49 research outputs found
Testing for the survey mode effect on contingent valuation data quality: A case study of web based versus in-person interviews
This paper addresses the lack of empirical evaluation of the use of web based surveys in the context of contingent valuation surveys. We compare, using a case study, in-person interviews with web based surveys regarding response rate, information additivity effects and respondents' attitudes towards paying. The web based survey had a much lower response (5.1%) than the in-person interviewing (84%). We find the web based contingent valuation surveys to be neither more susceptible to information additivity effects nor more prone to zero protest responses. We conclude in favor of the use of web based surveys, namely in Portugal, where the number of Internet users is rapidly increasing, although further research efforts are required on their use.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6VDY-4NBRFTR-1/1/8fa454b56154abf6569359519de2610
Economic valuation and mapping of Ecosystem Services in the context of protected area management (Natural Park of Serra de São Mamede, Portugal)
Demonstrating economic benefits generated by protected areas is often pointed out as pivotal for supporting decision-making. We argue in this paper that the concept of ecosystem services (ES), defined as the benefits humans derive from ecosystems, provides a consistent framework to approach this issue as it links ecosystem functioning and benefits, including benefits with economic value. This study aimed at providing evidence on how to bring the economic value of protected areas to the decision-making process and contributing to extend current EU Member States' experience in mapping and assessing the economic value of ES in the context of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 (Action 5). In doing so, we used the Natural Park of Serra de S. Mamede (PNSSM), located in the Alentejo NUTS II region, as a case study. We followed a three-step approach to pursue our goals, entailing stakeholders' engagement for selecting relevant ES (through a participatory workshop), biophysical mapping of ES flows (based on a multi-tiered approach depending on data availability) and spatial economic estimation of such flows (using value transfer, willingness-to-pay and market price methods). Our results indicate that the ES with highest economic value are not always the ones with higher perceived value by stakeholders. For most ES, the economic value increased with increasing protection level within the park, except for the crop production service. Although no formal uncertainty or sensitivity analysis has been performed, the following range is based on a critical assessment of non-primary data used. We estimated the aggregate annual value of PNSSM to be 11 to 33M€/year (representing 0.1 to 0.3% of the regional NUTSII Alentejo Gross Domestic Product). Our findings reinforce the need to adopt mixes of monetary and non-monetary valuation processes and not to rely just on one approach or measure of value while bringing ES into protected areas management
The impact of landscape changes on carbon sequestration and storage in the Sabor river’s upper basin
The landscape in northeastern Portugal has changed in the past decades mainly driven by depopulation and agriculture abandonment. These changes can have major impacts on the provision of ecosystem services including the climate regulation service. In order to assess the influence of landscape changes in the provision of this ecosystem service we quantified, valued and mapped carbon stored and sequestered in the sabor river’s upper basin, Bragança, Portugal, using the invest model. The assessment relied on the interpretation of land use/land cover (lulc) changes between 1990 and 2006 and the estimation of carbon stocks in aboveground, belowground, litter and soil pools for the entire landscape. For the economical valuation we used the social costs of carbon approach. Also, three alternative landscape scenarios (forest expansion, shrubland expansion and agriculture abandonment) have been projected for 2020. The results suggested that between 1990 and 2006 carbon stored in the landscape increased and that the variation of the carbon sequestered and stored in the landscape occurred mainly due to changes in lulc and to the increase of forest tree biomass. Carbon distribution among pools varied depending on lulc types. however, for all lulc types, soil was estimated as the major carbon pool. The scenario that simulates the expansion of forest areas revealed a higher potential for carbon sequestration, which could indicate a higher value for this ecosystem service. In contrast, the expansion of shrubland areas revealed a lower potential for carbon sequestration in the landscape
Analysing carbon sequestration and storage dynamics in a changing mountain landscape in Portugal: insights for management and planning
We assessed the effects of landscape change on the climate regulation ecosystem service in a mountain river basin of Portugal, through the quantification, valuation and mapping of carbon sequestration and storage. The analyses were based on land use and land cover (LULC) changes that took place between 1990 and 2006 and on expected changes defined by three LULC change scenarios for 2020. We used the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs model for scenario building and carbon assessment and valuation, and several modelling tools to assess past, current and future carbon in four different pools. Soil organic carbon data was obtained through an extensive sampling scheme across the entire study area. Recent (1990–2006) and expected landscape changes (2006–2020) affected considerably carbon sequestration and storage. Observed landscape changes generally promoted carbon sequestration and storage, and had a positive effect on the climate regulation ecosystem service, both biophysically and economically. Expected LULC changes further extend the capability of the landscape to increase carbon sequestration and storage in the near future. The carbon sequestered and stored in vegetation and soil contributes to avoid socio-economic damages from climate change, while increasing the economic value of particular LULC classes and the whole landscape. These results are essential to inform land planning, especially on how, where and when changes in landscapes may affect the provision of the climate regulation ecosystem service.This work was supported by the European Regional
Development Fund (ERDF) funds through the
Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors -
COMPETE and by National Funds through FCT -
Foundation for Science and Technology. [PTDC/AAGMAA/
4539/2012 / FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-02786].info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Ecosystem services and landscape change: quantification and valuation of carbon sequestration dynamics in the Sabor River’s upper basin
Forest ecosystems provide multiple services including climate regulation
through e.g. Carbon Storage and Sequestration (CSS). However, the
dynamics of this Ecosystem Service (ES) is strongly influenced by Land Use/
Land Cover (LULC) changes. In order to understand the influence of these
changes in the provision of this ES through time, we quantified, mapped
and valued CSS in the Sabor River’s upper basin (northeastern Portugal)
using the InVEST model. The assessment relied on the interpretation of
LULC changes between 1990 and 2006, the estimation of carbon stocks,
economic valuation and the simulation of three alternative landscape
scenarios for 2020. The results suggested that between 1990 and 2006 the
variation of the CSS occurred mainly due to changes in LULC and especially
due to the increase of the availability of forest tree biomass. Over this
period, we estimated an increase of carbon stored; its distribution among
the different carbon pools varied depending on LULC types. However, for
all LULC types, soil was identified as the main carbon pool. In the future
the expansion of forest areas in the landscape, related to a realistic
scenario of rural abandonment, can further enhance carbon sequestration,
eventually adding value to the climate regulation ecosystem service
Caracterização da microfauna de ciliados (Protista, Ciliophora) presentes em uma estação de tratamento de esgoto por processo de lodos ativados: avaliação da eficiência do tratamento
-Os sistemas de tratamento de esgotos por lodos ativados usam processos biológicos que reproduzem de certa maneira os processos naturais que
ocorrem em um corpo de água após o lançamento de despejos. O princÃpio do processo baseia-se na oxidação bioquÃmica dos compostos orgânicos
e inorgânicos presentes nos esgotos, mediada por uma microbiota diversificada e mantida em suspensão em um meio aeróbio. A eficiência depende
da floculação da biomassa e da composição dos flocos formados, que incluem bactérias, fungos, protozoários e invertebrados, sendo esses dois
últimos responsáveis pela manutenção da comunidade bacteriana, remoção de bactérias do grupo coliformes, redução da demanda bioquÃmica do
oxigênio e floculação. Dados qualitativos da microfauna de protozoários e invertebrados podem indicar a eficiência do processo de depuração e a
carga de esgoto no tanque de aeração em estações por lodos ativados. Entretanto a falta de especialistas e de atlas de identificação inviabilizam o
uso desta microbiota . O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar um levantamento preliminar dos protozoários ciliados presentes em uma
estação de tratamento de esgoto (ETE) por lodos ativados, a ETE Barreira do Triunfo, localizada na zona Norte do municÃpio de Juiz de Fora, Minas
Gerais. Foram realizadas coletas do lodo ativado no tanque de aeração da estação e uma alÃquota do material foi analisado in vivo no dia de coleta
sob microscópio de campo claro, e outra alÃquota foi utilizada para realização de culturas, com grãos de arroz com casca e água mineral. Os ciliados
foram fotografados in vivo com auxÃlio de uma câmera digital Sony 7.2 acoplada a um microscópio BX 51 Olympus. Foram identificados os seguintes
gêneros de protistas ciliados nas amostras analisadas no dia da coleta e nas culturas, os ciliados livre-natantes: Aspidisca, Euplotes, Paramecium,
Lacrymaria, Spirostumum, Drepanomonas, Strombidium, Acineria, e os ciliados fixos: Vorticella, Epistylis, Acineta. Foram registrados ainda outros
grupos de microorganismos que compõem a microbiota do lodo ativado: protistas flagelados (Peranema), protistas amebóides (Arcella, Euglypha e
heliozoários), rotÃferos, tardÃgrados, anelÃdeos e ácaros. Nas amostras analisadas no dia de coleta foi observada a predominância de ciliados
hipotrÃquios (Aspidisca, Euplotes). Nos cultivos houve predominância de ciliados peritrÃquios (Epistylis, Vorticella) e notável redução dos ciliados
hipotrÃquios. A predominância de ciliados hipotrÃquios observada no dia da coleta indica uma boa aeração e depuração no tanque de aeração
analisado, sendo necessário, entretanto, a realização de estudo quantitativo elaborado para um diagnóstico preciso sobre a eficiência do processo de
tratamento do esgoto da ETE Barreira do Triunfo. No presente estudo foi elaborado um atlas de identificação da microbiota presente no tanque de
aeração da ETE Barreira do Triunfo que poderá ser usado pelos funcionários da companhia de saneamento municipal (CESAMA) responsáveis pelo
monitoramento do lodo ativado
Trade-offs and synergies between provisioning and regulating ecosystem services in a mountain area in Portugal affected by landscape change
This study explored the effects of landscape change on the provision of ecosystem services in a mountain area in northern Portugal, in particular the trade-offs and synergies between services in 2 categories: provisioning and regulating. Services were assessed for 1990 and 2006 and projected for 2020 under 3 scenarios, both biophysically and economically, based on modeling and published and unpublished statistics. We found that landscape changes in the 16-year period under study increased the total supply of ecosystem services, measured both biophysically and monetarily, but that agriculture production dropped dramatically. Both regulating and provisioning services increased in value, but only regulating services increased in biophysical units. Projections under 2 of our 3 scenarios indicated that both types of ecosystem services will continue to increase in both amount and monetary value and will function in synergy, whereas the third scenario predicted a decrease in services and trade-offs between the 2 categories. Because land use has a major impact on ecosystem service supply, an understanding of the changes and trade-offs described in this
article can support planning and management, in particular in mountain areas and other regions with limited alternatives for income generation. Our findings suggest that regional development plans should include incentives to maximize regulating and provisioning ecosystem services.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Tradeoffs among provisioning and regulation ecosystem services in mountain areas in the north of Portugal affected by fast landscape change
Mountain areas in Portugal provide a diversity of essential ecosystem services, including many provisioning and regulating services. These areas have gone through fast and significant landscape change over the past decades mainly driven by depopulation and agriculture abandonment. To understand how these changes affect the provision of ecosystem services (ESs) in mountain areas in Portugal and to gain insight into how ESs can support management and planning in these changing landscapes, we conducted an assessment of a set of ecosystem services, specifically timber, firewood, mushrooms, freshwater supply, and agriculture crops production (provisioning services), and carbon storage and sequestration, fire regulation, and water regulation (regulating services) in a medium-sized watershed (Alto Sabor) in northern Portugal. The assessment of each ecosystem service included biophysical quantification and economical valuation, using surveys, published statistics, and modeling tools (e.g., InVEST and SWAT) in a spatially explicit manner and was supported by land use/land cover change data from 1990 and 2006. Additionally, scenarios for 2020 were created based on observed land use and land use cover change in the region during the latest decades, namely further expansion of forest stands (FOREST), further abandonment of agriculture (ABANDONMENT), and expansion of shurblands (SHRUBLANDS). Trade-off analysis was conducted in order to evaluate not just the possible combinations of outcomes of landscape structure but also the impact of current and future land use/land cover changes in the provision of ecosystem services. Over the 1990-2016 period the landscape of the Alto Sabor basin showed an increase in forest area (21%) and a decrease in agriculture land (14%) and shrublands (3%). The heterogeneity of the landscape increased slightly as indicated by a decrease in metrics such as patch size, distances among patches, and size of the largest patch in each land class, and an increase in number of patches, extension of edges, and diversity and evenness indices. Simultaneously to these changes in landscape structure, the value of agriculture production in the area decreased strongly in opposition to the remaining provisioning ESs that increased in value. From these, freshwater supply was the most valuable of all. Overall, the value of provisioning ESs increased over this period of time. Among regulating ES, carbon storage and sequestration were the most valuable services showing also a significant increment from 1990 to 2016. Scenarios ABANDONMENT and FOREST indicate continuous or moderate increases in the value of provisioning ESs in the area in opposition to the SHRUBLANDS scenario according to which this value tends to decrease in 2020. The same pattern was observed for the regulating services evaluated in this study. A graphical comparison of the value of pairs of ESs suggest the existence of ES frontiers in value corresponding to optimal solutions of ESs vales. However, the exact shape and location of these frontiers in the graphs cannot be yet exactly located. Plots of the total value of regulating ESs against the total value of provisioning ESs suggest that the total value of ESs in the watershed has not reached a maximum value which can be reached according the the landscape change trends defined for the FOREST and ABANDONMENT scenarios. Tradeoff analysis revealed therefore that for the mountain landscape in Portugal under consideration it is possible to find optimal or sub-optimal combinations of landscape conditions (represented by the landscape in 1990, 2006 and in the three scenarios for 2020) in terms of the value and type of ecosystem services evaluated. The results of this study are important because they can effectively support planning and management in this landscape either based on the optimization of the value of ESs or on the importance of particular ESs. This study can, therefore, contribute significantly to the multifunctionality of the Portuguese mountain landscapes. Further research is, however, required to test the effects of other drivers of change on ESs in the landscape, individually or collectively, and to develop tool for stakeholders to promote participative planning and management in mountains in Portugal
Efeitos da alteração da paisagem no fornecimento de serviços de ecossistema na bacia superior do rio Sabor
A capacidade dos ecossistemas fornecerem serviços é determinada pela sua estrutura e processos biofÃsicos inerentes bem como por processos de outras naturezas que ocorrem a outras escalas. As alterações no uso e ocupação do solo apresentam-se como um importante processo em curso com potenciais efeitos no fornecimento desses serviços.
Neste trabalho analisou-se o impacto das alterações no uso e ocupação do solo no fornecimento de serviços de ecossistema na bacia superior do rio Sabor (Nordeste de Portugal). Esta análise incidiu na avaliação de um conjunto de serviços de aprovisionamento (produção de culturas agrÃcolas, cogumelos, biomassa para lenha, madeira e produção de água) e de regulação (sequestro de carbono).
Para cada serviço foi efetuada a quantificação biofÃsica e valoração económica com base em dados de trabalhos cientÃficos e estatÃsticas oficiais, na utilização de ferramentas de modelação e na análise das alterações da paisagem ocorridas entre 1990 e 2006 e projeção de três cenários alternativos de evolução da paisagem para 2020. Foi ainda efetuada uma análise de trade-offs entre serviços de aprovisionamento e de regulação com o objetivo de identificar possÃveis tendências nas interacções entre os serviços em função das alterações na paisagem.
Os resultados obtidos sugerem que entre 1990 e 2006, em geral, os serviços de regulação e de produção foram afetados positivamente pelas alterações ocorridas da paisagem. Contudo, nem todos os serviços de produção apresentaram esta tendência, nomeadamente os serviços de produção agrÃcola e produção de cogumelos, que tenderam a decrescer. Relativamente à s projeções para 2020, as tendências previstas variam entre os cenários. O cenário que simula a expansão de áreas florestais permite otimizar o fornecimento de serviços de produção e regulação, enquanto o cenário que simula a expansão de áreas matos parece ser o que menos favorece o valor de ambos os serviços de ecossistema na área de estudo
Using ecosystem services trade-offs analysis to promote the incorporation of change into planning and management in a conservation area in Northeastern Portugal
The Montesinho Natural Park in Northeastern Portugal was established in 1979 to preserve a rich and diverse land mosaic maintained by moderate levels of human disturbance. The area has gone through fast social and economic changes that impacted the landscape and its natural values.
However, the Natural Park has been unable to incorporate these changes into planning and management. In this work we analysed changes in landscape composition and configuration and in the provision of various ecosystem services in a medium-sized watershed within the natural park from 1990 to 2006. Ecosystem services such as timber, firewood, mushrooms as well as agricultural production and freshwater (provisioning services) and carbon storage and sequestration, also water regulation and purification (regulating services) were evaluated and mapped using published statistics, land use/land cover data, and modelling tools. Tradeoff analysis between different ecosystem services helped to identify and quantify trends of social-ecological change in the area. Based on our
results, we discuss strategies of incorporating change into planning and management and supporting adaptive management in the natural park by establishing a framework of indicators of ecosystem services