510 research outputs found

    Marketing Digital Como Estrategia de las Empresas de Alimentos de Villahemosa, Tabasco Frente al COVID-19

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    Al presentarse el COVID 19 que inicia en la segunda quincena de marzo del 2020, todos los sectores de la economía tabasqueña enfrentaron una caída de la demanda que impacta en la reducción del PIB estatal, cierre de empresas y un crecimiento del desempleo, lo que provoca un mayor deterioro de la situación económica de los empresarios y de los trabajadores, como sucedió en todo el país. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo conocer las estrategias de marketing que utilizan los empresarios del sector de alimentos para mantenerse en el mercado e identificar cómo el marketing digital ha ayudado en esta pandemia a los empresarios nuevos y a los ya existentes. Se utilizó un cuestionario con 15 preguntas; con la finalidad de tener una mayor claridad de la información y al no poder hacer las observaciones se realizaron entrevistas a profundidad a los propietarios. Entre los resultados obtenidos se encuentran: 1) Los empresarios han utilizado como estrategia el marketing digital para darse a conocer y para mantenerse en el mercado a través de las diferentes plataformas, y 2) La utilización del marketing digital a unos les ha dado buenos resultados, pero muchos están desilusionados del uso de este tipo de herramienta. Se propone que las universidades y los gobiernos locales apoyen (durante y después de la pandemia del covid 19) a los empresarios a través de la creación de plataformas “ad hoc” para la comercialización de sus productos y crear una cultura digital empresarial.   When COVID 19 appeared, which began in the second half of March 2020, all sectors of the Tabasco economy faced a fall in demand that impacted on the reduction of state GDP, the closure of companies and an increase in unemployment, which causes a further deterioration in the economic situation of employers and workers, as happened throughout the country. This research aims to understand the marketing strategies used by entrepreneurs in the food sector to stay in the market and identify how digital marketing has helped new and existing entrepreneurs in this pandemic. A questionnaire with 15 questions was made; In order to have a greater clarity of the information and since observations could not be made, in-depth interviews were conducted with the owners. Among the results obtained are: 1) Entrepreneurs have used digital marketing as a strategy to make themselves known and to stay in the market through different platforms, and 2) The use of digital marketing has given some good results, but many are disappointed in the use of this type of tool. It is proposed that universities and local governments support (during and after the COVID-19 pandemic) entrepreneurs through the creation of “ad hoc” platforms for the commercialization of their products and create a business digital culture

    A Software Tool for Dealing with Spiking Neural P Systems

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    Software simulators for P system are nowadays the main tool to carry out experiments in the eld of Membrane Computing. Although the simulation of a P system is a quite complex task, current simulators have been successfully used for pedagogical purposes and also as assistant tools for researchers. In this paper we present a rst software tool for dealing with Spiking Neural P Systems. This tool outputs the transition diagram of a given system in a step-by-step mode. The code is modular and exible enough to be adapted for further research tasks.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2005-09345-C04-01Junta de Andalucía TIC-58

    Multisensory Analysis of Consumer-Product Interaction During Ceramic Tile Shopping Experiences

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    [EN] The need to design products that engage several senses has being increasingly recognised by design and marketing professionals. Many works analyse the impact of sensory stimuli on the hedonic, cognitive, and emotional responses of consumers, as well as on their satisfaction and intention to purchase. However, there is much less information about the utilitarian dimension related to a sensory non-reflective analysis of the tangible elements of the experience, the sequential role played by different senses, and their relative importance. This work analyses the sensorial dimension of consumer interactions in shops. Consumers were filmed in two ceramic tile shops and their behaviour was analysed according to a previously validated checklist. Sequence of actions, their frequency of occurrence, and the duration of inspections were recorded, and consumers were classified according to their sensory exploration strategies. Results show that inspection patterns are intentional but shifting throughout the interaction. Considering the whole sequence, vision is the dominant sense followed by touch. However, sensory dominance varies throughout the sequence. The dominance differences appear between all senses and within the senses of vision, touch and audition. Cluster analysis classified consumers into two groups, those who were more interactive and those who were visual and passive evaluators. These results are very important for understanding consumer interaction patterns, which senses are involved (including their importance and hierarchy), and which sensory properties of tiles are evaluated during the shopping experience. Moreover, this information is crucial for setting design guidelines to improve sensory interactions and bridge sensory demands with product features.The Spanish Ministry of Culture and Education funded this research with Grant No. PSE-020400-2007-1.Artacho Ramírez, MÁ.; Alcantara Alcover, E.; Martínez, N. (2020). Multisensory Analysis of Consumer-Product Interaction During Ceramic Tile Shopping Experiences. Multisensory Research. 33(2):213-249. https://doi.org/10.1163/22134808-20191391S21324933

    Narcisismo y Liderazgo

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    Este estudio se enfoca en la relación entre el narcisismo y el liderazgo, y cómo estarelación puede afectar la efectividad del líder y el bienestar de los seguidores. La revisión devarios estudios muestra que los líderes moderadamente narcisistas pueden ser efectivos, perodeben equilibrar este rasgo con un estilo de liderazgo empoderador que priorice el bienestarde los seguidores. Los estudios también indican que el narcisismo puede tener un impactopositivo en la aparición y efectividad del liderazgo, aunque esto depende del nivel ycombinación de otros rasgos de personalidad. En general, es importante que los líderes seanconscientes de cómo su narcisismo puede afectar su liderazgo y trabajen para equilibrarlo conun enfoque en el bienestar y la participación de sus seguidores.<br /