62 research outputs found

    Acute seizure activity promotes lipid peroxidation, increased nitrite levels and adaptive pathways against oxidative stress in the frontal cortex and striatum

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    Previous experiments have shown that the generation of free radicals in rat brain homogenates is increased following pilocarpine-induced seizures and status epilepticus (SE). This study was aimed at investigating the changes in neurochemical mechanisms such as lipid peroxidation levels, nitrite content, glutathione reduced (GSH) concentration, superoxide dismutase and catalase activities in the frontal cortex and the striatum of Wistar adult rats after seizures and SE induced by pilocarpine. The control group was treated with 0.9% saline and another group of rats received pilocarpine (400 mg/kg, i.p.). Both groups were sacrificed 24 h after the treatments. Lipid peroxidation level, nitrite content, GSH concentration and enzymatic activities were measured by using spectrophotometric methods. Our findings showed that pilocarpine administration and its resulting seizures and SE produced a significant increase of lipid peroxidation level in the striatum (47%) and frontal cortex (59%). Nitrite contents increased 49% and 73% in striatum and frontal cortex in pilocarpine group, respectively. In GSH concentrations were decreases of 54% and 58% in the striatum and frontal cortex in pilocarpine group, respectively. The catalase activity increased 39% and 49% in the striatum and frontal cortex, respectively. The superoxide dismutase activity was not altered in the striatum, but it was present at a 24% increase in frontal cortex. These results suggest that there is a direct relationship between the lipid peroxidation and nitrite contents during epileptic activity that can be responsible for the superoxide dismutase and catalase enzymatic activity changes observed during the establishment of seizures and SE induced by pilocarpine

    Striatal monoamines levels during status epilepticus

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    The purpose of the present work to investigate the striatal neurotransmissors level in adult rats after status epilepticus induced by pilocarpine. Wistar rats were treated with a single dose of pilocarpine (400 mg/kg; s.c.; P400) and the controls received saline. Adult animals were closed observed for behavioural changes during 1h. In this period, the animals that developed status epilepticus and survive this acute phase of seizures had the brains removed and striatal neurotransmissors level determiden by HPLC. The concentration of dopamine, serotonine, dihydroxyphenylacetic acid was reduced and an concentration increase in 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid. Didn't observed alteration in 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy-phenylacetic acid. These results suggest that cholinergic activation can interage with dopaminergic and serotonergic systems in acute phase of the convulsive process in rat mature striatum.O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar os níveis dos neurotransmissores estriatais de ratas adultas durante o estado epiléptico induzido pela pilocarpina. Ratas wistar foram tratadas com uma única dose de pilocarpina (400 mg/kg por via subcutânea (S.C.); P400) e os controles receberam salina. A concentração dos neurotransmissores foi determinada através do HPLC eletroquímico, no corpo estriado de ratas que no período de observação de 1 hora desencadearam estado epiléptico e que sobreviveram à fase aguda do quadro convulsivo. Foi observada redução nos níveis de dopamina, serotonina, ácido diidroxifenilacético e aumento na concentração do ácido 5-hidroxiindolacético. Nenhuma alteração foi observada no 4-hidroxi-3-metoxi-fenilacético. Os resultados sugerem que a ativação do sistema colinérgico pode interagir com os sistemas dopaminérgico e serotonérgico nos mecanismos referentes à fase aguda do processo convulsivo no corpo estriado de ratos desenvolvidos

    Evaluation of demands of inclusion, exclusion and alteration of technologies in the Brazilian Health System submitted to the National Committee on Technology Incorporation

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    The steady increase in the number of health technologies and advances in associated research generate management challenges in the choice of technologies to be made available to the public. From 2011, the process of inclusion, exclusion and alteration of technologies to the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) has undergone major transformations, such as the creation of the National Committee on Technology Incorporation (CONITEC). This study analyzed the decisions of CONITEC since its inception until July 2015. The analyzed variables were: type of technology, reason for application, name of the technology, indication, claimant and CONITEC decision status. We found that the Government was the main claimant, accounting for 58.1% of the 420 cases. The most frequent request was inclusion (93.8%) and the technology type was medicine (61.4%). Of the incorporated medicines, the classes of antineoplastic/immunomodulatory were the most frequent (39.47%). Society's desire for inclusion of an increasing amount of health technology contrasts with the limited resources available to management, which causes budget concerns. Using Health Technology Assessment (HTA), advances resulting from these innovations in the process were highlighted, and challenges were identified for the management and the academic community

    Do Brazilian hospital pharmacists record, document, archive and disseminate their clinical practice?

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    An exploratory study was conducted to present the approach of Brazilian hospital pharmacists to registering, documenting, archiving and disseminating clinical practice. The data were collected using an electronic questionnaire (n=348). In fact, 97.41% of pharmacists record their clinical practice, out of which 64.01% (n=217) do in electronic form, mainly in private hospitals (p<0.000), in the central, southern and southeastern regions (p=0.040), and by professionals with 1-5 years of experience (p=0.001). The main software used is non-specific to clinical practice: an electronic spreadsheet (47.93%; n=104) and text editor (13.37%; n=29). The archiving of records is performed by 87.61% (n=297) of professionals, where 80.13% (n=238) do so in physical form; however, 77.31% (n=184) of these files are kept for less than the standard recommended time. Documentation in medical records is carried out by 55.17% (n=192) of pharmacists, increasing among those with 1-5 years of clinical practice (p=0.001), and dissemination is performed by 74.71% (n=260) of hospital pharmacists, with a lower frequency in public hospitals (p=0.012) and among professionals with fewer hours dedicated exclusively to clinical pharmacy (p=0.012). These results can undergird the revision of competency-based training programs of Brazilian clinical pharmacists to remain pharmacists as a valuable health team member

    Factors determining changes in initial antiretroviral therapy

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    SummaryObjectiveTo investigate factors determining changes in initial antiretroviral therapy (ART) in patients attended to in an AIDS tertiary care hospital in Ceará, Brazil.MethodsThis descriptive and exploratory study used the analysis of request to initiate or change treatment forms in the year of 2008, and the changes in therapy were followed through the first year of treatment. Data were analyzed with SPSS and EpiInfo by using ANOVA and the exact test of the coefficient of contingency, with significance at p<0.05.ResultsFrom 301 patients initiating ART, 22.1% (n=68) needed a change in the first year. These patients were mostly males, aged 20 to 39 years; with only one ART changed needed in 86.8% of the cases (n=59). Reports of two or three changes in regimen were observed. Zidovudine was the drug most often changed, followed by lopinavir/ritonavir and efavirenz. A significant association was found between changes in initial regimens and the report of adverse reactions (p<0.001).ConclusionThe main factor determining changes in the initial ART was an adverse reaction report. Most patients had one change in the initial ART over the first year of treatment. ART monitoring contributed to a better control of the specific drug therapy

    Interfaces do cuidado farmacêutico na redução do sofrimento emocional e melhor adesão terapêutica no Diabetes: Pharmaceutical care interfaces in reducing emotional distress and better therapeutic adherence in Diabetes

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    O sofrimento emocional e a falta de adesão ao tratamento podem influenciar o controle do Diabetes Mellitus (DM), aumentando riscos de complicações e outras comorbidades relacionadas à doença. O estudo objetivou reduzir o sofrimento emocional e aumentar a adesão terapêutica em pessoas com DM tipo 2 através do cuidado farmacêutico e suas intervenções. Trata-se de um estudo experimental, com ensaio clínico não controlado, realizado em pacientes assistidos em uma Unidade de Atenção Primária à Saúde. Trinta participantes apresentando sofrimento ao diabetes e/ou baixa adesão ao tratamento foram acompanhados pelo farmacêutico clínico por um período de seis meses. Instrumentos de medidas validados, para avaliar o sofrimento emocional e adesão a antidiabéticos orais e insulinas, foram aplicados no início e ao final do acompanhamento. Foram propostas 164 intervenções farmacêuticas, sendo a maioria destas aceitas (n=144; 87,8 %). Observou-se uma redução do número de pessoas com angústia do diabetes (início n=26; 86,7%; e final: n= 7; 23,3%; p &lt; 0,001), bem como da ‘não adesão’ a antidiabéticos orais (início: n= 12; 40%; final: n= 2; 6,7%; p &lt; 0,006) e insulinas (início: n=8; 66,7%; final: n=1; 8,3%; p&lt;0,016). A abordagem realizada por meio das intervenções farmacêuticas e o alto índice de aceitação destas, podem ter contribuído para minimizar o nível da escala de sofrimento em relação ao diabetes e para garantir a adesão terapêutica, viabilizando melhor controle e redução de riscos de complicações da doença

    Cardiovascular risk rate in hypertensive patients attended in primary health care units: the influence of pharmaceutical care

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    Cardiovascular complications are relevant due to their frequency and severity on the hypertension scenario. Studies refer Pharmaceutical Care (PC) as capable of decreasing cardiovascular risk rate (%CVR) on hypertensive patients. This study aimed to investigate, through a randomized clinical assay, the influence of PC service on the %CVR of hypertensive patients assisted in a health primary care unit from Fortaleza-Ceará. Two study groups were formed: i. Intervention Group (IG), which received orientation about taking medicines, actions aiming to prevent/solve medicine interactions and adverse effects and non-pharmacological interventions for 9 months and, ii. Control Group (CG), which received traditional assistance of the unit and was monitored during the same period. It was observed a statistically significant reduction on %CVR (10.76 to 7.86; p=0.04) and systolic blood pressure levels (SBP) (137.69 to 131.54; pAs complicações cardiovasculares apresentam relevância devido à sua freqüência e gravidade no contexto da hipertensão. Estudos referem que a prestação do Cuidado Farmacêutico (CF) é capaz de reduzir a taxa de risco cardiovascular (%RCV) em hipertensos. Esse trabalho objetivou investigar, com um ensaio clínico randomizado, a influência da prestação do CF na %RCV em hipertensos atendidos em uma unidade de atenção primária à saúde de Fortaleza-Ceará. Formarm-se dois grupos de estudo: i. Grupo Intervenção (GI), que recebeu orientações sobre tomada dos medicamentos, ações visando prevenir/resolver interações medicamentosas e reações adversas e intervenções não-farmacológicas por 9 meses e ii. Grupo Controle (GC), que recebeu assistência tradicional da unidade e foi monitorado durante o mesmo período. Observou-se redução estatisticamente significativa nas %RCV (10,76 to 7,86; p=0,04) e nos níveis de pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) (137,69 to 131,54;

    Êxtase (MDMA): efeitos farmacológicos e tóxicos, mecanismo de ação e abordagem clínica

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    BACKGROUND: The consumption of the amphetamine derivative 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy) by young people increased in the past years. OBJECTIVES: To conduct a literature review on the pharmacology of MDMA and particularly with respect to the putative mechanism of action implicated in the acute and long-term toxicity and neurotoxic effects. METHODS: A literature review using the key words: 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, ecstasy, neurotoxicity, intoxication, abuse drugs was performed in the databases MEDLINE and LILACS. The search covered all articles published between 1985 and 2007. RESULTS: There were still many unanswered questions regarding the pharmacology of ecstasy and the pathophysiology of its toxic effects. The fundamental mechanism of action is insufficient to explain all effects induced by the drug. The exact mechanism responsible for mediating the toxic effects of MDMA on 5-HT neurons remain to be elucidated. DISCUSSION: There is limited information in published literature about the underlying pharmacology and mechanism of action that could account for the neurotoxic and other phathophysiological effect of MDMA.CONTEXTO: O 3,4-metilenodioximetanfetamina (MDMA, êxtase) é um derivado da anfetamina, cujo consumo por jovens tem aumentado. OBJETIVOS: Conduzir uma revisão de literatura sobre os aspectos farmacológicos e fisiopatológicos do MDMA, incluindo o mecanismo de ação que possa explicar os efeitos neurotóxicos e a toxicidade aguda e a longo prazo. MÉTODOS: Revisão da literatura usando as palavras-chave: 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, ecstasy, neurotoxicity, intoxication, drug abuse, por intermédio do MEDLINE e LILACS. A busca incluiu todos os artigos publicados no período entre 1985 e 2007. RESULTADOS: Ainda existem muitas questões sem respostas sobre a farmacologia do êxtase e a fisiopatologia dos efeitos tóxicos dessa substância. A simples descrição do mecanismo de ação é insuficiente para explicar todos os efeitos induzidos pelo êxtase. O mecanismo exato responsável por mediar os efeitos tóxicos do MDMA sobre os neurônios da serotonina precisa ser elucidado. CONCLUSÕES: Existem poucas informações na literatura sobre a farmacologia e o mecanismo de ação do MDMA que possam explicar os efeitos neurotóxicos e outros efeitos fisiopatológicos. São necessários mais estudos para que o profissional de saúde possa obter informações e conhecimentos a fim de combater os efeitos terríveis do êxtase na população jovem vulnerável

    Pharmaceutical care in transplant patients in a university hospital: pharmaceutical interventions

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    A descriptive and prospective study was conducted on the pharmaceutical care in the post-transplant outpatient clinic of Hospital Universitario Walter Cantidio of Universidade Federal do Ceará (HUWC/UFC), in Fortaleza- Ceará in the period of April to October of 2011. The aim of the present study was to describe the pharmaceutical interventions performed in a Pharmaceutical Care service structured in the liver and kidney transplant outpatient clinic of an academic hospital. The Pharmaceutical interventions (PI) were classified according to Sabater et al.(2005), with significance based on Riba et al.(2000) and the Negative Outcomes associated with Medication (NOM) established at the Third Consensus of Granada. Statistical analyses were performed using the Epi Info v.3.5.1 program and hypothesis tests were done with the SigmaPlot v.10.0 program. A chi-squared (X²) test was utilized for statistical analysis of the sample. A total of 97 patients were followed, where 54 problems related to medications were identified and 139 PI performed. The main PI were in education of the patient about treatment (n=111; 80%) (pTrata-se de um estudo de descritivo e prospectivo, realizado durante o atendimento farmacêutico nos ambulatórios de pós-transplante do Hospital Universitário Walter Cantídio da Universidade Federal do Ceará (HUWC/UFC), em Fortaleza-Ceará no período de abril a outubro de 2011. O presente trabalho objetiva apresentar as intervenções farmacêuticas realizadas em um serviço de Atenção Farmacêutica (ATENFAR) estruturado nos ambulatórios do transplante hepático e renal de um Hospital Universitário. As intervenções farmacêuticas (IF) foram classificadas de acordo com Sabater et al.(2005), a significância baseadas em Riba et al.(2000) e os Resultados Negativos associados a Medicamentos (RNM) fundamentados no Terceiro Consenso de Granada. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas no programa Epi Info v.3.5.1 e os testes de hipótese foram feitos no programa SigmaPlot v.10.0. O teste estatístico utilizado para análise da amostra foi o qui-quadrado (X²). Foram acompanhados 97 pacientes, identificados 54 problemas relacionados aos medicamentos e realizadas 139 intervenções farmacêuticas. As principais IF realizadas foram na educação do paciente sobre o tratamento (n=111; 80%) (

    Quality of life of HIV+ patients undergoing pharmacotherapeutic follow-up

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    The influence of pharmacotherapeutic follow-up (PTF) on quality of life was evaluated in 45 HIV+ patients, who were undergoing initial antiretroviral therapy at a specialized care center in northeast Brazil. PTF lasted nine months and quality of life was analyzed at the 1st and 9th meetings using a questionnaire validated for Brazil. The study identified 643 problems related to antiretrovirals and there were 590 pharmaceutical interventions during the PTF. The comparative analysis between the results of the 1st and the 9th meeting was statistically significant for all domains of the questionnaire. For asymptomatic patients, only one domain was statistically significant. For symptomatic patients, six domains were significant. Patients with one year of HIV/AIDS diagnosis had statistically significant differences in five domains. The results suggest that the PTF contributed to improving quality of life, particularly for symptomatic patients and those diagnosed for at least one year - important target groups for Pharmaceutical Treatment.A influência do seguimento farmacoterapêutico (SFT) sobre a qualidade de vida foi avaliada em 45 pacientes HIV+ assistidos em serviço de atendimento especializado do nordeste brasileiro. O SFT teve duração de 9 meses e a qualidade de vida foi analisada no 1º e 9º encontros através de questionário validado no País. Identificaram-se 643 problemas relacionados aos antirretrovirais e realizaram-se 590 intervenções farmacêuticas durante o SFT. A análise comparativa entre os resultados de qualidade de vida do 1º e 9º encontro foi estatisticamente significativa em todos os domínios do questionário. Quando analisados somente os pacientes assintomáticos, apenas um domínio apresentou significância estatística. Entre os sintomáticos, seis domínios foram significativos. Pacientes com até um ano de diagnóstico de HIV/AIDS apresentaram validade estatística em cinco domínios. Os resultados sugerem que o SFT contribuiu para a melhoria da qualidade de vida dos pacientes, sobretudo dos sintomáticos e/ou com até um ano de diagnóstico, representando grupos-alvo para a prática da Atenção Farmacêutica