2,389 research outputs found

    Obesity dependent metabolic signatures associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease progression

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    Our understanding of the mechanisms by which nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) progresses from simple steatosis to steatohepatitis (NASH) is still very limited. Despite the growing number of studies linking the disease with altered serum metabolite levels, an obstacle to the development of metabolome-based NAFLD predictors has been the lack of large cohort data from biopsy-proven patients matched for key metabolic features such as obesity. We studied 467 biopsied individuals with normal liver histology (n=90) or diagnosed with NAFLD (steatosis, n=246; NASH, n=131), randomly divided into estimation (80% of all patients) and validation (20% of all patients) groups. Qualitative determinations of 540 serum metabolite variables were performed using ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (UPLCMS). The metabolic profile was dependent on patient body-mass index (BMI), suggesting that the NAFLD pathogenesis mechanism may be quite different depending on an individual’s level of obesity. A BMI-stratified multivariate model based on the NAFLD serum metabolic profile was used to separate patients with and without NASH. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.87 in the estimation and 0.85 in the validation group. The cutoff (0.54) corresponding to maximum average diagnostic accuracy (0.82) predicted NASH with a sensitivity of 0.71 and a specificity of 0.92 (negative/positive predictive values = 0.82/0.84). The present data, indicating that a BMI-dependent serum metabolic profile may be able to reliably distinguish NASH from steatosis patients, have significant implications for the development of NASH biomarkers and potential novel targets for therapeutic intervention

    Large-scale gas dynamics in the adhesion model: Implications for the two-phase massive galaxy formation scenario

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ©: 2011 RAS © 2011 The AuthorsPublished by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reservedWe have studied the mass assembly and star formation histories of massive galaxies identified at low redshift in different cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. To this end, we have carried out a detailed follow-up backwards in time of their constituent mass elements (sampled by particles) of different types. After that, the configurations they depict at progressively higher zs were carefully analysed. The analyses show that these histories share common generic patterns, irrespective of particular circumstances. In any case, however, the results we have found are different depending on the particle type. The most outstanding differences follow. We have found that by z∼ 3.5-6, mass elements identified as stellar particles at z= 0 exhibit a gaseous cosmic-web-like morphology with scales of ∼1 physical Mpc, where the densest mass elements have already turned into stars by z∼ 6. These settings are in fact the densest pieces of the cosmic web, where no hot particles show up, and dynamically organized as a hierarchy of flow convergence regions (FCRs), that is, attraction basins for mass flows. At high z FCRs undergo fast contractive deformations with very low angular momentum, shrinking them violently. Indeed, by z∼ 1 most of the gaseous or stellar mass they contain shows up as bound to a massive elliptical-like object at their centres, with typical half-mass radii of rmass star∼ 2-3kpc. After this, a second phase comes about where the mass assembly rate is much slower and characterized by mergers involving angular momentum. On the other hand, mass elements identified at the diffuse hot coronae surrounding massive galaxies at z= 0 do not display a clear web-like morphology at any z. Diffuse gas is heated when FCRs go through contractive deformations. Most of this gas remains hot and with low density throughout the evolution. To shed light on the physical foundations of the behaviour revealed by our analyses (i.e. a two-phase formation process with different implications for diffuse or shocked mass elements), as well as on their possible observational implications, these patterns have been confronted with some generic properties of singular flows as described by the adhesion model (i.e. potential character of the velocity field, singular versus regular points, dressing, locality when a spectrum of perturbations is implemented). We have found that the common patterns the simulations show can be interpreted as a natural consequence of flow properties that, moreover, could explain different generic observational results from massive galaxies or their samples. We briefly discuss some of themThis work was partially supported by the DGES (Spain) through the grants AYA2009-12792-C03-02 and AYA2009-12792- C03-03 from the PNAyA, as well as by the regional Madrid V PRICIT programme through the ASTROMADRID network (CAM S2009/ESP-1496

    Characterization of horizontal flows around solar pores from high-resolution time series of images

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    Though there is increasing evidence linking the moat flow and the Evershed flow along the penumbral filaments, there is not a clear consensus regarding the existence of a moat flow around umbral cores and pores, and the debate is still open. Solar pores appear to be a suitable scenario to test the moat-penumbra relation as evidencing the direct interaction between the umbra and the convective plasma in the surrounding photosphere, without any intermediate structure in between. The present work studies solar pores based on high resolution ground-based and satellite observations. Local correlation tracking techniques have been applied to different-duration time series to analyze the horizontal flows around several solar pores. Our results establish that the flows calculated from different solar pore observations are coherent among each other and show the determinant and overall influence of exploding events in the granulation around the pores. We do not find any sign of moat-like flows surrounding solar pores but a clearly defined region of inflows surrounding them. The connection between moat flows and flows associated to penumbral filaments is hereby reinforced by this work.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics

    Poynting's theorem for planes waves at an interface: a scattering matrix approach

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    We apply the Poynting theorem to the scattering of monochromatic electromagnetic planes waves with normal incidence to the interface of two different media. We write this energy conservation theorem to introduce a natural definition of the scattering matrix S. For the dielectric-dielectric interface the balance equation lead us to the energy flux conservation which express one of the properties of S: it is a unitary matrix. For the dielectric-conductor interface the scattering matrix is no longer unitary due to the presence of losses at the conductor. However, the dissipative term appearing in the Poynting theorem can be interpreted as a single absorbing mode at the conductor such that a whole S, satisfying flux conservation and containing this absorbing mode, can be defined. This is a simplest version of a model introduced in the current literature to describe losses in more complex systems.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Am. J. Phy

    Evaluación cuantitativa y cualitativa del cultivo de ajo morado bajo aplicación optimizada de volúmenes limitados de agua de riego

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    Castilla-La Mancha (C-LM) es una región de clima semiárido con escasez de recursos hídricos para el regadío. De las variedades de ajo utilizadas en la región, el Ajo Morado de las Pedroñeras presenta valores añadidos, tanto en aspectos económicos, como culturales y de calidad nutricional. Todo ello, unido al elevado coste de la energía asociada a los sistemas de riego presurizados, hace que muchos productores demanden estrategias para mejorar la eficiencia en el uso del agua y hacer más rentable el cultivo. El objetivo principal de este trabajo, es definir y validar estrategias de manejo del riego deficitario controlado, basadas en las metodologías año meteorológico típico (TMY) y del riego deficitario optimizado por etapas (ORDI) que distribuyan de manera óptima un volumen de agua de riego limitado durante las distintas etapas de desarrollo fenológico del Ajo Morado de Las Pedroñeras. Para ello, se ensayaron 5 tratamientos, uno sin déficit y cuatro con distintos volúmenes máximos de agua de riego disponible, correspondientes al 100 (T100), 90 (T90), 80 (T80) y 70% (T70) de las necesidades netas de riego del cultivo para las condiciones climáticas de un año meteorológico típico (TMY) intermedio en C-LM (fijadas en 3400 m3/ha). Como consecuencia de las condiciones climáticas del año del ensayo, los tratamientos no alcanzaron los niveles de déficit hídrico deseados. No se observaron diferencias significativas en cuanto a rendimiento y calidad para los tratamientos T90, T80 y T70
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