3,662 research outputs found

    PEF treatments of high specific energy permit the reduction of maceration time during vinification of Caladoc and Grenache grapes

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    Phenolic compounds extracted from the solid parts of the grapes during the maceration-fermentation stage define many of the sensory attributes of red wine such as color, bitterness or astringency. The effect of moderate a PEF treatment (M-PEF) (5 kV·cm-1, 8.8 kJ·kg-1) and an intense PEF treatment (I-PEF) (5 kV·cm-1, 52.9 kJ·kg-1) on the reduction of maceration time during vinification of Caladoc and Grenache grapes was investigated. In both grape varieties, M-PEF treatment combined with 4 days of maceration was the most effective treatment in achieving high anthocyanin content, color intensity and total phenol index at the end of fermentation. The I-PEF treatment promoted a rapid release of anthocyanins and phenolic compounds, along with a fast increment in the color intensity of the must after 24 h of maceration. Although the color intensity and anthocyanin content decreased significantly throughout fermentation when grape pomace was removed after 24 h, these parameters were similar, after 3 months of bottling, in the case of Caladoc and slightly lower in Grenache than the control wine, for which maceration was extended for 10 days. Therefore, results obtained in this investigation are the first to demonstrate the potential of I-PEF for the reduction of maceration time to 24 h in red winemaking

    Especies de caza: procesos de extinción ocultos tras elevados tamaños de censo

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    Management of game species may involve a risk of alteration of their genetic properties. Local adaptations may be disrupted if artificially selected individuals from farms or those belonging to distant geographical areas are introduced to increase population density or trophy “quality”. In Spain, red deer (Cervus elaphus) from different European subspecies have been introduced to increase the size of trophies (antlers) of local populations. Legislation against these introductions is not effective for various reasons, and once the individuals are in the Iberian peninsula it is virtually impossible to prevent their spreading throughout the whole territory without a genetic tool to distinguish between autochthonous and foreign specimens. We have developed such a genetic test and propose a strategy to dissuade land–owners from importing foreign deer. Since deer are bred mainly for their antlers, our strategy is based on an agreement with the National Trophy Body in Spain which rejects trophies from foreign populations. Rejection decreases the value of the trophy so that it becomes more profitable to produce autochthonous deer. Using such a strategy at some critical step in the production or commercialization process may be a good model to apply in protecting genetic properties of exploited species.La gestión de las especies de caza puede conllevar riesgos de alteración de sus propiedades genéticas. Las adaptaciones locales pueden deteriorarse si ejemplares producidos mediante selección artificial en granjas o procedentes de áreas geográficas distantes, son introducidos para aumentar la densidad poblacional o la "calidad" de los trofeos de caza. En España, se han introducido ejemplares de ciervo ibérico (Cervus elaphus) procedentes de distintas subespecies europeas para aumentar así el tamaño de las cuernas (trofeos de caza) de las poblaciones autóctonas. La legislación contra este tipo de introducciones no es eficaz por diversos motivos y, una vez introducidos los ejemplares en la península ibérica, es prácticamente imposible prevenir su dispersión por todo el territorio sin contar con herramientas genéticas que permitan diferenciar los ejemplares autóctonos de los foráneos. Nosotros hemos desarrollado un test genético para este fin, y hemos propuesto una estrategia para disuadir a lospropietarios de llevar a cabo la importación de ejemplares foráneos. Puesto que los ciervos se crían fundamentalmente por su cornamenta como trofeo de caza, nuestra estrategia se ha basado en un acuerdo con la Junta Nacional de Homologación de Trofeos de Caza, para que ésta rechace los trofeos pertenecientes a ejemplares foráneos. Este rechazo reduce el valor de los ejemplares procedentes de otras poblaciones y favorece la producción de ciervo autóctono. Sugerimos que la utilización de estrategias de este tipo en puntos clave de procesos de producción o comercialización, puede ser un buen modelo a aplicar para proteger las propiedades genéticas de las especies sujetas a explotación por el hombre

    Game species: extinction hidden by census numbers

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    Management of game species may involve a risk of alteration of their genetic properties. Local adaptations may be disrupted if artificially selected individuals from farms or those belonging to distant geographical areas are introduced to increase population density or trophy ‘quality’. In Spain, red deer (Cervus elaphus) from different European subspecies have been introduced to increase the size of trophies (antlers) of local populations. Legislation against these introductions is not effective for various reasons, and once the individuals are in the Iberian peninsula it is virtually impossible to prevent their spreading throughout the whole territory without a genetic tool to distinguish between autochthonous and foreign specimens. We have developed such a genetic test and propose a strategy to dissuade land-owners from importing foreign deer. Since deer are bred mainly for their antlers, our strategy is based on an agreement with the National Trophy Body in Spain which rejects trophies from foreign populations. Rejection decreases the value of the trophy so that it becomes more profitable to produce autochthonous deer. Using such a strategy at some critical step in the production or commercialisation process may be a good model to apply in protecting genetic properties of exploited species

    Performance of peat biofilters treating ethyl acetate and toluene mixtures under non-steady-state conditions

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    [Abstract] This paper presents the response of peat biofilters to loading changes corresponding to industrial practices such as overnight and weekend shutdowns, intermittent emission or inlet concentration peaks. Three laboratory-scale reactors fed with air contaminated with ethyl acetate, toluene or a 1:1 mixture of ethyl acetate and toluene were operated under 65 g m-3 h-1 inlet load and 60 s EBRT during 16 h/day, 5 days/week. Dynamic behavior after feed resumption after night and weekend closures showed a 1-2 h period of transient response to recover stable CO2 production values. No increase in VOC emission was observed, except for biofilters treating toluene for which a transient peak in VOC emission during 4-8 h after weekend closures was detected. More stressful conditions such as intermittent emissions (2 h-on/ 2 h-off, 16 h/day, 5 days/week), or inlet concentration peaks (40-min, 50% increase) were successfully handled in the biofilter treating only ethyl acetate; but deterioration in the operation was observed in presence of toluene. The system performance after 15-days starvation period was fully recovered in less than 8 h of re-acclimation period. Living and dead cells monitoring results are also presented

    Greenhouse effect gases emission implications on sustainability of the Campus of Vegazana, University of León

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    En este trabajo se presentan los resultados del estudio de emisiones de CO2, uno de los gases más importantes de efecto invernadero, debido a la actividad desarrollada en el Campus de Vegazana de la Universidad de León, para el año 2006. El estudio se enmarca en un proyecto más amplio de cálculo del indicador Huella Ecológica (HE), desarrollado para conocer en qué medida se alcanzan los objetivos de sostenibilidad establecidos para el Campus, así como para el desarrollo de propuestas encaminadas a la reducción de las emisiones de CO2. Los resultados obtenidos reflejan como el área de superficie biológicamente productiva necesaria para absorber las emisiones del Campus constituyen cerca del 99% del área total de HE. La mayor parte de estas emisiones proceden del gasto energético para electricidad (38%) y uso térmico (24%, seguido del transporte (19%) y la construcción del propio complejo universitario (16%, el cual hace referencia únicamente al año 2006, considerando una vida útil de 27 años para los edificios e instalaciones del Campus, inaugurado en 1979. Una vez analizadas cualitativa y cuantitativamente las emisiones producidas, se ha buscado conocer el total de superficie forestal necesaria para absorber dichas emisiones, considerando los datos del Tercer Inventario Forestal Nacional (2003) sobre cobertura de las masas forestales para el territorio nacional, y los aportados por Bravo (2007) en relación a las tasas de fijación del gas por parte de éstas. Como conclusión, puede estimarse que del total de la superficie forestal de la provincia de León, un 0.46% es necesaria como depósito y sumidero del CO2 emitido por el Campus de Vegazana (8.470.168 toneladas. Esta estimación se ha realizado considerando que las masas forestales son las únicas depositarias de CO2, tarea compartida en la naturaleza, no obstante, con el suelo, el agua y los cultivosIn this work, we present the results obtained about the CO2 emissions, one of the most important greenhouse gases, due to the normal activity developed in the Campus of Vegazana of the University of León for the year 2006. This study is all part of a wider project for evaluating the Fingerprint ecological indicator (HE, initially developed for assessing if the sustainability objectives established by the University policies for the Campus of Vegazana have been achieved, as well as the development of proposals and ideas directed towards the reduction of the emissions of CO2. Results obtained showed that the biologically productive area necessary for absorbing all emissions are close to the 99% of the total value of HE. The majority of these emissions come from the energy consumed for producing electricity (38%) and heating (24%), followed by the transport (19%) and the constructions of the buildings and infrastructures of the University (16%, which related just for the year 2006, considering a living period of 27 years as it was inaugurated in 1979. Once analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively the emissions produced, it was developed a method for estimating the total area covered necessary for absorbing them by considering data available from the Third National Forestry Inventory of Spain (2003), related with the forest cover of the territory, and data provided by Bravo(2007, about the absorption rate of the tree species. As a conclusion, we estimated that form the total area covered by forests of the Province of León, a 0.46% is necessary as sink of the CO2 produced in the Campus of Vegazana (8.470.168 ton. This assessment has been achieved considering that forests are the only warehouse of CO2, when actually soil, water and crops are in nature.Peer Reviewe

    Removal of a mixture of oxygenated VOCs in a biotrickling filter

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    [Abstract] Laboratory scale-studies on the biodegradation of a 1:1:1 wt mixture of three oxygenated volatile organic compounds (VOCs), ethanol, ethyl acetate and methyl-ethyl ketone (MEK) in a biotrickling filter were carried out using two identically sized columns, filled with different polypropylene rings. The reactors were seeded with a two-month preconditioned culture from activated sludge. The performance of the biotrickling filters was examined for a continuous period of 4 months at VOC concentration from 125 mg-C/m3 to 550 mg-C/m3 and at gas flow rates of around 1.0 m3/h, 2.0 m3/h and 4.6 m3/h, which correspond to gas empty bed residence times (EBRT) of 68 s, 33 s and 16 s, respectively. Similar performance was obtained for both supports. Intermittent flow rate of trickling liquid was shown as beneficial to improve the removal efficiency of the system. A stratification in the substrate consumption was observed from gas composition profiles, with MEK % in the emission greater than 78%. Continuous VOC feeding resulted in an excessive accumulation of biomass and high pressure drop was developed in less than 20-30 days of operation. Intermittent VOC loading with night and weekend feed cut-off periods passing dried air, but without water addition, was shown as a successful operational mode to control the biofilm thickness. In this case, operation at high inlet loads was extended for more than 50 days maintaining high removal efficiencies and low pressure drops

    Citizen stance towards mandatory COVID-19 vaccination and vaccine booster doses: a study in Colombia, El Salvador and Spain

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    The infections and deaths resulting from Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) triggered the need for some governments to make COVID-19 vaccines mandatory. The present study aims to analyze the position of 3026 adults in Colombia, El Salvador, and Spain regarding the possibility of making COVID-19 vaccine mandatory and the intention to be vaccinated with the booster or possible successive doses. Data from an online survey conducted from August to December 2021 among a non-representative sample of Spanish-speaking countries were collected. Multinomial Logistic Regression Models were used. A total of 77.4% of Colombians were in favor of mandatory vaccination compared to 71.5% of Salvadorians and 65.4% of Spaniards (p < 0.000). Women and people over 65 years of age were the groups most in favor of making the vaccine mandatory (p < 0.000). A total of 79.4% said they had received a third dose or would intend to receive the third dose or future doses, if necessary, compared with 9.4% who expressed doubts and 9.9% who refused to be vaccinated or did not intend to be vaccinated. Among the measures that could be taken to motivate vaccination, 63.0% and 60.6% were in favor of requiring a negative test to enter any place of leisure or work, respectively, compared to 16.2% in favor of suspension from work without pay. The acceptance of mandatory vaccination and of third or future doses varies greatly according to sociodemographic characteristics and work environment. As such, it is recommended that policy makers adapt public health strategies accordingly