102 research outputs found

    Design of highly stabilized nanocomposite inks based on biodegradable polymer-matrix and gold nanoparticles for Inkjet Printing

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    Nowadays there is a worldwide growing interest in the Inkjet Printing technology owing to its potentially high levels of geometrical complexity, personalization and resolution. There is also social concern about usage, disposal and accumulation of plastic materials. In this work, it is shown that sugar-based biodegradable polyurethane polymers exhibit outstanding properties as polymer-matrix for gold nanoparticles composites. These materials could reach exceptional stabilization levels, and demonstrated potential as novel robust inks for Inkjet based Printing. Furthermore, a physical comparison among different polymers is discussed based on stability and printability experiments to search for the best ink candidate. The University of Seville logo was printed by employing those inks, and the presence of gold was confirmed by ToF-SIMS. This approach has the potential to open new routes and applications for fabrication of enhanced biomedical nanometallic-sensors using stabilized AuNP.Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MINECO, (Grants Nos. CTQ2016- 78703-P and MAT2016-78703-P)Junta de Andalucía (Consolidation Grant for Research Group FQM135 and 2017/FQM-386, P-2018/809)University of Seville (V y VI Plan Propio PP2016-5937

    In Vitro Characterization of Indigenous Probiotic Strains Isolated from Colombian Creole Pigs

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    [EN] Three lactic acid strains were isolated from feces of the native Zungo Pelado breed of pigs (n = 5) and presumably identified as belonging to the Lactobacillaceae family by morphological techniques showing that they were Gram-positive/rod-shaped and catalase- and oxidase-negative. They were then identified by biochemical tests using API 50CHL as Lactobacillus plantarum (CAM6), Lactobacillus brevis (CAM7), and Lactobacillus acidophilus (CL4). However, 16S rRNA identification showed that all three strains were Lactobacillus plantarum. Additionally, all three isolates were able to grow in pH 3 and 4. Interestingly, the growth of the CAM7 strain decreased at pH 5.6 compared to that of the CAM6 strain (p < 0.05), and the growth of the CL4 strain was reduced at pH 7(p < 0.05). All three candidates showed good growth on bile salts (¿0.15%), and CAM6 and CAM7 showed better tolerance at higher concentrations (0.30%). Similarly, all strains tolerated sodium chloride (NaCl) concentrations from 2 to 10%. These strains also grew well at all temperatures tested (30, 37, and 42 °C). The CAM6 strain showed in vitro antibacterial activity against selected enteropathogenic bacteria (Escherichia coli strain NBRC 102203 and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium 4.5.12) and commensal bacteria (Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC BAA-1705D-5 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15442) and resistance to all antibiotics except amoxicillin. Further studies to evaluate the effects of these probiotic candidate strains in commercial pigs are currently underway.This work was supported by the University of Cordoba, Colombia under grant agreement number FCB-06-16. This study was supported by University of Córdoba, Colombia, Grant No. FINV-011.Betancur, C.; Martínez, Y.; Téllez-Isaias, G.; Avellaneda, MC.; Velázquez Martí, B. (2020). In Vitro Characterization of Indigenous Probiotic Strains Isolated from Colombian Creole Pigs. Animals. 10(7). https://doi.org/10.3390/ani1007120410

    Efectos raciales y heterosis materna Criollo-Guzerat para crecimiento posdestete y características de la canal

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    Records from 52 calves born in Nayarit, México, were used to evaluate breed effects and Criollo-Guzerat maternal heterosis (MH) on feedlot performance and carcass traits. Progeny was born from Angus sires and Criollo (C, n=8), Guzerat (G, n=20), Criollo- Guzerat (CG, n=18), and Guzerat-Criollo (GC, n=6) cows. Response variables were initial weight (PIP), yearling weight (PAE), final weight (PEFIP), average daily gain (GADIP), feed efficiency (EFALI), rib eye (AOC), rib fat thickness (GRC), hot carcass weight (PCC), dressing percentage (PRC), kidney and pelvic fat (RP), yield grade (GR), cutability (RC), and retail yield (PTC). Analyses were carried out with the GLM procedure of SAS. Statistical Models for PIP, PAE, PEFIP, GADIP and EFALI included the fixed effects of sex of calf (S), year of trial, breed of sire of the cow (R1) and breed of dam of the cow (R2). Fixed effects fitted to models for AOC, GRC, PCC, PRC, RP, GR, RC y PTC were S, R1 and R2. Grandpaternal differences for breed effects were favorable (PPara estimar efectos raciales de abuelas y abuelos Criollo y Guzerat, así como heterosis materna (HM) Criollo-Guzerat sobre el comportamiento en engorda y características de la canal, se usaron crías de vacas Criollo (C, n=8), Guzerat (G, n=20), Criollo-Guzerat (CG, n=18) y Guzerat-Criollo (GC, n=6). Se evaluó peso al inicio de engorda (PIP), peso al año de edad (PAE), peso al final de engorda (PEFIP), ganancia diaria (GADIP), eficiencia alimenticia (EFALI), área del ojo de la costilla (AOC), grasa de cobertura (GRC), peso de canal caliente (PCC), porcentaje de rendimiento en canal (PRC), grasa en riñón y pelvis (RP), grado de rendimiento de canal (GR), porcentaje de rendimiento en cortes (RC) y porcentaje total de cortes al menudeo (PTC). La información se analizó con PROC GLM de SAS. Los modelos para PIP, PAE, PEFIP, GADIP y EFALI incluyeron los efectos fijos de sexo (S), año de engorda, raza del padre de la vaca (R1) y raza de la madre de la vaca (R2). Para AOC, GRC, PCC, PRC, RP, GR, RC y PTC los modelos incluyeron R1, R2 y S. Diferencias entre abuelos favorecieron (

    Logros, retos y perspectivas de la investigación en mejoramiento genético de bovinos productores de carne en el INIFAP

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    The National Institute of Forestry, Agricultural and Livestock Research in Mexico has been active for decades in researching genetic improvement in beef cattle. This review uses master theses, congress papers and scientific articles published from 1987 to 2020 to summarize much of the relevant research, and addresses research challenges and outlook over the     short-, medium- and long-term in this area. Research done over the last 34 yr has evaluated the productive and reproductive performance of Bos indicus and Bos taurus x Bos indicus beef cattle raised under tropical conditions. Multibreed genetic evaluations have been done for Simmental-Simbrah and Charolais-Charbray populations in Mexico. Analyses have quantified the importance of maternal effects on growth traits, and estimated heritability and genetic correlations for growth and reproductive traits in male and female Bos taurus and Bos indicus animals. The genotype-environment interaction has been confirmed to influence expression of weaning weight in Simmental cattle. Age adjustment factors have been developed for maternal age for weights at birth and weaning, and prototypes of national genetic evaluation were developed for stayability and heifer fertility. Genetic diversity has been quantified for Simmental, Charolais and Simbrah populations, and SNPs identified that are associated with growth traits in Simmental and Simbrah populations. Short-term goals include development of selection indices and prediction of the genetic merit of carcass traits. Over the medium-term, emphasis is needed on genomic evaluations for tolerance to heat stress, residual feed intake and health traits, while in the long-term the goal is to make inter-breed genomic predictions.El objetivo fue presentar resultados de investigación sobre mejoramiento genético de bovinos productores de carne realizados por el Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias, así como los retos y perspectivas de investigación a corto, mediano y largo plazo en dicha área del conocimiento. Se utilizaron tesis de maestría, trabajos de congresos y artículos científicos publicados de 1987 a 2020. En los últimos 34 años, se logró caracterizar productiva y reproductivamente animales Bos indicus y Bos taurus x Bos indicus en condiciones tropicales, implementar evaluaciones genéticas multirraciales para las poblaciones Simmental-Simbrah y Charolais-Charbray, determinar la importancia de los efectos maternos en características de crecimiento y estimar la heredabilidad y correlaciones genéticas para características de crecimiento y reproductivas de machos y hembras en animales Bos taurus y Bos indicus, comprobar que la interacción genotipo-ambiente es un factor importante en la expresión de peso al destete en Simmental, desarrollar factores de ajuste de edad de la madre para pesos al nacimiento y destete, desarrollar un prototipo de evaluación genética nacional para permanencia productiva y otro para fertilidad de vaquillas, estimar la diversidad genética de las poblaciones Simmental, Charolais y Simbrah, e identificar SNP asociados a características de crecimiento en Simmental y Simbrah. En el corto plazo, se espera desarrollar índices de selección y predecir el mérito genético de características de canal; en el mediano, realizar evaluaciones genómicas para tolerancia al estrés calórico, consumo de alimento residual y características de salud; y a largo plazo, realizar predicciones genómicas a través de razas

    Estimadores de parámetros genéticos para características de crecimiento de ganado Charolais mexicano

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    Charolais calf records provided by the Mexican Charolais Breeders Association for an eight year period (1997-2005) were analyzed to estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters for birth weight (n=39,821), weaning weight adjusted to 205 d (n=39,556), and postweaning gain (n=21,831). Estimates of (co)variance components were obtained by REML with an EM algorithm and single-trait animal models. Maternal permanent environmental effects were unimportant for birth weight and postweaning gain and were not included in the final model. Estimates of direct heritability were 0.22, 0.33, and 0.45 for birth weight, adjusted weaning weight and postweaning gain, respectively. Estimates for the corresponding maternal component were 0.16, 0.17, and 0.14. Estimates of total heritability and direct-maternal genetic correlation were 0.12 and -0.65, 0.16 and -0.72, and 0.20 and -0.84 for birth weight, adjusted weaning weight and postweaning gain, respectively. For adjusted weaning weight, the estimated maternal permanent environmental variance (28.93 kg2) accounted for 4 % of the estimated total phenotypic variance (765.43 kg2). Expected response to single-trait selection for growth traits of Mexican Charolais cattle would be lessened due to highly negative direct-maternal genetic correlations.Registros de becerros Charolais, proporcionados por la Charolais Herd Book de México y generados en un periodo de ocho años (1997-2005), se analizaron para estimar parámetros genéticos y fenotípicos para peso al nacer (n=39,821), peso al destete ajustado a 205 días (n=39,556) y ganancia posdestete (n=21,831). Estimadores de componentes de (co)varianza se obtuvieron usando Máxima Verosimilitud Restringida con el algoritmo Esperanza-Maximización y modelos animal para una sola característica. Los efectos del ambiente materno permanente no fueron importantes para peso al nacimiento y ganancia posdestete, por lo que no se incluyeron en el modelo final. Los estimadores de heredabilidad directa fueron 0.22, 0.33 y 0.45 para peso al nacimiento, peso al destete ajustado a 205 días y ganancia posdestete, respectivamente. Los estimadores de heredabilidad para el efecto genético materno fueron 0.16, 0.17 y 0.14. Los estimadores de heredabilidad total y de correlación genética entre efectos directos y maternos fueron 0.12 y -0.65, 0.16 y -0.72, y 0.20 y -0.84 para peso al nacimiento, peso al destete ajustado a 205 días y ganancia posdestete, respectivamente. Para peso al destete ajustado a 205 días, el estimador de la varianza del ambiente materno permanente (28.93 kg2) explicó un 4 % del estimador de la varianza fenotípica (765.43 kg2). La respuesta esperada a la selección para una sola característica de crecimiento de ganado Charolais mexicano, podría ser menor debido a las altas y negativas correlaciones entre efectos genéticos directos y maternos

    Efectos genéticos aditivos y no aditivos para características reproductivas en dialelo Holstein-Suizo Pardo en clima subtropical húmedo

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    Crossbreeding allows taking advantage of additive genetic differences between breeds, they also allow making use of heterosis and complementarity. Therefore, it is necessary to generate information on the efficacy of crosses compared to pure breeds under the conditions of interest. The objective was to quantify the impact of additive and non-additive genetic effects for days to first estrus (DFE), days to first service (DFS), days open (DO), services per conception (SPC), calving interval (CI) and gestation length (GL). The productive and genealogical information of females from a diallel between Holstein (HO) and Brown Swiss (BS), a total of 148 cows of the breeds HO (n=43), BS (n=64) and their reciprocal crosses HO-BS (n=20) and BS-HO (n=21), was used. Contrasts were used to estimate individual heterosis and differences between direct genetic effects and between maternal genetic effects based on Dickerson models. The results showed that heterosis and differences between maternal effects were not significant (P>0.05) for any of the traits studied. Differences between direct genetic effects were only important (P0.05) para ninguna de las características estudiadas. Las diferencias entre efectos genéticos directos solo fueron importantes (P<0.05) para SPC y DG. En conclusión, la heterosis generada por el cruzamiento entre HO y SP no influyó sobre la eficiencia reproductiva de las hembras. Los efectos maternos no fueron diferentes entre HO y SP. Los efectos genéticos directos para SPC y DG favorecieron a la raza SP

    Heavy metal pollution in drinking water - a global risk for human health: A review

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    Water resources in the world have been profoundly influenced over the last years by human activities, whereby the world is currently facing critical water supply and drinking water quality problems. In many parts of the world heavy metal (HM) concentrations in drinking water are higher than some international guideline values. Discussing about the HM pollution in drinking water, the incorporation of them into the food chain, and their implications as a global risk for the human health, are the objectives of this review. It is known that there are million people with chronic HM poisoning which has become a worldwide public health issue, while 1.6 million children die each year from diseases for which contaminated drinking water is a leading cause. There is also evidence of HM in drinking water that are responsible for causing adverse effect on human health through food chain contamination. A global effort to offering affordable and healthy drinking water most to be launched throughout the world, while various laws and regulations to protect and improve the utilization of drinking water resources should be updated or created throughout the world, including the low income countries; otherwise, the problem of HM-polluted drinking water will be growing because demand for drinking water is still growing such as this problem will become even more pressing in the future. Finally, notwithstanding, additional researches are necessaries about the correlation between HM concentration in drinking water and human diseases, while the development of robust, cheap and sustainable technologies to improve the drinking water quality is necessary.Key words: Groundwater, aquifer, water quality, water pollution, microorganism, water supply, microbial communities, food chain, disease

    Estimación de parámetros genéticos para características de crecimiento en borregos Katahdin usando diferentes modelos

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    Genetic parameters for growth traits of Katahdin lambs were estimated using six variants of the animal model. Data on birth weight (BW; n= 13,099), weaning weight adjusted to 75 d (WW; n=11,509) and postweaning weight adjusted to 120 d (AW; n=6,886) were collected for seven years (2004-2010) in 20 states across Mexico. Analyses were carried out by ignoring or including maternal effects. The simplest model included the direct additive genetic effect as the only random effect. The most complete model included direct and maternal genetic effects, their covariance, and the maternal permanent environmental effect. Selection of the best model was based on likelihood-ratio test. When maternal effects were not taken into account, estimates of direct heritability and direct genetic variance were overestimated for all traits. Direct heritability estimates for the best model were 0.18 ± 0.03, 0.30 ± 0.04, and 0.20 ± 0.05 for BW, WW and AW, respectively. Maternal heritability estimates also varied depending on the model; estimates ranged from 0.05 to 0.23, 0.00 to 0.12, and 0.09 to 0.25 for BW, WW and AW. Ignoring maternal effects in the model would result in inaccurate genetic evaluation for growth traits in Katahdin sheep.Se estimaron parámetros genéticos para características de crecimiento en corderos Katahdin, usando seis variantes del modelo animal. Se usó información de pesos al nacimiento (BW; n= 13,099), al destete ajustado a 75 d (WW; n= 11,509) y posdestete ajustado a 120 d (AW; n= 6,886) tomada durante 7 años (2004-2010) en 20 estados de la República Mexicana. Los análisis se hicieron ignorando o incluyendo efectos maternos. El modelo más sencillo incluyó el efecto genético aditivo directo como el único efecto aleatorio. El modelo más completo incluyó los efectos genéticos directo y materno, la covarianza entre ellos, y el efecto del ambiente permanente materno. Para seleccionar el mejor modelo se usó la prueba de razón de verosimilitud. Cuando los efectos maternos no fueron incluidos en el modelo, los estimadores de la heredabilidad directa y de la varianza genética directa resultaron sobreestimados. Las heredabilidades directas con el mejor modelo fueron 0.18 ± 0.03, 0.30 ± 0.04 y 0.20 ± 0.05 para BW, WW y AW, respectivamente. Las heredabilidades maternas también variaron dependiendo del modelo, de 0.05 a 0.23, 0.00 a 0.12, y 0.09 a 0.25 para BW, WW y AW. El ignorar los efectos maternos en el modelo resultaría en una evaluación genética equivocada para las características de crecimiento en borregos Katahdin

    Milk composition in Criollo, Guzerat and F1 cows and its influence on weaning weight of calves

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    Se utilizaron 619 registros productivos generados entre 2001 y 2003 por vacas Guzerat (G), Criollo (C), Guzerat x Criollo (GC) y Criollo x Guzerat (CG). Las variables estudiadas fueron porcentaje de grasa (%G), proteína (%P), lactosa (%L) y sólidos no grasos (%SNG) contenidos en la leche y kilogramos de grasa (GP), proteína (PP), lactosa (LP) y sólidos no grasos (SNGP) producidos por lactancia.Data were collected between 2001 and 2003 from Guzerat (G), Criollo (C), Criollo*Guzerat (CG) and Guzerat*Criollo (GC) cows (n=619 records). Variables analyzed were fat (G%), protein (P%), lactose (L%), non fat solids (SNG%) content in milk expressed as percentages, and total fat (GP), protein (PP), lactose (LP) and non fat solids (SNGP) expressed in kg produced in each lactation