71 research outputs found

    Biziki, baserriko jogurt osasungarria

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    Nivel educativo: Grado. Duración (en horas): De 21 a 30 horasMerkatura ateratzear dagoen produktu berritzaile eta funtzional baten aurrean, ikasleek bere egokitasunaren inguruko hausnarketa egin beharko dute. Argudioak indarrean dagoen elikagai-legerian eta ezagutza zientifikoan oinarriturik egon beharko dira

    Biziki, yogur saludable de caserío

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    Duración (en horas): De 21 a 30 horas Destinatario: ProfesorFrente a una propuesta de comercialización de un producto funcional novedoso, los/as estudiantes deberán reflexionar sobre su idoneidad. Deberán aportar argumentos basándose en la legislación alimentaria vigente y en conocimientos científicos actuales

    A Quasi-Experimental Intervention Protocol to Characterize the Factors that Influence the Acceptance of New Foods by Infants: Mothers' Diet and Weaning Method. Dastatuz Project

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    Background: Children usually refuse to eat and taste fruits and vegetables; and turning unhealthy eating habits around is an important social challenge in industrialized countries. The Dastatuz project aims to study children food neophobia and to enhance fruit and vegetable acceptance. Methods: A quasi-experimental, multicentre, controlled and prospective intervention study is proposed, in which early factors influencing new food acceptance will be studied. Mothers in the third trimester of pregnancy (n = 144) and their infants will be the study population. Experimental groups will be established based on mothers ' fruit and vegetable intake (standard or high intake) and weaning method (baby lead weaning vs spoon feeding). The project will assess the possible impact of maternal diet and complementary feeding on infants eating behaviour until 18 months of age. Outcome measures will comprise maternal diet and psychological features during pregnancy and breast-feeding (validated questionnaires). Compositional and physicochemical analysis of milk during breastfeeding will also be carried out. During weaning, until 18 months of age, children's diet will be assessed with 24 h recalls and acceptance of new fruits and vegetables will be studied using video recording. Discussion: If the intervention is effective, this research work would have a high potential to be transferred to future public health programs or nutrition guidelines, as a feasible solution to achieve a higher intake of fruits and vegetables among children.This study is supported by the Government of the Basque Country (2019111080

    aQRdate: assessing how ubiquitous computing can help people with acquired brain injury in their rehabilitation process

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    This is an electronic version of the paper presented at the International Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence, held in Riviera Maya on 2011In this paper we present our ideas about how Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp) could help people with acquired brain injury. Since these people have problems to engage in daily life activities (e.g. how to do the laundry or prepare breakfast), we propose a system based on mobile devices and QR codes to help them to remember these tasks. The environment will be tagged with QR Codes that will provide mobile devices with personal and interactive manuals for routine tasks. This work has been tested with one user with acquired brain injury as a proof-of-concept.This work was partially funded by ASIES (Adapting Social \& Intelligent Environments to Support people with special needs), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación - TIN2010-17344, and e-Madrid (Investigación y desarrollo de tecnologías para el e-learning en la Comunidad de Madrid) S2009/TIC-1650

    Optimization of Modified Atmosphere Packaging for Sheep’s Milk Semi-Hard Cheese Wedges during Refrigerated Storage: Physicochemical and Sensory Properties

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    Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) has become a good potential strategy to retain quality throughout the shelf life of perishable foods. The aim of this work was to evaluate different packaging atmospheres on semi-hard protected designation of origin Idiazabal cheese wedges. Six different packaging treatments (air, vacuum, and CO2/N2 gas mixtures in the ratio of 20/80, 50/50, 80/20, and 100/0% v/v, respectively) were studied. Changes in gas headspace composition, cheese gross composition, weight loss, pH, acidity, colour, and textural and sensory properties were investigated during 56 days of refrigerated storage at 5 ± 1 °C. MAP was the most effective preserving technique compared to air- and vacuum-packaging treatments. The cheese characteristics with the greatest discriminating weight in the preservation techniques were paste appearance, holes, flavour, a* (redness) and b* (yellowness) colour parameters, and slope to hardness. Air-packaged cheeses, on 35 day, presented a mouldy flavour. Vacuum packaging affected paste appearance (greasy, plastic marks, and non-homogeneous colour) and holes (occluded and unnatural appearance) starting after 14 packaging days. MAP mixtures with CO2 concentration between 50/50 and 80/20% CO2/N2 (v/v) are recommended to ensure sensory quality and stability in the distribution of these raw sheep-milk cheese wedges.The Basque Government (Consolidated Research Group IT944-16 and IT1568-22) provided financial support. Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

    Gluten and FODMAPs Relationship with Mental Disorders: Systematic Review

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    Nowadays, gluten and FODMAP food components (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols) are increasingly studied due to their possible relation with extraintestinal-associated conditions. In recent years, gluten-free diets (GFD) and low-FODMAP diets (LFD) are becoming more popular not only in order to avoid the food components that cause intolerances or allergies in some people, but also due to the direct influence of marketing movements or diet trends on feeding habits. Likewise, neurological and psychiatric diseases are currently of increasing importance in developed countries. For this reason, a bibliographic systematic review has been carried out to analyse whether there is a pathophysiological relationship between the dietary intake of gluten or FODMAPs with mental disorders. This review collects 13 clinical and randomized controlled trials, based on the PRISMA statement, which have been published in the last ten years. Based on these results, limiting or ruling out gluten or FODMAPs in the diet might be beneficial for symptoms such as depression, anxiety (7 out of 7 articles found any positive effect), or cognition deficiency (improvements in several cognition test measurements in one trial), and to a lesser extent for schizophrenia and the autism spectrum. Nevertheless, further studies are needed to obtain completely reliable conclusions.Silvia Matias is IKASIKER fellowships of the Education Department of the Basque Government. The GLUTEN3S research group is supported by a grant (GIU 18/78) from the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU

    New Software for Gluten-Free Diet Evaluation and Nutritional Education

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    Following a gluten-free diet (GFD) is the only treatment for celiac disease. This diet must ensure the absence of gluten but also needs to be nutritionally balanced. Dietitians working in this field cannot properly evaluate energy and nutrient intake of celiac people because dietary programs available on the market do not contain the nutritional composition of gluten-free products (GFP). Here we present a new GFD evaluation software that contains more than 700 gluten-free rendered foodstuffs and their macronutrient composition. Apart from diet evaluation and design, the software represents a tool for nutritional education as well, since it shows diet appropriacy and indicates how to promote balanced self-care. Moreover, anthropometric and biochemical data or symptoms presence and diet adherence can be recorded and evaluated. This open free software, can be downloaded in its app format for mobiles and tablets. Software evaluation indicated its correct functionality and the importance of assessing a GFD with GFP instead of with their gluten-containing analogues. Thus, this software represents an essential e-Health tool, not only for proper GFD evaluation, but also for improving life quality of celiac and gluten sensitive people.This research was supported by two grants from the University of the Basque Country, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain (UPV/EHU) (University-Society US15/06 and US18/15)

    Gluten Assessment in Beers: Comparison by Different Commercial ELISA Kits and Evaluation of NIR Analysis as a Complementary Technique

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    Traditionally, beers are made with gluten-containing cereals. It is crucial to have rapid analytical methodologies that allow gluten content control of the beers for celiac consumers. We assess the content of gluten in 65 conventional and 41 gluten-free labeled beers commercialized in Europe and compare the results in a subgroup of 71 beers with three ELISA kits. This research allows gathering information on the potential complementary utility of NIR analysis applied to gluten analysis of gluten-free beers in terms of time saving. Results obtained with the ELISA technique identified competitive R5 to be the most sensitive in detecting the prolamins, by eliciting a higher number of beers containing gluten above 20 mg/kg. The gluten content in conventional beers tested increased with the presence of wheat as raw material and with the use of ale-type yeasts. By using competitive R5, 3 out of the 41 gluten-free labeled beers appeared to contain gluten above 20 mg/kg, and conversely, 15 out of 65 of the conventional beers showed a gluten content below this threshold. According to our approaches, NIR did not achieve a suitable correlation with ELISA results, neither for gluten quantification nor for discrimination, and therefore, it cannot be proposed as a complementary technique.This research was funded by the Associació SMAP—Celíacs Catalunya. The GLUTEN3S research group is supported by a grant (GIU 18/78) from the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU

    FODMAP Intake in Spanish Population: Open Approach for Risk Assessment

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    Fermentable oligo-, di- and monosaccharides and polyols’ (FODMAP) were related with intestinal complications. The present study aimed to determine the FODMAP consumption of Spanish children, adolescents and adults, analyzing the real FODMAP risk of foods, and to set an open methodology for the measurement of this intake in other regions as well as nutrient intake assurance. Total fructan analysis was performed analytically in eighty-seven food samples. Daily intake of FODMAPs, fiber and micronutrients was calculated by combining the food composition for selected fermentable carbohydrates with the national food consumption stratified by age in an open software. Spanish child and adolescent total FODMAP consumption was settled as 33.4 ± 92.4 and 27.3 ± 69.0 g/day, respectively. Both intakes were higher than that of the adult population (21.4 ± 56.7 g/day). The most important food sources of lactose, excess of fructose and total fructan, considering their content and dietary intake were different between age groups. The contribution of these foods to dietary calcium and fiber and the consequent risk of deficiency if they are withdrawn was highlighted. We demonstrated the relevance of stratifying the total FODMAP intake by age. An open approach for FODMAP intake quantification and nutrient control was provided.Maialen Vazquez-Polo and Gesala Perez-Junkera are IKASIKER fellowships of the Education Department of the Basque Government. This research was supported by a grant (University-Society US18/15 and GIU 18/78) from the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU

    Performance of Apple Pomace for Gluten-Free Bread Manufacture: Effect on Physicochemical Characteristics and Nutritional Value

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    Apple pomace has been proposed as a quality enhancer for gluten-free bread, but its composition and physicochemical features differ significantly depending on the apple cultivar. The objective of this article was to characterize apple pomace powder (APP) from certain varieties from the Basque Country and to study the feasibility of adding it to gluten-free bread, focusing on physicochemical and nutritional aspects. APP was obtained by washing, drying and grinding, and it was added at 0, 5, 6 and 8%, together with other ingredients, such as gluten-free flours, corn starch and whey protein. APP had a reddish-grey coloration (L* 56.49 ± 1.39, a* 11.07 ± 0.47, b* 27.69 ± 1.76), pH 4.19 ± 0.15 and Aw 0.235 ± 0.084. Pomace powder was used successfully in higher amounts than experiences reported before. Key physicochemical parameters such as specific volume (≥2.5 cm3/g) and cohesiveness or resilience values (0.538 and 0.378, respectively) suggested good acceptability for gluten-free breads with 8% APP. Additionally, breads were a source of antioxidant potential (437.66 ± 38.95 µM DPPHeq/g APP), fiber (80.13 ± 6.07 g/100 g) and micronutrients such as Cu, Mg, Mn and Fe. In conclusion, local apple varieties are a good source of raw material for gluten-free bread manufacture, which offers a solution for environmental pollution and may contribute to boosting the circular economy.This research was developed within a project funded by the Department of Food Quality and Food Industries of the Basque Government (00025-IDA2019-38) and was possible thanks to a grant received for labor costs by the Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment of the same institution