1,716 research outputs found

    Does sediment composition sort kinorhynch communities?. An ecomorphological approach through geometric morphometrics

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    Ecomorphology studies the relationship between organisms’ morphology and environment features. To better understand whether the shape of the body and the appendages involved in the movement is correlated to sediment composition in meiofaunal organisms, we study the evolved morphological adaptations to environment in selected taxa of the phylum Kinorhyncha: the allomalorhagid families Dracoderidae and Pycnophyidae, and the cyclorhagid genus Echinoderes. The selected taxa include the most diverse groups of Kinorhyncha worldwide, representing the 75.5% of the total phylum diversity. Widened, plump bodies and lateral terminal spines may be adaptive for species living in coarse, more heterogeneous sediments, as they could maintain a more powerful musculature to actively displace the sediment grains applying a greater force. Conversely, slender, vermiform bodies and lateral terminal spines would represent an adaptation of species inhabiting fne, more homogeneous sediments where there would not be much need to exert a high force to displace the sediment particles, and a more vermiform shape would even favour the burrowing of the animal through the smaller interstices. The studied kinorhynch taxa would also be adapted to the higher velocity of the sea-water and the intense erosion and transportation of heterogeneous sediments by possessing more robust bodies, avoiding getting laid of substratum under these conditions. These fndings provide evolutionary evidence that body shape in the studied kinorhynch groups is adapted to environment

    Data Quality Control of an Observational Tool to Analyze Football Semiotricity

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    En un reciente estudio se ha sacado a la luz el “código secreto” del fútbol mediante el uso del método observacional. Sin embargo, en esta investigación no se aclaran ciertos aspectos metodológicos, como el protocolo de observación, ni se expone el procedimiento empleado para el control de la calidad del dato. Dado que estas carencias comprometen la &abilidadde los resultados, se decidió realizar el análisis de la &abilidad de la herramienta observacional empleada en dicho estudio siguiendo los principios básicos de este método. Tras un estudio minucioso de esta herramienta se diseñó un instrumento de observación mixto con un sistema de formato de campo donde cada criterio es un sistema de categorías, exhaustivo y mutuamente excluyente. Tras el entrenamiento de los observadores, se tomaron datos con los que se estimaron los coeficientes de acuerdo y asociación (frecuencias y porcentajes de acuerdo, coeficientes de correlación, índices de Kappa de Cohen) inter e intraobservadores, realizando posteriormente un análisis de generalizabilidad. Los resultados obtenidos son satisfactorios y nos permiten afirmar que la herramienta es fiable para analizar la semiotricidaddel fútbol

    Sarcoma de Ewing extraóseo en cabeza y cuello: revisión de la literatura a propósito de un caso

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    ResumenIntroducciónEl sarcoma de Ewing extraesquelético (SEE) es un tumor maligno muy poco frecuente. La región de la cabeza y el cuello es una localización primaria inusual para este tipo de tumor.Material y métodosEl objetivo de esta revisión es identificar las principales localizaciones dentro de cabeza y cuello. Para ello se realizó una búsqueda en la base de datos MEDLINE. Se analizaron múltiples variables. Se realiza la revisión a propósito un caso clínico de un paciente con SEE en la mejilla.ResultadosDe un total de 31 pacientes, se reportan 18 casos en cabeza y 13 en cuello.ConclusionesEn nuestra revisión no pudimos determinar ninguna localización que sea de mayor frecuencia en esta región. Las pruebas de imagen son útiles para estadificar, y son necesarios estudios anatomopatológicos para confirmar el diagnóstico. El tratamiento intensivo es el de mayor eficacia.AbstractIntroductionExtraskeletal Ewing's sarcoma (EES) is a rare malignant neoplasm. It is a highly unusual finding in the head and neck region.Material and methodsThe aim of this review is to identify the main sites in the head and neck region, by searching in the MEDLINE database. A wide range of variables were analysed. This review was carried out due to a case report of a patient with EES of the cheek.ResultsOut of a total of 31 patients, there were 18 cases in the head and 13 in the neck.ConclusionsIn our review it was not possible to determine a more frequent head and neck location. The imaging studies are useful for staging, and the histology to confirm the diagnosis. An aggressive treatment has demonstrated to be more effective

    Adaptative ECT System Based on Reconfigurable Electronics

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    In this work we present a novel scheme for the design of electrical capacitance tomography systems that is based on the use of reconfigurable electronics. The objective of this strategy is to generate an adaptable and portable prototype for the processing electronics, i.e., an instrument suitable to be easily transported and applied to different ECT sensors and scenarios with no need of hardware redesign. In order to show the benefits of this approach, a prototype of the processing electronics for the readings of the inter-electrode capacitance values has been implemented using a Programmable System on Chip (PSoC) that allows configuring both analog and digital blocks included in the design. The result is a compact and portable instrument that can work with any ECT sensor up to 8 electrodes. The measurements are sent through a wireless Bluetooth link to an external smart-device such as smartphone, where the permittivity distribution is reconstructed using a custom-developed Android application.Junta de Andalucía (University Professor and Researcher Training Program – FPDI grant)EI BIOTiC under project MPTIC1

    Generation and proof-of-concept for allogeneic CD123 CAR-Delta One T (DOT) cells in acute myeloid leukemia

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    Background Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cells have emerged as a breakthrough treatment for relapse/refractory hematological tumors, showing impressive complete remission rates. However, around 50% of the patients relapse before 1-year post-treatment. T-cell 'fitness' is critical to prolong CAR-T persistence and activity. Allogeneic T cells from healthy donors are less dysfunctional or exhausted than autologous patientderived T cells; in this context, Delta One T cells (DOTs), a recently described cellular product based on MHC/ HLA-independent Vδ1+ γδ T cells, represent a promising allogeneic platform. Methods Here we generated and preclinically validated, for the first time, 4-1BB-based CAR-DOTs directed against the interleukin-3α chain receptor (CD123), a target antigen widely expressed on acute myeloid leukemia (AML) blasts. Results CD123CAR-DOTs showed vigorous, superior to control DOTs, cytotoxicity against AML cell lines and primary samples both in vitro and in vivo, even on tumor rechallenge. Conclusions Our results provide the proof-of-concept for a DOT-based next-generation allogeneic CAR-T therapy for AML

    Miradas desde el sur de México sobre seguridad y frontera / Gazes from southern Mexico on security and border

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    La llamada “frontera sur de México” representa un fenómeno multivariable y poliédrico, que encarna una complejidad por su carácter de región transfronteriza, a la vez que conforma uno de los corredores de movilidad humana más importantes del mundo. En este artículo presentamos un estudio sobre esta realidad a partir de dos acercamientos complementarios. En primer lugar, comprende un estudio conceptual, teórico y contextual sobre lo que representa ese espacio en diferentes escalas, desde la regional hasta la global. En segundo lugar, un estudio micro sobre las percepciones de las personas que viven la frontera, a partir de testimonios recogidos en las ciudades situadas en las orillas del río Suchiate (límite entre México y Guatemala). Abstract The well-known "southern border of Mexico" represents a multivariable and multifaceted phenomenon that embodies a complexity due to its cross-border region characteristic. It is worldwide identified as one of the most important human corridors. In this article we present a study about this situation from two complementary approaches. In one hand, we performed a conceptual, theoretical and contextual study about what this space represents, in different scales, from regional to global perspective. On the other hand, we present a micro study that approaches the perceptions of people who live at the border region, with testimonies collected in the cities located along the Suchiate riverside (border between Mexico and Guatemala)

    Integrating plasmonic supercrystals in microfluidics for ultrasensitive, label-free, and selective surface-enhanced raman spectroscopy detection

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    Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) microfluidic chips for label-free and ultrasensitive detection are fabricated by integrating a plasmonic supercrystal within microfluidic channels. This plasmonic platform allows the uniform infiltration of the analytes within the supercrystal, reaching the so-called hot spots. Moreover, state-of-the-art simulations performed using large-scale supercrystal models demonstrate that the excellent SERS response is due to the hierarchical nanoparticle organization, the interparticle separation (IPS), and the presence of supercrystal defects. Proof-of-concept experiments confirm the outstanding performance of the microfluidic chips for the ultradetection of (bio)molecules with no metal affinity. In fact, a limit of detection (LOD) as low as 10–19 M was reached for crystal violet. The SERS microfluidic chips show excellent sensitivity in the direct analysis of pyocyanin secreted by Pseudomonas aeruginosa grown in a liquid culture medium. Finally, the further integration of a silica-based column in the plasmonic microchip provides charge-selective SERS capabilities as demonstrated for a mixture of positively and negatively charged molecules.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. TEC2017-85376-C2-1-RAgencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. TEC2017-85376-C2-2-RXunta de Galicia | Ref. GRC ED431C 2016−486 048Gobierno de Extremadura | Ref. IB18073Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. IJCI-2016-2910

    A survey of domestic wells and pit latrines in rural settlements of Mali: Implications of on-site sanitation on the quality of water supplies

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    On-site sanitation is generally advocated as a means to eradicate the health hazards associated with open defecation. While this has provided a welcome upgrade to the livelihoods of millions of people in low-income countries, improved sanitation facilities are increasingly becoming a threat to domestic groundwater-based supplies. Within this context, a survey of pit latrines, domestic wells and improved water sources was carried out in a large rural village of southern Mali. All households were surveyed for water, sanitation and hygiene habits. Domestic wells and improved water sources were georeferenced and sampled for water quality (pH, electric conductivity, temperature, turbidity, total dissolved solids, thermotolerant coliforms, chloride and nitrate) and groundwater level, while all latrines were inspected and georeferenced. A GIS database was then used to evaluate the proportion of water points within the influence area of latrines, as well as to underpin multiple regression models to establish the determinants for fecal contamination in drinking supplies. Moreover, an appraisal of domestic water treatment practices was carried out. This revealed that nearly two-thirds of the population uses bleach to purify drinking supplies, but also that domestic-scale treatment as currently implemented by the population is far from effective. It is thus concluded that existing habits could be enhanced as a means to make water supplies safer. Furthermore, population, well and latrine density were all identified as statistically significant predictors for fecal pollution at different spatial scales. These findings are policy-relevant in the context of groundwater-dependent human settlements, since many countries in the developing world currently pursue the objective of eliminating open defecation

    Laser-synthesis of conductive carbon-based materials from two flexible commercial substrates: A comparison

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    One of the key challenges in the field of flexible electronics relies on finding conductive materials that can withstand bending and stretching stresses while maintaining their performance. In this context, this work presents a comparative study of laser-induced conductive materials from the direct laser-scribing of two commercial flexible films: the benchmark Kapton® HN polyimide (PI) precursor and the UltemTM 1000 polyetherimide (PEI) alternative contender. The synthesis process on both materials is optimized in terms of electrical conductivity using a high-performance galvanometric laser with a wavelength of 532 nm for the fabrication of multiple samples at different laser powers and speeds. The samples are structurally characterized using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Raman spectroscopy, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), and Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) aiming at understanding the chemical and physical changes of the ablated material. The results demonstrate that the proposed setup is feasible for the synthesis of uniform and reliable conductive patterns on the surface of both substrates with high reproducibility. In particular, it is proved that PEI is more suitable precursor for flexible electronics applications which demand high electrical conductivity, leading to a sheet resistance of 3.62 ± 0.35 Ω/sq at 0.8 W and 5 mm/s once the laser-synthesis process is optimized (against the 6.04 ± 0.63 Ω/sq at 0.6 W and 5 mm/s offered by the LIG on PI). The performance of both laser-induced patterns as electrodes for the fabrication of electrochemical capacitors is also studied and compared in terms of areal specific capacitance.FEDER/Junta de Andalucía-Consejería de Transformaci´on Econ´omica, IndustriaConocimiento y Universidades Project P20_00265 and Project BRNM-680-UGR20; Project TED2021-129949A-I00MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTRGrant PID2020-117344RB-I00MCIN/AEI 10.13039/ 501100011033Junta de Andalucía – Consejería de Universidad, Investigaci´on e Innovaci´on through the project ProyExcel_00268Spanish Ministry of Sciences and Innovation through the Ram´on y Cajal fellow RYC2019- 027457-I,María Zambrano fellow C21.I4.P1grant PRE2021-096886

    Demonstration of bare Laser reduced Graphene Oxide sensors for Ammonia and Ethanol

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    This work was mainly supported by TED2021-129949A-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. It was also partially funded by the Andalusian regional projects supported through the Junta de Andalucía - Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación and FEDER funds: ProyExcel_00268, B-RNM-680-UGR20, P20_00265, P20_00633, as well as by the Spanish Ministry of Sciences and Innovation through the National Project PID2020-117344RB-I00, the Ramón y Cajal fellow RYC2019-027457-I and the María Zambrano fellow C21.I4.P1.In this work, gas sensors using laser-reduced graphene oxide (LrGO) as sensitive layer have been fabricated and studied. The laser-synthetized material were structurally and electrically characterized by means of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Raman spectroscopy, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and the four-point contact method. The gas-sensing properties of the samples were studied by their exposition to 10 ppm to 100 ppm of ethanol and 25 ppm to 130 ppm of ammonia. The results show that the devices present an electrical response corresponding to a purely resistive behavior up to 100 kHz. It is also demonstrated that the resistivity of the sensing layer increases as the gas concentration increases; being of 0.0402 ± 0.001 [%/ppm] for the case of ammonia and 0.0140 ± 0.001 [%/ppm] for the case of ethanol. These results outperform existing sensors and establish a better balance in terms of simplicity, sensitivity, linearity and technology sustainability. In summary, this work especially shows the potential of LrGO for low-cost and low-energy gas sensors fabrication.MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033: TED2021-129949A-I00Junta de AndalucíaFEDER funds: ProyExcel_00268, B-RNM-680-UGR20, P20_00265, P20_00633Spanish Ministry of Sciences and Innovation PID2020-117344RB-I00Ramón y Cajal fellow RYC2019-027457-IMaría Zambrano fellow C21.I4.P