269 research outputs found

    Sample collection/stabilization and DNA/RNA extraction from swab samples for microbiome or metagenome analyses

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    Good preservation and storage are essential to preserving microorganisms’ genetic material in microbial

    Amber imitation? Two unusual cases of Pinus resin-coated beads in Iberian Late Prehistory (3rd and 2nd millennia BC)

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    A group of beads from the artificial cave of La Molina (Lora de Estepa, Sevilla) and Cova del Gegant (Sitges, Barcelona) were made from a biogenic raw material and intentionally covered by a layer of resin. This is the first time this type of treatment has been documented on elements of adornment in the Late Prehistory of the Iberian Peninsula. The composition and nature of the coatings are analysed and the symbolic role of such alterations and imitations of prehistoric adornments is discussed.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad HAR2012- 34620, HAR2017-83474-

    Structuring Pt/CeO2/Al2O3 WGS catalyst: Introduction of buffer layer

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    This work is devoted to the development of novel structured catalytic system for WGS reaction. The new concept is related to the presence of a pre-catalytic “buffer” layer formed by WGS-inert oxide, i.e. not involved in CO conversion, but able to increase the number of participating sites in water dissociation step during the reaction. The performance of the proposed systems appears to depend strongly on the stream composition, being its effect beneficial in highly reducing atmospheres making it ideal for clean-up application. An increment of the partial kinetic order for water species is observed and reveals the key role of the water activation for superior catalytic behavior.Junta de Andalucía TEP-819

    A jade pished hand-axe from Tubino's Cection (Valencina de la Concepción Local Museum, Sevilla, Spain)

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    A pished axe donated to the Valencina de la Concepción Museum (Seville, Spain) in November 2010, and that had belonged to Francisco María Tubino y Oliva's (1833-1888) personal clection, is studied. Although the exact provenance of this object is unknown, there are reasons to think that it might have been found on some archaẽogical site of the Seville province. Through the application of two different analytical techniques (XRD, DCμRS), this axe is identified as a jade-jadeite of purity above 95 ml%, which necessarily implies it came from the Alps. In the conclusions a discussion of this artifact is made in terms of long distance contact in Iberian Late Prehistory.Peer Reviewe

    Kimikako erreakzioaren irakurbidea eta idazkera

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    Kimikako formulazioak, ahozko irakurketa bi har ditzake. Lehenengoa, konposatuen nomenklaturarako arauetan oinarriturik dago eta bigarrena, ikurren letraz letrako irakurketa da. Nomenklaturaren araberako irakurketak erabat arruntak diren izenak eskaintzen dizkio euskal joskerari; letraz letrako irakurketak ere euskal joskeran nolabait txertatu beharko diren izenen antzerako zatiak sortuko ditu. Batzuek eta besteek hainbat arazo azaltzen dituzte testuetan eta erreakzioen adierazpideetan. Arazoak idatzizko mailan ez ezik ahozko mailan ere sortzen dira. Izan ere, batzuetan euskararen egitura naturalak irakurtzeko beharra sortzen da, eta areago, askotan egitura naturalak artifizialtzat jo izan direnekin batera erabiltzeko ohitura handia dago Kimikaren hainbat esparrutan

    Au/CeO2 metallic monolith catalysts: Influence of the metallic substrate

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    Ceria-based gold catalysts were successfully deposited on ferritic stainless steel (Fecralloy) and aluminium monoliths. The prepared monolithic and reference powder catalysts were characterized by means of S BET, X-ray diffraction, glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray analysis techniques and tested in the CO oxidation reaction. Characterization results put in evidence the diffusion of cations from the catalytic layer on the surface of the monoliths to the metallic oxide scale and inversely, from the oxide scale to the catalysts, thus altering the catalytic formulation and affecting the CO oxidation properties of the catalytic device. The extension and nature of the modifications produced depend on the nature of the catalysts and the metallic substrate, as well as the reaction conditions applied. These facts must be considered when gold catalysts are supported on metallic-structured devices. © 2013 The Author(s).Peer Reviewe

    A jade polished hand-axe from Tubino’s colection (Valencina de la Concepción Local Museum, Sevilla, Spain)

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    A pished axe donated to the Valencina de la Concepción Museum (Seville, Spain) in November 2010, and that had belonged to Francisco María Tubino y Oliva's (1833-1888) personal clection, is studied. Although the exact provenance of this object is unknown, there are reasons to think that it might have been found on some archaẽogical site of the Seville province. Through the application of two different analytical techniques (XRD, DCμRS), this axe is identified as a jade-jadeite of purity above 95 ml%, which necessarily implies it came from the Alps. In the conclusions a discussion of this artifact is made in terms of long distance contact in Iberian Late Prehistory.En este trabajo se estudia un hacha pulimentada inédita excepcional depositada en el Museo de Valencina de la Concepción (Sevilla) en noviembre de 2010 y que formó parte de la colección personal de Francisco María Tubino y Oliva (1833-1888). Aunque la procedencia exacta de la pieza es desconocida, existen razones para pensar que podría proceder de algún yacimiento arqueológico de la provincia de Sevilla. Mediante la aplicación de dos técnicas analíticas diferentes (XRD, DCμRS), se identifica la pieza como jade-jadeíta de una pureza superior al 95 ml%, lo que implica su procedencia de los Alpes. En las conclusiones se realiza una valoración de la significación de esta pieza en términos de contactos a larga distancia en la Prehistoria Reciente ibérica.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad HAR2013-3462