2,273 research outputs found

    El impacto del maltrato infantil intrafamiliar en el desarrollo del niño

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    Trabajo fin de grado en EnfermeríaIntroducción: El maltrato infantil intrafamiliar (MII) ha existido en todas las culturas y épocas. Cualquier tipo de maltrato infantil puede producir una situación disfuncional y patológica que afecta al desarrollo del menor. Todas las personas son responsables del bienestar de la infancia, especialmente los profesionales sanitarios que se encuentran en una posición estratégica para la prevención y detección de la violencia a menores. Objetivo: Analizar la afectación del MII en el desarrollo del niño. Metodología: Se llevó a cabo una revisión narrativa mediante la búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos PUBMED, CINALH, Cuiden, SciELO, Scopus, Psycinfo y Cochrane. Se delimitaron las búsquedas a través de limitadores (fecha de publicación, idioma, edad) y criterios de inclusión (MII) y exclusión (Síndrome de Münchausen por poderes, violencia de pareja, maltrato prenatal, entre otros). Resultados: Se seleccionaron 25 artículos estableciendo cuatro categorías de análisis en relación con los objetivos específicos propuestos: consecuencias del MII, indicadores en función del tipo de maltrato perpetrado, importancia del entorno en la reducción de las consecuencias del MII y protocolos de enfermería para su detección. Conclusión: El MII produce consecuencias (lesiones físicas, déficits cognitivos, problemas de salud mental, trastornos de la conducta), afectando a las esferas del desarrollo del menor. Es importante conocer las consecuencias e indicadores del MII para su detección. Los profesionales enfermeros son capaces de detectarlo desde Atención Primaria y los Servicios de Urgencias Hospitalarias, a través de protocolos. Sin embargo, en España hay una falta de formación y protocolos que faciliten su detección.Introduction: Intrafamily child abuse has existed in all cultures and ages. Any type of child abuse can produce a dysfunctional and pathological situation that affects to the child’s development. Everybody should be responsible for childhood’s welfare, especially health providers who are in a strategic position to prevent and detect violence to minors. Objective: To analyse the impact of intrafamily child abuse in child’s development. Methodology: A narrative review was carried out by a bibliographic research in PUBMED, CINALH, Cuiden, SciELO, Scopus, Psycinfo and Cochrane databases. The researches were defined through limits (publication date, language, age) and inclusion (intrafamily child abuse) and exclusion criteria (Münchausen syndrome by proxy, intimate partner violence, prenatal mistreatment, among others). Results: 25 articles were selected establishing four categories of analysis in relation to the specific objectives proposed: consequences and indicators of domestic child mistreatment according to the type of abuse perpetrated, importance of environment in the reduction of child abuse consequences and nursing protocols for detection. Conclusion: Intrafamily child abuse produces consequences (physical injuries, cognitive deficit, mental health problems, behavioural disorders), affecting child’s development areas. It is important to know the consequences and indicators of intrafamily child abuse to detect it. Nurses are able to detect it through Primary Care and Hospital Emergency Services throughout protocols. However, in Spain there is a lack of training and protocols that facilitate its detection

    El Teatro Pedagógico como modelo de intervención en las necesidades educativas específicas para personas con Síndrome de Down

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    Esta tesis doctoral presenta la investigación llevada a cabo durante tres años aplicando un modelo de intervención, mediante el teatro pedagógico para 22 personas con síndrome de Down. El modelo planteado buscó desarrollar competencias que mejoraran la vida de dichas personas. El estudio pretendía construir un modelo de intervención, implementarlo y valorar sus resultados. Desde una perspectiva metodológica de estudios mixtos se recogió información de diversas fuentes y a través de diferentes técnicas. Los resultados nos han permitido confirmar nuestras hipótesis vinculadas a la mejora en el desarrollo competencial de manera general, así como la correlación entre competencias. También se ha comprobado el efecto positivo del programa tras el estudio de casos. Finalmente, podemos concluir que nuestros objetivos sobre el modelo del Teatro Pedagógico para personas con síndrome de Down han podido ser fundamentados, demostrada su efectividad y explicitado su impacto

    Perceived Coach-Created Motivational Climates as Predictors of Athletes' Goal Reengagement: The Mediational Role of Goal Motives

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    Athletes have to face several challenges during the sport season, and one of them could involve dealing with unattainable goals. In these situations, being able to reengage in other goals as a form of goal adjustment and in response to contextual demands is adaptive. According to previous literature, some aspects of the athletes' social context, such as coach-created motivational climates, could encourage more adaptive responses in athletes, and so it is possible that these climates would also promote athletes' goal regulation and goal reengagement. The purpose of this study was twofold: to analyze whether athletes' perception of empowering and disempowering climates were related to their goal reengagement through the mediation of goal motives; and to examine the interaction between the two climates when they predict reengagement through athletes' goal motives. Participants were 414 Spanish university athletes (49.5% male, 50.5% female) who belonged to different university teams, with ages ranging from 17 to 33 years old (M = 20.61, SD = 2.58). In the sport facilities, all of them completed questionnaires that evaluated their perception of empowering and disempowering climates, their goal motives, and their goal reengagement. Structural equation modeling (SEM) results showed that perceived empowering climate positively predicted autonomous goal motives, which in turn had a positive relationship with goal reengagement. Conversely, perceived disempowering climate positively predicted controlled goal motives, which were not related to goal reengagement. Thus, we only found support for the indirect relationship between perceived empowering climate and goal reengagement through autonomous goal motives. Moderated mediation analyses revealed that interaction effects between perceived empowering and disempowering climates were not significant in the prediction of goal reengagement through goal motives. Findings revealed that the perception of empowering climates promotes athletes' goal reengagement when goals become unattainable via the increase in their autonomous goal motives. Conversely, when athletes perceive disempowering climates, they have more controlled goal motives, which are not related to goal reengagement. In addition, the study supports the need to educate coaches to create more empowering and less disempowering climates

    Observational study of 67 wide platform implants treated with avantblast surface : results at three year

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    Objective: This paper shows the results of the clinical and radiographic behavior, at 3 years, of 67 wide platform implants undergoing prosthetic load. Study Design: This is an observational prospective study of 67 implants in 49 patients within the range of 54-69 years of age. Screening was performed after a radiological study with panoramic and tomographic radiographs followed by the implantological treatment with prosthetic load and clinical (15 days, 1, 6, 12, 24 and 36 months) and radiological control follow-up (6, 12, 24 and 36 months). Results: During the healing period 1 implant failed, representing a 98.5% survival. After placing the prosthesis, it was not necessary to remove any implant, therefore 66 implants remain successfully in place. Conclusions: The favorable results and follow-up after the prosthetic load of 66 implants (CSR of 100%) attest that wide platform implants can and should be applied after careful planning and case selection

    The Role of Dispositional Orientations and Goal Motives on Athletes' Well- and Ill-Being

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    Findings in different contexts suggest that task orientation and ego orientation are related to adaptive and maladaptive motivational patterns, respectively. In sport, these personal dispositions could influence other important variables such as the goals that athletes pursue (and why they pursue them) during the season and their well- and ill-being. The main purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between athletes' dispositional goal orientations, their goal motives, and their reported well-being (subjective vitality) and ill-being (physical and emotional exhaustion). The study involved 414 Spanish university athletes (206 female and 208 male) with an age range of 17 to 33 years (M = 20.61; SD = 2.58) that completed a package of questionnaires at the beginning of the season. Results of path analysis revealed that athletes' task orientation was negatively associated to physical and emotional exhaustion indirectly through autonomous and controlled goal motives. In contrast, ego orientation was positively related to physical and emotional exhaustion via its link to controlled goal motives. Athletes' task orientation directly and positively predicted subjective vitality, even though goal motives were not significant mediators. These findings support previous evidence about the protective role of athletes' task orientation, in contrast to ego orientation, confirming its positive relationship with well-being and its negative one with ill-being. Additionally, it extends the knowledge regarding interdependencies between goal orientations and goal motives and how both contribute to athletes' optimal or compromised functioning

    Panoramic and tomographic implant studies : role in the diagnosis of sinus disorders

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    Objective: To study the presence of sinus disorders and their diagnosis based on clinical and radiographic findings, correlating their presence with tomography tests and panoramic radiography. Study design: We conducted a retrospective study on 152 patients who were seeking implant treatment, thereby allowing us to evaluate 42 patients who had abnormal sinuses. The patients underwent an evaluation of their medical history as well a clinical examination, panoramic radiography and tomographic study. Results: The average age of the patient was 59.8 years old, and 54.76% of the group were males and 45.23% were females. Prior respiratory disorders were present in 52.38% of the patients, and 57.3% of the group presented dental disorders. In assessing the type of wound, we observed that 73.21% were mucosal hyperplasia and 26.78% were mucous cysts. Of the 56 sinuses affected, only 28.57% were diagnosed using panoramic radiography. Conclusions: Panoramic radiography has limitations in the diagnosis of sinus disorders; computerized tomography (CT) remains the most effective diagnostic test

    Meta-analisis of the etiology of odontogenic maxillary sinusitis

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    Objective: To identify and evaluate the frequency of the different odontogenic conditions that may lead to maxillary sinusitis. Study design: An observational and retrospective meta-analysis was carried out on 770 cases of maxillary sinusitis obtained from a literature review of 15 articles. Results: Maxillary sinusitis most commonly manifests itself as chronic maxillary sinusitis. It is more common in females and is most often diagnosed in the fifth decade of life. The teeth most predominantly affected are the molars, with the first molar tooth being the most frequently involved. The principal etiological factor is extraction

    Relevance of transversal competences in the professional development of the graduate. Student perception

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    Este trabajo pretende conocer la relevancia de las competencias transversales para el desarrollo profesional del egresado a través de la opinión de 1137 estudiantes de último año de Grado de las cinco ramas de conocimiento. Las respuestas han sido recogidas mediante el cuestionario CECTGRA, diseñado ad hoc. Estas competencias tienen especial sentido en el actual momento volátil donde se requiere de una mayor capacidad de transferencia, versatilidad y durabilidad formativa y entre los resultados más destacables se encuentra la importancia atribuida por el futuro graduado a las competencias transversales de forma generalizada, con especial mención a la motivación y el compromiso ético y social. Además, son las estudiantes de Ciencias Sociales, más jóvenes y dedicadas a tiempo completo a la carrera las que perciben una mayor relevancia de estas competencias, siendo especialmente indicadas para el momento de la empleabilidad referida a la inserción laboral y adaptación al empleo. La información obtenida permite orientar las decisiones enfocadas a la mejora educativa y a establecer prioridades competenciales en el momento de la planificación docente y diseño curricular de los diferentes títulos de Grado.This paper intends to know the relevance of transversal competences for the professional development of the graduate through the opinion of 1137 students. The students were sampled at the last year of Degree from the five branches of knowledge. Responses have been collected using the CECTGRA survey, designed ad hoc. These competences have special meaning in the current volatile moment where higher transference, versatility and formative durability are required. One of the most remarkable results is the importance that future graduates attribute to transversal competences in a generalized way, with special mention to the motivation and the ethical and social commitment. In addition, the Social Science students, who are younger and full-time career, are those who perceive a greater relevance of these competences, being especially indicated for the moment of the employability referred to the labor insertion and adaptation to the employment. The information obtained in this study allows to drive decisions focused on improving education and establishing competency priorities at the time of teaching organization and curricular design of the different degrees

    Meta-analysis of the increase in height in maxillary sinus elevations with osteotome

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    Objectives: To compare the different variations of sinus elevation techniques with osteotomes, to evaluate the increase in height achieved, and to quantify the osseointegration periods and the success rates for the implants placed. Study Design: A meta-analytic study with descriptive statistics was carried out on sinus elevations using oste-Design: osteotomes, analyzing a total of 11 articles published between the years 2003 and 2008. Results: Summers' classic technique for performing sinus elevations with osteotomes differs from the current techniques being used with respect to the use of drills, the manner in which the sinus floor is fractured and how the sinus membrane is lifted, and especially on the type of graft used-the most current tendency being not to use a graft. The maximum gain in height is 4.62 mm, and the minimum gain in height is 2.07 mm, starting with a maximum residual bone height of 8.8 mm and a minimum of 4.1 mm. The osseointegration period is 4.9 months and the success rate is 95.5%. Conclusions: Performing sinus elevations with osteotomes is a predictable technique that enables achieving an increase in bone height and successful results, similar to those of other techniques used, in the placement of implants. © Medicina Oral S. L