2,018 research outputs found

    Módulo III: Processo educativo em saúde

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    Ministério da Saúd

    Revision of the genus Megalastrum (Dryopteridaceae) for Argentina

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    So far the information about the genus Megalastrum (Dryopteridaceae) for Argentina is fragmented and incomplete. A revision of Megalastrum in Argentina is here presented; it is represented by six species: M. adenopteris, M. ciliatum, M. connexum, M. crenulans, M. fugaceum, and M. spectabile. A key to the species is provided, plus descriptions, notes on distribution and habitat, as well as illustrations of diagnostic characters for each taxon. Megalastrum crenulans and M. spectabile are lectotypified. The species occur primarily in the Argentinean forests, with a disjunct distribution, three species grow in the north-western Yungas, two species grow in the Parana forest, and one species grows in the Valdivian temperate rain forest. Megalastrum pulverulentum and M. subincisum are excluded from the Argentinean flora.La información referente al género Megalastrum (Dryopteridaceae) para la Argentina es hasta ahora fragmentaria e incompleta. Se presenta aquí una revisión de Megalastrum en Argentina, el cual está representado por seis especies: M. adenopteris, M. ciliatum, M. connexum, M. crenulans, M. fugaceum y M. spectabile. Se provee una clave para las especies, junto con descripciones, notas sobre la distribución y el hábitat, y se incluyen ilustraciones de los caracteres diagnósticos para cada taxón. Se lectotipifican Megalastrum crenulans y M. spectabile. Las especies habitan primariamente en las selvas de Argentina, con una distribución disyunta, tres especies crecen en las Yungas del noroeste, dos especies crecen en la selva Paranaense y una especie crece en la selva Valdiviana templada. Megalastrum pulverulentum y M. subincisum son excluidas de la flora Argentina.Fil: Arana, Marcelo Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Ciencias Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Prado, Jefferson. Jardim Botânico de São Paulo. Instituto de Botânica; BrasilFil: Ponce, Marta Monica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Botánica Darwinion. Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Botánica Darwinion; Argentin

    Microsatellite Markers in Olives (Olea europaea L.): Utility in the Cataloging of Germplasm, Food Authenticity and Traceability Studies

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    The olive fruit, a symbol of Mediterranean diets, is a rich source of antioxidants and oleic acid (55–83%). Olive genetic resources, including cultivated olives (cultivars), wild olives as well as related subspecies, are distributed widely across the Mediterranean region and other countries. Certain cultivars have a high commercial demand and economical value due to the differentiating organoleptic characteristics. This might result in economically motivated fraudulent practices and adulteration. Hence, tools to ensure the authenticity of constituent olive cultivars are crucial, and this can be achieved accurately through DNA-based methods. The present review outlines the applications of microsatellite markers, one of the most extensively used types of molecular markers in olive species, particularly referring to the use of these DNA-based markers in cataloging the vast olive germplasm, leading to identification and authentication of the cultivars. Emphasis has been given on the need to adopt a uniform platform where global molecular information pertaining to the details of available markers, cultivar-specific genotyping profiles (their synonyms or homonyms) and the comparative profiles of oil and reference leaf samples is accessible to researchers. The challenges of working with microsatellite markers and efforts underway, mainly advancements in genotyping methods which can be effectively incorporated in olive oil varietal testing, are also provided. Such efforts will pave the way for the development of more robust microsatellite marker-based olive agri-food authentication platforms

    Percepción de mujeres latinoamericanas acerca del marianismo y cómo impacta en sus ocupaciones

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    [Resumen] Introducción: La violencia contra la mujer se define según la Organización Mundial de la Salud como todo acto de violencia de género que suponga un daño a nivel físico, psicológico, sexual o económico. El psicológico es un daño que puede pasar más desapercibido en nuestra sociedad pero que afecta a nivel ocupacional en las mujeres. Este trabajo pone el foco en el marianismo, concepto relacionado con el machismo el cual recoge aspectos del rol de género femenino; se pretende indagar en cómo repercute este fenómeno en las ocupaciones, rutinas y entornos de la persona, dimensiones centrales de la terapia ocupacional. Objetivo: Conocer la percepción de mujeres latinoamericanas acerca de cómo el marianismo afecta a su día a día, poniendo el foco en el impacto que provoca en sus ocupaciones, rutinas y entornos. Metodología: Se ha llevado a cabo una investigación cualitativa con un enfoque fenomenológico, en la que participaron ocho mujeres latinoamericanas residentes en A Coruña. Se ha utilizado la entrevista semiestructurada como técnica de recogida de datos. Resultados: Tras el análisis de las entrevistas, emergieron cinco categorías: “Sociedad y cultura”, “Me enseñaron a”, “Ocupaciones asumidas”, “Otra lectura”, y “Hasta aquí”. Conclusiones: A partir de los resultados obtenidos, se puede observar de qué manera surge en cada caso el marianismo, y cómo ha sido inculcado. Por otro lado, la mujer no toma conciencia de este fenómeno, pero su discurso informal confirma su existencia. De ahí se concluye qué ocupaciones asumen como obligatorias las mujeres y por lo tanto qué otras ocupaciones se encuentran comprometidas.[Resumo] Introdución: A violencia contra a muller defínese segundo a Organización Mundial da Saúde como todo acto de violencia de xénero que supoña un dano a nivel físico, psicolóxico, sexual ou económico. O psicolóxico é un dano que pode pasar máis desapercibido na nosa sociedade pero que afecta a nivel ocupacional nas mulleres. Este traballo pon o foco no marianismo, concepto relacionado co machismo o cal recolle aspectos do rol de xénero feminino; preténdese indagar en cómo repercute este fenómeno nas ocupacións, rutinas e entornos da persoa, dimensións centrais da terapia ocupacional. Obxectivo: Coñecer a percepción de mulleres latinoamericanas acerca de cómo o marianismo afecta ao seu día a día, poñendo o foco no impacto que provoca nas súas ocupacións, rutinas e entornos. Metodoloxía: Levouse a cabo unha investigación cualitativa cun enfoque fenomenolóxico, na que participaron oito mulleres latinoamericanas residentes na Coruña. Utilizouse a entrevista semiestruturada como técnica de recollida de datos. Resultados: Tras a análise das entrevistas, emerxeron cinco categorías: "Sociedade e cultura", "Me ensinaron a…", "Ocupacións asumidas", "Outra lectura", e "Ata aquí". Conclusións: A partir dos resultados obtidos, pódese observar de que maneira xorde en cada caso o marianismo, e cómo foi inculcado. Por outro lado, a muller non toma conciencia deste fenómeno, pero o seu discurso informal confirma a súa existencia. De aí conclúese qué ocupacións asumen como obrigatorias as mulleres e polo tanto qué outras ocupacións se atopan comprometidas.[Abstract] Introduction: Violence against women is defined according to the World Health Organization as any act of gender-based violence that involves physical, psychological, sexual or economic harm. The psychological is a damage that can go more unnoticed in our society but that affects at the occupational level in women. This work focuses on Marianism, a concept related to machismo which includes aspects of the female gender role; It is intended to investigate how this phenomenon affects the occupations, routines and environments of the person, central dimensions of occupational therapy. Goal: To know the perception of Latin American women about how Marianism affects their day to day, focusing on the impact it has on their occupations, routines and environments. Methodology: A qualitative research has been carried out with a phenomenological approach, in which eight Latin American women residing in A Coruña participated. Semi-structured interviews were used as a data collection technique. Results: After analyzing the interviews, five categories emerged: "Society and culture", "I was taught to…", "Occupations assumed", "Another reading", and "So far". Conclusions: From the results obtained, it can be observed how marianism arises in each case, and how it has been inculcated. On the other hand, women are not aware of this phenomenon, but their informal discourse confirms its existence. From this it is concluded which occupations women assume as compulsory and therefore what other occupations are compromised.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FCS). Terapia ocupacional. Curso 2022/202

    Recent advances in fiber-hydrogel composites for wound healing and drug delivery systems

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    In the last decades, much research has been done to fasten wound healing and target-direct drug delivery. Hydrogel-based scaffolds have been a recurrent solution in both cases, with some reaching already the market, even though their mechanical stability remains a challenge. To overcome this limitation, reinforcement of hydrogels with fibers has been explored. The structural resemblance of fiber–hydrogel composites to natural tissues has been a driving force for the optimization and exploration of these systems in biomedicine. Indeed, the combination of hydrogel-forming techniques and fiber spinning approaches has been crucial in the development of scaffolding systems with improved mechanical strength and medicinal properties. In this review, a comprehensive overview of the recently developed fiber–hydrogel composite strategies for wound healing and drug delivery is provided. The methodologies employed in fiber and hydrogel formation are also highlighted, together with the most compatible polymer combinations, as well as drug incorporation approaches creating stimuli-sensitive and triggered drug release towards an enhanced host response.Authors acknowledge the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), FEDER funds by means of Portugal 2020 Competitive Factors Operational Program (POCI), and the Portuguese Government (OE) for funding the project PEPTEX with reference PTDC/CTM‐ TEX/28074/2017 (POCI‐01‐0145‐FEDER‐028074). The authors also acknowledge project UID/CTM/00264/2021 of the Centre for Textile Science and Technology (2C2T), funded by national funds through FCT/MCTES

    Influencia de variables de personalidad en la ocurrencia de violencia de pareja en adolescentes y jóvenes adultos

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    En la actualidad, la violencia de pareja es un problema con un gran impacto social. Este fenómeno no es exclusivo de parejas casadas, sino que también aparece en relaciones adolescentes, teniendo una incidencia incluso mayor en la población más joven. Se conoce con el término inglés Dating Violence. El presente estudio, basándose en las teorías de personalidad y tipologías, analiza la posible relación entre ciertas variables de personalidad y la ocurrencia de violencia en parejas adolescentes. Se llevó a cabo con una muestra de 100 universitarios, mediante el instrumento "Cuestionario Exploratorio de Personalidad III" (CEPER-III) y el inventario sobre violencia de pareja "Conflict in Adolescent Dating Relationships Inventory" (CADRI) que distingue entre cinco tipos de violencia. Se realizó un análisis de correlaciones bivariadas de Spearman entre variables de personalidad antisocial y dependiente y las variables de violencia en la pareja. Adicionalmente, se utilizó un cuestionario general de personalidad basado en el modelo de los Cinco Grandes para estudiar si existe influencia de alguna otra variable de personalidad en las relaciones violentas. Los resultados obtenidos permiten concluir que existe relación entre el tipo de personalidad y la ocurrencia de violencia en la relación de pareja, además de la resolución de conflictos en la misma.Nowadays, partner violence is a problem with a huge impact in society. This phenomenon is not exclusive of married couples; it appears as well in adolescent relationships, with an incidence even higher in the youth population. It is known with the English term Dating Violence. The present study, based on personality and typology theories, analyzes the possible relation between certain personality variables and the occurrence of violence in young couples. It was carried out with a sample of 100 university students, using the personality questionnaire "Cuestionario Exploratorio de Personalidad III" (CEPER-III) and the "Conflict Adolescent Dating Relationships Inventory" (CADRI), that distinguishes five types of violent behaviors. A Spearman bivariate correlation analysis was performed between antisocial and dependent personality variables and partner violence. Additionally, a general personality questionnaire based on the Big Five Model was used to study if there is any influence of a different personality variable. The results obtained allow us to conclude that actually, there is a relation between the type of personality and the appearance of violent behaviors in a relationship, in addition to conflict resolution.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Psicologí

    Phage amplification coupled with loop-mediated isothermal amplification (PA-LAMP) for same-day detection of viable Salmonella Enteritidis in raw poultry meat

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    Salmonella Enteritidis is the main serotype responsible for human salmonellosis in the European Union. One of the main sources of Salmonella spp. in the food chain are poultry products, such as eggs or chicken meat. In recent years, molecular methods have become an alternative to culture dependent methods for the rapid screening of Salmonella spp. In this work, the strain S. Enteritidis S1400, and previously isolated and characterized bacteriophage PVP-SE2, were used to develop and evaluate a same-day detection method combining Phage Amplification and Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (PA-LAMP) to specifically detect viable S. Enteritidis in chicken breast. This method is based on the detection of the phage DNA rather than bacterial DNA. The virus is added to the sample during pre-enrichment in buffered peptone water, where it replicates in the presence of viable S. Enteritidis. The detection of phage DNA allows, on the one hand to detect viable bacteria, since viruses only replicate in them, and on the other hand to increase the sensitivity of the method since for each infected S. Enteritidis cell, hundreds of new viruses are produced. Two different PA-LAMP detection strategies were evaluated, a real time fluorescence and a naked-eye detection. The present method could down to 0.2 fg/L of pure phage DNA and a concentration of viral particles of 2.2 log PFU/mL. After a short Salmonella recovery step of 3 h and a co-culture of 4 h of the samples with phage particles, both real-time fluorescence and naked-eye method showed a LoD95 of 6.6 CFU/25 g and a LoD50 of 1.5/25 g in spiked chicken breast samples. The entire detection process, including DNA extraction and LAMP analysis, can be completed in around 8 h. In the current proof-of-concept, the novel PA-LAMP obtained comparable results to those of the reference method ISO 6579, to detect Salmonella Enteritidis in poultry meat.Dr. Alexandre Lamas was funded by a postdoctoral fellowship from Xunta de Galicia (Axudas de apoio a étapa de formación posdoutoral IN606B (Modalidade A)). Dr. Alejandro Garrido-Maestu acknowledges funding from the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia through the Scientific Employment Stimulus Program (2021.02810.CEECIND).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio