83 research outputs found
Subdivisions in a bipartite graph
Given a bipartite graph G with m and n vertices, respectively,in its vertices classes, and given two integers s, t such that 2 ≤ s ≤ t, 0 ≤ m−s ≤ n−t, and m+n ≤ 2s+t−1, we prove that if G has at least mn−(2(m−s)+n−t) edges then it contains a subdivision of the complete bipartite with s vertices in the m-class and t vertices in the n-class. Furthermore, we characterize the corresponding extremal bipartite graphs with mn − (2(m − s) + n − t + 1) edges for this topological Turan type problem.Peer Reviewe
Cálculo de esfuerzos mediante simulación con elementos finitos: una herramienta para implementarse en ingeniería
Los cálculos de esfuerzos dentro de la ingeniería son aplicados para la solución de problemas diversos como el diseño de componentes biomédicos o el análisis estructural arquitectónico. Las cargas estáticas aplicadas a los elementos de análisis en estado de compresión, son parámetros de cálculo obligatorio para el dimensionamiento, la elección del material y los posibles efectos que puede tener el elemento estructural o elemento de maquina cuando se somete a estas cargas. En este trabajo se presentan dos metodologías para el cálculo de esfuerzos normales a compresión; mediante cálculo analítico y utilizando software de simulación. El uso Solidworks y Autodesk Inventor, permiten la simulación de condiciones reales en las que el usuario puede interactuar con cambios de geometría, material, magnitud y dirección de las cargas, con una precisión superior al 99% en el cálculo de esfuerzos normales, respecto al valor teórico. El objetivo último de este trabajo, es presentar dos metodologías orientadas a la enseñanza y el aprendizaje del cálculo de esfuerzos normales para asignaturas de grado universitario, relacionadas con la resistencia de materiales, y que en un futuro, puedan implementarse en el análisis y solución de problemáticas reales
Lectura de pseudopalabras en árabe y español
El objetivo de este estudio consiste en analizar las diferencias entre la lectura de palabras en alumnos ecuatorianos y argelinos en Educación Primaria. La muestra está formada por un grupo de 128 alumnos de una escuela de Ecuador y por otro grupo de 113 alumnos de una escuela de Argel, pertenecientes a una clase social media y sin necesidades educativas especiales. Los participantes fueron evaluados en lectura de pseudopalabras en primero y segundo curso de Educación Primaria. Las palabras utilizadas en español fueron adaptadas al árabe, teniendo en cuenta la longitud y frecuencia de cada una de ellas en esta lengua. Se llevó a cabo un diseño factorial mixto 2x2, donde el factor intersujeto fue el tipo de lengua según la consistencia ortográfica (transparente y opaca) y el factor intrasujeto el nivel educativo (primero y segundo curso de educación primaria). Los resultados del ANOVA de medidas repetidas en un factor muestran efectos significativos de ambos factores (tipo de lengua y nivel educativo) y de su interacción. Se encontró mejor precisión lectora de pseudopalabras en los niños de lengua árabe en ambos niveles educativos, un aumento de la lectura de pseudopalabras entre los dos cursos en las dos lenguas, siendo más intenso en español, y una menor diferencia en lectura de pseudopalabras entre lenguas en segundo curso. Estos resultados van en la línea de aquellos estudios que defienden las diferencias en la adquisición de la lectura en lenguas de distinta consistencia, pero no concuerdan con aquellos que apuntan que las lenguas opacas son más tardías. Se resalta la necesidad de analizar las diferencias en otras edades más tempranas y en otras medidas lectoras, controlando el grado de consistencia lingüística.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
Diversity in dental clinical characteristics in portuguese and spanish military populations
Dental characteristics were compared in population samples of Spanish and Portuguese military
personnel. The main aim of this study was to identify those dental characteristics that could
potentially serve to differentiate between these populations in a forensic analysis.
Material and methods
A sample of 5136 individuals belonging to the professional military staff of the Portuguese and
Spanish armed forces was studied. Dental data were recorded with the Forensic Dental Symbols®
for the Dental Encoder® database. The population sample analysed in this study consisted of
68.1% Spanish and 31.9% Portuguese individuals.
The population was mostly male, with 86.6% men (88.1% in the Spanish sample versus 83.4% in
the Portuguese sample), and 13.4% women (11.9% Spanish and 16.6% Portuguese). The
frequency of unrestored teeth was lowest for first molars in all quadrants, and the highest
frequency of unrestored teeth (>90%) was for the upper and lower anterior teeth and lower first
premolars. The highest frequencies of restorative treatment were found for the first and second
molars in all quadrants, and the highest frequencies of missing teeth were found for the third
molars (always >28%). Concordance analysis showed that correlations between contralateral teeth
were significantly higher than between antagonist teeth in both samples.
Our findings provide potentially useful information on the importance of dental record databases
and their value for identification purposes.Introducción
Se ha realizado una comparación de las características dentales de 2 poblaciones militares de
Portugal y España. El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue identificar aquellas características
dentales que podrían ser de utilidad para diferenciar estas poblaciones en un análisis forense.
Material y métodos
El estudio se realizó en una muestra compuesta por 5.136 militares profesionales de las fuerzas
armadas, el 31,9% eran militares portugueses y el 68,1% del total de la muestra pertenecían a las
fuerzas armadas españolas. Los datos dentales se registraron empleando los símbolos dentales
descritos en Forensic Dental Symbols®, gestionados con la base de datos Dental Encoder®.
La población de estudio estaba constituida por un 86,6% de hombres (88,1% en la muestra
española y 83,4% en la muestra portuguesa) y un 13,4% de mujeres (11,9% en la muestra
española y 16,6% en la muestra portuguesa). La frecuencia de dientes no restaurados fue menor
para los primeros molares en todos los cuadrantes, mientras que la mayor frecuencia de esta
característica (>90%) se observó en los dientes anteriores, superiores e inferiores, y en los
primeros premolares inferiores. Las frecuencias más altas de tratamientos restauradores fueron
encontradas para los primeros y segundos molares en todos los cuadrantes, y las mayores
frecuencias de ausencias dentarias se observaron en los terceros molares (superior al 28% en
todos los cuadrantes). El análisis de concordancia mostró que las correlaciones entre los dientes
contralaterales fueron significativamente mayores que entre los dientes antagonistas, para ambas
muestras poblacionales de estudio.
Nuestros resultados proporcionan información potencialmente útil sobre la importancia de las
bases de datos de registros dentales y el análisis de las características dentales con fines de
Calprotectin as a smoldering activity detection tool and renal prognosis biomarker in ANCA associated vasculitis
Background Calprotectin is produced by neutrophils and macrophages, and released during the acute phase of the ANCA vasculitis. The aim of our study was to determine if serum and urine calprotectin are disease activity and prognosis biomarkers in ANCA vasculitis patients during remission. Methods Forty-two ANCA vasculitis patients were included. Twenty-seven patients were in remission phase under immunosuppressive therapy, and 15 patients were in the acute phase. Four healthy controls were included. We determined calprotectin in serum and urine samples at the time of the inclusion. We recorded the incidence of relapse and the evolution of GFR, proteinuria, hematuria, and C reactive protein and ANCA titer during 24 months of follow-up. Results In remission phase, serum calprotectin was higher than in healthy controls but lower compared to acute patients (p = 0.05). Serum calprotectin at inclusion was higher in patients who increased proteinuria during follow-up (p = 0.04), with hematuria (p = 0.08), and with non-decreasing ANCA titer (p = 0.0019). Serum calprotectin at inclusion in stable patients who subsequently decreased GFR during follow-up was higher compared with those with a stable or improving GFR (p = 0.03). Urine calprotectin was lower in patients with sclerotic histology in remission (p = 0.03) and acute phase (p = 0.12) compared to the rest of histologies. Conclusions Worsening of renal function, hematuria, rising proteinuria and non-decreasing ANCA correlated with higher levels of serum calprotectin at recruitment. Low urine calprotectin was found in patients with sclerotic histology. Calprotectin during remission in ANCA vasculitis may be useful to identify subclinical inflammation and worse renal prognosis patients
Exploring frequencies of circulating specific Th17 cells against myeloperoxidase and proteinase 3 in ANCA associated vasculitis
Background: the role of the T helper 17 (Th17) cell subset in anti-neutrophil cytoplasm antibodies (ANCA) associated vasculitis (AAV) is controversial. We hypothesized that a specific Th17 response to myeloperoxidase (MPO) or proteinase 3 (PR3) is detectable in AAV patients and is different among the disease phases. Methods: we analyzed 43 AAV patients with renal involvement (21 acute and 22 remission patients), and 12 healthy controls. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were cultured with PR3/MPO over 48 h. Thereafter, frequencies of MPO/PR3-specific Th17 cells were assessed using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot (ELISpot) assay. Supernatant IL-17 concentration was quantified using ELISA. Finally, specific Th17 response after depletion of T regulatory lymphocytes (T-regs) in some remission patients was compared to the non T-reg-depleted response. Results: specific Th17 cell number was higher in acute patients compared to remission (p = 0.004). Specific Th17 cell number performed well in the disease activity detection (ROC curve area under the curve (AUC) = 0.87; p = 0.0001) with an optimal cut-off of 6 spots/million. Patients above this cut-off showed higher serum creatinine (p = 0.004), C-reactive protein (CRP) (p = 0.001) and ANCA titer (p = 0.032). Supernatant IL-17 concentration was higher in acute patients compared to remission (p = 0.035) and did not normalize to healthy control levels (p = 0.01). Conclusions: a specific Th17 cell response is present in AAV patients. This response is more pronounced in the acute phase, but persists in remission
Modelo de Gestión de la Información para el clima laboral en la organización, a partir de la escala de valores humanos
This research analyzes one of the fundamental aspects that determine human behavior either in the personal sphere or, in the case of this analysis, in the workplace, which are human values. Through this information, a model was developed that serves as a tool to identify and anticipate behaviors in the technical personnel that make up the organization's trust structure, since they are responsible for executing work plans and programs aimed at achievement of the goals and objectives of the company and in the same way they are responsible through their behavior and attitudes, to promote in their environment a favorable work environment for the manual personnel who are in charge, contributing to the results that are They expect the organization, thereby achieving continuous improvement. El objetivo principal de la investigación es el de analizar uno de los aspectos fundamentales que determinan el comportamiento del ser humano ya sea en el ámbito personal como, para el caso de este análisis, en el ámbito laboral, que son los valores humanos. A través de esta información, se desarrolló un modelo que sirve de herramienta para identificar y anticipar comportamientos en el personal técnico que conforma la estructura de confianza de la organización, toda vez que son ellos los responsables de ejecutar los planes y programas de trabajo encaminados a lograr las metas y objetivos de la empresa y de igual manera son los responsables a través de su comportamiento y actitudes, de propiciar en su entorno un clima laboral favorable para el personal manual que se encuentra a su cargo, coadyuvando en los resultados que se esperan de la organización, logrando con ello la mejora continua
Engineering of tomato for the sustainable production of ketocarotenoids and its evaluation in aquaculture feed
Ketocarotenoids are high-value pigments used commercially across multiple industrial sectors as colorants and supplements. Chemical synthesis using petrochemical-derived precursors remains the production method of choice. Aquaculture is an example where ketocarotenoid supplementation of feed is necessary to achieve product viability. The biosynthesis of ketocarotenoids, such as canthaxanthin, phoenicoxanthin, or astaxanthin in plants is rare. In the present study, complex engineering of the carotenoid pathway has been performed to produce high-value ketocarotenoids in tomato fruit (3.0 mg/g dry weight). The strategy adopted involved pathway extension beyond β-carotene through the expression of the β-carotene hydroxylase (CrtZ) and oxyxgenase (CrtW) from Brevundimonas sp. in tomato fruit, followed by β-carotene enhancement through the introgression of a lycopene β-cyclase (β-Cyc) allele from a Solanum galapagense background. Detailed biochemical analysis, carried out using chromatographic, UV/VIS, and MS approaches, identified the predominant carotenoid as fatty acid (C14:0 and C16:0) esters of phoenicoxanthin, present in the S stereoisomer configuration. Under a field-like environment with low resource input, scalability was shown with the potential to deliver 23 kg of ketocarotenoid/hectare. To illustrate the potential of this “generally recognized as safe” material with minimal, low-energy bioprocessing, two independent aquaculture trials were performed. The plant-based feeds developed were more efficient than the synthetic feed to color trout flesh (up to twofold increase in the retention of the main ketocarotenoids in the fish fillets). This achievement has the potential to create a new paradigm in the renewable production of economically competitive feed additives for the aquaculture industry and beyond
Clinical features and outcomes in a cohort of patients with immunoglobulin G4-related disease at a university hospital in Spain
Background. Immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a fibro-inflammatory, immune-mediated disorder, which characteristically affects the glandular tissue but has the potential to affect any organ. Methods. We retrospectively reviewed clinical, laboratory, histological characteristics and treatment response during 12 months of follow-up of a cohort of patients with IgG4-RD diagnosed at a tertiary public hospital. Disease activity was assessed by means of the IgG4-RD responder index (IgG4-RD RI). Results. In all, 15 patients have been diagnosed at our Institution and herein studied (80% men), with a median age of 60.7 years and a mean affectation of 2.8 organs per patient. We identified six patients with definitive diagnosis and nine with possible IgG4-RD, according to the Japanese diagnostic algorithm. IgG4-RD RI decreased from a median of 11.3 at baseline to 4.0 after 6 months and 6.2 after 12 months. Relapse occurred in five patients and was associated with lower cumulative steroid doses. Five patients (33.3%) required additional immunosuppressive (IS) drugs. Five adverse events were seen during follow-up: three infections, one deep vein thrombosis and one gastrointestinal bleeding. One patient died of pneumonia. Conclusions. IgG4-RD is an inflammatory disease that can affect any organ. Glucocorticoids were an effective first line of treatment; however, this treatment is associated with important adverse events and relapses occurred in patients with low cumulative doses. As an alternative, IS treatment with rituximab could be an interesting option in those patients
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