448 research outputs found

    Measuring Oscillations with A Million Atmospheric Neutrinos

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    We analyze the sensitivity achievable by the current and near-future water(ice)-Cherenkov atmospheric neutrino experiments in the context of standard three-flavor neutrinos oscillations. In this study, we perform an in-depth analysis of the current shared systematic uncertainties arising from the common flux and neutrino-water interactions. We then implement the systematic uncertainties of each experiment and develop the atmospheric neutrino simulations for Super-Kamiokande (SK), with and without neutron-tagging capabilities (SuperK-Gd), IceCube-Upgrade, and ORCA experiments. A careful review of the synergies and features of these experiments is carried out to examine the potential of a joint analysis of these atmospheric neutrino data in resolving the θ23\theta_{23} octant and the neutrino mass ordering. Finally, we assess the capability to constraint θ13\theta_{13} and the CP-violating phase (δCP\delta_{CP} ) in the leptonic sector independently from reactor and accelerator neutrino data.Comment: 39 pages, 33 figure

    A novel nucleophilic approach to 1-alkyladenosines. A two-step synthesis of [1-N-15] adenosine from inosine

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    A novel ANRORC mechanism in the reaction of 1-(2,4-dinitrobenzenesulfonyl)inosines with amines has allowed the preparation of 1-alkyladenosines and [1-15N]adenosines in a straightforward way from inosines

    Comparative study of Spanish norms used to quantify gypsum content in civil and building construction

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    The "Pliego de Prescripciones Técnicas Generales para Obras de Carreteras y Puentes (PG3)" is the Spanish's Government Technical Instruction that stablishes the properties that materials used in road and bridge construction must accomplish, and includes the corresponding standardized norms to test these properties

    Isotopic fractionation associated to nitrate reduction by zero valent iron

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    One of the methodologies developed in recent years to induce nitrate attenuation is the use of permeable reactive barriers (PRB). This in situ remediation technique involves the interception of groundwater flow to remove contaminants by physical, chemical or biological processes. In the case of nitrate pollution, heterotrophic or autotrophic denitrification can be induced by using organic or inorganic substrates, respectively. On the other hand, several PRB filled with Zero-Valent Iron (ZVI) have been installed to remediate groundwater polluted with chlorinated solvents (Wilkin et al., 2014) or nitrate (Gu et al., 2002)

    Isotopic evidence of nitrate degradation by a zero-valent iron permeable reactive barrier: Batch experiments and a field scale study

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    Permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) filled with zero-valent iron (ZVI) are a well-known remediation approach to treat groundwater plumes of chlorinated volatile organic compounds as well as other contaminants. In field implementations of ZVI-PRBs designed to treat these contaminants, nitrate consumption has been reported and has been attributed to direct abiotic nitrate reduction by ZVI or to denitrification by autochthonous microorganisms using the dissolved hydrogen produced from ZVI corrosion. Isotope tools have proven to be useful for monitoring the performance of nitrate remediation actions. In this study, we evaluate the use of isotope tools to assess the effect of ZVI-PRBs on the nitrate fate for the further optimization of full-scale applications. Laboratory batch experiments were performed using granular cast ZVI and synthetic nitrate solutions at pH 4-5.5 or nitrate-containing groundwater (pH = 7.0) from a field site where a ZVI-PRB was installed. The experimental results revealed nitrate attenuation and ammonium production for both types of experiments. In the field site, the chemical and isotopic data demonstrated the occurrence of ZVI-induced abiotic nitrate reduction and denitrification in wells located close to the ZVI-PRB. The isotopic characterization of the laboratory experiments allowed us to monitor the efficiency of the ZVI-PRB at removing nitrate. The results show the limited effect of the barrier (nitrate reduction of less than 15-20%), probably related to its non-optimal design. Isotope tools were therefore proven to be useful tools for determining the efficacy of nitrate removal by ZVI-PRBs at the field scale

    Aproximació ecològica a la mortalitat per accidents de trànsit a Catalunya (1983-1985)

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    A partir de la distribució geogràfica de Catalunya en 9 regions, s'estudia la correlació ecològica existent entre la mortalitat per accident de vehicles de motor, estandaritzada per edat (índex de mortalitat estàndard [IME] i diverses variables sòcio-econòmiques i sanitàries. La regió I és la que presenta una menor taxa de mortalitat per aquesta causa. La correlació més intensa ha estat la que presenten l'índex de mortalitat estàndard i el percentatge de transport sanitari de la regió, respecte del de tota Catalunya. Així mateix, aquesta és l'única variable que entra en el model multivariant (regressió múltiple stepwise) IME = 164,9 + (-1,6) x % transport sanitari

    Preservation of fertility in patients with cancer (Review)

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    Survival rates in oncological patients have been steadily increasing in recent years due to the greater effectiveness of novel oncological treatments, such as radio‑ and chemotherapy. However, these treatments impair the reproductive ability of patients, and may cause premature ovarian failure in females and azoospermia in males. Fertility preservation in both female and male oncological patients is nowadays possible and should be integrated as part of the oncological healthcare. The main objective of this review was to describe the different existing options of fertility preservation in patients undergoing gonadotoxic cancer treatments, as well as the differences in success rates that may appear in the different techniques evaluated. Emerging techniques are promising, such as the cryopreservation in orthotopic models of ovarian or testicle tissues, artificial ovaries, or in vitro culture prior to the autotransplantation of cryopreserved tissues. However, oocyte vitrification for female patients and sperm banking for male patients are considered the first line fertility preservation option at the present time for cancer patients undergoing treatment. Certainly, new fertility preservation techniques will continue to develop in the following years. However, despite the growing advances in the subject, optimal counselling from healthcare professionals should always be present

    A textural classification of argillaceous rocks and their durability

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    Argillaceous rocks can display a wide range of durability behavior after excavation and in cut slopes. In this paper, we propose a classification of argillaceous rocks based on their textural characteristics. Three main components of the classification scheme are the clastic framework, the fine-grained matrix, and the cementing agent. Unlike other schemes, the unlithified argillaceous sediments are included as well. The names proposed for the rocks broadly follow the existing nomenclature used in petrographic classifications. The durability of some argillaceous rock types has been assessed by taking into account a set of degradation features of the excavated slopes. It has been observed that the ratios of these textural components exert a strong control on the long-term durability of slopes

    Conjugation of the 9-kDa isoform of Granulysin with liposomes potentiates its cytotoxicity

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    Nine kDa granulysin (GRNLY) is a human cytolytic protein secreted by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) and NK cells of the immune system whose demonstrated physiological function is the elimination of bacteria and parasites. In previous studies by our group, the anti-tumor capacity of recombinant granulysin was demonstrated, both in vitro and in vivo. In the present work, we developed lipid nanoparticles whose surfaces can bind recombinant granulysin through the formation of a complex of coordination between the histidine tail of the protein and Ni2+ provided by a chelating lipid in the liposome composition and termed them LUV-GRNLY, for granulysin-bound large unilamellar vesicles. The objective of this formulation is to increase the granulysin concentration at the site of contact with the target cell and to increase the cytotoxicity of the administered dose. The results obtained in this work indicate that recombinant granulysin binds to the surface of the liposome with high efficiency and that its cytotoxicity is significantly increased when it is in association with liposomes. In addition, it has been demonstrated that the main mechanism of death induced by both granulysin and LUV-GRNLY is apoptosis. Jurkat-shBak cells are resistant to GRNLY and also to LUV-GRNLY, showing that LUV-GRNLY uses the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway to induce cell death. On the other hand, we show that LUV-GRNLY induces the expression of the pro-apoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family Bim and especially PUMA, although it also induced the expression of anti-apoptotic Bcl-xL. In conclusion, we demonstrate that binding of GRNLY to the surfaces of liposomes clearly augments its cytotoxic potential, with cell death executed mainly by the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway

    Aplicació de noves metodologies docents per millorar l'aprenentatge significatiu i la participació activa del alumne

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    Es defineix una metodologia per a potenciar en els alumnes d'Enginyeria les seves habilitats metacognitives; de manera que quan se li presenti un problema serà capaç de trobar la millor solució. Per a aconseguir-lo s'ha dissenyat, aplicat i avaluat un pla d'acció a l'aula suportat bàsicament en tres pilars: 1 . El treball en grup (treball cooperatiu), que permet a l'alumne comptar amb l'ajuda directa d'altres companys que integrin el grup. 2 . Aplicació d'ensenyament basat en problemes (PBL), que són treballs assistits on es tracta de fer experimentar a l'alumne el que podria ser un cas real. 3 . Utilització de material multimèdia de disseny propi com a suport de la nostra estratègia docent.Peer Reviewe
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