608 research outputs found

    A fuzzy model for studying kinetic decay phenomena in Genna Maria Nuraghe: Material properties, environmental data, accelerated ageing, and model calculations

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    In this study, a fuzzy model has been proposed for the control of the degradation process in Cultural Heritage. Specifically, the focus has been on the Nuragic building, Genna Maria, in Villanovaforru, Sardinia. Environmental data and material properties were considered to formalize inferences between different variables of the model. The results highlight the possibility of significant decay processes, such as salt crystallization and freeze-thaw cycles, estimated for all months of the year. A comparison between model elaborations and experimental data (material characterization, environmental data, accelerated ageing) demonstrates the reliability of the proposed procedure

    Opracowanie oraz analiza trafności i rzetelności Kwestionariusza Wsparcia Społecznego Pacjent–Opiekun

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    Introduction: Social support is an important mediator between disease and psychological adjustment, both for the patient, as well as for the family members. The aim of the study was to develop the self-reported Patient-Caregiver Social Support Questionnaire (KWPO) and assess the initial reliability and validity of this tool. Material and methods: A total of 102 cancer-caregiver dyads completed the KWPO. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire were analyzed. Results: Reliability of the KWPO can be considered satisfactory with a Cronbach’s alpha ranging from 0.89 to 0.923. The mean Content Validity Ratio ranged between 0.85 to 0.92. A four-factor model with the multidimensional aspect of the construct in social support was supported. The fit indices of CFA non-hierarchical model for a flat model was eligible in the goodness of fit index (GFI) (0.943–0.982), the adjusted goodness of fit index (AGFI) (0.921–0.975), the comparative fit index (CFI) (0.703–0.968) and Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI) (0.656–0.963) for received social support, with exception of the root mean square error for caregivers demanded (RMSE) (0.112). Conclusions: The KWPO can be considered as suitable for measuring social support in cancer-caregivers dyads. It can be used to help Healthcare professionals to assess the patient’s need for social support and caregiver’s competences to provide it.Wstęp: Wsparcie społeczne jest istotnym mediatorem pomiędzy chorobą nowotworową a psychologicznym dostosowaniemsię do niej, zarówno wśród pacjentów, jak i ich członków rodzin. Celem tego badania było stworzenieKwestionariusza Wsparcia Społecznego Pacjent-Opiekun (KWPO) oraz wstępna ocena jego rzetelności oraz trafności. Materiał i metody: 102 pary pacjentów i ich opiekunów wypełniło KWPO. Następnie przeanalizowano rzetelnośćoraz trafność badanego narzędzia. Wyniki: Alfa Cronbacha narzędzia znajdowała się w zakresie od 0,89 do 0,92, trafność narzędzi znajdowała się w zakresieod 0,85 do 0,92. Potwierdzono czteroczynnikowy model wsparcia społecznego. Testowany model wskazuje napłaską, nieortogonalną strukturę poszczególnych wymiarów wsparcia społecznego z następującymi współczynnikamidopasowania: GFI (0.943–0.982), AGFI (0.921–0.975), CFI (0.703–0.968) TLI (0.656–0.963). Wnioski: KWPO jest odpowiednim narzędziem do pomiaru wsparcia społecznego wśród pacjentów chorującychz powodu nowotworu oraz ich opiekunów. Można z niego korzystać w celu oceny zapotrzebowania na wsparcieu chorego oraz możliwości jego udzielenia u członka rodziny

    First evidence of intersex condition in extensively reared mullets from Sardinian lagoons (central–western Mediterranean, Italy)

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    The term intersex describes alterations in gonadal development with the simultaneous presence of male and female reproductive stages in the same gonad of a gonochoristic species. In coastal and estuarine environments, euryhaline fish living in polluted waters such as Mugilidae can frequently show these sexual anomalies. In this work, we analysed adult specimens of three species of euryhaline mullets (Chelon labrosus, Liza aurata and Mugil cephalus) from two Sardinian lagoons (Marceddì and San Teodoro) devoted to extensive aquacultural practices, in order to identify putative alterations in gonads and in gamete development. Overall, 13 of the 158 mullets examined (8.2%) were affected by gonadal disorders: four subjects (one C. labrosus, two L. aurata and one M. cephalus) exhibiting an intersex condition were found in the Marceddì lagoon and the other nine (five C. labrosus, two L. aurata and two M. cephalus) in the San Teodoro lagoon. Twelve of these gonads were classified as testis-ova (TOs) and one, belonging to a C. labrosus specimen, was a mixed gonadal tissue (MGT). Intersex condition was evaluated using an intersex index and all the recorded values showed a mild Ovotestis Severity Index (OSI). However, our findings suggest that fish gonadal disorders may be underestimated in extensive reared fish species, particularly in coastal brackish environments polluted by intensive agriculture and animal husbandry activities

    2-arilbenzimidazoli come potenziali agenti antivirali e antitumorali

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    I derivati benzimidazolici trovano impiego in numerose patologie. Tra gli esempi di più estesa applicazione si ricordano i farmaci antielmintici per il loro meccanismo d’inibizione mitotica. Recentemente sono stati oggetto di valutazione anche come farmaci antivirali. Gli esempi riportati rappresentano la struttura di composti che mimano i nucleosidi purinici, nei quali la base è stata sostituita con il nucleo benzimidazolico

    Genetic and structural analyses reveal the low potential of the SARS‐CoV‐2 EG.5 variant

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    The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 EG.5 lineage is the latest variant under monitoring, and it is generating significant concern due to its recent upward trend in prevalence. Our aim was to gain insights into this emerging lineage and offer insights into its actual level of threat. Both genetic and structural data indicate that this novel variant presently lacks substantial evidence of having a high capacity for widespread transmission. Their viral population sizes expanded following a very mild curve and peaked several months after the earliest detected sample. Currently, neither the viral population size of EG.5 nor that of its first descendant is increasing. The genetic variability appear to be flattened, as evidenced by its relatively modest evolutionary rate (9.05 × 10−4 subs/site/year). As has been observed with numerous prior variants, attributes that might theoretically provide advantages seem to stem from genetic drift, enabling the virus to continually adjust to its host, albeit without a clear association with enhanced dangerousness. These findings further underscore the necessity for ongoing genome-based monitoring, ensuring preparedness and a well-documented understanding of the unfolding situation

    SARS-CoV-2 recombinants: genomic comparison between XBF and its parental lineages

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    Recombination events are very common and represent one of the primary drivers of RNA virus evolution. The XBF SARS-CoV-2 lineage is one of the most recently generated recombinants during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a recombinant of BA.5.2.3 and BA.2.75.3, both descendants of lineages that caused many concerns (BA.5 and BA.2.75, respectively). Here, we performed a genomic survey focused on comparing the recombinant XBF with its parental lineages to provide a comprehensive assessment of the evolutionary potential, epidemiological trajectory, and potential risks. Genetic analyses indicated that although XBF initially showed the typical expansion depicted by a steep curve, causing several concerns, currently there is no indication of significant expansion potential or a contagion rate surpassing that of other currently active or previously prevalent lineages. BSP indicated that the peak has been reached around 19 October 2022 and then the genetic variability suffered slight oscillations until early 5 March 2023 when the population size reduced for the last time starting its last plateau that is still lasting. Structural analyses confirmed its reduced potential, also indicating that properties of NTDs and RBDs of XBF and its parental lineages present no significant difference. Of course, cautionary measures must still be taken and genome-based monitoring remains the best tool for detecting any important changes in viral genome composition