2,449 research outputs found

    Reflexión teórica sobre los factores determinantes de la actitud ante el anuncio y sus consecuencias en las personas mayores

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    El aumento de la longevidad está provocando un notable cambio social y económico en los llamados paises desarrollados. A partir de esa situación, se va conformando progresivamente un grupo social con una serie de características específicas (biológicas, psicológicas, sociales, económicas) que presenta unas determinadas demandas que es preciso satisfacer desde el punto de vista empresarial. En este trabajo se realiza una reflexión teórica sobre los factores que condicionan la actitud ante el anuncio de las personas mayores y sus consecuencias sobre la actitud hacia la marca y su intención de compra. El objetivo del mismo orientar a las empresas en el diseño de su estategia publicitaria para conseguir una mayor eficacia comunicativa

    Phytoplankton assemblages across a NW Mediterranean front: Changes from winter mixing to spring stratification

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    A series of stations located along the transect between Barcelona and the Balearic Islands were sampled to study the composition of the phytoplankton community, during June 1984, March 1 985, June 1 985 and June 1 986. In March, the concentration of phytoplankton cells presented a maximum in the upper part of the water column. The Catalan front, near the continental slope of the Catalan coast side, separated a diatom-dominated assemblage in the coastal zone from a flagellate-dominated assemblage offshore. In the spring cruises, the most characteristic feature of the phytoplankton distribution was the presence of a deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) which corresponded to increased phytoplankton cell numbers. The influence of the front on the phytoplankton distribution was well marked in early June ( 1 984), but in the cruises carried out later in the season, warm waters extended over the frontal zone. The distribution of the phytoplankton assemblages showed some regularities: during the spring cruises, diatom assemblages with Chaetoceros spp., Nitzschia spp. and Thalassiosira spp. formed patches in the DCM layer, while a flagellate and dinoflagellate assemblage occupied the upper part of the water column. In May 1 984 and May 1 986 a third assemblage with Coscinodiscus radiatus, Dictyochafibula and Oxytoxum margalefi formed a background population in the DCM level. Thus, in spite of high environmental variability, persistent groupings of species could be recognized

    CSR marketing outcomes and branch managers' perceptions of CSR

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyze the role of bank branch managers’ perceptions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in CSR marketing outcomes. Design/methodology/approach The paper proposes a causal model establishing that managers’ perceptions of CSR influence the perception of CSR held by the branch’s customers, which in turn directly affects customer satisfaction, customer trust, customer engagement and customer loyalty. The unit of analysis in this quantitative study is the bank branch. Two questionnaires were administered: one to branch managers and another to five customers in each branch. Findings Branch managers’ perceptions of CSR have a marked influence on customers’ perceptions of CSR, which again have a notable impact on the relationship variables studied: customer satisfaction, customer trust, customer engagement and customer loyalty. Research limitations/implications The sample was taken from two banks in the same country (Spain) and only five customers were interviewed in each branch. The type of customers analyzed should be taken into account since a growing number of customers now carry out all of their banking online and are less likely to visit their branch. Practical implications The results highlight the importance of adopting socially responsible actions not only in the bank as a whole, but also in individual branches. It would, therefore, seem crucial for high level bank executives not only to involve branch managers in the bank’s CSR strategy, but also to empower them to undertake CSR actions that involve the customers and local community with which they interact. Originality/value First, the paper reveals the differences within the same organization in the way its CSR strategy is implemented. Second, intermediary figures or supervisors are shown to have a key role in ensuring the organization’s CSR strategy is effective. Third, the study emphasizes the importance of customers’ perception of CSR in achieving the main outcomes of relationship marketing (satisfaction, trust, engagement and loyalty). Fourth, the methodology applied in the study is innovative in its construction of dyads in which the branch is the unit of analysis, enabling a comparison between the manager’s perceptions of CSR with that of five customers from the same branch. Fifth, the findings add to the knowledge of a particularly relevant sector in the recent economic crisis, namely, the retail banking industry

    Sostenibilitat i els seus indicadors

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    El projecte ens parla dels indicadors de sostenibilitat i dels tipus que en podem trobar, un indicador és quelcom que t’ajuda a entendre en quina situació et trobes, en quina direcció vas i a quina distància estàs del teu objectiu. Els indicadors de sostenibilitat ens permeten avaluar l’evolució de la societat cap a un model de vida més sostenible, han de reflectir la triple dimensió del desenvolupament sostenible; Econòmica: utilitzen els diners com a escala de comparació, producte interior brut, exportacions i consums. Social: donen una visió global que integra el medi ambient, la humanitat i la seva interrelació. Ambiental: mesuren la qualitat del medi natural, la biodiversitat d’espècies, salut dels ecosistemes, qualitat de les aigües continentals i oceàniques

    Service quality in a post-crisis context: emotional effects and behaviours

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyse the influence of service quality dimensions as determinants of the emotional and relational behaviours experienced by the client in bank branches in the post-crisis context experienced by Spanish financial institutions. Design/methodology/approach – Data taken from a total of 1,125 customers were analysed through structural equations modelling (EQS6.1) to test the relationships of the proposed model’s variables. Findings – The results support the hypotheses stated, with the exception of the influence of a service quality dimension (servicescape) on emotions during the service. In fact, the dimensions of the service quality of an intangible nature (personnel, outcome and social) are determinants of the positive emotions and relational behaviours of clients around the service provided by the branches. For its part, servicescape quality, of a more tangible nature, exerts indirect influence on the other dimensions that compose the quality of service. Practical implications – This paper provides senior bank executives established evidence on the degree of influence of the different dimensions in relation to the quality of service in the bank branch. Furthermore, it emphasises the importance of emotional factors during service as essential elements in strengthening customer–staff relationships under a non-transactional dynamic. Originality/value – This paper has adopted an analytical holistic, theoretical and empirical perspective on the impact of the different dimensions of service quality (servicescape, personnel, outcome and social) as well as to the emotions experienced by banking customers during services and its lasting effect on customer engagement and customer advocacy

    Distribucions de mesures en una diatomea fòssil

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    Notes sobre l'obra geogràfica i geobotànica d'Emili Huguet del Villar

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    Emili Huguet i Serrataco (Granollers, 1871-Rabat, 1951), who signed his works with the name Huguet del Villar, carried out a remarkable activity in several fields, specially geography, geobotany and edaphology. This paper presents a brief biographical summary and discusses some interesting aspects of the geographical and geobotanical contributions of Huguet del Villar. One of the most important geographical works of Huguet del Villar was the book, published in 1921, El valor geográfico de Espanya. Ensayo de Ecética («The geographical value of Spain. Essay on Ecetics»), in which he exposed interesting generalizations concerning the economical and political relationships between countries. In geobotany, Huguet del Villar introduced the modern view that the «steppic» areas of central Spain resulted generally from the degradation of the forest due to human intervention. In 1929 he published the treatise Geobotanica, in which he presented in a very concise and documented way the contemporaneous phytosociological theories and proposed many original ideas. Characteristics of the work of Huguet del Villar were his emphasis on logical structuration and generality. His writings reflected a strong personality and an extense cultural and scientific preparation. Another merit of Huguet del Villar, specially in the context of his epoch, was his interest on the consideration of phenomena from a dynamic point of view