10,794 research outputs found

    Application of Species Distribution Modeling for Avian Influenza surveillance in the United States considering the North America Migratory Flyways.

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    Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) has recently (2014-2015) re-emerged in the United States (US) causing the largest outbreak in US history with 232 outbreaks and an estimated economic impact of $950 million. This study proposes to use suitability maps for Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza (LPAI) to identify areas at high risk for HPAI outbreaks. LPAI suitability maps were based on wild bird demographics, LPAI surveillance, and poultry density in combination with environmental, climatic, and socio-economic risk factors. Species distribution modeling was used to produce high-resolution (cell size: 500m x 500m) maps for Avian Influenza (AI) suitability in each of the four North American migratory flyways (NAMF). Results reveal that AI suitability is heterogeneously distributed throughout the US with higher suitability in specific zones of the Midwest and coastal areas. The resultant suitability maps adequately predicted most of the HPAI outbreak areas during the 2014-2015 epidemic in the US (i.e. 89% of HPAI outbreaks were located in areas identified as highly suitable for LPAI). Results are potentially useful for poultry producers and stakeholders in designing risk-based surveillance, outreach and intervention strategies to better prevent and control future HPAI outbreaks in the US

    Diffusion-reaction modelling of the degradation of oil-well cement exposed to carbonated brine

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    The essential aspects of a diffusion-reaction model in development for the degradation process of oil-well cement exposed to carbonated brine are presented in this paper. The formulation consists of two main diffusion/reaction field equations for the concentrations of aqueous calcium and carbon species in the hardened cement paste pore solution, complemented by a number of chemical kinetics and chemical equilibrium equations. The volume fraction distribution of the solid constituents of the hardened cement paste and the reaction products evolve with the progress of the reaction, determining the diffusivity properties of the material. A sensitivity analysis of some parameters of the model is presented to illustrate the capabilities to reproduce realistically some aspects of the degradation process.The essential aspects of a diffusion-reaction model in development for the degradation process of oil-well cement exposed to carbonated brine are presented in this paper. The formulation consists of two main diffusion/reaction field equations for the concentrations of aqueous calcium and carbon species in the hardened cement paste pore solution, complemented by a number of chemical kinetics and chemical equilibrium equations. The volume fraction distribution of the solid constituents of the hardened cement paste and the reaction products evolve with the progress of the reaction, determining the diffusivity properties of the material. A sensitivity analysis of some parameters of the model is presented to illustrate the capabilities to reproduce realistically some aspects of the degradation process

    Diffusion-reaction modelling of the degradation of oil-well cement exposed to carbonated brine

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    The essential aspects of a diffusion-reaction model in development for the degradation process of oil-well cement exposed to carbonated brine are presented in this paper. The formulation consists of two main diffusion/reaction field equations for the concentrations of aqueous calcium and carbon species in the hardened cement paste pore solution, complemented by a number of chemical kinetics and chemical equilibrium equations. The volume fraction distribution of the solid constituents of the hardened cement paste and the reaction products evolve with the progress of the reaction, determining the diffusivity properties of the material. A sensitivity analysis of some parameters of the model is presented to illustrate the capabilities to reproduce realistically some aspects of the degradation process.The essential aspects of a diffusion-reaction model in development for the degradation process of oil-well cement exposed to carbonated brine are presented in this paper. The formulation consists of two main diffusion/reaction field equations for the concentrations of aqueous calcium and carbon species in the hardened cement paste pore solution, complemented by a number of chemical kinetics and chemical equilibrium equations. The volume fraction distribution of the solid constituents of the hardened cement paste and the reaction products evolve with the progress of the reaction, determining the diffusivity properties of the material. A sensitivity analysis of some parameters of the model is presented to illustrate the capabilities to reproduce realistically some aspects of the degradation process

    Diffusion-reaction modelling of the degradation of oil-well cement exposed to carbonated brine

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    The essential aspects of a diffusion-reaction model in development for the degradation process of oil-well cement exposed to carbonated brine are presented in this paper. The formulation consists of two main diffusion/reaction field equations for the concentrations of aqueous calcium and carbon species in the hardened cement paste pore solution, complemented by a number of chemical kinetics and chemical equilibrium equations. The volume fraction distribution of the solid constituents of the hardened cement paste and the reaction products evolve with the progress of the reaction, determining the diffusivity properties of the material. A sensitivity analysis of some parameters of the model is presented to illustrate the capabilities to reproduce realistically some aspects of the degradation process.The essential aspects of a diffusion-reaction model in development for the degradation process of oil-well cement exposed to carbonated brine are presented in this paper. The formulation consists of two main diffusion/reaction field equations for the concentrations of aqueous calcium and carbon species in the hardened cement paste pore solution, complemented by a number of chemical kinetics and chemical equilibrium equations. The volume fraction distribution of the solid constituents of the hardened cement paste and the reaction products evolve with the progress of the reaction, determining the diffusivity properties of the material. A sensitivity analysis of some parameters of the model is presented to illustrate the capabilities to reproduce realistically some aspects of the degradation process

    Zero-thickness interface model with chemical degradation by acid attack

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    Carbon dioxide (CO2) storage in abandoned oil/gas reservoirs is considered a viable alternative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere. An important element of the risk associated with long-term CO2 storage is the loss of integrity of the cement seals of the abandoned wells in the reservoir. Among others, one possible cause of loss of integrity is the degradation of the oil-well cement due to the acid attack of the carbonated brine in the reservoir. In previous studies, the authors have developed a diffusion-reaction model for simulating this degradation process. In order to study possible coupled Chemo-Mechanical (CM) mechanisms, this model will be coupled with an existing mechanical model. For this purpose, in this paper, an existing constitutive law for zero-thickness interface, based on the theory of elasto-plasticity with concepts of fracture mechanics, is modified to incorporate the effect of chemical degradation on the mechanical strength parameters. Preliminary results obtained with this new constitutive law are presented, in order to illustrate the main aspects of the proposed constitutive law, as well as a possible C-M degradation mechanism that should be considered in the long-term safety assessment of CO2 geological storage projects

    Using DREADD to Examine the Role of Infralimbic Gq-coupled Receptors in Fear Acquisition

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    Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can develop after a person experiences a very traumatic event that produces a strong and long-lasting aversive memory. During any given year, approximately 8 million adults will suffer from PTSD. Existing treatments often fail to achieve a full extinction of the traumatic fear the patients re-experience. Consequently, how the brain processes and modulates fear memories continues to be an active area of research. The excitability of the infralimbic cortex (IL), a sub-region of the medial prefrontal cortex, is important for fear extinction. Previous studies done in our lab found that Gq-coupled receptors located in this region of the brain, specifically muscarinic and mGluR5 receptors play a critical role in the consolidation of extinction memory. However, their effect on the acquisition of fear is still unknown. Thus, the main purpose of this research is to determine whether the activation of Gq-coupled receptors in IL prior to the learning of fear affects fear memory. We hypothesized that stimulation of these receptors during fear conditioning would decrease acquired fear. To test this, we utilized a pharmacogenetic approach in the form of Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs (DREADD), which allow for controlled manipulation of the desired area in the brain using the selective agonist CNO. Adult male Sprague Dawley rats were surgically infused with a virus, which expressed a Gq-coupled DREADD. Three weeks later, the rats will be injected with CNO one hour prior to behavioral training and sacrificed for immunohistochemistry to examine neuronal activity

    Sobre algunos elementos del contorno en el diccionario fraseológico

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    [Resumo] Como é sabido, a lingua conta con dous tipos de unidades léxicas, as monoverbais (as palabras) e as pluriverbais (grande parte das denominadas expresións fixas). Tal consideración supuxo unha paulatina entrada das expresións fixas nos dicionarios de lingua; porén, a diferente natureza das expresións pluriverbais e os elementos do seu contorno teñen reclamado unha metodoloxía particular. Froito disto foi a compilación de dicionarios exclusivamente fraseolóxicos nos que as variantes e os elementos afíns son primordiais. O presente estudo profundiza na necesidade de ir máis alá á hora de detallar os denominados «elementos do contorno », pois estes constitúen verdadeiros signos diacríticos á hora de establecer as diferenzas entre unha unidade e outra.[Resumen] Como se sabe, la lengua cuenta con dos tipos de unidades léxicas, las monoverbales (las palabras) y las pluriverbales (gran parte de las denominadas expresiones fijas). Tal consideración ha supuesto una paulatina entrada de las expresiones fijas en los diccionarios de lengua; sin embargo, la diferente naturaleza de las expresiones pluriverbales y los elementos de su contorno ha reclamado una metodología particular. Fruto de ello ha sido la compilación de diccionarios exclusivamente fraseológicos en los que las variantes y los elementos afines son primordiales. El presente estudio profundiza en la necesidad de ir más allá a la hora de detallar los denominados «elementos del contorno», pues estos constituyen verdaderos signos diacríticos a la hora de establecer las diferencias entre una unidad y otra.[Abstract] Language counts on to types of lexical units, the monoverbal (the word) and the pluriverbal (a considerable part of the fixed phrases). This consideration has opened up for more fixed phrases in dictionaries. However, the differences in the nature of these fixed phrases and the surrounding elements have demanded a particular method. The result of this is the creation of dictionaries of idioms, where the variants and the surrounding elements appear as central elements. The present study is focussing on the necessity of going a step further when we are talking in details about the surrounding elements, as these are the real signs to follow when we want to identify the differences in meaning and the variants of one specific unit

    Riesgo de resultados negativos asociados a inhibidores de la bomba de protones: revisión de las prescripciones electrónicas en pacientes polimedicados

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    Introducción: El elevado consumo de inhibidores de la bomba de protones (IBP) puede incrementar la probabilidad de aparición de interacciones clínicamente relevantes. Pacientes mayores, polimedicados y pluripatológicos representan un grupo de alto riesgo. Se espera que la revisión sistemática de las prescripciones electrónicas (PE) permita detectar potenciales interacciones farmacológicas.Material y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo, transversal y observacional: revisión de las PE de IBP dispensadas entre enero y diciembre de 2015 en una farmacia comunitaria rural.Resultados: 1.186 PE, 164 pacientes (edad 65,7±17,2). Mayor número de pacientes en rango de edad 71-80 (n=52). Medicamentos por paciente: 11,0±5,6. PE IBP sin indicación aprobada: 27%.  Indicación mayoritaria: protección frente a gastrolesión (77%). 29 pacientes (30%) con riesgo de resultados negativos asociados a la medicación (RNM) por omeprazol, 15 de ellos sin indicación. Patologías concomitantes más prevalentes: hipertensión arterial (n=81), dislipemia (n=61) y diabetes (n=36). Principios activos implicados: acenocumarol, hierro, cianocobalamina, escitalopram, benzodiazepinas y clopidogrel.Discusión: El 80% de las PE de omeprazol corresponde a pacientes entre 61 y 90 años, la mayoría con comorbilidad y polifarmacia, y supera el tiempo de tratamiento recomendado. Relacionamos la cronificación y el aumento del riesgo de RNM con la ausencia de un seguimiento adecuado.Muchos fármacos corresponsables del riesgo tratan los problemas de salud (PS) más prevalentes de nuestra población: la probabilidad de interacción resulta independiente de la correcta indicación del IBP.Conclusiones: La revisión de las PE permite valorar el riesgo de RNM y evaluar la información básica relativa al riesgo de interacción.Se detectaron RNM de no necesidad y de inseguridad en proporciones comparables. Un número elevado de PE de omeprazol tienden a cronificarse. Las interacciones más relevantes  registradas ocurren a nivel metabólico