5 research outputs found


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    The aim of this paper was to analyze the spatiotemporal variations of cases of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 in Argentina. A space-time permutation scan statistic was performed to test the non-randomness in the interaction between space and time in reported influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 cases. In 2009, two clusters were recorded in the east of Buenos Aires Province (May and June) and in the central and northern part of Argentina (July and August). Between 2011 and 2012, clusters near areas bordering other countries were registered. Within the clusters, in 2009, the high notification rates were first observed in the school-age population and then extended to the older population (15-59 years). From 2011 onwards, higher rates of reported cases of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 occurred in children under five years in center of the country. Two stages of transmission of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 can be characterized. The first stage had high rates of notification and a possible interaction with individuals from other countries in the major cities of Argentina (pattern of hierarchy), and the second stage had an increased interaction in some border areas without a clear pattern of hierarchy. These results suggest the need for greater coordination in the Southern Cone countries, in order to implement joint prevention and vaccination policies


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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las variaciones espaciotemporales de los casos de gripe A(H1N1)pdm09 en Argentina. Se realiz贸 un escaneo estad铆stico espacio-temporal por permutaciones para poner a prueba la no aleatoriedad en la interacci贸n entre espacio y tiempo de los casos registrados de gripe A(H1N1)pdm09. Durante 2009 se identificaron dos conglomerados espacio-temporales, en el este de la provincia de Buenos Aires (mayo y junio) y en la mayor parte del centro-norte de la Argentina (julio y agosto). Durante 2011 y 2012 se registraron conglomerados pr贸ximos a zonas lim铆trofes con otros pa铆ses. Al interior de los conglomerados, primero se observaron mayores tasas de notificaci贸n en poblaci贸n de edad escolar para luego extenderse a poblaci贸n mayor (15-59 a帽os). A partir de 2011, las mayores tasas se observaron en menores de 5 a帽os residentes en el centro del pa铆s. Se pudieron caracterizar dos etapas de transmisi贸n espacio-temporal de la gripe A(H1N1)pdm09. La primera etapa se caracteriz贸 por altas tasas de notificaci贸n y una posible interacci贸n con individuos provenientes de otros pa铆ses llegados a las grandes ciudades de la Argentina (patr贸n de jerarqu铆a). La segunda etapa mostr贸 una mayor interacci贸n en algunas zonas fronterizas y sin un patr贸n claro de jerarqu铆a. Estos resultados plantean la necesidad de generar una mayor coordinaci贸n en pa铆ses del Cono Sur, con el objetivo de implementar pol铆ticas m谩s efectivas de prevenci贸n y vacunaci贸n.The aim of this paper was to analyze the spatiotemporal variations of cases of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 in Argentina. A space-time permutation scan statistic was performed to test the non-randomness in the interaction between space and time in reported influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 cases. In 2009, two clusters were recorded in the east of Buenos Aires Province (May and June) and in the central and northern part of Argentina (July and August). Between 2011 and 2012, clusters near areas bordering other countries were registered. Within the clusters, in 2009, the high notification rates were first observed in the school-age population and then extended to the older population (15-59 years). From 2011 onwards, higher rates of reported cases of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 occurred in children under five years in center of the country. Two stages of transmission of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 can be characterized. The first stage had high rates of notification and a possible interaction with individuals from other countries in the major cities of Argentina (pattern of hierarchy), and the second stage had an increased interaction in some border areas without a clear pattern of hierarchy. These results suggest the need for greater coordination in the Southern Cone countries, in order to implement joint prevention and vaccination policies

    Prevalencia de factores de riesgo cardiovascular en ingresantes universitarios

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    Con el objetivo de conocer la prevalencia de factores de riesgo para enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV) y su relaci贸n con antecedentes familiares de enfermedad, se estudiaron 3.357 ingresantes al 1er a帽o de la Universidad de Mar del Plata, en el a帽o 1991 que completaron su revisaci贸n m茅dica obligatoria. La prevalencia de antecedentes familiares de hipercolesterolemia, hipertensi贸n, diabetes mellitus, obesidad, enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV) fue: 27,5%, 42,1%, 26,9 %, 27,2 % y 42,1% respectivamente. El 80,5% de los alumnos report贸 al menos uno de los antecedentes familiares estudiados. La prevalencia de hipertensi贸n (presi贸n arterial sist贸lica > 140 mmHg y/o presi贸n arterial diast贸lica 90 mmHg) y de hipercolesterolemia ( 210 mg/dl) en los participantes fue 7,0% y 14,4%. Se observ贸 asociaciones de hipertensi贸n con Indice de masa corporal (IMC), sexo masculino y edad. El 27,1% manifest贸 su condici贸n de fumador, no present谩ndose diferencias entre sexos. El h谩bito se correlacion贸 positivamente con la edad y se observaron distintas prevalencias seg煤n la carrera universitaria elegida. La presencia de colesterolemia aumentada se correlacion贸 con la edad, el IMC y los antecedentes familiares de obesidad (OR: 1,32 IC95% = 1,06-1,64) e hipercolesterolemia (OR:1,38 IC95% = 1,10-1,69). Se detect贸 en un 3,7% anormalidades en el aparato cardiovascular. Se observ贸 asociaci贸n con antecedentes de enfermedad card铆aca familiar. La prevalencia de factores de riesgo cardiovasculares hallados representan un toque de atenci贸n dada la juventud de la poblaci贸n considerada y muestran la necesidad de insistir en medidas educativas y de promoci贸n de conductas preventivas