25 research outputs found

    Ocena prewencji przemocy wobec dziecka w Polsce z perspektywy zdrowia publicznego

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    This article assesses Poland’s performance with respect to the level of child violence prevention applying public health approach, based on an examination of current national policies to support the prevention of violence toward children (0–18 years) in July 2013. The analysis included the child violence surveillance, leadership and capacity, law and its’ enforcement, children’s rights protection, national policies, programmes and strategies, national media campaigns and education that support the child maltreatment, neglect and abuse prevention.The review of law and policy documents, interviews by phone or e-mail with representatives of government departments was conducted. The questionnaire developed in the frame of the European Project TACTICS (Tools to Address Childhood Trauma, Injury and Children’s Safety) was applied. Each policy was assessed on 3-points scale.The following scores were obtained for each of the overarching policies of child violence prevention in Poland (out of possible 100%): 80% in child violence surveillance system and leadership,75% in children’s rights protection, 63% in capacity related to support to the child-victim, and 71% in child maltreatment, neglect, and abuse prevention.Poland is doing a good job at the national level in addressing violence against children in all areas examined. However, the violence area scores indicate that further action is required in most areas, particularly in overarching polices addressing violence against children in the area of capacity related to support to the child-victim, and specific policies for the prevention of child maltreatment, neglect and abuse.Poland has undertaken a number of actions in the area of leadership and infrastructure including an national strategy in child domestic violence prevention. However, the level of child violence control and prevention in other settings is poor and not sufficient.Policies of children’s right protection need further efforts to ensure full implementation. There is a need for Poland to fund and support the implementation and monitoring of existing evidence-based good practices, paying particular attention to vulnerable groups such as children with disabilities, migrant children, children from minority groups (i.e. Romani children) and those in care institutions.There are some good programmes and services available in Poland to develop capacity both for children themselves and their families. However follow-up and monitoring to ensure implementation, particularly for those aimed at kindergartens and schools is needed. The monitoring of implementation of all available resources for school-aged children are required, which result also in decrease of socio-economic inequalities.The government approved the National Program of Domestic Violence Prevention, which does not include other areas of child maltreatment or abuse occurring outside of the domestic setting (e.g., sexual abuse occurring outside the home) and this leaves a gap that should be addressed. The development of national guidance and policy regarding assessment in situations of potential, suspected child maltreatment, neglect or abuse would strengthen existing services. The addition of home visits for new parents that include education on prevention of child violence would not only increase capacity, but would also provide another opportunity to screen for the risk of child violence

    Assessment of child violence prevention in Poland in public health approach

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    This article assesses Poland’s performance with respect to the level of child violence prevention applying public health approach, based on an examination of current national policies to support the prevention of violence toward children (0–18 years) in July 2013. The analysis included the child violence surveillance, leadership and capacity, law and its’ enforcement, children’s rights protection, national policies, programmes and strategies, national media campaigns and education that support the child maltreatment, neglect and abuse prevention. The review of law and policy documents, interviews by phone or e-mail with representatives of government departments was conducted. The questionnaire developed in the frame of the European Project TACTICS (Tools to Address Childhood Trauma, Injury and Children’s Safety) was applied. Each policy was assessed on 3-points scale. The following scores were obtained for each of the overarching policies of child violence prevention in Poland (out of possible 100%): 80% in child violence surveillance system and leadership,75% in children’s rights protection, 63% in capacity related to support to the child-victim, and 71% in child maltreatment, neglect, and abuse prevention. Poland is doing a good job at the national level in addressing violence against children in all areas examined. However, the violence area scores indicate that further action is required in most areas, particularly in overarching polices addressing violence against children in the area of capacity related to support to the child-victim, and specific policies for the prevention of child maltreatment, neglect and abuse. Poland has undertaken a number of actions in the area of leadership and infrastructure including an national strategy in child domestic violence prevention. However, the level of child violence control and prevention in other settings is poor and not sufficient. Policies of children’s right protection need further efforts to ensure full implementation. There is a need for Poland to fund and support the implementation and monitoring of existing evidence-based good practices, paying particular attention to vulnerable groups such as children with disabilities, migrant children, children from minority groups (i.e. Romani children) and those in care institutions. There are some good programmes and services available in Poland to develop capacity both for children themselves and their families. However follow-up and monitoring to ensure implementation, particularly for those aimed at kindergartens and schools is needed. The monitoring of implementation of all available resources for school-aged children are required, which result also in decrease of socio-economic inequalities. The government approved the National Program of Domestic Violence Prevention, which does not include other areas of child maltreatment or abuse occurring outside of the domestic setting (e.g., sexual abuse occurring outside the home) and this leaves a gap that should be addressed. The development of national guidance and policy regarding assessment in situations of potential, suspected child maltreatment, neglect or abuse would strengthen existing services. The addition of home visits for new parents that include education on prevention of child violence would not only increase capacity, but would also provide another opportunity to screen for the risk of child violence

    Safety and efficacy of treatment of very small intracranial aneurysms

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    Purpose: Very small intracranial aneurysms (VSIAs) may cause many neurological complications and even death. Thanks to technological progress and higher quality of non-invasive neuroimaging methods, these pathologies can be investigated sooner and treated earlier. Due to the controversy surrounding invasive treatment of these pathologies, the aim of the study was to analyse methods of treatment, their outcome, and complications in a group of patients with VSIAs. Material and methods: Out of 444 cases of intracranial aneurysms treated in our centre, 65 aneurysms met the radiological criteria of VSIAs. The parameters - width and length of the aneurysm's neck and width, length, and height of the aneurysm's dome - were measured. The analysed parameters were as follows: symptoms upon admission and after treatment, days in hospital, and intraoperative complications. Clinical and radiological intensity of subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) was evaluated by using the Hunt-Hess and Fisher scales. The degree of embolisation of the aneurysm after the procedure was assessed using the Montreal Scale. Clinical outcome was assessed by Glasgow Outcome Scale. Results: 50.77% of VSIAs were treated with endovascular procedures and 49.23% with neurosurgical clipping. SAH was presented in 38.46% of patients with VSIAs. Intraoperative complications were presented in 16.92% of patients with VSIAs, and the most common complication was ischaemic stroke. Stents were used in 51.52% of VSIAs. In 69.70% of embolisation procedures at VSIAs complete obliteration was achieved. The average result in the Montreal Scale was 1.31 (SD = 0.66). Conclusion: VSIAs can be treated as effectively and safely as larger aneurysms, by both endovascular and surgical methods

    Assessment of Dysphagia as a Risk Factor of Chronic Cough

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    Background: The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of dysphagia in patients with chronic cough and its relationship with the long-term persistence of these symptoms. Methods: Thirty consecutive patients. All patients underwent physical examination, ENT assessment, videolaryngoscopy, functional phoniatric assessment at rest and speech, Water-Swallow Test, and Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing disorders with Reflux Finding Score. Reflux Symptom Index questionnaire was performed. The study was approved by the local Ethics Committee Review Board (KB/39/A/2016). Results: The results of the RFS and the RSI questionnaire showed the risk of reflux in participating patients. The patients presented episodes of spillage, double swallows, penetration, aspiration and residue of food at the hypopharynx. The results of functional assessment correlated with the Water-Swallow Test. The correlation between Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing disorders and Water-Swallow Test results was found for aspiration risk, spillage, and retention of saliva. Conclusion: The results of the study showed prevalence of dysphagia in most patients with chronic chough. It seems that phoniatric assessment in those cases should be expanded and the following tests should be performed: assessment of the laryngeal elevation, Water-Swallow Test, and Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing disorders

    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts

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    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts. June 4-7, 2019, Szczyrk, Polan

    Polish covers and jackets of belletristic books in the years 1952–1962

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    Praca dotyczy polskich okładek książek beletrystycznych w latach 1952–1962, tj. w pierwszym dziesięcioleciu PRL. Analizie zostało poddanych ponad osiemset okładek i obwolut. W pracy zostały opisane czynniki, które wpłynęły na wygląd zewnętrznej szaty graficznej w omawianym okresie, m.in. sytuacja polityczna, kulturalna i wydawnicza, funkcjonowanie szkół artystycznych i kształcenie młodych grafików oraz struktura wydawnicza.This Bachelor Thesis is about polish covers and jackets of belletristic books in the years 1952–1962. I analyzed more than 800 book covers and jackets and explained the factors that influenced the outside appearance of books by elaborating political, cultural and publishing situation, the functioning of academies of fine arts, teaching young graphic designers and the publishing structure

    Disability in the minds of high school students'.

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    Praca napisana w oparciu o literaturę charakteryzuje zjawisko niepełnosprawności, jej klasyfikacje, modele. Zawiera informacje dotyczące skali zjawiska, postawy wobec niego, możliwości integracji i wsparcia w zakresie polityki społecznej państwa. Opisuje również współczesną młodzież, jako grupę społeczną. Przedmiotem badań była sfera świadomości młodzieży szkół średnich dotycząca niepełnosprawności, a więc związane z nią poglądy, opinie i deklaracje wskazujące na znajomość problemu. Wagę tych zagadnień podkreśla fakt, iż współczesna młodzież i jej przekonania będą kreować rzeczywistość najbliższych lat. Ukazuje w jaki sposób ta charakterystyczna grupa społeczna, czyli już nie dzieci a jeszcze nie dorośli, podchodzi do ograniczeń, inności, czy widzi sens i potrzebę integracji.The following thesis is based on the literature and characterizes the phenomenon of disability, its classifications and models. It contains information about the scale of phenomenon, the attitude towards it, opportunities for integration and support it the field of social policy. It also describes contemporary youth as a social group. The subject of the research was an awareness sphere of high school students which concerns disability, therefore the views, opinions and statements indicating knowledge of the problem, which are associated with it. The fact that contemporary young people and their beliefs will create the reality of the coming years, highlights the importance of these issues. It shows how this characteristic of a social group, which are no longer children but not yet adults, approaches to restrictions, the otherness and if it see the purpose and the need for integration

    Prawa mniejszości LGBT+, edukacja seksualna i inne zagadnienia wojny kulturowej w kampanii 2019 roku

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    Ochrona zdrowia w kampanii parlamentarnej 2019 roku

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