9 research outputs found

    Uso de software libre para el estudio del esfuerzo pesquero en la costa de Cataluña

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    9as Jornadas SIG Libre, 25 de marzo de 2015, GironaLas tecnologías geoespaciales suponen un avance en el conocimiento de los ecosistemas marinos, permitiendo abordar el estudio del potencial efecto de las flotas pesqueras mundiales en la dinámica ecológica de los mismos. Pese a ello su aplicación a la biología pesquera es muy reciente y su uso se está generalizando a partir de que el ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea) propusiera en el año 2008 una metodología para el estudio de las pesca y su impacto en el medio marino. Esta se basa en la utilización de los datos de posición procedentes de las ¿cajas azules¿ (VMS ¿ Vessel Monitoring System), que por una normativa europea del año 2006 está presente en la mayoría de barcos de pesca, y consiste en el cruce de los datos de VMS, con los datos de los diarios de abordo y los datos de las descargas en puerto. Así se pueden obtener, entre otros resultados, mapas para el estudio del esfuerzo pesquero de la flota en los caladeros del Océano Atlántico de las costas europeas. La metodología presentada por el ICES es una potente herramienta, pero su aplicación en el estudio de la pesca de las flotas del Mediterráneo Noroccidental (Mar Catalán) genera varios problemas. El principal es que su diseño está realizado para grandes barcos arrastreros del Atlántico y para áreas muy extensas. Este hecho hace imposible su aplicación directa en el estudio de la flota y los caladeros de las costas catalanas, debido a que los barcos son mucho más pequeños, tienen una movilidad menor y trabajan en áreas espaciales menos extensas. Nuestro grupo de investigación ha extrapolado la metodología ICES y la adaptado a la tipología de flota y caladeros del Mar Catalán. Para ello aprovechamos conjuntamente, los recursos que proveen el gestor de bases de datos libre Postgresql, con su extensión Postgis, y el entorno de escritorio que proporciona el software libre espacial QuantumGIS. Esto nos permite el análisis espacio-temporal del esfuerzo pesquero, y la asociación del mismo a las capturas por clases de tallas que se indican en las categorías de las ventas diarias en las lonjas de los puertos. En concreto, se ha realizado este estudio para la gamba rosada (Aristeus antennatus) en los puertos de Blanes y Palamos, y para la merluza (Merluccius merluccius) en el puerto de Roses, todos ellos puertos de gran importancia en CatalunyaPeer Reviewe

    Methodological approach to mapping the fishing effort on deep-sea red shrimp Aristeus antennatus using Vessel Monitoring System and daily landings data

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    Second Symposium on Fishery-Dependent Information, 3-6 March 2014, Rome, Italy.-- 1 page, 7 figuresThe deep-sea red shrimp Aristeus antennatus is the target of the most important fisheries along the Spanish Mediterranean coast. In the North Catalan margin, submarine canyons are the main geomorphological feature where populations of the deep-sea red shrimp present marked seasonal and bathimetric displacements related to its reproductive biology. We here present the methodology used in the spatial representation of the fishing effort on this species, produced by combining daily landings data from the fishermen´s associations and georeferenced data from the Vessel Monitoring System, with the main aim of analyzing the spatio-temporal distribution of the fishing effort in the different geomorphological areas of the submarine canyonsWe would like to thank the support of Secretaría General de Pesca of the Spanish Government and Generalitat de Catalunya for the VMS dataPeer Reviewe

    In Vitro Anti-Biofilm and Antibacterial Properties of Streptococcus downii sp. nov.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential anti-biofilm and antibacterial activities of Streptococcus downii sp. nov. To test anti-biofilm properties, Streptococcus mutans, Actinomyces naeslundii, Veillonella parvula, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Porphyromonas gingivalis, and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans were grown in a biofilm model in the presence or not of S. downii sp. nov. for up to 120 h. For the potential antibacterial activity, 24 h-biofilms were exposed to S. downii sp. nov for 24 and 48 h. Biofilms structures and bacterial viability were studied by microscopy, and the effect in bacterial load by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. A generalized linear model was constructed, and results were considered as statistically significant at p < 0.05. The presence of S. downii sp. nov. during biofilm development did not affect the structure of the community, but an anti-biofilm effect against S. mutans was observed (p < 0.001, after 96 and 120 h). For antibacterial activity, after 24 h of exposure to S. downii sp. nov., counts of S. mutans (p = 0.019) and A. actinomycetemcomitans (p = 0.020) were significantly reduced in well-structured biofilms. Although moderate, anti-biofilm and antibacterial activities of S. downii sp. nov. against oral bacteria, including some periodontal pathogens, were demonstrated in an in vitro biofilm modelThis research was co-funded by Xunta de Galicia under Ignicia Programme, Axencia Galega de Innovación, GAIN (12/08/2016; GRANT_NUMBER: IN855A)S

    Is povidone iodine mouthwash effective against SARS-CoV-2? First in vivo tests

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Martínez Lamas L, Diz Dios P, Pérez Rodríguez MT, et al. Is povidone iodine mouthwash effective against SARS-CoV-2? First in vivo tests. Oral Dis. 2022; 28(Suppl. 1): 908–911, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/odi.13526. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions. This article may not be enhanced, enriched or otherwise transformed into a derivative work, without express permission from Wiley or by statutory rights under applicable legislation. Copyright notices must not be removed, obscured or modified. The article must be linked to Wiley’s version of record on Wiley Online Library and any embedding, framing or otherwise making available the article or pages thereof by third parties from platforms, services and websites other than Wiley Online Library must be prohibitedS

    Elaboración de un modelo de costeo basado en actividades para la redacción de El Tiempo

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    La situación económica del país y el intenso entorno competitivo Ha llevado a la industria colombiana a concentrar su esfuerzo en mejoramiento de los procesos y al uso eficiente de los recursos productivos. Casa Editorial el Tiempo no ha sido ajena a estas dificultades de la economía nacional, los cuales golpean durante la inversión. Por esta razón, pasó de una estrategia basada en un modelo de negocios de EXPANSIÓN, cuyo objetivo principal era la creación de multiplex líneas de productos y servicios a un MODELO DE ENFOQUE, cuya prioridad central es la generación de flujos de caja.Introducción. Objetivo general y objetivos específicos. Métodos a utilizar. Elaboración del diccionario de actividades. Metodología del modelo. Resultados. Oportunidades de mejoramiento texto. Oportunidades de mejoramiento fotografía. Oportunidades de mejoramiento página. Oportunidades de mejoramiento soporte y apoyo. Indicadores de gestión. Conclusiones. Productos entregados. Anexos.Especialista en finanzas corporativasEspecializació

    Estimation and mapping of fishing effort, size-class of catches and CPUEs for the fishery of the deep-sea red shrimp Aristeus antennatus in Catalonia (NE Spain) using Vessels Monitoring System data and daily landings per size class

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    Second Symposium on Fishery-Dependent Information, 3-6 March 2014, Rome, Italy.-- 2 pagesThe deep-sea red shrimp Aristeus antennatus is the most valuable demersal resource exploited by the trawling fleets of Catalonia (NE Spain). In this area, the abundance of this species displays important seasonal fluctuations, forming dense aggregations at different depths in different times of the year. The fishing fleet is known to target such aggregations. In this context, detailed knowledge of spatial and temporal distribution of the fishing effort and size-class of catches is crucial, if we are to establish an ad hoc management strategy involving specific actions on a seasonal or spatial basis, such as temporary and spatial fishing closures. For this study we obtained from the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fishery the VMS (Vessels Monitoring System) data relative to the trawling fleets of Catalonia from 2005 to the actuality. For two of the main ports in the area, Blanes and Palamós, we also disposed of data on daily landings per vessel per each commercial size of the resource (four for Palamós and two for Blanes), supplied by the local fishermen associations. By merging the two datasets, we were finally able to draw maps showing spatial distribution of fishing effort, catches and CPUEs at different times of the year, considering size classes altogether or separately. The results obtained so far show that fishing effort concentrates on the heads of the submarine canyons. These areas host a consistent aggregation of juveniles of red shrimp typically in winter, when they are recruiting to the fishing area from deeper watersPeer Reviewe

    Seasonal mapping of landings per size class for the fishery of the deep-sea red shrimp Aristeus antennatus in NE Spain using Vessels Monitoring System data and daily landings

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    Second Symposium on Fishery-Dependent Information, 3-6 March 2014, Rome, Italy.-- 1 page, 7 figuresThe red shrimp Aristeus antennatus is the most important deep-sea demersal resource in the NW Mediterranean. In NE Spain it is fished by bottom trawling at the depths between 200 m and 900 m, and the fishing grounds are allocated around the margins of a system of submarine canyons, where it constitutes the only target species. This fishery is characterized by marked seasonality, with higher levels of landings occurring in summer. Combining Vessel Monitoring System data (VMS) with daily landings has the potential to substitute logbook data for stock evaluations, avoiding human error or misreporting. Also, when landings per size class are available, this approach allows the identification of the critical areas and/or periods for the exploitation of the smallest size classes in the population, constituting the basis for specific management decisions such as the establishment of protected areas or temporary fishery closures. The main objective of this study was to map and investigate the spatiotemporal distribution of the landings per size class of red shrimp in the fishing grounds of two of the main fishing ports of NE Spain, Blanes and PalamósPeer Reviewe

    Seasonal and bathymetrical population displacements of the deep-sea red shrimp (Aristeus antennatus) in Blanes and Palamós submarine canyons (Northwestern Mediterranean) using Vessel Monitoring System and Geographic Information Systems

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    Second Symposium on Fishery-Dependent Information, 3-6 March 2014, Rome, Italy.-- 1 pageThe deep-sea red shrimp Aristeus antennatus is the target of the most important fisheries along the Spanish Mediterranean coast. In the north Catalan margin, submarine canyons are the main geomorphological feature where populations of deep-sea red shrimp present marked seasonal and bathymetric displacements related to its reproductive biology. We here present the changing dynamics of a fleet that follows the reproductive displacements of this species, analyzed by combining a two-year biological survey together with daily landings and georeferenced VMS (Vessel Monitoring System) data. The spatial and bathymetric displacements of the red shrimp fishery in two of the most relevant ports in the Northwestern Mediterranean, Blanes and Palamós (Catalonia, Spain), are shown in a series of maps covering the period from 2005 to present date. Survey data and daily landings per commercial size class of individuals, supplied by the fishermen’s associations of both ports, were merged with VMS data from the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries to graphically represent the effort, landings per size class and CPUEs in different fishing grounds within the submarine canyons and adjacent open slope. By comparing the evolution of the CPUEs and daily landings associated to each of the locations, we were able to show the differences in the fishing effort held on each size class of the population, as well as the shrimp movements over time. The resulting series of maps shows that the most exploited area corresponds the fishing grounds located on the head of the two submarine canyons, where juveniles move between the months of January and FebruaryPeer Reviewe

    Molecular Detection of Streptococcus downii sp. nov. from Dental Plaque Samples from Patients with Down Syndrome and Non-Syndromic Individuals

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    A new bacterial species has recently been identified in the dental plaque of an adolescent with Down syndrome. The species is known as Streptococcus downii sp. nov. (abbreviated to S. downii), and it inhibits the growth of S. mutans and certain periodontal pathogens. The aim of this study was to determine the distribution of S. downii in the oral cavity of individuals with Down syndrome. Methods: A specific polymerase chain reaction for the operon of bacteriocin (class IIb lactobin A/cerein 7B family) was designed to detect S. downii in individuals with Down syndrome (n = 200) and in the general population (n = 100). We also compared the whole genome of S. downii and the regions related to its bacteriocins against 127 metagenomes of supragingival plaque of the &ldquo;Human Microbiome Project&rdquo;. Results: We detected the specific gene of the S. downii bacteriocin in an individual with Down syndrome (Cq, 34.52; GE/&mu;L, 13.0) and in an individual of the non-syndromic control group (Cq, 34.78 Cq; GE/&mu;L, 4.93). The prevalence of S. downii was &le;1% both in Down syndrome and in the general population, which did not allow for clinical-microbiological correlations to be established. This result was confirmed by detecting only one metagenome with an ANIm with approximately 95% homology and with 100% homology with ORFs that code class IIb lactobiocin A/cerein 7B bacteriocins among the 127 metagenomes of the &ldquo;Human Microbiome Project&rdquo; tested. Conclusions: The detection rate of S. downii in the supragingival dental plaque was very low, both in the Down syndrome individuals and in the non-syndromic controls. A clinical-microbiological correlation could therefore not be established