178 research outputs found


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    To validate the diagnostic component needed for the inclusion of productive units (PU) from a model for Integrated Strategic Management (ISM) of the natural resources(NR) in meaning of the local development (LD) and environmental conservancy (EC) directed on three focus in arid territories with agro-productive orientation is the objective of this research. In order to know the territory components, the features of the PU users of NR and to accomplish of the guidelines of LD and EC were used qualitative and quantitative mechanisms. In Moctezuma, Sonora, México, the river on-side husbandry is developed in milpas meanwhile the cattle activities are in ranchos, agriculture and cattle producers are involucrate participants in the use of NR. The most limitative resource is water due to the category of management which contrast whit its proposals and ways to use them. ISM thinks through the integration in PU of these territoriesValidar el componente diagnóstico básico necesario para la inclusión de unidades productivas (UP)  a partir de un modelo para la gestión estratégica integrada (GEI) de los recursos naturales (RN) en función del desarrollo local (DL) y la conservación ambiental (CA) con diversos enfoques en territorios áridos con orientación agroproductiva representa el objetivo de la investigación. Para conocer los elementos en el territorio, la caracterización de las UP usuarias de los RN y el cumplimiento de los preceptos del DL y la CA se utilizaron técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas. En Moctezuma, Sonora, México, la agricultura de secano se desarrolla en milpas y la ganadería extensiva en ranchos, los ganaderos y agricultores son actores involucrados con el uso de los RN. El recurso limitativo es el agua a partir de una gestión que contrasta con sus propósitos y formas de uso. La GEI conlleva a la integración en las UP de estos territorios

    A Preliminary Approach to the Automatic Extraction of Business Rules from Unrestricted Text in the Banking Industry

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    This paper addresses the problem of extracting formal statements, in the form of business rules, from free text descriptions of financial products or services. This automatic process is integrated in the banking software factory, permitting business analysts the formal specification, direct implementation and fast deployment of new products. This system is fully integrated with the typical software methodologies and architectures used in the banking industry for conventional development of back office or online applications

    MIRACLE’s Naive Approach to Medical Images Annotation

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    One of the proposed tasks of the ImageCLEF 2005 campaign has been an Automatic Annotation Task. The objective is to provide the classification of a given set of 1,000 previously unseen medical (radiological) images according to 57 predefined categories covering different medical pathologies. 9,000 classified training images are given which can be used in any way to train a classifier. The Automatic Annotation task uses no textual information, but image-content information only. This paper describes our participation in the automatic annotation task of ImageCLEF 2005

    K-SITE RULES Integrating Business Rules in the Mainstream Software Engineering Practice

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    The technology for business rule based systems faces two important challenges: standardization and integration within conventional software development lifecycle models and tools. Despite the standardization effort carried out by international organizations, commercial tools incorporate their own flavours in rule languages, making difficult the migration among tools. On the other hand, although some business rules systems vendors incorporate interfaces to encapsulate decision models as web services, it is still difficult integrating business rules in traditional object-oriented analysis and design methodologies. This is the rationale behind the development of K-Site Rules, a tool that facilitates the cooperation of business people and software designers in business applications

    MIRACLE Retrieval Experiments with East Asian Languages

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    This paper describes the participation of MIRACLE in NTCIR 2005 CLIR task. Although our group has a strong background and long expertise in Computational Linguistics and Information Retrieval applied to European languages and using Latin and Cyrillic alphabets, this was our first attempt on East Asian languages. Our main goal was to study the particularities and distinctive characteristics of Japanese, Chinese and Korean, specially focusing on the similarities and differences with European languages, and carry out research on CLIR tasks which include those languages. The basic idea behind our participation in NTCIR is to test if the same familiar linguisticbased techniques may also applicable to East Asian languages, and study the necessary adaptations

    Predicción de la aceptación o rechazo de las calificaciones finales propuestas por el alumnado usando técnicas de Minería de Datos

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    Una posible alternativa o complemento a las técnicas clásicas de evaluación es la utilización de técnicas de autoevaluación (self-grading o self-assessment) que es un proceso en el que es el propio estudiante el que juzga los logros conseguidos respecto a una tarea o actividad determinada. Sin embargo, antes de poder incluirla en un programa educativo, es necesario evaluar la fiabilidad del proceso y compararlo con los métodos tradicionales que actualmente utiliza el profesorado. Siguiendo esta idea, el presente trabajo propone una me-todología basada en la minería de datos y la autoevaluación con el fin de validar la autocalificación de los estudiantes. Nuestro objetivo es predecir si el instructor podría aceptar o no las calificaciones propuestas por los estudiantes en un curso. Nuestra experiencia empírica sobre 53 estudiantes universitarios de informática sugiere que son necesarios 1) una distinción en el tipo de errores que puede cometer el clasificador, pues no es lo mismo no aceptar la nota propuesta de un estudiante que realmente puede sacar dicha nota, que aceptar la de otro que no estaría capacitado para obtenerla; 2) una vigilancia sobre dichos errores; y 3) considerar medidas de rendimiento del estudiante durante el curso, sobre las cuales las predicciones parecen tener una gran dependencia.An alternative or complement to classic assessment methodologies is the use of self-grading or self-assessment, which is a process where the own student judges and evaluates his/her achievements with regards to particular tasks or activities. However, it is necessary to evaluate the reliability of the process before considering it in a learning program, and to compare it with traditional methods that teachers apply at the moment. According to this idea, this work proposes a methodology based on data-mining and self-assessment with the aim of validating the mark that students propose. Our objective is to predict whether the teacher might or might not accept these marks. Our empirical experience on 53 university students suggests that it is needed 1) a distinction between the type of errors of the possible built classifier, given that it is usually preferable not to accept the mark proposed by a student that can get it, than to accept the mark proposed by a student that can not get it; 2) an inspection on particular cases where students might deceive the system; and 3) to consider student performance measures along the course, by which predictions have shown to be strongly determined


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    The present article provides a theoretical approach to the role of the different actors involved in the performance evaluating process of the university teachers in the Angolan public universities, from the case of study in the University José Eduardo dos Santos of the Republic of Angola. To assess the quality of the teaching-learning and in particular the role of the teacher is not a simple task is a difficult and complicated task, therefore, in the evaluation of teaching should involve different actors and cannot be done only by the students. The stakeholders in this process although undoubtedly difficult to conceive of evaluating the quality of teaching-learning process regardless of what they think the students because they are the subject of this process. In the evaluating performance process are also involved teachers, theirs colleagues and management.  El artículo brinda un abordaje teórico del rol de los diferentes actores involucrados en el proceso de evaluación del desempeño del docente universitario en las universidades públicas angolanas, a partir del estudio de caso realizado en la Universidad José Eduardo dos Santos de la República de Angola. Evaluar la calidad del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y en particular el rol del profesor, no es una tarea sencilla, es una tarea difícil y complicada, por eso en la evaluación del docente deben intervenir diferentes actores no pueden ser únicamente los estudiantes. Aunque sin dudas, resulta difícil concebir la evaluación de la calidad del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje sin tener en cuenta lo que piensan los estudiantes, porque ellos constituyen el objeto de dicho proceso, habrá que involucrar en el proceso de E.D a los docentes, sus pares y directivos

    miraQA: Initial experiments in Question Answering

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    We present the miraQA system that constitutes MIRACLE first experience in Question Answering for monolingual Spanish and has been developed for QA@CLEF 2004. The architecture of the system is described and details of our approach to Statistical Answer Extraction based on Hidden Markov Models are presented. One run that uses last year question set for training purposes has been submitted. The results are presented together with ideas for improvement

    MIRACLE evaluation of results for ImageCLEF 2003

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    ImageCLEF is a new pilot experiment introduced in CLEF 2003. It is devoted to the cross language retrieval of images using textual descriptions related to images contents. This paper presents MIRACLE research team experiments and results obtained for this track

    Evaluation of MIRACLE approach results for CLEF 2003

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    This paper describes MIRACLE (Multilingual Information RetrievAl for the CLEf campaign) approach and results for the mono, bi and multilingual Cross Language Evaluation Forum tasks. The approach is based on the combination of linguistic and statistic techniques to perform indexing and retrieval tasks