Between October 1988 and February 1989, 1,033 voluntary first-time blood donors were screened for hepatitis B infection in five blood banks in Goiânia, Central Brazil. The survey was part of a major study designed to estimate seroprevalence of HBsAg and anti-HBs and to discuss methodological issues related to prevalence estimation based on data from blood banks. Donors were interviewed and blood samples were collected and tested for HBsAg and anti-HBs by ELISA tests. Prevalences of 1.9% and 10.9% were obtained for HBsAg and anti-HBs, respectively, and no statistical difference was found between the sexes. Prevalence of anti-HBs increased with age (X² for trend = 7.9 p = 0.004). The positive predictive value and sensitivity of history of jaundice or hepatitis reported in the interview in detecting seropositives were 13.6% and 2.2%, respectively. The methodological issues, including internal and external validity of HBV prevalence estimated among blood donors are discussed. The potential usefulness of blood banks as a source of morbidity information for surveillance for Hepatitis B virus infection is stressed.Trata-se de parte de uma pesquisa sobre a soroprevalência e fatores de risco para as doenças infecciosas triadas pelos bancos de sangue, com o objetivo de discutir as implicações metodológicas na interpretação dos estudos seccionais realizados em bancos de sangue para estimativa da prevalência populacional para a infecção pelo Virus da Hepatite B (VHB). De outubro de 1988 a fevereiro de 1989, 1.033 primodoadores de sangue, de 5 dos 8 bancos de sangue da cidade de Goiânia - GO, Brasil, foram entrevistados. Uma amostra de sangue foi coletada para detecção dos marcadores sorológicos AgHBs e anti-HBs pela técnica de ELISA. Foram obtidas taxas de soroprevalência de 1,9% e 10,9% para AgHBs e anti-HBs, respectivamente. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante na prevalência de AgHBs em diferentes grupos etários e sexo. Foi observado o aumento significante de anticorpos anti-HBs com a idade (X² para tendência = 7,9 p = 0, 004). O valor preditivo positivo e a sensibilidade da história de icterícia ou hepatite na anamnese em detectar soropositivos mostraram-se baixos, 13,6% e 2,2%, respectivamente. Foram discutidas a validade interna e externa e as limitações na extrapolação destas estimativas levando-se em consideração as características de distribuição etária e sexo da população, a "voluntariedade", um possível "efeito doador saudável" e a representatividade dos grupos de risco para infecção pelo VHB entre os doadores de sangue

    Erythema nodosum leprosum case series report: clinical profile, immunological basis and treatment implemented in health services

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    O eritema nodoso hansênico é evento inflamatório agudo no curso crônico da hanseníase. É considerado evento de base imunológica e importante causa de morbidade e incapacidade física. Avaliou-se o perfil clínico, sorológico e histopatológico de 58 pacientes com eritema nodoso hansênico recrutados sequencialmente entre julho-dezembro de 2000, em área urbana hiperendêmica do Brasil Central (Estado de Goiás). A metade dos pacientes apresentava quadro reacional grave, e em 66% dos casos o primeiro episódio reacional ocorreu durante tratamento específico. A maioria dos casos com eritema nodoso hansênico e dos controles apresentaram reatividade para IgM anti-PGL I. Os achados histopatológicos mais freqüentes no eritema nodoso hansênico foram infiltrado neutrofílico, paniculite, vasculite e agressão neural. Dos pacientes com eritema nodoso hansênico, 96% usaram corticosteróide sistêmico no primeiro episódio. Os casos de eritema nodoso hansênico estavam associados à neurite e raramente usaram talidomida como medicação isolada nos serviços de saúde.Erythema nodosum leprosum is an acute inflammatory event in the chronic course of leprosy. It is considered an immunological disorder and an important cause of morbidity and disability. We evaluate the clinical profile, serology and histhopathology 58 erythema nodosum leprosum patients sequentially recruited, from July- December 2000, in an endemic area in Central Brazil (Goiás State). Half of the reactins were considered severe and 66% of the cases had the first episode of reaction during specific treatment. The majority of patients and controls were positive to anti-PGL-I IgM. The more frequent histopathological findings in erythema nodosum leprosum were presence of intracellular acid-fast bacilli, perivascular/peradnexial mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate, and neural aggression. Ninity six percent of the patients were treated with systemic steroid in the first episode. The results point out to the association between ENL and neuritis and the rare adoption of thalidomide as a solely medication in the health services

    The frequency and clinical presentation of Zika virus coinfections: a systematic review.

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    BACKGROUND: There is limited knowledge on the influence of concurrent coinfections on the clinical presentation of Zika virus (ZIKV) disease. METHODS: To better understand the types, frequencies and clinical manifestations of ZIKV coinfections, we did a systematic review of four databases (PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, LILACS) without restrictions for studies on ZIKV coinfections confirmed by nucleic acid (quantitative real-time-PCR) testing of ZIKV and coinfecting pathogens. The review aimed to identify cohort, cross-sectional, case series and case report studies that described frequencies and/or clinical signs and symptoms of ZIKV coinfections. Conference abstracts, reviews, commentaries and studies with imprecise pathogen diagnoses and/or no clinical evaluations were excluded. RESULTS: The search identified 34 articles from 10 countries, comprising 2 cohort, 10 cross-sectional, 8 case series and 14 case report studies. Coinfections were most frequently reported to have occurred with other arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses); out of the 213 coinfections described, ZIKV infections co-occurred with chikungunya in 115 cases, with dengue in 68 cases and with both viruses in 19 cases. Other coinfecting agents included human immunodeficiency, Epstein-Barr, human herpes and Mayaro viruses, Leptospira spp, Toxoplasma gondii and Schistosoma mansoni. ZIKV-coinfected cases primarily presented with mild clinical features, typical of ZIKV monoinfection; however, 9% of cases in cohort and cross-sectional studies were reported to experience complications. CONCLUSION: Based on the evidence collated in this review, coinfections do not appear to strongly influence the clinical manifestations of uncomplicated ZIKV infections. Further research is needed to confirm whether risk of severe complications is altered when ZIKV infection co-occurs with other infections. PROSPERO REGISTRATION NUMBER: CRD42018111023

    Metodologia de um estudo de inquérito nacional da prevalência e de padrõesa epidemiológicos das hepatites A, B e C no Brasil

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    Um inquérito de base populacional foi conduzido na população urbana de todas as capitais e do Distrito Federal no Brasil para fornecer informações sobre a prevalência de hepatites virais e fatores de risco, entre 2005 e 2009. Este artigo descreve o delineamento e a metodologia do estudo que envolveu a população com idade entre 5 e 19 anos para hepatite A e 10 a 69 anos para hepatite B e C. As entrevistas e amostras de sangue foram obtidas através de visitas domiciliares e a amostra selecionada a partir de uma amostragem estratificada em múltiplos estágios (por conglomerado) com igual probabilidade para cada domínio de estudo (região e faixa etária). Nacionalmente, 19.280 residências e ~31.000 indivíduos foram selecionados. O tamanho da amostra foi suficiente para detectar uma prevalência em torno de 0,1% e para avaliar os fatores de risco por região. A metodologia apresentou-se viável para distinguir entre diferentes padrões epidemiológicos da hepatite A, B e C. Estes dados serão de valia para a avaliação das políticas de vacinação e para o desenho de estratégias de controle.A population-based survey to provide information on the prevalence of hepatitis viral infection and the pattern of risk factors was carried out in the urban population of all Brazilian state capitals and the Federal District, between 2005 and 2009. This paper describes the design and methodology of the study which involved a population aged 5 to 19 for hepatitis A and 10 to 69 for hepatitis B and C. Interviews and blood samples were obtained through household visits. The sample was selected using stratified multi-stage cluster sampling and was drawn with equal probability from each domain of study (region and age-group). Nationwide, 19,280 households and ~31,000 residents were selected. The study is large enough to detect prevalence of viral infection around 0.1% and risk factor assessments within each region. The methodology seems to be a viable way of differentiating between distinct epidemiological patterns of hepatitis A, B and C. These data will be of value for the evaluation of vaccination policies and for the design of control program strategies
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